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September 17, 2019

Title: Student Lawsuit Against UT
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Tim Snowball
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Three University of Texas students fear investigation and punishment by university officials if they discuss topics like immigration, affirmative action, the Second Amendment, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and President Donald Trump on campus.

Attorney Tim Snowball is with the Pacific Legal Foundation. Tim encourages everyone to get involved, even if you don’t have children in college. This is happening all across the country and we must put a stop to it now. Click the link above for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are college campus speech policies silencing Progressive Liberal ideas?

Are college campus speech policies silencing Conservative ideas?

Are campus speech policies silencing a Christian’s ability to share the gospel?

Just how ridiculous are “free speech rights” becoming on college campuses? Listen close!!! This will make your blood pressure spike!

Tim Snowball explains more about the lawsuit against UT…

Has intolerance of Conservative thought/ideas been growing for years?

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