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November 16, 2018

Title: When Quitting is a GOOD Thing
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is quitting a job sometimes a good thing?

In September 2018, over three million people quit their jobs. Why would they do that?

What is a “right to work” state?

Listen as Dr. Ginn discuses contract employees and union memberships in Texas…

Will the booming Texas economy slow down any time soon?

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August 10, 2018

Title: Where Are All the Workers?
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Alfredo Ortiz
with Job Creators Network (

Part 1 of 2

Who makes up the majority of the workforce? What are the real unemployment numbers? Should high school consider options other than a traditional college/university?

Alfredo Ortiz  is the President and CEO of Job Creators Network. Their mission is to educate members of Wall Street America while protecting the 85 million people who depend on the success of small business.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the unemployment rate at historic lows?

Listen as Alfredo shares why Bernie Marcus, one of the founders of Home Depot, started the Job Creators Network…

Do small businesses across America actually employ over 85 million workers?

Do small businesses across America create the majority of new jobs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Where Are All the Workers?
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Alfredo Ortiz
with Job Creators Network (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do small businesses create so many jobs?

What is the average age of most “trade/skill” worker? Are more needed? Listen as Alfredo discusses this in detail…

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December 16, 2015

Title: The REAL Unemployment Numbers
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Patrice Lee
with Generation Opportunity

The Millennial Jobs Report for the month of November revealed that over thirteen percent (13%) of 18-29 years olds are now unemployed. During the month of November, 1.855 Million millennials dropped out of the job market because they just simply could not find a job. This number is embarrassingly high and horrifying to imagine. In just one month, my friends. One month lost 1.855 million millennials.

Patrice Lee is the spokesperson for Generation Opportunity. Patrice explains how the “effective” unemployment rate adjusts the numbers to include those who have simply given up looking for a job. The government doesn’t like to include the effective rate because it obviously makes them look bad. Additionally, the government likes to ignore the amount of people who are working part-time but would rather be working full-time. These numbers are extremely high, as well.

Patrice also discusses why millennials are waiting longer to get married and have children because they simply cannot afford to! Student loan debt is outrageous and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon. “The cost of college sky-rocketed 500% because of the government’s intervention in the student financing model,” Patrice says. The madness needs to stop. Free college isn’t the answer. Student loan forgiveness is not an option. So, what is? Listen in as Patrice gives her opinion.

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February 19, 2014

Title: Youth Unemployment
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

The youth unemployment rate is still astonishing high. For young adults 18-29 years old, the effective unemployment rate is 15.8 percent. For the black community, it is 23.9 percent and for Hispanics it is 16.7 percent. For women ages 18-29, the effective unemployment is 13.5 percent.

The Congressional Budget Office wasn’t lying when it reported Obamacare will reduce the American workforce by an additional 2 million jobs over the next few years!

Generation Opportunity is a national, non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people through less government and more freedom.

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November 13, 2013

Title: The Economy is Still in the Tank
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Overall, the national jobless rate rose by a tenth of a percentage point to 7.3 percent. However, the “U-6” rate - the figure that includes not just those looking for work, but also those who are underworked and so despondent they are no longer looking for employment, rose two-tenths of a point to 13.8 percent.

Is there any glimmer of hope for the underemployed and the unemployed? Listen in as Derryck gives some insight.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Only 63 percent of abled-bodied people work throughout the US. To use another statistical perspective: the number of Americans now out of the labor force is over 72 million.

Black unemployment, in particular, is 13.1 percent, while black teen unemployment is 17.5 percent.

Business investment has fallen flat, but this should not worry you. Derryck Green, with Project 21, explains.

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Title: What is in Store for our Youth?
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

The overall unemployment rate for 18-29 years is a whopping 15.9 percent in America.

Many have simply given up looking for work.

When you break the numbers down by race and gender, the numbers seem even more troublesome. Listen in as Corie Whalen discusses the grim figures.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

When it comes to being underemployed or unemployed, many have simply given up hope.

For those of you in college or with young adults attending college, please listen to these segments today with an open mind and an open heart.

Is that degree you are pursuing and paying thousands and thousands of dollars for really worth it?

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