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June 4, 2024

Title: Is the UN Changing Course on Families?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Stefano Gennarini is the Vice President for Legal Studies with the Center for Family and Human Rights. Today, Stefano discusses some encouraging news from the UN.

Click here for the latest from Stefano Gennarini.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Cairo Agreement on Population did not go well at the United Nations. What happened? Stefano explains why abortion and LGBTQ activists are beginning to see their funding scrutinized and even reduced, saying: “It’s not a high enough priority for western countries to advance the issue.”

Are many societies experiencing shrinking work forces, with many suffering from “brain-drain”?

Can we expect to see more UN policies promoting baby bonuses, marriage counseling, and stay-at-home-moms?

Click here to sign up for the FREE Friday Fax emails to stay in informed on all the latest issues affecting families across the world.

Click here to help support the Center for Family and Human Rights.

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May 23, 2024

Title: Is the UN Changing Course on Families?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Stefano Gennarini is the Vice President for Legal Studies with the Center for Family and Human Rights. Today, Stefano discusses some encouraging news from the UN.

Click here for the latest from Stefano Gennarini.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Cairo Agreement on Population did not go well at the United Nations. What happened? Stefano explains why abortion and LGBTQ activists are beginning to see their funding scrutinized and even reduced, saying: “It’s not a high enough priority for western countries to advance the issue.”

Are many societies experiencing shrinking work forces, with many suffering from “brain-drain”?

Can we expect to see more UN policies promoting baby bonuses, marriage counseling, and stay-at-home-moms?

Click here to sign up for the FREE Friday Fax emails to stay in informed on all the latest issues affecting families across the world.

Click here to help support the Center for Family and Human Rights.

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May 15, 2024

Title: Is the UN Changing Course on Families?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Stefano Gennarini is the Vice President for Legal Studies with the Center for Family and Human Rights. Today, Stefano discusses some encouraging news from the UN.

Click here for the latest from Stefano Gennarini.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Cairo Agreement on Population did not go well at the United Nations. What happened? Stefano explains why abortion and LGBTQ activists are beginning to see their funding scrutinized and even reduced, saying: “It’s not a high enough priority for western countries to advance the issue.”

Are many societies experiencing shrinking work forces, with many suffering from “brain-drain”?

Can we expect to see more UN policies promoting baby bonuses, marriage counseling, and stay-at-home-moms?

Click here to sign up for the FREE Friday Fax emails to stay in informed on all the latest issues affecting families across the world.

Click here to help support the Center for Family and Human Rights.

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January 9, 2023

Title: Top 5 Moments of 2022 for Life and Family at the UN
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

From the local courthouse to the statehouse, from the White House to the UN, abortion-lovers and LGBTQ activists have doubled-down for 2023.

Stefano Gennarini discusses the Top 5 Moments of 2022 for Life and Family at the UN. Stefano is the Vice President for Legal Studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “traditional country”? HINT: It might not be what you think it is!

At the beginning of 2022, were traditional countries expected to retreat their support of life? What has been their attitude and stance concerning the LGBTQ movement?

Has the United States been the leader pushing abortion on demand in the UN? Stefano believes that the Europeans are the leaders because they are more constituent than the US. However, when the Europeans and the US are aligned, “it becomes very difficult for traditional countries…to put up a fight.”

Are traditional countries galvanized in opposing abortion and gender ideology?br />
Who is leading the change at the UN among the traditional countries?

DDid traditional family values and traditional marriage win at the UN Population Commission? (Read more here.)

Did pro-life US Senators block a radical pro-abortion professor from a top State Department job? (Read more here.)

Click here to support C-Fam as they defend and preserve life and family values across the world.

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November 4, 2019

Title: A Sickness Within the UN
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Dr. Susan Yoshihara is the Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family & Human Rights where she advises UN delegations and US policy makers on peace and security issues, maternal and child health policy, population, and human rights.

Dr. Yoshihara has details about the campaign against assistant secretary of state Kevin Moley, and his senior advisor, Mari Stull. You can learn more here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Kevin Moley effective in regards to curtailing the Communist Chinese influence within the UN?

What is meant by “deep state”?

Was there a reduction of overall US assessments to the UN under his leadership?

Was Moley singled-out for his pro-life, pro-family beliefs?

Do we need more time to clean up the swamp?

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October 12, 2018

Title: UN Bashing Pro-Lifers – Again
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

It’s not news that the majority of leaders on the United Nations counsel are pro-choice. Are they going too far, though, with their new “She Decides” campaign?

FACT: UN experts said abortion-on-demand is “at the very core of every women and girl’s fundamental right to equality, privacy and physical and mental integrity and is a precondition for the enjoyment of other rights and freedoms”.

Stefano Gennarini has the sad details today. Stefano is the Vice President for the Center of Legal Studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do UN experts say pro-lifers are dangerous?

