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September 25, 2014

Title: How Do We Win the War on Poverty?
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Shelby Emmett
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

A recent Rasmussen survey revealed that likely voters trust Republicans more on 9 out of 15 issues. That’s good news, right? Well, not really. The issues which voters are more likely to trust Democrats include: the environment, social security, healthcare, establishing a national energy policy, and education. Where did we go wrong?

Today’s interview with Shelby Emmett is focused on The War on Poverty. What do we have to show after 50 years and trillions of dollars, when over 70% of black children do not live in a 2-parent household and millions and millions of families are on food stamps?

Shelby says that one problem with the government’s WOP programs is that they are creating policies to deal with where people are today and not where they need to be. For example, for schools who receive extra funding for children who are in poverty, those children must remain in poverty or the school doesn’t get the extra money.

Poor people are told by the government that they are victims of their circumstances and, therefore, deserve free food and shelter and help to pay their bills. This creates more voters and more dependency. The cycle just keeps repeating itself. There is no end.

Listen in as Shelby discusses the black family 50 years ago compared to today and why LBJ really began his War on Poverty.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It's All About Perspective
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Shelby Emmett
with Project 21 (

Shelby’s grandfather was a big influencer in her life. He used to tell her: “Shelby, the only things you are entitled to are to breathe and to pay taxes. That’s it. Everything else is a luxury.” Life is hard, but it’s your choice what you do with it. Nothing is going to be handed to you on a silver platter. You don’t deserve anything unless you work hard and earn it.

Shelby comes from a single-parent household. She worked as many as three jobs to pay her way through college. She never expected the government to give her anything, and still doesn’t. She says it all comes down to individual ambition.

Listen in to hear more of Shelby’s personal story, how she overcome every obstacle to be where she is today, and gives some encouragement to parents.

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