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September 21, 2021

Title: Biden’s Climate Army is Coming
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Dissatisfied with the American people’s lack of concern for their issue du jour, self-righteous coastal elites are moving on from slick PR campaigns and headline-grabbing protests to deploy a legion of climate activists across the nation paid for by your tax dollars, whether you like it or not.

Katie Tahuahua is the Communications Manager for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative. Today she discusses Joe Biden’s proposed Civilian Climate Corps (CCC), which would be the biggest mobilization of government labor since the New Deal.

Click here to read more on this topic from Katie Tahuahua.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the climate justice army coming?

What is the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC)?  Katie explains that it is buried in the Senate Budget Reconciliation Bill, along with many other bad ideas that have nothing to do with the budget.

Will Biden’s CCC be non-partisan? Or will funding go to far-left groups such as Greenpeace, the Sunrise Movement, and Movement of Black Lives? Terry also explains some of the goals of these organizations…

Do more people die worldwide from warm or cold temperatures?

Are humans able to adapt to changing temperatures? Katie offers some encouraging statistics…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden’s Climate Army is Coming
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much are Americans are willing to pay for “clean air”?

The US government has spent an astronomical amount of money attempting to eradicate poverty. Have they been successful?

Does America have real issues that are more pressing than fighting the ever-changing climate?

What is the purpose and mission of TPPF’s Life:Powered Initiative? Click here to learn more.

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October 1, 2019

Title: What’s UP With Medieval Warming?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

From AD 900 to 1300 AD there was a warming cycle that brought the Dark Ages to an end – but only for a while. Then a cold cycle, from AD 1280 to 1850, known as the Little Ice Age, negatively affected every people group in the world.

Thankfully, we are currently living in a time of planetary warmth and enjoying the abundance of food, water, and general health which warm, wet climates bring to the people of the world. Could another Little Ice Age occur, though?

Bill Sydow, former Director of Oil and Gas for the state of Nebraska, discusses the past, present, and future…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the earth warmed and cooled throughout recorded history?

What were the “Dirty 30’s”?

At any time during the last 4,000 years have global temperatures been warmer than todays?

Have global temperatures been significantly colder?

What was life like during the Medieval Warming period?

Why did the Vikings choose the name “Greenland” for a land now covered with ice and snow?

Are we warmer now than any other time during the past 4,000 years?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What’s UP With Medieval Warming?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are scientists in 100% agreement concerning the Medieval Warming period?

What is “proxy information”?

Today, the climate in Northern England is unable to produce grapes and other fruits, whereas they were once flourishing. Why is this?

Do humans thrive more in a warmer or colder climate?

What causes drastic temperature changes? Many believe that humans are to blame. Is this true? Bill, and many other experts, believe that the activity or inactivity of the sun has much to do with our climate. Listen as he explains…

FACT OR FICTION: 100% of scientists agree that humans are causing global warming. Is this a correct statement?

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February 27, 2018

Title: Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

During the last year, Oakland, San Francisco, and several other California cities took to the courts to set their own policies on global warming, even though no activity within their borders could make the slightest dent in worldwide temperatures.

Horace Cooper is a legal commenter and co-chairman of the National Center’s Project 21 National Advisory Board. Horace averages over 400 talk radio appearances per year. In addition, Horace Cooper has taught Constitutional Law at George Mason University in Virginia and was a Senior Counsel to U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Horace Cooper recently wrote: “Californians have certainly not restrained themselves in the cause of climate control. They have a love affair with driving, especially Angelino’s, many of whom seem to hate public transportation almost as much as they hate big oil.” Why did he make this statement?

Why are some California cities suing Exxon and other oil companies?

Are these environmentalists saying one thing in one court, yet telling a different story in the bond market? Tune in to the next segment for more on this interesting twist!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do the environmentalists keep changing their story?

Why do cities go to the “bond market”? Listen close, folks! This is some pretty sneaky stuff that California is doing!

How is it possible that these cities are allowed to lie like this? Horace Cooper quotes Willie Sutton, a bank robber: “It’s where the money is.

