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March 6, 2020

Title: California is Going Nuts Again!
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

Brad Dacus and the Pacific Justice Institute Center for Public Policy are outwardly opposing new legislation that threatens to fine retailers for separating boys’ and girls’ clothing, toys, and other childcare products.

Brad has more details about this ridiculous law – just one more to add from the crazies in California…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is so wrong with separate areas, isles, and/or shelves for boy’s and girl’s clothing, toys, and other childcare products?

Does a lack of gender identity actually harm children?

Does such a law violate free speech rights?

Good News: Legislation similar to this rarely survive First Amendment court challenges! Brad explains why he is optimistic that justice will once again prevail…

What groups are behind this push? What is their end-game?

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January 14, 2020

Title: UPDATE: Pastor vs Drag Queen Story Hour
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Today, Brad Dacus offers an update on Pastor Afshin Yaghtin, who was arrested after he questioned the police’s favorable treatment of supporters and unfavorable treatment of anyone they perceived to be non-supportive of a Drag Queen Story Hour at a Spokane library.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Pastor Afshin Yaghtin? What did he do that was so horrible?

Why the vendetta against Afshin? Why not focus on murderers and rapists?

Why is it so important to be proactive (not pushy) on issues like this? Terry shares a personal story…

Are Drag Queen Story Hours becoming more popular across the nation – even in Texas?

Click here  to help support the PJI in their efforts to keep our schools, libraries, and entire county safe. They have a plethora of free materials available to parents. Check them out today.

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July 1, 2019

Title: Pastor Rejects Drag Queen Hour
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is now representing a pastor in Washington State facing criminal charges in connection with a drag queen event. Brad Dacus, the President of PJI, gives the details of the case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the underling purpose for Drag Queens to invade public libraries to read to young children, some in the laps of the readers?

Listen as Brad Dacus reveals the facts around the pastor who wanted to witness Drag Queen Story Hour in Spokane, Washington.

Was the pastor profiled by his looks, mannerisms, or something else?

Should a Christian disobey a direct police order to vacate the premises?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pastor Rejects Drag Queen Hour
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Terry shares about the time he was banned from a school board meeting in Cypress, TX, because he protested sex-ed material being distributed on campuses. This is no different than how the pastor in Spokane, Washington is being treated.

Brad also reminds parents that PJI has FREE and LEGAL “opt-out forms”  on their website.

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October 7, 2016

Title: October is LGBTQ Month in America
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

October is LGBTQ Month in America. What can we celebrate? Drag Queens, Exotic Dancers, and a Gay President James Buchanan. No this is not a joke. Each school day during October, students in many schools across America will be instructed, indoctrinated, inculcated, and coached into loving and emulating queer role models.

Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, is here today to discuss why parents must become actively engaged NOW before it’s too late. Or is it already too late?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are some of the role models paraded before America’s children?

Are these isolated events or across the nation?

What is the responsibility of Christian Parents? What should they do? Do they even know about the issue???

For more information on this issue and for FREE weekly emails, click here.

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July 20, 2016

Title: Free Speech – Except for Christians
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

This week, the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) got another victory for the unqualified free speech right to preach the Gospel.

Brad Dacus founded PJI in 1997 with the hopes of defending religious liberties and parental rights to those who cannot afford to fight on their own. PJI now has hundreds of volunteer attorneys who handle more cases than any other organization on the West Coast.

The case which we are celebrating victory over today involves a street preacher, Brother Adelmo, from San Diego. Listen in as Brad Dacus shares those details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What rights do street preachers have under the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

Were those passing by troubled by the messenger or the message?

Why take a case representing a street preacher?

Is this a message of persistence….don’t give up…don’t give in…stand your ground?

Are there other stories of Christians winning battles? Why don’t we hear about these stories from the MSM – or even Fox News? Brad Dacus believes that we must have a prayerful revival in this country. Christians must also get out and vote in mass for Conservative candidates this November.

If you aren’t sure if you are registered to vote where you live, click here to check and update your information if needed.

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