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December 29, 2014

Title: The UN and The Family
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Is the family defined as one natural man and one natural woman? Is this what the UN is now advocating? Wendy Wright says that finally the UN is extolling the family as essential to society. However, they are still a little confused in some other areas. Listen in as she explains how it’s not the US helping families, but rather eastern European and African countries – even some in Asia! And what about Russia?

Wendy Wright is a veteran pro-life, pro-family advocate and was named one of the “Top 10 People in 2010” by the Vatican magazine. She is now the Vice President of Outreach and Communications for the Center for Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam) in New York.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The UN and The Family
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The UN is at a crossroads: Either destroy the foundations of the family for the sake of artificial social constructs or defend the natural family as well as motherhood and fatherhood as inalienable attributes of each person.

Wendy Wright says one problem with the UN is that various countries are responsible for deciding what the top priorities are concerning Medicare and Medicaid aid over the next 15 years. Whether the UN will be a strong advocate for the traditional family or will bow to the LGBT activists will more than likely be decided in 2015, according to Wendy.

Many believe that UN decisions won’t impact our daily lives, but that is simply not true, even in the US. You can find more on pro-life, pro-family issues at

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December 18, 2014

Title: The UN and The Family
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Is the family defined as one natural man and one natural woman? Is this what the UN is now advocating? Wendy Wright says that finally the UN is extolling the family as essential to society. However, they are still a little confused in some other areas. Listen in as she explains how it’s not the US helping families, but rather eastern European and African countries – even some in Asia! And what about Russia?

Wendy Wright is a veteran pro-life, pro-family advocate and was named one of the “Top 10 People in 2010” by the Vatican magazine. She is now the Vice President of Outreach and Communications for the Center for Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam) in New York.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The UN and The Family
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The UN is at a crossroads: Either destroy the foundations of the family for the sake of artificial social constructs or defend the natural family as well as motherhood and fatherhood as inalienable attributes of each person.

Wendy Wright says one problem with the UN is that various countries are responsible for deciding what the top priorities are concerning Medicare and Medicaid aid over the next 15 years. Whether the UN will be a strong advocate for the traditional family or will bow to the LGBT activists will more than likely be decided in 2015, according to Wendy.

Many believe that UN decisions won’t impact our daily lives, but that is simply not true, even in the US. You can find more on pro-life, pro-family issues at

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October 29, 2014

Title: Obama's Monetary Ties to China and their One Child Policy
Topic: China’s One Child Policy
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Don’t ask, don’t tell – when it comes to China’s one child policy, that is. But I do have some questions, Mr. President.

First, when China has more money than America does, why are we giving an agency that works directly with China money?

Second, didn’t China rescind its one child only policy?

Wendy Wright, with the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, describes how the number of abortions and forced abortions in China have dramatically increased over the last six years, coincidentally since Obama took office. Just recently, the Obama Administration has been accused of giving $227 Million to a UN agency that facilitates China’s one child only policy.

Wendy also explains how population control advocates back in the 60’s pushed the use of sonograms to determine the sex of babies in order to encourage women in China and other countries to abort their baby if it was a girl.

What does all this mean for the unmarried men? Listen in as Wendy discusses the situation.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Obama's Monetary Ties to China and their One Child Policy
Topic: China’s One Child Policy
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

When Vice President Joe Biden was in China a few years ago, he stated that he “fully understood the one child policy” and didn’t rebuke the Chinese government at all. He tried to back pedal and say that his words were taken out of context. But when Biden was a Senator, he rejected an amendment that condemned China’s one child policy. You can’t deny the voting record, Biden. Not on this one.

In this second segment with Wendy Wright, she discusses how the Chinese government is still forcibly coercing women into having abortions, even though they have “officially” rescinded their one child only policy. Yes, it is true that they have definitely loosened the reigns in some areas of China. However, family planning agents make insane amounts of money by fining people who “break the law” by having more than one child.

Wendy also explains how the UNFPA (The United Nations Population Fund) has been using American tax dollars to help fund family planning agencies in China. But wait! I thought that our tax dollars weren’t supposed to help fund China’s one child only policy! Listen in to hear how the UNFPA is “getting around” this law.

FACT: Those who are considered “peasants” in China can be fined up to 10 times their annual salary if they have more than one child.

