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July 16, 2019

Title: Electricity Freedom on Demand
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The U.S. will soon dominate the global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market. But some, specifically in New York City, are working hard to stop our success and growth.

Kathleen White is the Director of their Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Kathleen will be discussing “Electricity Freedom on Demand” today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is access to reliable, affordable electricity a key stepping-stone in leaving poverty and poor health behind?

Since 2008, has oil and gas production in the US risen, remained flat, or declined?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Electricity Freedom on Demand
Topic: Not Enough Gas in NY
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The US is poised to become the world’s leader in exporting Liquified Natural Gas.

Politically, what does this mean for our allies?

Politically, what does this do to our enemies?

Some communities around NYC have stopped issuing new natural gas hookups to homes, apartment complexes, and new business/retail centers because of the lack of natural gas supplies in NY. Is this a Democrat/environmentalist-made crisis?

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May 31, 2019

Title: Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Climate policies aim to increase the price of energy in order to decrease the consumption of energy. Dissolution of existing energy systems, without comparable alternatives, risks imposing acute energy austerity that could push middle- and low-income families back into preindustrial living conditions already re-emerging in some European countries.

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment and a Senior Fellow for the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She will be discussing the recent report by the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.

You can read Kathleen’s article on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the world getting better all the time?

Are there fewer energy-poor people across the globe? If so, why?

Will liberal/socialist climate change “solutions” halt the progress against world poverty?

How does the air and water quality in Texas currently rank?

The UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent special report proposes a carbon tax of $135 to $5,500 per ton of emissions of greenhouse gases, which could potentially raise the price of gasoline to a whopping $49 per gallon. That’s not $4.90 per gallon but $49 per gallon of gasoline. Elites could pay that without batting an eye, but what about all the rest of us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents need to be aware of what their children in public schools (and even some private schools!) are being taught about climate change and global warming?

Will the world run out of food? Is everyone going to die soon because of climate change?

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April 1, 2019

Title: Why Should You Pay More: Democrats Ruin Our Freedoms?
Topic: Why Should You Pay More?
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Against heavy odds and in a relatively short period of time, the US overtook the USSR and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s leader of oil and natural gas. Will Democrats and their socialist allies sabotage our freedoms, disregard our hard work, stifle our innovations, and replace courage with government mandates?

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment and a Senior Fellow for the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What advantages are available to the US consumer when energy supplies are reliable, abundant, and affordable?

Did oil and gas supplies transform American agriculture and manufacturing?

Did reliable and affordable electricity transform the American home?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Should You Pay More: Democrats Ruin Our Freedoms?
Topic: Why Should You Pay More?
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How has our standard of living increased with the use of oil and gas products?

Is our lifestyle in America directly related to our dependency on reliable, abundant, and affordable energy?

Do we, in America, really know the hardships Venezuelans are facing daily?

Why have many European countries restricted the use of oil and gas? Are their citizens suffering? Is electricity now a luxury in Europe?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Should You Pay More: Democrats Ruin Our Freedoms?
Topic: Why Should You Pay More?
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do billions of people around the global lack access to reliable, abundant, and affordable energy?

Will Democrats and their socialist allies sabotage our freedoms, disregard our hard work, stifle our innovations, and replace courage with government mandates?

Will these mandates be so inhospitable to capital formation that drillers, wildcatters, builders, and risk-takers simply retire or ride off into the sunset never to put the shoulder to drill bit again in America?

Do Americans have a Constitutional right to access reliable, abundant, and affordable energy?

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February 12, 2019

Title: Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Climate policies aim to increase the price of energy in order to decrease the consumption of energy. Dissolution of existing energy systems, without comparable alternatives, risks imposing acute energy austerity that could push middle- and low-income families back into preindustrial living conditions already re-emerging in some European countries.

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment and a Senior Fellow for the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She will be discussing the recent report by the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.

You can read Kathleen’s article on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the world getting better all the time?

Are there fewer energy-poor people across the globe? If so, why?

Will liberal/socialist climate change “solutions” halt the progress against world poverty?

How does the air and water quality in Texas currently rank?

The UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent special report proposes a carbon tax of $135 to $5,500 per ton of emissions of greenhouse gases, which could potentially raise the price of gasoline to a whopping $49 per gallon. That’s not $4.90 per gallon but $49 per gallon of gasoline. Elites could pay that without batting an eye, but what about all the rest of us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents need to be aware of what their children in public schools (and even some private schools!) are being taught about climate change and global warming?

Will the world run out of food? Is everyone going to die soon because of climate change?

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August 30, 2018

Title: The Shale Revolution
Topic: Natural Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Is Western Europe too dependent on natural oil from Russia?

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Russia still unfairly dominating the natural gas export business in Western Europe?

Several years ago, America was importing 60% of our natural gas from other countries. Is this the norm now, or has the number decreased dramatically?

What is the Shale Revolution?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Shale Revolution
Topic: Natural Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could Texas and the US export large amounts of natural gas to Western Europe and Asia?

Two Texas Congressman are proposing new legislation to expedite the development of new natural gas export facilities. Listen as Kathleen White explains what plans are in place and how Trump can help speed the process along.

Can fracking and the abundance of natural gas in Texas help the world?

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June 28, 2017

Title: The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The population of Texas could double by 2050, says a report released by the Office of the State Demographer. If this happens, the Texas population would swell to 54.4 million. What does this mean for the Texas water supply?

Kathleen White has some answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Without water at an affordable price, will people move to Texas? Will they stay?

Can our current water system support a major increase in population?

