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December 6, 2022

Title: Court Rules in Favor of Religious Liberty
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

The Obama Administration mandated (forced) every medical professional nationwide to perform gender transitions on any patient – including children.

Dr. Jeff Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Today, Dr. Barrows discusses this horrific mandate and why the CMDA has been fighting it for six years.

Click here for the latest from the CMDA.

Click here for more information about the HHS Transgender Mandate.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was an injunction in place protecting medical professionals from being forced to go against their conscience or sincerely held religious beliefs while the case worked its way through the courts?

How did the CMDA prevail in a lower Federal Court and at an appeals court?

Why has the United Kingdom shut down its state-run youth gender-transition clinic? Dr. Barrows explains that it all began with a lawsuit based on scientific facts from a young female who transitioned into a male with help from the clinic.

SHOCKING: Did the New York Times recently report evidence of potential harm caused by the use of puberty blockers in children and teens?

What are the two main arguments the CMDA used in their lawsuit against the HHS Transgender mandate from the Obama Administration?

Should Texas and other states seek to pass legislation protecting minors from sex-change procedures? Dr. Barrows discusses how science now proves that permanent harm is being done to children and teens through the use of puberty blockers – and that is why they will keep fighting.

Click here to help the Christian Medical and Dental Association as they educate, encourage, and equip Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God.

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August 18, 2022

Title: Do Most Healthcare Professionals Support the Left’s Radical Transgender Agenda?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Biden Administration is attempting to coerce the public into believing all healthcare professionals support the Left’s radical transgender agenda.

Dr. Jeffrey Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Today, Dr. Barrows responds to inaccurate claims by Biden’s Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary regarding “gender-affirming care”.

Click here to read the CMDA’s position and public statements on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine inaccurately claim in a recent NPR interview? Dr. Barrows quotes Rachel and then says: “This is dangerous. It is wrong. And it is not based on science.”

Is there consensus in the medical community about the “value and the importance of gender-affirming care”?

Should gender-affirming care be promoted by the federal government? SHORT ANSWER: Absolutely Not! Dr. Barrows goes to further explain the lies that Rachel Levine is spreading…

Is the Biden administration attempting to coerce the public and bully healthcare professionals into not questioning support for gender-affirming care? Dr. Barrows explains Rule 1557 within the Affordable Care Act, which Rachel Levine is basically weaponizing…

Does the Christian Medical and Dental Associations have a professional obligation to question an ideology not based on scientific evidence that puts patients in harm’s way?

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July 20, 2022

Title: Do Most Healthcare Professionals Support the Left’s Radical Transgender Agenda?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Biden Administration is attempting to coerce the public into believing all healthcare professionals support the Left’s radical transgender agenda.

Dr. Jeffrey Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Today, Dr. Barrows responds to inaccurate claims by Biden’s Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary regarding “gender-affirming care”.

Click here to read the CMDA’s position and public statements on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine inaccurately claim in a recent NPR interview? Dr. Barrows quotes Rachel and then says: “This is dangerous. It is wrong. And it is not based on science.”

Is there consensus in the medical community about the “value and the importance of gender-affirming care”?

Should gender-affirming care be promoted by the federal government? SHORT ANSWER: Absolutely Not! Dr. Barrows goes to further explain the lies that Rachel Levine is spreading…

Is the Biden administration attempting to coerce the public and bully healthcare professionals into not questioning support for gender-affirming care? Dr. Barrows explains Rule 1557 within the Affordable Care Act, which Rachel Levine is basically weaponizing…

Does the Christian Medical and Dental Associations have a professional obligation to question an ideology not based on scientific evidence that puts patients in harm’s way?

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June 23, 2022

Title: Christian Doctors Say NO to Biden’s LGBTQ Executive Order
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Dr. Jeffrey Barrows is the Senior Vice President of Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Today, Dr. Barrows discusses CMDA’s response to Joe Biden’s Executive Order “Advancing LGBTQ Equality”. CMDA protests this EO because of its gender-affirming care and therapy bans, which completely disregards the full body of medical research and puts already at-risk youth at even greater risk.

Click here to read more from Dr. Jeff Barrows.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will President Biden’s new Executive Order claiming to prevent youth suicide within the gender-questioning community do more harm than good?

Biden’s new Executive Order bans therapeutic counseling for both adults and children who are questioning their gender. What is the CMDA’s professional and medical stance on therapeutic counseling? Dr. Barrows reveals what studies in Sweden and Finland have discovered…

Is the Biden Administration ignoring the facts and abandoning best practices that actually work to help young adults?

Do nearly 90% of youth that suffer with gender dysphoria “normalize” in adulthood?

Does research show the overwhelming majority of gender dysphoric/transgender-identified youth have pre-existing mental health issues that predate their gender dysphoria rather than being caused by it? Dr. Barrows reveals that nearly 70% of children/youth who have gender dysphoria already exhibited mental health issues.

Are more and more millennials identifying as LGBTQ due to grooming and recruiting? Dr. Barrows discusses “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”.

Should public school libraries provide pro-gay books and material to children K-12?

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May 25, 2022

Title: Do Most Healthcare Professionals Support the Left’s Radical Transgender Agenda?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Biden Administration is attempting to coerce the public into believing all healthcare professionals support the Left’s radical transgender agenda.

Dr. Jeffrey Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Today, Dr. Barrows responds to inaccurate claims by Biden’s Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary regarding “gender-affirming care”.

Click here to read the CMDA’s position and public statements on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine inaccurately claim in a recent NPR interview? Dr. Barrows quotes Rachel and then says: “This is dangerous. It is wrong. And it is not based on science.”

Is there consensus in the medical community about the “value and the importance of gender-affirming care”?

