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October 10, 2017

Title: The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Dr. Walter Williams
with Dr. Walter Williams (

Dr. Walter E. Williams is a Policy Board Member with the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) and a Professor of Economics at George Mason University.

Dr. Williams recently wrote an opinion piece for Townhall “The Welfare State’s Legacy”.  In this interview, Dr. Williams says this: “The welfare state is an equal opportunity destroyer of families.” Why does he have such harsh words?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there empirical evidence that the problems of today’s black Americans are a result of a legacy of slavery, racial discrimination, and poverty?

Listen as Dr. Williams reveals and compares some shocking statistics from the early 1900’s and the 1960’s to numbers that are occurring today. The trend is even evidenced in non-black family households, so it cannot be attributed to slavery.

What is the #1 problem facing black families today? What evidence is available to corroborate Dr. Williams’ opinion?

Did slavery, discrimination, or poverty lead to the breakup of the family? Does Dr. Williams have proof? Is this true for ALL races or just blacks?

Compare a black man from the 1940’s/1950’s to a black man today in 2017. What’s the difference? Dr. Williams mention a book he wrote, “Race and Economics: How Much can Discrimination Explain”.

Is there a real difference in the education level achieved in blacks compared to whites? Why?

How does minimum wage hurt the average black person?

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October 5, 2017

Title: The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many politicians, civil rights leaders, and even academicians assert that problems confronting blacks today are the result of a legacy of slavery, discrimination, and police brutality. Is this the truth, though, or propaganda?

Horace Cooper is an Adjunct Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. Today, Horace will be discussing this very important, yet sensitive, topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the true cause of the breakup of the black family?

In 1954, did blacks have better family structure, lower unemployment, more millionaires, higher education, and a lower prison population compared to today?

Horace Cooper believes it all began in the late 1800’s, but it had nothing to do with racism or slavery. He then moves on to the year 1954. Listen in as he explains the differences in the two time frames.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Anchorman Walter Williams once said: “Many black 12th-graders deal with scientific problems at the level of whites in the sixth grade. They write and do math about as well as white seventh- and eighth-graders. All of this means that an employer hiring or a college admitting the typical black high school graduate is in effect hiring or admitting an eighth-grader.” What are Horace Cooper’s thoughts on this statement?

Why is an intact family so important? Is education just as important as a stable family?

What happened in 1954 that caused blacks to view themselves as an oppressed minority? Again, Horace believes it all boils down to the family.

What can the average American citizen do to turn this problem around?

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February 21, 2017

Title: Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Part 1 of 3

New guest Peter Cove is the Founder and President of America Works. Peter is one of the nation's leading advocates for private solutions to welfare dependency. Today, we will be discussing his new book, “Poor No More”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Peter advocate for the complete removal of all government welfare programs, except for those who truly cannot work due to physical or mental issues?

Peter Cove actually began his career on the “other side of the aisle”, advocating for more liberal programs. What caused him to change his mind?

There are millions of people out of work today. Who benefits from the America Works program?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Since 1965, how much money has the US government spent on welfare programs? Why aren’t the programs working?

Peter Cove’s company, America Works, offers employment services to state and local welfare agencies with the aim of placing welfare recipients in jobs quickly, with a minimal amount of time spent on training. In his book, “Poor No More”, Peter outlines the “Work-First” model. Listen as he explains this program.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Teach a Man to Fish
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Peter Cove
with America Works (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the biggest barriers to welfare recipients finding and retaining employment?

Can teenagers aging out of the foster care system find help in America Works? Can Veterans and single moms find assistance?

How can the average citizen help spread the word about the amazing things America Works is doing for the economy?

What should our elected officials do immediately to create more jobs?

You can order a copy of Peter Cove’s book, “Poor No More”, here.

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