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February 4, 2013

Title: Ben at NAACP Jealous of Those with Jobs
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Is NAACP chairman Ben Jealous finally accepting the reality that black Americans are actually WORSE now than they were 4 years ago?

Black unemployment is at a staggering 14 percent, while the black teen unemployment rate is a shocking 39.3 percent! Mr. President, I wouldn’t brag about that!

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July 12, 2012

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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June 16, 2011

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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