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December 1, 2022

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 23, 2022

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 26, 2021

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 25, 2021

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 30, 2018

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 7, 2018

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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September 11, 2015

Title: Has Congress Gone Deaf?
Topic: Congress and Money
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Congress just doesn’t seem to care about the government deficit anymore. The next session begins in October and they better do something about the ever-increasing debt this country has – or else many will be back working in the private sector come 2016.

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American EncoreHe is also the author of Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session,  which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare. Patrick discusses what passing a budget entails and how it’s not as easy as you may think. However, Congress does like to drag their feet and bicker over every little line item, which prolongs the process and infuriates everyone. “What we’re lacking right now is principal members,” Patrick declares. And he’s right.

But even if Congress does pass a good budget, Obama has threatened a veto if it doesn’t increase federal spending. Why can’t Obama and his minions realize we cannot afford to increase spending? We need to cut the budget! We need to reduce our deficit dramatically! Listen in as Patrick Hedger explains the “Penny Plan” which could easily decrease the deficit and balance the budget in less than two years! Why can’t Congress understand this simple plan?

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August 20, 2015

Title: The Art of Buying Votes
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Part 1 of 2

Back in the Wild, Wild West, the sale of liquor was prohibited on Election Day so candidates couldn’t “buy” a person’s vote with a shot of whiskey. Now, in modern America, there are many strict rules regarding the issue of “buying votes”. But, once again, the rules don’t appear to apply to Hillary Clinton.

Patrick Hedger, the Policy Director for American Encore  says, “This is a wicked phenomenon and it is one of the major faults with a Democracy.” The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to not only give religious freedom to all Americans, but also limit the power of the government.

Tune in to the next segment with Patrick as he continues to discuss the rules and regulations concerning campaign do’s and don’ts and what Hillary is doing wrong now (but the MSM will never report on!).

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Art of Buying Votes
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Hillary Clinton is at it once again. This time, she’s after college kids. Patrick Hedger reveals information regarding a study by the New York Federal Reserve. This study found that for every dollar the Federal Government gives to colleges and universities in the form of loans to students, tuition increases by 65 cents! And of course, Hillary has a plan to help these poor, pitiful, broke college kids – but is it a good plan or just reshuffling the money flow?

It’s not the taxpayer’s responsibility to pay the tuition for every student who wishes to go to college. Students need to grow up and take responsibility for their own future. Students need to forget that degree in Liberal Arts or Human Sexuality and consider attending a trade school; very little debt and a job with great pay is ready and waiting as soon as the completion papers are signed.

For more on this and other issues, click [here].

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August 11, 2015

Title: Discussion on Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Part 1 of 2

We cannot all do everything, but we can all do something. In my opinion, the most important thing all citizens of America can and should do is vote. But is The Donald worthy of our vote?

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. First, Patrick tackles Trump’s opinion on economic policy. “Trump has expressed support for massive tax hikes and government takeover of the healthcare sector,” Patrick points out.

He also explains Trump’s proposal concerning China and placing tariffs on their exports. All the financial burden would actually be placed on the American consumer! Plus, China would turn around and place a higher tariff percentage on us! This is why we don’t like Obama! Insanity is repeating the same mistake over and over again, people. Insanity.

Tune in to the next segment as Patrick Hedger discusses Donald Trump’s position on other issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Discussion on Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

We all know Donald Trump’s position on illegal immigration. I think it’s great! But being the President of the United States is much, much more than just placing restrictions on immigration and building a brick wall along the border.

Trump’s position on healthcare: IN FAVOR of a single-payer healthcare system for ALL Americans, similar to Canada and Great Britain.

Trump’s position on abortion: He is on the record stating he is PRO-CHOICE.

Trump’s position on taxes: IN FAVOR of massive tax-hikes for all Americans.

Like you, Patrick is a firm believer in free speech, free markets, respect for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, respect for property rights, and due process of law. “We need to get back to these things and elect people who want to champion them,” he says. Trump will not be a good choice for President, in his opinion.

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June 24, 2015

Title: Coal vs. Wind and Solar: The Real Truth
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

Most people agree that government subsidies – paid for by the taxpayers – should not exist, especially for expensive, alternative energy companies. For example, Tesla, SpaceX, and Solar City head Elon Musk has received nearly $5 billion in combined support for his companies, as reported by the New York Times in article found [here].  And, of course, Musk is claiming that oil and gas companies receive 1,000s more in subsidies, but that is a downright lie!

Sean Noble, President of American Encore, discusses how the cost for coal, oil, and gas are measured as compared to wind and solar. Wind costs $3.83 per million BTU’s and solar costs $18.64 per million BTU’s. Wow. Those are huge numbers when you look at coal, oil, and gas at a mere $0.05 per million BTU’s. Yes, that is five cents. A nickel.

There isn’t a single individual who has received more direct subsidies or tax credit from the federal government since Obama has been President than Elon Musk,” Sean Noble says. He even believes that Elon Musk is “the worst example in the history of the United States of crony capitalism.”

