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November 6, 2015

Title: Freedom of Speech – Except for Christians
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

In a balance between two important interests – free speech on one hand and the state’s power to maintain the peace on the other – the scale is heavily weighted in favor of the First Amendment. Unless, however, that free speech is directed towards telling the truth about Jesus Christ.

In 1996, John Guandolo joined the FBI serving at the Washington Field Office. Shortly after 9/11, he began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division and is now an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

Today, John discusses a situation which occurred back in 2012, when a group of Christians attended an Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan, in hopes of spreading the Gospel to Muslims. Short story: Although they had a permit to be there, the Christians were arrested for disturbing the peace. Thankfully, the Sixth Court of Appeals just recently reversed a previous decision and ruled in favor of the Christians.

John also explains some specific laws regarding the protection of free speech. Do Muslims have the right, under free speech, to teach hatred to their followers? Do Islamist organizations have the right, under free speech, to teach men, women, and children how to overthrow the government? John encourages everyone to get informed and get involved. He believes pastors and church leaders need to be the first to step up to the plate. “Pastors should be teaching this,” he says, “not to invoke fear, but to educate….Yes, we are supposed to love our enemy. But I’ve never found anywhere in the Bible where Jesus taught that you’re supposed to be a moron.

To order a copy of John Guandolo’s book, “Raising a Jihadi Generation”, click [here].

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August 4, 2014

Title: Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

Part 1 of 3

Do Americans really need a translator to interpret what Islamic leaders are saying? How do we know the translator is legit? I know I’ve questioned the authenticity of the translation in the past.

John Guandolo is here to set the record straight. John is a former marine and FBI agent, where he was assigned to the Counterterrorism Division in WDC. He is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Al Qaeda.

John is the founder of Understanding the Threat and now uses his expertise providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state, and local leadership and agencies.

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Title: part 2 of 3 - Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

I’m sure we all agree that “Human Rights” are important – vital, in fact – to maintain a working Democracy. But when does the term “Human Rights” go too far?

Would you be surprised if I told you that most people in the US State Department have never heard of the Cairo Declaration? Have you?

The last two articles in the Cairo Declaration read: “Article 24: All rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari’ah. Article 25: The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles in this Declaration.”

Listen in as John explains how this belief is spreading – even in America. Scary stuff, people. Scary, scary stuff.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

Now, let’s discuss the newest “phobia” – Islamaphobia. The campaign is not a random occurrence but a part of an international strategy to silence truth-speaking critics of Islam. Shariah Law makes it a Capital Crime for saying anything negative about Muslims or Islam.

Why would anyone in America be ok with this – especially liberals? If they were really concerned with “gay rights”, they would be protesting Shariah Law and the spread of Islam into America faster than my grandkids could eat a slice a birthday cake!

John explains more about this new “phobia” and what it means for America. Share these segments and links with your friends. It is so important to spread the TRUTH when so many are spreading lies.

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August 22, 2013

Title: Yemeni Jihadist Killed in Louisiana – Not a Peep From M.S.M.
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

Did Main Stream Media report:

    1. A young man of Yemeni descent took hostages in a bank in St. Joseph, Louisiana, not to rob the bank or them, but to torture them?
    2. Was it reported that he traveled to Yemen earlier this summer?
    3. He was detained at the airport upon his return, but released. Where was the NSA?
    4. He had posted a Cartoon of a Hostage Joke just hours before his attack on the bank?
    5. Oh, his name was Fuaed Abdo Ahmend.

Americans died at his hands in Small Town America. But young children and old women are strip searched at our airports. And Fuaed Abdo Ahmend travels to Yemen, comes home, posts on Facebook and then kills Americans.

Listen in.

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