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February 7, 2018

Title: Opinion Leaders Respond to Trump’s SOTU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Richard Holt
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Richard Holt is with The National Center for Public Policy Research. Richard is a member of The Center’s Project 21 and a political campaign strategist. Rich Holt made the following statement about Donald Trump: “Like him or love him, he’s getting the job done with flying colors.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the President’s SOTU speech, the Democrats looked as if they would rather be anywhere else but there. Are they just against everything Trump and the Republicans are for?

Rich says this: “The Democrats are just spoiled, Washington elitists.” Why?

What can President Trump do with our help over the next ten months?

How do we use President Trump’s accomplishments to convince people to vote for Republicans this Election Season? Listen as Rich Holt recommends using the economic issues to sway voters rather than the social issues…

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