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May 22, 2017

Title: NYT Warms to Climate Change Skepticism
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Larry Bell
with Author

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Larry Bell is a Professor at the University of Houston, heading the graduate program in Space Architecture. He has also written several books on climate change, including “Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax” and his newest book “Scared Witless”. The Kindle version is currently available on Amazon  for FREE.

Today, Dr. Bell will be discussing the NYT’s sudden declaration that Americans aren’t buying the climate change hoax.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the New York Times really publish the following statement: "Demanding abrupt and expensive changes in public policy raises fair questions about ideological intentions. Censoriously asserting one’s moral superiority and treating skeptics as imbeciles and deplorables wins few converts."

Did the NYT also make the following statement: "Despite 30 years of efforts by scientists, politicians, and activists to raise [climate] alarm, nearly two-thirds of Americans are either indifferent to or only somewhat bothered by the prospect of planetary calamity"?

When polled, Americans respond that they want clean air and clean water. But how much more are Americans willing to pay for this?

“Having clean air and clean water is a trade-off between having clean politics and clean science,” Dr. Bell states. Tune in to the next segment with Larry as he discusses weather prediction accuracy.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - NYT Warms to Climate Change Skepticism
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Larry Bell
with Author

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the computer models that climate doomsayers use accurate?

Have they been accurate the past 10, 20, 30 years?

When study grants are offered, are they given to those who align with the Left’s idea of man-caused climate change?

Should we all be forced to pay thousands of dollars more for the energy we use? “People should demand honest science,” Dr. Bell states. Listen as he explains this statement.

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October 18, 2016

Title: Clarifying Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Michael Cochrane
with What’s Up With That

Part 1 of 3

The study of global climate change is fraught with uncertainty, as is much of science in general. This isn’t unusual. By its very nature, science must be conservative. New guest, Michael Cochrane, is the Founder of Value Function Analytics, a consulting firm that helps clients achieve their objectives by helping them to think about values. He also has a Ph.D. in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering.

Today, Michael will be assessing and clarifying questions concerning climate change and how the “experts” come to their dooms-day conclusions.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is probability-based decision making using a “probability tree”?

Does the earth’s climate change?

Is the earth’s climate changing now?

Are we in a warming phase?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Clarifying Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Michael Cochrane
with What’s Up With That

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is climate change “settled”?

If the earth is, in fact, warming, is this actually a problem?

Are humans to blame for warming or cooling in the climate?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Clarifying Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Michael Cochrane
with What’s Up With That

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are other contributors to global warming / climate change?

Should the US government and the UN be spending trillions of dollars on ways to reduce the effects of climate change?

If human activity is the primary cause of global warming, will reducing this activity also reduce global warming?

If human activity is not the primary cause of global warming, is it still possible to stop it?

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Title: Save us from the Tyranny of “Settled Science”
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

In high school, most students are taught a specific way to form a hypothesis when testing scientific methods. However, many environmentalists and “scientists” (if you can call them that!) do not use such methods when it comes to evolution.

John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, gives a review of what the Scientific Method is – just in case you have forgotten. Apparently, those who spew and spout and scream “Man is causing global warming!” have forgotten what proving a theory really means, too! They manipulate the system with what they want the outcome to be. They repeat their hypothesis over and over and over again.

Anyone who is against [man-caused global warming] becomes an outcast – regardless of who it is!” John Horvat proclaims. In fact, those that speak out against it take the risk of burning their careers at the stake. The same can be said for evolution. For decades, evolution has been pushed in public schools as fact, ignoring the fact that evolution cannot be proven.

Make sure your children know the truth. Encourage them to respectfully question their teachers and professors when evolution and global warming are studied in class. It’s time we stop them dead in their tracks. It’s time we stop putting up with their lies.

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March 8, 2016

Title: Climate Change Education
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Climate change hysteria is all over the news. Celebrities tweet about. The President stated that climate change is the single greatest threat to the United States and the World. But, what are our children an  grandchildren being taught in public school about climate change? That is the focus of today’s interview with Dr. Sterling Burnett with the Heartland Institute. He says, “There is no doubt…that climate change is occurring. It has historically always occurred. Climate is not stable.” He has been involved in this debate for two decades. We love to have our experts on!