Do UN experts say the right to an abortion is a precondition for the enjoyment of other rights and freedoms?

READ THAT QUESTION AGAIN! This is actually what they think. PLUS – they believe the abortion should be FREE!

Has the Trump Administration been successful in reducing the flow of American tax dollars to fund abortions in other countries?

What is the Mexico City Policy? Listen as Stefano Gennarini explains this and how abortion organizations can still get some funding…

Are there many countries that belong to the UN that do NOT want legalized abortions in their countries?

What is the “She Decides” campaign? Why is it a danger to us all?

Why is the Center for Family and Human Rights urging the UN to stay out of the abortion issue all-together?

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Title: Saving One More Baby is NOT on the UN Agenda
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Dr. Susan Yoshihara has more details about the UN “She Decides” campaign. Dr. Yoshihara is the Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family and Human Rights. She also directs and oversees the International Organizations Research Group at C-Fam. Before joining C-Fam, she was a US Navy helicopter pilot, leading missions in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the UN be mandating the internal affairs of a free and sovereign nation concerning abortion?

Should the UN be focusing their attention – and money – on providing clean drinking water, education, and shelter to third countries instead of worrying about abortions? Dr. Yoshihara’s response is: “We are wasting our time on this issue!” Yes, we are!

According to the people, where does abortion rank on the list of pressing issues?

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March 3, 2017

Title: UN Fast-Tracking LGBTQ Agenda and Abortion
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The UN is once again trying to fast track the adoption of hundreds of statistical indicators to measure progress on the UN development goals, without giving time for the UN’s political organs to review them.  How does this affect “world peace”?

Stefano Gennarini, the Director of Legal Studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights, explains these drastic attempts by the UN.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the UN attempting to fast-track member states to accept homosexuality and provide abortions and comprehensive sexuality education? It all boils down to money….

What does the UN define as a “sustainable development goal”?

How many of the 194 member states are pushing back, refusing to bow down the UN’s bullying attempts?

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June 26, 2012

Title: Dear United Nations, Please Investigate The United States, Thanks! - Sincerely, The NAACP.
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Bishop Council Nedd
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

The NAACP went to the United Nations and asked them to investigate the United States of America for disenfranchising voters and to clamp down on voter ID laws - what was the outcome?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Bishop Council Nedd
with Project 21 (

For our listeners just now joining in, what exactly did the NAACP do? Should the United Nations Human Rights Commission take valuable time away from other projects to investigate the United States?

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June 24, 2011

Title: The UN Has Failed Its Mission To Resolve Conflicts and Avert Wars. So What Now?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, Eagle Forum International Issues Chairman, points out how the UN has failed its first mission to resolve conflicts and avert wars but is succeeding in pushing a Marxist agenda called “Sustainable Development”. Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Everywhere Marxism has been tried, it has failed. The UN has been pushing Sustainable Development in Africa for decades. What’s the result: The UN has given special emphasis to the implementation of sustainable development in Africa, passing a resolution each year since 1998 …with devastating results. Today 67 percent of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa, as are 90 percent of the cases of malaria, while 33 percent of its population suffers from malnutrition, and 15 wars rage on the continent.

More information can be found at

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September 26, 2008

Title: Anti-Semitism at the UN General Assembly
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Anne Bayefsky
with Eye on the UN

Tuesday, September 23, 2008, will go down in history as the day the UN General Assembly provided a platform for a head of state to spew unadulterated, vile anti-semitism to the applause of the assemble nations of the world.

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November 14, 2006

Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Taxpayers pay about 25% of all UN expenses. What does this buy us? What does this pay for? It provides a platform for nations who despise us and oppose our American values of democracy, justice, Free enterprise, privacy, and private property rights.

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Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Anne Bayefsky
with Eye on the UN

The US pays 25% of the regular budget for the UN, but the UN is not US-friendly. What must we do about this? Visit for more information.

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October 4, 2006

Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Thomas Kilgannon
with Freedom Alliance

Why does the UN want the power to tax? How many friends does the US have at the UN? Usually, you can count the number of our allies on one hand and still have fingers left over! Pick up a copy of "Diplomatic Divorce" by Thomas Kilgannon during your next trip to the bookstore.

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March 14, 2006

Title: Why Fund The Platform for your enemy?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Taxpayers pay about 25% of all UN expenses. What does this buy us? What does this pay for? It provides a platform for nations who despise us and oppose our American values of democracy, justice, Free enterprise, privacy, and private property rights.

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November 14, 2005

Title: Eye on the UN
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Anne Bayefsky
with Eye on the UN

The US pays 22% of the regular budget for the UN, but the UN is not US-friendly. What must we do about this?

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July 25, 2005

Title: Will the UN cleanse itself?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Hyde UN Reform Act passes House by a 221-184 margin and now goes to the US Senate. This legislation demands that the UN make 46 reforms. What are they and what would be the consequences if they don't comply? Tom Schatz explains more.

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