You can learn more on this issue at

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May 30, 2014

Title: The Push for LGBT Rights Across the Globe
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The United States chose the International Day of Families to release a statement on “homophobia and transphobia.” Christian, Jewish, Muslim, academic, and civil society leaders at UN headquarters recently spoke about the virtues of the family for every society.

Several leaders attributed male and female distinctions, particularly in parenting, for its success in forming healthy individuals and societies. One even warned that, despite agreement that unifies people around the globe, the family and the concept of male and female are “under attack.”

What’s up with this push for LGBT rights across the globe, especially in the United States?

Listen in as Wendy Wright with The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute discusses this serious issue.

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May 15, 2012

Title: UK Government Funds Forced Sterilizations in India - No Controversy?
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Wendy Wright answers:

Why does their department of international development recommends continued support forced sterilization?

Should our listeners understand that the leadership in environmental movement are all about reducing human population?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Is there any proof that the U.S is funding the forced sterilizations of men and women in India?

Melinda Gates will be hosting this family planning summit in London this July - she calls it "No Controversy" - What's Up with this curious name?

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January 11, 2010

Topic: Celebrity News
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Was Brit Hume right about Tiger Woods needing to find God? Can he repair his relationship with his wife? Log on to for more.

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September 25, 2008

Title: Religious Leftists Host Dinner for Ahmadinejad
Topic: Religious Left
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America – – discusses how the Religious Left ignore the outrageous human rights violations of Iran and its president, Ahmadinejad, while honoring him as a key note speaker recently in NYC.

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March 12, 2008

Title: Take Action Today to Protect Your Teens
Topic: Sex Education
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

One in four teens HAS a sexually transmitted disease. Let that number soak in: 1 in 4. Let the tense of the verb soak in: HAS. We are failing our children. Wendy Wright, the President of Concerned Women for America discusses this issue honestly and frankly. Now, it’s up to us to begin protecting our children and grandchildren. For more log onto

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November 21, 2007

Title: New study shows: abstinence education delays sexual behavior.
Topic: Abstinence Education
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

New study concludes abstinence education is effective. Democrats want to cut its funding – go figure!

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June 29, 2007

Title: Why Push Death?
Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

President Bush fulfilled his promise to veto the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007. But why are so many Democrats and Republicans wanting the tax payer to fund research that venture capitalist avoid? If the “money people” do not see profit in future, why should Congress force the tax payer to pay for it? Is there more to this than just research – could it be the philosophy of death?

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April 11, 2007

Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Why should you and I have to pay to kill babies? Please call Senators Hutchison and Cornyn to let them know how you feel about tax dollars being spent to kill innocent new lives. Log onto for more on this and other issues.

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January 23, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Michael Savage did not oppose the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007. Was he wrong on this issue?

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May 26, 2006

Topic: Fetal Pain
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Is the "Unborn Child Pain Protection Act" needed to protect a soon to be aborted baby? Will the passage save some babies? How God must be crying over America?

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November 30, 2005

Title: Ayotte V. Planned Parenthood
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

First, what is the difference between consent and notification? Now, what is the difference between life of the mother and health of the mother? Wendy Wright, the Executive VP of Concerned Women for America, also answeres "What's Up with Ayotte V. Planned Parenthood.

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November 4, 2005

Title: Is the Food and Drug Administration independent of politics?
Topic: Morning After Pill
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Wendy Wright explains the mission, the purpose, and the focus of the FDA. She answers: "Is the FDA independent of politics?" And: "Is a pending bill in Washington, D.C. an attempt to politicize the oversite process of the FDA?" Is this battle just about selling abortion and sex to Americans?

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July 14, 2005

Title: America Deceived on Purpose!
Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Is America being deceived about the hope of miracle cures from embryonic stem cell research? Who is behind the deception and why? What happened recently in the US House? What's happening in the US Senate? How can we pray?

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May 24, 2005

Title: I, Terry Lowry, think the government should allow me to come and take your heart!
Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

When should I be allowed to take your heart? 1. Whenever I need it? 2. After you die a natural death? 3. If you get cancer or some other... 4. When you are a baby? 5. While you are in your mother's womb? 6. When you are in a test tube? Really, when is it OK for me to take your heart?

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May 10, 2005

Title: Some just cut her up and have her delivered back home.
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The abortionist wants to continue cutting into your minor daughter and then just have her delivered back to your home to deal with any consequences - all without your permission beforehand. What do you think?

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