Dr. Burnett discusses a nation survey, conducted by the National Center for Science Education, of 1,500 middle and high school teachers, representing all 50 states, concerning this topic. “I had lost hope. I thought that kids were being brain-washed,” Dr. Burnett admits. However, the results astounded him – in both good and bad ways! He reveals the results, so listen in.

Back in 2014, Texas lost a battle to keep this issue balanced in new textbooks. Several other states opted to follow suit, using the same textbooks to teach climate change propaganda in public schools. Dr. Burnett explains how Virginia, however, stood up to the climate alarmists and demanded balanced textbooks. Bravo for them!

Note: Many school districts have opted to not use the new textbooks in order to save money. But, when they do need new books, the climate change bologna will be in print for all kids to see. We must stop this and demand Texas teach kids both sides of the issue!

Since this is an election season, anything can happen. There are many parents, teachers, and even elected officials who are having second thoughts about Common Core teaching methods. Dr. Burnett is confident that we can turn the tide around. “We have the opportunity to ensure that sound climate science is in the standards. It’s still open for debate,” he says.

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February 2, 2016

Title: Save us from the Tyranny of “Settled Science”
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

In high school, most students are taught a specific way to form a hypothesis when testing scientific methods. However, many environmentalists and “scientists” (if you can call them that!) do not use such methods when it comes to evolution.

John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, gives a review of what the Scientific Method is – just in case you have forgotten. Apparently, those who spew and spout and scream “Man is causing global warming!” have forgotten what proving a theory really means, too! They manipulate the system with what they want the outcome to be. They repeat their hypothesis over and over and over again.

Anyone who is against [man-caused global warming] becomes an outcast – regardless of who it is!” John Horvat proclaims. In fact, those that speak out against it take the risk of burning their careers at the stake. The same can be said for evolution. For decades, evolution has been pushed in public schools as fact, ignoring the fact that evolution cannot be proven.

Make sure your children know the truth. Encourage them to respectfully question their teachers and professors when evolution and global warming are studied in class. It’s time we stop them dead in their tracks. It’s time we stop putting up with their lies.

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March 25, 2015

Title: Educate Before You Regulate
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Many Progressives shy away at every opportunity to openly and honestly debate climate change. Dr. Sterling Burnett doesn’t think it’s that they “fear” debate; they simply don’t acknowledge that there is even a debate. “The scientists who won’t debate climate change, they have reached the point that there is nothing to discuss,” Dr. Burnett says. “It’s like talking to someone who still thinks the world is flat.” There is no changing their minds. Period.

Our kids, from Kindergarten through college, are being told that man is causing catastrophic climate change. TV shows and movies are pushing the notion at every opportunity. Dr. Burnett explains how even the Texas State Board of Education tried to stop the liberals from pushing man-caused catastrophic climate change, but they were unsuccessful in their fight!

As for the EPA’s newest attempt to force individual states to close coal fired power plants, Dr. Burnett says, “This is a religion for them. You can’t educate them. You can’t reeducate them.” Does the new leadership in Texas have the guts to stand up to the EPA? Listen in as Dr. Burnett gives his opinion!

For more from the Heartland Institute, click [here].  

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January 5, 2015

Title: The Benefits of a Warmer World
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The earth has been in a holding pattern for the past eighteen years in regards to global temperatures. In fact, during the entire 20th Century, the earth only warmed by about 1-1 ½ degrees. Is this what your children in public school (K-college) are being taught? Or are they being taught that man and the use of fossil fuels are ruining the environment?

Dr. Sterling Burnett says that warmer weather is actually better for the earth – and for people in general. Plants grow bigger and fuller. Animals are able to feed better. Humans live longer and are happier. Dr. Burnett also points out that there are more deaths in colder weather than in warmer weather!

Listen in as Dr. Burnett explains more about why warmer is better! He also talks about the lies the environmentalists are spreading about sea levels.

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November 14, 2014

Title: Will January 2015 Be the Coldest Yet?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

The weather “experts” cannot even predict what the weather will be like this January. So, why are they “certain” about the earth’s climate 100, 200, 500 years from now?

