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October 21, 2021

Title: Are Democrats Racist Against Black Conservatives?
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Marie Fischer is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Marie is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women and was recently elected Vice President of the Maryland Republican Women Leaders organization.

Today, Marie discusses the Left’s hatred of Conservatives – specifically black Conservatives.

Click here to read Marie’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If the Left is so focused on finding stories of prevalent racism, why don’t they look at their own treatment of black conservatives? Marie says: “When you cannot talk to people in a normal, human way, you spew vile – like an abuser.”

How did the Left treat: Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Dr. Ben Carson, and Star Parker?

Did Biden tell Black Voters for Trump that they weren’t black?

Has Marie ever been called a “Nazi”? Marie recalls debating illegal immigration at a town hall meeting…

Are black Conservatives routinely denigrated instead of being openly debated? Why do many Democrats accept and/or ignore this type of blatant racism?

Are Democrats (especially black Democrats) hypocrites?

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June 15, 2020

Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Marie Fischer is a Project 21 member. She is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women (MFRW).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some people destroying their own neighborhoods while protesting?

Why are some bailing out those protesters as a sign of support? Why don’t they instead give the money to the home and business owners whose homes or businesses were destroyed?

Will many of the small businesses that have been destroyed ever come back?

Will larger business ever come back to the neighborhoods that have experienced such violence?

Does America have a heart problem? Marie Fischer shares how she has faced more anti-Semitism because she is Jewish – not racism because she is black!

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August 6, 2019

Title: Baltimore Where Democrats Partner with the NAACP
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Al Sharpton is running to Baltimore to meet up with Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland. Together they plan to criticize President Donald Trump for his tweets calling Baltimore crime-ridden and rat-infested.

Here with the details is new guest, Marie Fischer. Marie, a member of The National Center’s Project 21.

Project 21, in its “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America,” offers dozens of recommendations over 10 policy areas for helping revive stalled and failing black communities. These recommendations include better educational opportunities, job growth, safer streets, and increasing the role of communities of faith.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What have DEMOCRAT leaders said about the sad state of Baltimore in the past?

Do the citizens of Baltimore deserve better? Hint: YES.

Are the DEMOCRAT leaders in Baltimore even trying to make life better for the citizens of the city? Hint: NO.

What campaign promise did President Trump make concerning the serious problem in nearly every DEMOCRAT-led major city in America? Did the MSM call him racist for this promise?

What is Project 21’s “Blueprint for America”? Has this blueprint been presented to the White House?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Baltimore Where Democrats Partner with the NAACP
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the current education system in Baltimore look like? HINT: no graduating senior reads on grade level. Proof, that’s what Democrats do.

Are police officers getting a bad rap, especially in DEMOCRAT-led cities like Baltimore?

The NAACP is headquartered in Baltimore. What are they doing to improve the quality of life? They have headquartered there for nearly 35 years.

Do politicians care more about acquiring power and money and not enough about the people?

When did the Democrat Party begin to go astray?

Click here to read more on this issue.

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