Sean and others long for an open debate on this issue. “We have to get out of this game of picking winners and losers and shoveling taxpayer money to inefficient means of energy production,” he states. Learn more on this important topic at American Encore.

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March 26, 2015

Title: Free Speech on the Internet
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

The hard working men and women at American Encore are dedicated to furthering the ideas of American exceptionalism, free speech, fiscal responsibility, and a return to American greatness. Sean Noble, President and Founder of American Encore, believes that if you do the right thing, good things will follow. That is why he is doing all he can to stop the FCC and their control over the internet. “The more we speak, the harder it is to shut us down,” Sean says.

When it comes to free speech, should people be allowed to voice their opinion without retribution? For example, let’s say you post a meme on Facebook making fun of Obama or Hillary Clinton or you retweet an article on Twitter which condemns Obamacare. The FEC – The Federal Election Committee – wants to force you to register as a “political committee” and submit all your posts, letters, emails, to them for review.

This does not only apply to big newspapers, PACs, or other organizations. They are coming after you – the individual, just spreading the word on social media.

Sean Noble believes that the left is using the FEC and FCC to shut the Republicans down. Plain and simple. “They don’t have control anymore and they are scared,” he laments. People don’t get their news information strictly from ABC or NBC anymore. The internet is quickly becoming the number one source for news and information.

To get updates from American Encore and to join the fight for freedom, click [here].

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March 24, 2015

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Communism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

When the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, they believed that a communist-type of government was the right path to follow. They decided to pull all their efforts together to form a community which helped others. Sounds great, in theory. But, just like every other time in history when this has been attempted, it failed. Miserably. In fact, many starved to death.

The welfare program in America is a perfect example of government overreach. Too many people – families – have been allowed to remain on welfare assistance for too long. They have no desire to work. They don’t even try to find a job. They sit at home and mooch off the government year after year, generation after generation.

Patrick Hedger, the Policy Director at American Encore, reviews the bill passed by Congress in 1996 concerning the growing number of people on welfare. What did they want the recipients to do? It wasn’t rocket science, I’ll tell you that!

Now, fast-forward to today… Since Obama took office in 2009, welfare applicants have increased drastically, mainly because Obama eliminated the work requirement signed in 1996! Now, the Obama administration is attempting to suspend work requirements for the TANF program, as well.

Patrick Hedger weighs the benefits and disadvantages of hiring a senior citizen against a teenager or college grad. Sometimes it’s just a no-brainer. So, what’s the solution? How can we jump-start the economy and get our young people more jobs?

Patrick encourages everyone to call or email their elected officials, urging them to vote in favor of HR1179, the Preserving the Work Requirement for Welfare Act, sponsored by Representative Tom Reed (R-NY) and cosponsored by Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI).

To email your representative on this issue, click [here].  It’s quick and painless!

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February 19, 2015

Title: What is Most Important to You?
Topic: Keystone Pipeline
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

The Economy. Obamacare. ISIS. Education. The Keystone Pipeline. What is important to you? Or, maybe the question should be: What should be important to you?

When it comes to the Keystone Pipeline, many people tune out. They don’t care. Patrick Hedger says they should most definitely care! This issue not only effects the oil and gas industry, it effects America as a whole. It effects our entire way of life.

This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he says. The Obama administration has placed so many mandates on companies that they simply cannot function properly, the way that they were meant to. That is why allowing the completion of the Keystone Pipeline is so essential. Listen in as Patrick Hedger explains the correlation. Don’t be afraid to call your Congressman and tell them what your most important issue it. They want to know, but they won’t know unless you tell them!

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January 8, 2015

Title: Picking Winners and Losers
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Millions of people will get a shock this year when they process their taxes. There are 20 new tax increases thanks to Obamacare, even though Obama and his minions promised that the bill was not a tax revenue bill. If you recall, those who have not purchased healthcare under Obamacare will have to pay a fine when they file their taxes.

Another issue concerning Obama is the number of donors who are now turning their back on him. They now see that Obama is picking winners and losers, specifically in the oil and gas industry. To say they are disgruntled would be an understatement. Hopefully this will push some of the middle-of-the-road Democrats to side with the Republicans in the upcoming 2015 session.

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director of American Encore, an organization dedicated to defending freedom, promoting free markets, expanding economic opportunity, and making the case for the American ideals of liberty and democracy, both at home and abroad. Learn more at

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December 26, 2014

Title: What Does America's Future Look Like?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

Is it all over? Can America survive the current mess we are in? Has the President been acting like a dictator? Will the new Congress be able to stop Obama from destroying our country even further?

Sean Noble, the President of American Encore, says that it is so important for people to really understand who they are voting for. Low-information voters are really what is causing the majority of issues we are experiencing in today’s society.

The name “American Encore” is a reflection of their vision. They believe that American can become great again. They believe that our best days lay ahead. Listen in as he explains their mission, what needs to happen in America, and the future of our great nation. Log on to

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