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July 12, 2012

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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December 29, 2011

Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Has President Obama given hardworking families higher electricity prices for Christmas?

Will Obama give low income earners and welfare recipients a “free hand-out” to help pay their energy bills?

Will there be significant job losses and will Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry slow economic growth?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Will Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry jeopardize the reliability of our electricity supply?

Is Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry a direct result of a plan to save the lives of thousands of children nations wide?

Is Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry based on false premises and unnecessary restrictions?

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October 27, 2011

Title: Color-coded admission standards...planting more seeds of animosity?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Are color-coded admission standards necessary?

Do color-coded admission standards have a role in the 21st century?

Should discrimination be ended by ending all discrimination? Or to end discrimination should we now discriminate against whites because we have to let somebody else - who may be less qualified - have their spot?

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June 16, 2011

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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April 4, 2011

Title: American Lung Association Using Tax Dollars to Promote Global Warming Myths
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

With their hand in the federal trough, the American Lung Association is pushing the leftist agenda of global warming. Deneen Borelli criticizes the American Lung Association for exploiting children to protect the EPA’s power grab. Carbon dioxide regulations have nothing to do with our children’s ability to breath. There is little enthusiasm among elected leaders to regulate our nation’s energy industry just to skyrocket energy prices. Congress must rein in the EPA’s attempt at social engineering. For more information, please visit

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March 4, 2011

Title: Obama’s War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli explains why congress needs to step up and stop the EPA’s unrestrained effort to regulate our economy. The EPA is to implement legislation, not write legislation. She states today, “Our future economic prosperity depends on having cheap and abundant supply of energy. Obama’s war on fossil fuels is really a war on the American way of life. Given the high-unemployment rate and soaring gasoline prices it’s unconscionable that Obama is allowing an agency under his control to add to the economic burdens on Americans for no meaningful benefit to the environment.

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December 14, 2010

Title: The Grinch Obama Aims To Steal More of Your Money!
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Blaming Climate Change on Americans, the Grinch Obama and his appointee at the EPA now scheme to take more of your money by denying the construction of new electric generating plants. This will cause a huge increase in the price to heat and cool your home. They don’t care if this hurts the poor, including many black families. They are focused on saving Mother Earth from bad Americans who use too much energy!

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October 15, 2010

Title: Obama’s Race Taunts Unsuited to the Presidency
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli is a Fellow with Project 21, a network of black conservatives which is an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research, a national public policy group based in Washington, D.C.
In her role, Deneen promotes the importance of personal responsibility and the benefits of free market policies as a means for social advancement. She advances these values by writing commentaries and participating in media interviews.

Deneen currently serves as an official contributor on the Fox News Channel, and says this about herself: "I'm a black, female conservative. I'm often targeted by individuals who call me all kinds of names: racist, an Uncle Tom, a traitor - you name it. I'd like to know if the NAACP will issue a statement condemning those individuals who were doing that."

Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, has been a leading voice of the African-American community since 1992.

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August 18, 2010

Title: If Your Entire Life Changed In A Minute, How Would You Cope?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

"I'm a black, female conservative. I'm often targeted by individuals who call me all kinds of names: racist, an Uncle Tom, a traitor - you name it. I'd like to know if the NAACP will issue a statement condemning those individuals who were doing that." -- Deenen Borelli

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August 2, 2010

Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

“The willful and purposeful use of the race card for nothing more than political gain is toxic to race relations…I have seen all this before and I find it shameful,” stated Project 21 member R. Dozier Gray. Visit for more.

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May 11, 2010

Title: Will Climate “Control” Bill Raise the Prices of What You Buy?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the Project 21 leadership network, discusses whether Cap-and-Trade will hurt those least able to afford it and other aspects of the bill.

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February 12, 2010

Topic: Childhood Obesity
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli is a fellow with the Project 21 black leadership network. Deneen says, “Raising taxes during tough economic times is a horrible idea and it’s doomed to failure”. Read more from Deneen at

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Topic: Childhood Obesity
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

“Social engineering is at the heart of the progressive movement,” Deneen Borelli continues. “The Obama Administration sought a cap and trade emissions policy that would raise energy process and thus force Americans to use less energy. Then the OA tried government health care. Now it’s more unnecessary taxes on food and beverages.” For more information on this and other issues, log on to

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