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March 29, 2016

Title: Why did President Obama go to Cuba?
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Project 21 Co-Chairman, Horace Cooper, believes President Obama’s recent trip to Cuba to meet the Communist Cuban President Castro was a slap in all American’s faces – “he has truly let us down”, Cooper says. “[The President] has an obligation to promote our values, our system, and freedom and justice,” he continues. “There is nothing we are gaining by handing the legitimacy to Cuba in the way he had done.” Just look at the way our President responded to the Belgium catastrophe while he was in Cuba! It was shameful.

Mr. Cooper goes on to discuss how Cuba is not a friendly neighbor, harboring criminals and supporting North Korea. Cuba still refuse to acknowledge their own despicable behavior and treatment of their own citizens. The Cuban openly and admittedly discriminates against black people in Cuba. “They are an evil regime,” he boldly states.

How can the President visit this country, smile, laugh, and dance for the camera knowing these people despise him and race? “President Obama has truly let down America and the supporters of freedom all over the globe with his recognition of Cuba," Horace Cooper declares.

Did you see the picture of Obama proudly posing for pictures in front of the blood-thirsty terrorist Cuban Che Guevara? Mr. Cooper has plenty to say about this appalling action! But, will anything good blossom out of Obama’s visit to Cuba? Listen in!

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November 16, 2012

Title: Flashback: Obama Will Be Reelected
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Did you take a lot of flack two years ago when you wrote "Flashback, Obama will be reelected"? Has the media protected Obama no matter what? Why did Obama never dip below 40% approval?

What percentage of the black voters voted for Obama? There in Pennsylvania, without going through all the organizations that backed the anti-Romney ads, did most of them repeat or say something that was a lie?

America is exceptional because its foundation rests on truth. The passionate pursuit and defense of that truth is the quest of The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College as they seek to create a dynamic learning community to connect, educate and empower people to strengthen the faith and freedom foundation of the United States of America and advance liberty around the world.

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October 29, 2012

Title: The Perfect Storm: Obama, Islamic Jihadists, and America's Left.
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Once again, terrorists are raining rockets into Israel. How can you and your countrymen refrain from destroying the countryside where the rockets are fired from?

How many rockets in neighboring countries could be aimed at Israel right now? Who is the problem in the Middle East?

What about the "Arab Spring" and the pro-democracy movement in the Middle East? Hasn't President Obama and others referred to that as a positive inspiring movement that we should be encouraging?

Why do you call it "a strategic mistake" for Americans to focus just on Al Qaeda? What are the dangers to Israel of the civil war in Syria? Should we be arming the Syrian rebels and taking sides in that conflict?

You have referred to the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and the Ayatollahs of Iran as "a global threat, not just to Israel and the Middle East, but to the survival of Western Civilization". Why?

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October 25, 2012

Title: Obama: A Red Diaper Baby
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Does it matter who shaped the political upbringing of Barak Hussein Obama? Once President, who did Barak Hussein Obama bring to the Whitehouse as trusted advisors?

Let's take a step back and review the mentor's, the guides who molded Barack Hussein Obama's political thinking. Let's start with Ann Dunham!

What about Barack Hussein Obama's maternal Grandfather, Stanley Dunham? Does Barack Hussein Obama actually name the known communist, Frank Marshall Davis, as an important influence in his young teenage years?

Let's not forget the liberation theologian, Reverend Wright. What are the chances of someone sitting under a preacher for 20 plus years and not being influenced one way or another?

If Barack Hussein Obama is elected for a second term, would America face more of the same, less than what we have experienced, or pedal to the metal, full steam ahead with capitalism thrown overboard and a tsunami of Marxist/socialist and redistribution of wealth policies, the likes we have never seen before?

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February 7, 2012

Title: Get A Load of THIS Boney Finger Mr. President! Love, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Phyllis Schlafly answers:

Are we free to criticize our elected officials?

Do we need to listen to those who do not agree with us?

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Title: Who Are The Trusted Travelers???
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 2 of 2

Special guest Phyllis Schlafly answers:

Are we free to criticize our elected officials?

Do we need to listen to those who do not agree with us?

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