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April 16, 2014

Title: The War on Truth
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

The “War on Women” must be a white, Anglo-Saxon Republican conspiracy to keep women barefoot, pregnant, and broke, right? NOT!!! Low Information-Americans are being manipulated.

Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Listen in as Lisa Fritsch discusses the so-called “War on Women” and just who is behind it.

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January 19, 2012

Title: Mum is the word - Silencing of the Black Conservative.
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Was Glenn Beck ahead of his time when he actually exposed the existence of Black Conservatives?

How is it possible that someone can be openly gay or homosexual, but not black conservative? Does openly tolerant mean being silent?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

Why are you viciously called a sell-out to conservatives?

How is it possible that the democrats coopted the black community?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

How can we go into a black church, a minority community, and say, “I as a conservative, stand for the following, do you agree with me and will you stand with me?”

For our listeners who want to know more about you and the cause, what is your website and the name of your great book?

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