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August 4, 2014

Title: Who Should we Help First?
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Michael Dozier
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

As Christians, we have a moral and Biblical obligation to help others. I am not disputing that. We should help the poor, the widow, the single mother, the orphans, those less fortunate than us.

In America, we have millions of people hungry. Millions of people without jobs. Millions of people on the brink of bankruptcy and in danger of losing everything they have worked so hard for.

What gives Obama the right to allow thousands upon thousands – upon hundreds of thousands – of illegal aliens the right of passage? Why do they get precedence over those already here? Why do they get free healthcare, free food, free shelter, even free toys and diapers?

Michael Dozier is a member of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, a Conservative talk show host, and a political analyst. Listen in as he explains their position on this issue and why they believe the way they do.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who Should we Help First?
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Michael Dozier
with Project 21 (

In this second segment with Michael Dozier, I ask a tough question: β€œAre blacks ignorant?”

So many blacks, and especially black Christians, still vote Democrat. These blacks do not agree with gay marriage. They are firm supporters of the pro-life movement. They are gun owners. Yet they still, consistently election after election, vote for Democrats. Why? What does Michael have to say on this issue?

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