Today, Dr. Sterling Burnett, with the Heartland Institute, discusses how a group of German scientists have finally come to their senses concerning climate change and the use of fossil fuels. Years ago, when the German authorities passed laws against the use of fossil fuels, they thought it would help their economy, but the exact opposite has been true! The Germans are now facing an energy crisis. Factories are leaving the country. Families cannot afford the outrageous energy costs to heat their homes.

While not all the Germans have jumped on board, those who have are spreading their message loud and clear. They recently released a study covering 10 different topics, such as temperature, extreme events, and polar bears, which refuted every climate model the alarmists have produced.

 If the Germans can do it, why can’t we? Listen in as Dr. Burnett explains how the UN takes study material from the “experts” and doesn’t even read it all! They take bits and pieces of the reports which say “could be” or “might be” and change it to “predicted to be”. For example, in regards to the increase in temperatures, they take the most alarming numbers and report those as “fact” when, in reality, it “could be” an increase from 0.3 degrees to 4.6 degrees!

The UN needs to stop playing god and get back to helping the people of this world, giving them a real chance of survival using fossil fuels. Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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December 30, 2013

Title: Should they be Shuttered for Being so Way off Target?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by David Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

In 2002, commenting on the possibility that Iraq had supplied or might supply Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to terrorists, Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense, famously said: "...there are known knowns... There are known unknowns... But there are also unknown unknowns - there are things we do not know we don't know."

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been wrong seven of the past 10 years. Their credibility should be in the tanks.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by David Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Now the public has learned we are in the midst of a 17-year “pause” in global warming that not one of the 73 climate models us by the U.N. predicted.

Count them: 73… all W.R.O.N.G.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been wrong 7 of the past 10 years. Being wrong so frequently poses a more significant risk to NOAA than just a little embarrassment. It threatens to undermine the agency's credibility, undermine the public's faith in even its short-range forecasts, and ultimately place lives at risk.

We are NOT in a global warming period. Period. The Global Warming Alarmists should have no credibility, zero, zilch, nada…none.

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December 6, 2013

Title: Should they be Shuttered for Being so Way off Target?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by David Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

In 2002, commenting on the possibility that Iraq had supplied or might supply Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to terrorists, Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense, famously said: "...there are known knowns... There are known unknowns... But there are also unknown unknowns - there are things we do not know we don't know."

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been wrong seven of the past 10 years. Their credibility should be in the tanks.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by David Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Now the public has learned we are in the midst of a 17-year “pause” in global warming that not one of the 73 climate models us by the U.N. predicted.

Count them: 73… all W.R.O.N.G.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been wrong 7 of the past 10 years. Being wrong so frequently poses a more significant risk to NOAA than just a little embarrassment. It threatens to undermine the agency's credibility, undermine the public's faith in even its short-range forecasts, and ultimately place lives at risk.

We are NOT in a global warming period. Period. The Global Warming Alarmists should have no credibility, zero, zilch, nada…none.

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June 21, 2013

Title: Seventy-three Climate Models All Wrong
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

For the last 33 years, 73 climate models have all predicted there would be much more warming than there has actually been. They all have been wrong, but the scientists who crunch out these numbers using ‘their’ biases are the ones attacking their academic collogues who disagree with them.

Where is the ‘academic freedom’? Who are the true bullies?

Congress should stop funding studies proposed by scientists who have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. Taxpayers are being ripped off.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Should the American Taxpayer regret the billions of dollars our government has wasted on reducing man’s contribution to global warming when the world is NOT warming?

L.I.V.’s need to wake up and re-think where they are getting their information. L.I.V.’s are - Low Information Voters.

Academic Freedom is NOT alive and well on university campuses across America. American Values, conservative thought, and too often the truth is sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness promulgated and pushed by the progressive left. More times than not it is funded by the American Taxpayer.

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July 8, 2011

Title: The Global-Warming Deception
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Grant Jeffrey
with Grant Jeffrey  (

The worldwide effort to combat manmade global warming is history’s most far-reaching hoax, according to our guest, Grant Jeffrey. Mr. Jeffrey is an internationally known prophecy expect and editor of the Prophecy Study Bible. His popular television program, Bible Prophecy Revealed, airs weekly on TBN.

Our guest discusses how United Nations agencies are using the threat of rising ocean levels, crop failure, expanding deserts, and the extinction of species to convince western nations to surrender their sovereignty.

