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March 21, 2024

Title: Is the US Improving?
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

What is hindering the flow of prosperity to our children and grandchildren?

American Commitment President, Phil Kerpen, is a leading free-market policy analyst and advocate in Washington. Today, Phil discusses whether or not the US economy is improving like Joe Biden claims.

Click here for more information about American Commitment. Make sure you check out their TAKE ACTION to send a message to your elected representatives in WDC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the US economy fundamentally sound? Phil discusses rising interest rates and the ever-increasing national debt.

Why are millennials so hesitant to buy a house and start a family? Are some waking up to the lies of the Left?

Are greedy corporations to blame for inflation?

What is the solution? Phil discusses some viable policies that could improve the US economy, making the American Dream possible once again.

Click here to help support American Commitment and sign up for their FREE emails.

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February 22, 2022

Title: America has A Booming Economy – And Nobody Cares
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

The labor market is tight as employers scramble to find workers. Too many jobs are chasing too few workers.

John Horvat, the author of “Return to Order”, discusses the current American economic crisis and some solutions.

Click here to read more on this topic from John Horvat.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the American economy booming? How many job openings are currently available? How many people are actively seeking those jobs? John Horvat explains that while the unemployment rate may “seem” low, the sad fact is that too many people just aren’t trying anymore.

Are a vast number of Americans simply not interested in participating in the work force?

Are economists concerned about the vast number of able-bodied men simply refusing to work? Why don’t they have a will to work? What are they doing with their time, if not working? John says: “They’re watching TV and playing video games. They’re not doing anything, really.”

Are the wrong incentives being used? John discusses how those “incentives” meant to help in the short-term are now being used by too many people as a means to live in the long-term.

When able-bodied men drop out of the work force, they tend to also drop out of society. How does this affect our economy?

FACT: Once people are paid to do nothing, it is difficult to get them working again. Where do we go from here?

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February 8, 2021

Title: Unintended Consequences of the Actions of Our Government
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Shelby Sterling
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do endless government-imposed lockdowns have very real – and very negative – effects on Americans?

Shelby Sterling says absolutely yes! Shelby is a Policy Analyst with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She states: “Although extensive data analysis proving the full extent of damage resulting from these lockdowns may take years, evidence from just the last nine months already paints a gruesome picture.”

Click here  for more from Shelby and the TPPF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does history teach us that disasters have devastating effects on an individual’s mental health? Can lockdowns also effect a person’s physical health?

Is there mounting evidence that government shutdowns have many negative consequences?

English researches predicted millions upon millions of deaths due to COVID-19 just in the first few months. Were the lockdowns premised on these cataclysmic numbers? Were those numbers realized? Shelby explains that we may never know the true toll that lockdowns had on people’s physical and mental health.

How should the Texas Legislature respond to how local, county, and statewide elected officials reacted since January 2020?

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May 18, 2015

Title: About Those Jobs Numbers….
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

If you believe Obama and his buddies, the economy is doing fabulously! However, the sad reality is that more and more American citizens are without a job, or they are working only part-time. Derryck Green, with Project 21, discusses the actual GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Listen in as Derryck explains the GDP and shares just how dismal the real figures actually are.

The MSM likes to report week after week after week on the “new” jobs that were created. Well, this number is misleading, too! (Surprise! Surprise!) Very few people are actually finding new, full-time jobs with benefits and a decent salary. Most are low-paying, part-time jobs. Many are just flat giving up hope and decide to drop out of the work-force completely.

Derryck Green says its past time Obama take the blame for the current state of the economy. He needs to stop blaming Bush. Obama has had plenty of time to fix things and he is just making it worse.

Listen in as Derryck Green gives a short, easy-to-understand economics lesson. He also poses this question: “Over the next several years, are they going to actually support policies that help rather than policies that are emotionally gratifying?” You can find Derryck and others at Project 21 [here].

