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September 25, 2014

Title: Low Information Voters
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

Representative Debbie Riddle (Houston, District 150) is here today to discuss “low information voters” and how to right what’s wrong with America.

Debbie always thinks she has seen and heard it all, but then something comes up and she is shocked once again! Whether she is talking to college kids, environmental specialists, teachers, or stay-at-home moms, Debbie has heard some crazy talk and even crazier ideas! How does she respond to people who act like they know it all, but, in reality, know almost nothing at all?

Debbie brags a little – okay, a lot! – about the awesome, well-educated, well-informed people in District 150. She says it’s all the “others” who just don’t have a clue. Debbie says political correctness is the root of the problem. People need to start thinking for themselves and quit worrying about making somebody mad.

Listen in as Debbie discusses education, the environment, and other issues facing Texans today and what we must do to secure our future.

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April 16, 2014

Title: The War on Truth
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

The “War on Women” must be a white, Anglo-Saxon Republican conspiracy to keep women barefoot, pregnant, and broke, right? NOT!!! Low Information-Americans are being manipulated.

Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Listen in as Lisa Fritsch discusses the so-called “War on Women” and just who is behind it.

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Title: The War on Truth
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green, with Project 21, continues the discussion on the “War on Women”.

Don’t believe everything you see posted by your friends on Facebook.

Don’t believe everything you hear coming out of the Whitehouse.

You can learn more about Project 21 and the work they do to spread the Truth to voters at

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