Is the global warming hoax a lie being used to steal our freedoms? Why has the MSM bought the lie hook, line and sinker? For more, log onto

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June 27, 2011

Title: Supreme Court backs off alarmist climate science
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

In its 2007 decision Massachusetts v. EPA that was authored by the very liberal Justice John Paul Stevens wrote: "The harms associated with climate change are serious and well recognized. The Government's own objective independent assessment of the relevant science and a strong consensus among qualified experts indicate that global warming threatens, inter alia, a precipitate rise in sea levels ... severe and irreversible changes to natural ecosystems, a significant reduction in ... winter snowpack ... with direct and important economic consequences, and an increase in the spread of disease and the ferocity of weather events."

Just recently, writing for an essentially unanimous court, the ultra-liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated, "The Court, we caution, endorses no particular view of the complicated issues related to carbon dioxide emissions and climate change."

The court's plainly written, jaw-dropping about-face is hidden in a footnote and so hasn't been reported in media accounts of the decision - but it is of significant consequence.

Climate alarmists can no longer claim that the Supreme Court has validated the science of climate alarmism and ordered the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases.

More information can be found at

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December 14, 2010

Title: The Grinch Obama Aims To Steal More of Your Money!
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Blaming Climate Change on Americans, the Grinch Obama and his appointee at the EPA now scheme to take more of your money by denying the construction of new electric generating plants. This will cause a huge increase in the price to heat and cool your home. They don’t care if this hurts the poor, including many black families. They are focused on saving Mother Earth from bad Americans who use too much energy!

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September 2, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Get Ready for Friday, September 17 Constitution Day!  Celebrate with  at the Taking America Back Conference, Click Here: 

Prince Charles, Al Gore, Sheryl Crow and other elitists say YOU SHOULD:
1. Snub the Tub
2. Use on one itsy-bitsy-tiny square
3. Use less cooling air-conditioning
4. Use less heat-warming heating units
5. Patriotic American families should have no more than 2 kids
6. Smart Meters, Smart Grids and Smart Technology will allow unseen bureaucrat to literally control each household’s appliances, air conditioner, washer, drier, toaster, microwave, stereo, computer…any appliance that uses electricity
7. Home owners will be enticed to obtain the “Energy performance label” without it you will not be able to sell your home!
8. I have been predicting the real-life name change of America to “Oceania” – which is straight out of George Orwell’s classic 1984!

Top Scientist and author of Climategate: A Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam, Brian Sussman, joins us once again to discuss a smelly issue that will affect everyone in the listening area.

Author warns 'body odor' bigger threat than 'war on carbon'.

Forget greenhouse gases. If people start heeding celebrity "planet-saving" tips like Prince Charles' recent call for shorter showers and a ban on baths, the greatest threat to the earth's atmosphere will be body odor, says the author of Climategate.

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Get Ready for Friday, September 17 Constitution Day!  Celebrate with  at the Taking America Back Conference, Click Here:   

"Prince Charles thinks we should take shorter showers, Al Gore demands we use less air-conditioning, singer Sheryl Crow says we must limit our use of toilet paper to one square at a time, and Stanford professor Paul Erhlich says patriotic Americans will not have more than two children - all in the name of stopping global warming," says Brian Sussman. "If these fools had their way we'd all be smelly, dehydrated, unsanitary and on our way to extinction."

In reporting Prince Charles' campaign to "Snub the Tub," the London Daily Mail chastised him for "telling the rest of the country how to behave."

If only it were telling, said Sussman. The left is "legislating liberty out of existence and its biggest canard is the war on carbon." he said.

Drawing on Sussman's scientific knowledge as an acclaimed and award-winning meteorologist, "Climategate" provides ample evidence of manipulated and fabricated "scientific findings" to support global warming and the "broadly intrusive legislative remedies" required to provide its remedy. The book garnered major media attention and informed legions of tea party members on the West Coast, where Sussman is the morning host of KSFO - the fourth largest radio market in the nation.

Certainly, public outcry contributed to the administration's and Congress' quiet - but as Sussman cautions, temporary - abandonment of pursuing cap and trade legislation. Politico described the setback as "one of the sharpest rebukes to a sitting president in recent memory."