TRIVIA: Do you know how many people in America are actually unemployed? Hint: It’s almost 100,000,000 (100 Million) people.

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February 5, 2015

Title: Prepare for an Economic Storm
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

America is in dire need of a course adjustment. Author John Horvat says, “Our economy and culture is like a cruise ship. Everything might seem ok. We’re told not to worry. But there’s a storm on the horizon and we need to prepare now.

Millions and millions of Americans have lost their jobs in recent years and are working part-time or for less money at a full-time job. Every person working in the oil and gas industry is praying hard every day that they still have a job when they get to work. John says we all must be prepared for even more hardships.

Our country is deep, deep, deeply in debt, specifically to China. Hell will freeze over – twice! – before the Chinese government forgives our debts to them. In fact, the interest rate alone is going to put under! Listen in as John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, explains some of our social and economic woes and why he believes things are only going to get worse.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Prepare for an Economic Storm
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Should we just sell all our belongings, find a nice cave in the mountains, live off the land, and just wait for the Second Coming? If we’re doomed anyway, why not just stay away from it all?

John Horvat says that it definitely NOT the answer. We need to recognize that a storm is on the horizon and work together to bring our country back to greatness. John sites Princeton’s Prof. Sherry Turkle’s “Top Five Reasons Americans are Lonely and Insecure”: 1) People work too much, 2) Kids are too busy to enjoy being kids, and 3) People move away from their hometown.

Listen in as author John Horvat describes the last two reasons. You can find the article [HERE].

We need people who will stay in the war against evil, not give up after one battle. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose the battle, there are more to be fought. The other side is engaged, spending money, and winning battles. We must be more organized, spend more money, and fight till we have no fight left and then fight some more.

Click [Here]  for more on this and other issues and to order a copy of John Horvat’s book.

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June 6, 2014

Title: What's Really Important?
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Hughey Newsome
with Project 21 (

Did you see the story on CNN or MSNBC last night highlighting that one in six men, ages 25 to 54, do not have a job? Yeah, me either. More and more Americans are waking up. They WANT the truth reported.

Hughey Newsome, with the National Center’s Project 21, reports that raising the minimum wage to $15 is B.A.D. for everyone. Listen in as he explains how Democratic welfare programs since the LBJ days have sent America into the red.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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March 25, 2014

Title: Crimea's Economic Fallout on US
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Tremors from the earthshaking Russian-US Confrontation over Crimea are now revealing just how vulnerable our banking system and economy are to collapse.

While President Barack Obama was threatening to seize Russia's assets in the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin was way ahead of him. Putin was apparently successfully in withdrawing $105.1 Billion in US Treasury Notes that Russia had deposited with the US Federal Reserve.

This far-away crisis has greatly increased the threat to ordinary savers in the United States and worldwide.

For a free copy of Lowell Ponte’s book, The Great Withdrawal, call (800) 630-1494.

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April 10, 2013

Title: Enough Already!
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 4

I am fed up. Millions of Americans are fed up. Guest Derryck Green is fed up. He said “I don’t know how Obama does it. How can one preside over millions of people out of work, the increasing number of people living in poverty, and dance around the fact that the economy could be on the verge of contracting in a very big way and still - after five years - not being held responsible? It’s quite an act.”

Is the President blind or just a really, really good actor?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

If today’s unemployment report is any indication, the White House must be like an asylum. All of that regulation, taxation, and spending has done little to get many people the jobs they need. People want to work - its Obama’s economy that’s stopping them.

The month of March had some interesting job report calculations, specifically the “U-6 Figures”….Derryck Green discusses this and the future.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Public participation in the SNAP Program (previously known as food stamps) has increased considerably since 2008. The almighty dollar is losing its power. Poverty is hitting everyone - even the wealthy. The number of people receiving federal disability is through the roof.

