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March 10, 2005

Title: First Amendment Right for ALL Churches
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Congressman (R-NC) Walter Jones
with Elected Officials

The Reverand Martin Luther King, Jr. insisted that: "The Church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the State, but rather the conscience of the State. It must be the guide and the critic of the State, and never its tool." Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) has re-introduced HR235, The Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act" to Congress. Call your Congressperson and see if they are either co-sponsoring or supporting this bill. The main phone number is 202.224.3121. Call Congressman Tom DeLay at 202.235.4000 to encourage a floor vote of this bill. Call the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, and urge him to bring a floor vote for this bill - 202.235.0600.

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