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August 20, 2010

Title: Blacklisted Scientist Challenges Global Warming Orthodoxy
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dianna Cotter
with Free Lance Writer

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for years has been predicting the greenhouse effect can spin out of control. They claim that there exists a scientific consensus that CO2 is pushing the planet into an unrestrained greenhouse effect, that it’s raising global temperatures and it must be stopped.

Recently an Hungarian atmospheric physicist Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi, says he has found and proven that the IPCC and their experts are wrong in their theory about how the greenhouse effect works. In the process, he has shown that changing CO2 concentrations are not the determining factor the IPCC and other scientists claim.

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July 23, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Brian Sussman is back to discuss the latest news on the Climategate Debacle. Log on to for more on Brian.

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June 22, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Guest Brian Sussman is the author of Climategate. Log on to to order a copy!

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

What’s really going on with all the “Climate Change” stuff? What’s behind the curtain? Brian is on FB! Search for Brian Sussman Show and add him as a friend today!

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June 2, 2010

Title: CLIMATEGATE Part 1 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Author Brian Sussman was a science reporter and meteorologist in the Bay Area for over 20 years. He has written an incredible rebuttal to Al Gore’s envirowacko book. Log on to to order Brian’s book “Climategate”.

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Title: CLIMATEGATE Part 2 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Did you know that buried in the Senate version of Cap and Tax there is a provision which would give free money to a family of four making $55,000 to offset their increased cost of living? Good? NO! This is socialism!

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Title: CLIMATEGATE Part 3 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

What’s your opinion: Is more government the solution to man-made global warming aka “climate change”? Click on the “contact us” link in the upper right hand corner to send me your thoughts!

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May 11, 2010

Title: Will Climate “Control” Bill Raise the Prices of What You Buy?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the Project 21 leadership network, discusses whether Cap-and-Trade will hurt those least able to afford it and other aspects of the bill.

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May 10, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

The recent oil leak catastrophe is a dream come true for BO and all his environmental cronies. Log on to to order veteran meteorologists Brian Sussman’s bestselling book “Climategate”.

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Did the Obama administration purposefully wait too long to act on the oil crisis? What will happen to “drill here - drill now”? Is it gone for good? Visit for more on this issue.

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February 26, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is a Distinguished Senior Fellow-In-Residence with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment. She knows what she’s talking about when it comes to the environment. Log on to for more information on the truth.

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama and his minions keep pressuring our duly elected officials to pass climate change legislation in order to strengthen the economy and bring more jobs to the American people. But, is this true? Find out for yourself at

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do you still believe the world is headed for disaster and ruin because of “global warming”? If you’re on the fence, log on to to learn more.

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February 17, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

News Flash: is here! Check it out for yourself! It’s hilarious! Or, log on to for more from Steve Milloy.

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January 21, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

A recent article by Steve Milloy, author of Green Hell, exposes how the EPA’s flawed and unrealistic decisions are damaging to America. Log on to for more.

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December 9, 2009

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, talks about the recent explosion in the climate change war.

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October 27, 2009

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Why is a non-environmentalist joining the ranks with “Go Green” peace lovers?

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Author Steve Milloy: “To help Levi Strauss save the planet, … the answer is clear: we should go naked and it should go broke”. What? Why? Log on to for more.

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September 29, 2009

Title: NEW DVD - “NOT EVIL - JUST WRONG” Part 1 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Phelim McAleer
with Not Evil Just Wrong

Phelim McAleer was once part of the media that believed and spread all the hype over “climate change” - until he got sick and tired of all the lies being spread. What event made him change sides?

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Title: NEW DVD - “NOT EVIL - JUST WRONG” Part 2 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Phelim McAleer
with Not Evil Just Wrong

Al Gore and his goonies are scaring people across the globe into hysteria over “climate change”. But, why are so many scientists now speaking out AGAINST Al Gore? How does one know what is truth and what is fiction?

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Title: NEW DVD - “NOT EVIL - JUST WRONG” Part 3 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Phelim McAleer
with Not Evil Just Wrong

Log on to to order a copy of Phelim’s new DVD - “Not Evil Just Wrong”. But, you have to promise to play it until Sunday, October 18 at 6 pm CST! Invite your friends, neighbors, SS class - everyone - to view it with you.