Pretty soon, we’re going to run out of money completely. And then we’ll belong to China.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

The White House has closed public tours, except to “special groups”; spent more than $1 BILLION on green energy projects; has given Egypt (aka the Radical Muslim Brotherhood) $250 MILLION in aid; played golf with Tiger Woods; and has increased the national debt to over $17 TRILLION.

Does the President even care that women, minorities, and youth are being spat upon during this current economic crisis? The physically and mentally challenged go without needed care and medicine every day so the First Lady can “shake it” on David Letterman. Children in our own country, communities, and even just down the street will go to bed hungry tonight, yet we send millions and millions of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Hundreds of young, troubled teens will be entranced into the sex slave industry this week and might never see their families again.

What will YOU do about it?

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December 13, 2012

Title: The Economy is Improving! Wait….it’s Not???
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Part 1 of 2

We’ve been hearing for months now how the economy is on the up and up and up. But is this really true? Or is the MSM just trying to pull another fast one?

Bob Beauprez, with A Line of Sight, is a former Congressman who is looking for the truth. And he just may have found it! Listen in as Bob explains just how many NEW jobs must be created each month in order to sustain the current jobs and especially the jobs that are being lost.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

The numbers don’t lie. But the MSM does.

It makes me sick that the MSM feeds these lies to innocent Americans and they are believed! When the economy was “supposedly” turning around in 2009, the number of people not in the labor force was nearly 8 million LESS than the latest numbers released in November 2012. I’m a college graduate and I’m pretty good at math, but how is this better? What am I missing?

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August 16, 2012

Title: What's In A Recovery? Is The Canary In The Coal Mine Beginning To Feel Lightheaded?
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

Part 1 of 4

Let's look at employment numbers today in America - is it true that we need over 150,000 new jobs per month to keep up with the population growth?

Let's look at true employment figures - is it a given that millions upon millions of Americans have given up looking for a job, therefore don't show up in unemployment figures? Would there be rioting if the total number of citizens without a job was added up?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

What causes a recession? When would most economists, and even journalists, be in agreement that any given country is in a recession?

Is our economic performance worse than Japan's during its lost decade? What is the "lost decade"?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

For our listeners just now joining in, what happened to Japan? Is America headed down that same disastrous path?

Was Japan about to see the light of day/ about to get back to prosperity when the tsunami hit, and did that send them backwards?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

In concluding with Economics 101, what must we do to have true prosperity in America? What's wrong with education in America?

If the government got out of the way and didn't pick winners, is there still enough entrepreneurial spirit in America to lift us up to prosperity nationwide?

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June 25, 2012

Title: Inflation Deception
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 2

Big government must be stopped. It’s getting out of control. Actually, it’s been out of control for a while now. But wait, there’s hope! Obama’s friends say the new proposed tax will only affect millionaires! Oh, but that’s what they said about the other ones too.

Author Lowell Ponte says most Americans are actually millionaires, but we just don’t know it because of all the money we give to the government! America has turned from a democracy to a “Inflatocracy”: a new form of government of, by, and for inflation; government that deliberately debases its paper money for social engineering, mind manipulation, wealth redistribution, secret taxation, and seizing more power.

Log on to  for more information about Lowell Ponte and Craig R. Smith’s book: “Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us and 7 Ways to Stop it!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

We are becoming slaves to the government. Do you know how much of your hard-earned money is given to the government? On average, 61% of an individual’s income is “given” to the government! President Nixon once said that anything given above 35% is slavery.

Log on to  for more information about Lowell Ponte and Craig R. Smith’s book: “Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us and 7 Ways to Stop it!

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April 5, 2012

Title: U.S. Economy Facing Major "Fire or Ice" Threat - Frozen Economy or a Blaze of Inflation!
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 2

The government's "core inflation index" says that price increases are very low. What are some examples of rising prices that this index leaves out?