Should gender-affirming care be promoted by the federal government? SHORT ANSWER: Absolutely Not! Dr. Barrows goes to further explain the lies that Rachel Levine is spreading…

Is the Biden administration attempting to coerce the public and bully healthcare professionals into not questioning support for gender-affirming care? Dr. Barrows explains Rule 1557 within the Affordable Care Act, which Rachel Levine is basically weaponizing…

Does the Christian Medical and Dental Associations have a professional obligation to question an ideology not based on scientific evidence that puts patients in harm’s way?

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May 24, 2021

Title: Saving Babies: Conscience Laws at Risk
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Proverbs 28:4 “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them.”

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently proposed a Title X family planning program rule that would "gut conscience protections," according to Dr. Jeffrey Barrows, Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association.

Click here for more information on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “conscience protection”?

Have conscience laws, like the Weldon Amendment and Case-Church Amendment, been on the books for decades?

What is Title X? Who receives funding under the law?

How does it protect women and babies in addition to medical service providers?

What is the “Protect Life Rule”? How did President Trump help save more babies?

Can President Biden override Title X with an Executive Order?

Would the proposed rule force Christian pregnancy clinics to refer women to abortion clinics?

Currently, can organizations who receive Title X dollars use those funds to promote/provide abortions?

Why is the CMDA opposing this proposed rule change? What actions are they taking to fight it?

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March 9, 2021

Title: Vaccines: Should Christians Take Them?
Topic: Vaccine Debate
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Dr. Jeff Barrows is the Senior Vice President of Bioethics and Public Policy for the Christian Medical & Dental Association. Today he discusses some ethical questions many Christians have regarding vaccines.

For more on vaccines from the CMDA, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should individuals have the right to accept or decline a vaccine?

Do some vaccines use abortion-derived fetal cell lines? NOTE: Not just “some” vaccines. ALL of the leading and available vaccines use abortion-derived fetal cell lines.

If a vaccine has been developed, tested, or produced with technology that an individual deems morally unacceptable, can that individual refuse that vaccine?

Should researchers abandon the use of abortion-derived cells?

Should the government respect our conscience rights? Dr. Barrows uses the Equality Act as an example of what the government should NOT be doing regarding our personal beliefs and decisions.

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November 2, 2020

Title: Democrats Hate Babies Born Alive
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Is President Trump truly pro-life? You decide for yourself! Listen to this interview and share it on social media to let your friends know the TRUTH.

Today, Dr. Jeff Barrows discusses the Presidential Executive Order guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive. Dr. Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have babies who have been born alive after an abortion been left to die without receiving life-sustaining care by medical professionals? Have some babies actually been killed by abortionists when they have been born alive?

Have the abortion lobby allies in Congress actually filibustered measures in the Senate to block passage of a fundamental human rights bill? Dr. Barrows discusses the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. What happened to this bill?

What did President Donald Trump recently do in regards to guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive, regardless of disability or other factors?

Is President Trump the most pro-life President America has ever had?

Did the MSM ignore President Trump’s recent Executive Order?

Aren’t doctors supposed to practice “do no harm”? Should this apply to ALL human life?

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October 23, 2020

Title: Democrats Hate Babies Born Alive
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Is President Trump truly pro-life? You decide for yourself! Listen to this interview and share it on social media to let your friends know the TRUTH.

Today, Dr. Jeff Barrows discusses the Presidential Executive Order guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive. Dr. Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have babies who have been born alive after an abortion been left to die without receiving life-sustaining care by medical professionals? Have some babies actually been killed by abortionists when they have been born alive?

Have the abortion lobby allies in Congress actually filibustered measures in the Senate to block passage of a fundamental human rights bill? Dr. Barrows discusses the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. What happened to this bill?

What did President Donald Trump recently do in regards to guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive, regardless of disability or other factors?

Is President Trump the most pro-life President America has ever had?

Did the MSM ignore President Trump’s recent Executive Order?

Aren’t doctors supposed to practice “do no harm”? Should this apply to ALL human life?

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October 5, 2020

Title: Democrats Hate Babies Born Alive
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Is President Trump truly pro-life? You decide for yourself! Listen to this interview and share it on social media to let your friends know the TRUTH.

Today, Dr. Jeff Barrows discusses the Presidential Executive Order guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive. Dr. Barrows is the Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy with the Christian Medical and Dental Association.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have babies who have been born alive after an abortion been left to die without receiving life-sustaining care by medical professionals? Have some babies actually been killed by abortionists when they have been born alive?

Have the abortion lobby allies in Congress actually filibustered measures in the Senate to block passage of a fundamental human rights bill? Dr. Barrows discusses the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. What happened to this bill?

What did President Donald Trump recently do in regards to guaranteeing appropriate medical care for babies born alive, regardless of disability or other factors?

Is President Trump the most pro-life President America has ever had?

Did the MSM ignore President Trump’s recent Executive Order?

Aren’t doctors supposed to practice “do no harm”? Should this apply to ALL human life?

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June 30, 2020

Title: YouTube Censoring Free Speech
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

However, this law apparently does not apply to Google, YouTube, or other social media platforms.

Dr. Jeff Barrows is the Executive Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy for CMDA and an OBGYN physician.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Walt Heyer? Did he recently give a video testimony about gender dysphoria?

What did Walk Heyer say that resulted in YouTube classifying the video as hate speech? Six Words: “This is a childhood development disorder.”

Is there inadequate medical science supporting cross-sex hormones and the use of sex reassignment surgery as therapy for gender dysphoria?

Has YouTube removed and censored videos in the past that do not align with the Left’s narrative? Do the majority of children/teens who believe they are “in the wrong body” simply “grow out of it”?

What should parents do (and NOT do) if their child believes they are “in the wrong body”?

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