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September 9, 2009

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

A new Rasmussen Reports show that more Americans are opposed to climate change. Also, more Americans say creating jobs is more important that taking steps to stop global warming. Log on to for more.

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Could you afford to pay $100 more per year for electricity, gasoline, or food? Most people could. But, what about $100 more per MONTH? Many people probably could not. This will happen if the cap and tax bill is passed. Do what you can to stop it - call or email your elected officials today and ask them to vote no!

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July 20, 2009

Title: GORE UNHINGED Part 1 of 2
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

For nearly 20 years, the people of America have heard Al Gore rant and rave about global warming and how we must take action now to save our planet. Today, Dr. Paul Kengor, with the Center for Vision and Values, comments on Gore’s comparison of climate change to the war against the Nazis. Log on to to view Dr. Kengor’s article.

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Title: GORE UNHINGED Part 2 of 2
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

In Al Gore’s 1992 international best seller, “Earth in the Balance”, he began using the comparison of climate change to the war against the Nazis as a scare tactic. He has even envisioned “a kind of global civil war between those who refuse to consider the consequences of civilization’s relentless advance and those who refuse to be silent partners in the destruction”. Log on to for more info.

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November 11, 2008

Title: If You Don’t Like The Climate Today, Wait Until Tomorrow
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is it cost effective to go green? What will it cost us not to build more electrical generating plants across Texas?

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October 15, 2008

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Roy Spencer
with Dr. Roy Spencer

Dr. Roy Spencer, an expert from NASA, discusses the natural effects on climate and weather change vs. man-made effects. Dr. Spencer is also the author of the book, “Climate Confusion”.

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August 29, 2008

Title: Causes of Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Dr. Bonner Cohen continues discussing the causes of Climate Change. Every public school study needs to hear this – as well as many of your friends.

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Title: The Sun, The Oceans and Volcanoes
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Ocean currents, solar activity, and volcanic activity – above and below the oceans cause air temperatures to rise and fall on a global scale. Dr. Bonner Cohen, Senior Fellow at the national Center for Public Policy Research in WDC –, presents compelling facts on the “Global Cooling” now taking place, and has been for nearly 10 years.

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Title: Natural Variations Cause Cooling Global Temperatures
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Dr. Bonner Cohen, Senior Fellow at the national Center for Public Policy Research in WDC –, presents the facts of “Natural Variations Cause Cooling Global Temperatures”.

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August 6, 2008

Title: The Scientists Al Gore Cannot Silence
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Lawrence Solomon
with Author

Facing loss of their jobs and reputations, many scientists are speaking out against global warming / man-caused climate change. Lawrence Solomon, an environmentalist, states “the Kyoto Protocol is the greatest threat today to the environment”. To purchase his great book, The Deniers, log onto

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July 25, 2008

Title: How have higher fuel prices affected families in America? Part 1 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Carrie Lukas
with Independent Women’s Forum (

How have higher fuel prices affected families in America? Carrie Lucas, VP for Policy and Economics with the Independent Women’s Forum in WDC answers this question.

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July 24, 2008

Title: Can you afford an additional $4500 to heat and cool your home per year? Part 3 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Can you afford an additional $4500 to heat and cool your home per year? What will Al Gore's policies cost you?

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July 23, 2008

Title: Al Gore Preaches the Impossibility! Part 2 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Al Gore preaches to America: Produce all your electricity by wind, sun and geothermal. Inconvenient truth: Can not be done! Myron Ebell is with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and can be found at This is part tw of a three part special update.

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July 22, 2008

Title: Are You Willing to Pay The Price? A Best Of Segment on Global Warming / Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Who are the “experts” preaching “global warming” which is now called “climate change”? Our guest, Dr. Sterling Burnett is with the National Center for Policy Analysis. For more, log onto

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Title: Al Gore Preaches the Impossibility! Part 1 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Al Gore preaches to America: Produce all your electricity by wind, sun and geothermal. Inconvenient truth: Can not be done! Myron Ebell is with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and can be found at This is part one of three.

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