Speaking of soaring gas prices, you say that government policies have flooded our economy with the monetary equivalent of gasoline. How dangerous is this? If inflation gets out of control, what might hyperinflation be like? To obtain a free copy of The Inflation Deception pick up the phone and call (800) 630-1494!!!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Why is the Federal Reserve creating deliberate inflation? If you were chairman of the Federal Reserve, what would you do?

How can we protect our families and savings from these risks? Where can our listeners get some additional information on what we covered today? Is there anything I missed that you would like to share with our listeners? To obtain a free copy of The Inflation Deception, pick up the phone and call (800) 630-1494!!!

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May 19, 2011

Title: Inflation: Food, Fuel, and the Fed
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Mark Hendrickson
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

Is supply and demand really to blame for America’s - not to mention the world’s - economic crisis? As an economist, Dr. Mark Hendrickson believes that one reason food and fuel prices are skyrocketing is due to the Obama administration openly admitting that we must raise the prices of the goods in order for the economy to get back on track.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Mark Hendrickson
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

The Fed’s goal is for prices for food and fuel to rise rapidly. What? Is this right? YES! Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, said this in September of last year. The only solution to the problem, says guest Dr. Mark Hendrickson, lies in Washington DC. .

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July 26, 2010

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Robert Brands
with Robert Brands

Six out of 10 businesses fail. Unemployment isn’t getting any better. The housing market is set for another bump. So what is a person to do? Visit for more on Robert Brands.

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July 15, 2010

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Max Pappas
with Freedom Works (

In an effort to combat the liberal myth that increased government spending and taxation, Freedom Works has launched a new campaign: Truth in Jobs. 2.4 million private sector jobs have been lost since 2009. Yet, government jobs have increased by 200,000. Visit for more on this important issue.

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April 16, 2010

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Consumer spending drives economic growth. But if the population is decreasing during economically hard times, is there still hope for recovery? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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October 24, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Jim Tonkowich
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, Jim Tonkowich, discusses topics in his book, “Scarcity and Idolatry – Economics and Debt in a Fallen World”. He takes a look at churches and the public square and democracy vs. politics. Log onto for more information.

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October 7, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Warren Smith
with Colson Center (

Warren Smith discusses the current financial crisis, specifically the fall of Wachovia Bank. Log for more information.

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October 6, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Robert Zubrin
with Author

Dr. Robert Zubrin, author of Energy Victory, offers a liberating energy policy that answers the economic, security, and environmental concerns of both the right and the left.

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September 30, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Congress was so eager to give people the “American Dream” that they authorized Freddie and Fannie to give homes loans to people who could not and did not qualify. Pete Sepp, with the National Taxpayers Union, explains this and why our country is headed for disaster. Log onto for more information.

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September 29, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Wayne Brough
with Freedom Works (

Dr. Wayne Brough, VP for Research and Chief Economist at Freedom Works, is well-versed on matters of economic policy. Today, he discusses the pros and cons of the proposed economic bailout. Log onto for more information. Segment 1 of 2

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Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Wayne Brough
with Freedom Works (

Dr. Wayne Brough, VP for Research and Chief Economist at Freedom Works, is well-versed on matters of economic policy. Today, he discusses the pros and cons of the proposed economic bailout. Log onto for more information. Segment 2 of 2

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September 26, 2008

Title: Who Created the Financial Mess? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Simply put: blame Fannie, Freddie and Congress for the financial mess we face today in America.

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Title: Who Created the Financial Mess? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Congress pushed for loans for those who would not qualify.

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September 25, 2008

Title: Who’s To Blame: Bush, Clinton, LBJ, and/or Congress? How about Greed! Part 1 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz, the President of Citizens Against Government Waste – – discusses the “Economic Crisis: The Financial Bailout”. Who’s to blame?

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Title: Who’s To Blame: Bush, Clinton, LBJ, and/or Congress? How about Greed! Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Remember the requirements when you purchased your first home? Is there any wonder why America is in the deep financial crisis today? How painful will the next few years be?

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