In “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”, written by guest Kathleen White, one statement stands out: “Every other boom in human history eventually hit a wall and then declined because resources dwindled –whether timber, cropland, pasture, labor, water, or peat [fuel source].” Listen as she explains this statement.

Thirty years from now, without planning now for new water sources, will there be enough water for a population that is expected to be twice as large as it is now?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do most Texans obtain their water today?

Who owns the water underground? Kathleen discusses a twenty-year-old piece of Legislation that is not only outdated, but just doesn’t make sense. She also discusses how property rights filter into the equation.

In Texas, are we beginning to stop the use of ground water? Are we going too far in restricting the use of ground water?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With all the regulations set by the EPA on how, when, and where we can obtain water, what are some of our options for the future?

Can water be transferred from one basin to another in Texas? SHORT ANSWER: Nope! Listen as Kathleen explains why in more detail.

Kathleen was a co-author of “The Case for a Texas Water Market”. Without changes to current laws and regulations, will Texas be prepared to supply water for the needs of homes, businesses, and industry in the year 2050?

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May 18, 2017

Title: The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The population of Texas could double by 2050, says a report released by the Office of the State Demographer. If this happens, the Texas population would swell to 54.4 million. What does this mean for the Texas water supply?

Kathleen White has some answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Without water at an affordable price, will people move to Texas? Will they stay?

Can our current water system support a major increase in population?

In “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”, written by guest Kathleen White, one statement stands out: “Every other boom in human history eventually hit a wall and then declined because resources dwindled –whether timber, cropland, pasture, labor, water, or peat [fuel source].” Listen as she explains this statement.

Thirty years from now, without planning now for new water sources, will there be enough water for a population that is expected to be twice as large as it is now?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do most Texans obtain their water today?

Who owns the water underground? Kathleen discusses a twenty-year-old piece of Legislation that is not only outdated, but just doesn’t make sense. She also discusses how property rights filter into the equation.

In Texas, are we beginning to stop the use of ground water? Are we going too far in restricting the use of ground water?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With all the regulations set by the EPA on how, when, and where we can obtain water, what are some of our options for the future?

Can water be transferred from one basin to another in Texas? SHORT ANSWER: Nope! Listen as Kathleen explains why in more detail.

Kathleen was a co-author of “The Case for a Texas Water Market”. Without changes to current laws and regulations, will Texas be prepared to supply water for the needs of homes, businesses, and industry in the year 2050?

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January 19, 2017

Title: How is the Power of the President Transferred?
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The United States Presidential Transition is the transfer of Federal Executive Branch Power from the incumbent President of the United States to the President-Elect, during the period of time between Election Day in November and inauguration day on the following January 20.

Confused yet? Don’t be! Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, will clear things right up with this interview! How? She was part of the Transition Team!

For more on President-Elect Trump’s transfer of power, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How was Kathleen White involved in the transition process?

What does the law state concerning the transition of Presidential Power?

Why do President-Elects start choosing their leaders so far in advance of Inauguration Day?

What duties does the “pre-election team” have?

What responsibilities does the “post-election team” have?

What happens now?

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November 14, 2016

Title: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

What does a Donald Trump Presidency mean for the environment and the energy sector? Everything from our smart phones to the prescription drugs we take, from our refrigerators to our public schools, use energy. The cheapest and most economical sources are coal and natural gas.

Kathleen White is the former Chairman and Commissioner for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the second largest environmental agency in the world. Kathleen is currently a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do the Gross National Product (GNP), quality of life, and longevity correlate with energy usage?

Does America need to use more fossil fuels?

Should American oil and gas companies drill more wells on our own land?

An average office building uses from 5,000-20,000 “therms”. What is a “therm”?

In a glutted market, where are the buyers of newly discovered and produced oil and gas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will President Elect Donald Trump’s energy policy help or hinder economic and job growth in Texas? Listen in as Kathleen White outlines the four components of Trumps’ Economic Policy Platform.

FACT: Since Ronald Reagan’s Presidency, there have only been five occasions when the EPA issued a Federal implementation plan, and they quickly withdrew them. Under Obama’s Presidency, 57 Federal Implementation plans have been issued. Wow.

It has been reported that President Elect Trump has tapped Myron Ebell to lead his administration's transition team in regards to the Environmental Protection Agency. Is Kathleen White on the short list to be named the Director of the US Environmental Protraction Agency?

For a copy of Kathleen White’s book that she co-authored with Stephen Moore, click here.

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June 21, 2016

Title: Is Congress Finally Seeing the Light Concerning Fossil Fuels?
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Kathleen White is the Distinguished Senior Fellow-in-Residence and Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment. She is the author, with Steve Moore, of the "Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Congress recently passed two Resolutions affirming the use of fossil fuels. Is this a step in the right direction? Or is there something worse on the horizon – like Obama’s proposed $10 per barrel oil tax?

Historically, the human race has not been able to prosper without an abundant, inexpensive fuel source. In fact, Kathleen’s co-author Stephen Moore, was recently on the What’s UP Radio Program discussing the “Tale of Two Nations: North Korea as compared to South Korea”. Listen in as Kathleen White explains why the world must continue to rely on coal and fossil fuels.

Kathleen also reminds us how much more Germans are paying for their electricity and heat. If we do not stop the leftist environmentalists, we will be paying that much – or higher. Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is Congress Finally Seeing the Light Concerning Fossil Fuels?
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Kathleen describes how downtown Houston would look and smell like if fossil fuels were banned and we went back to horse and buggies. It’s definitely not something I am looking forward to.

Kathleen White’s new book, "Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy," was written with co-author Stephen Moore, can be purchased here.

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June 3, 2016

Title: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 4

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) recently announced the release of “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy” by guest Kathleen Hartnett White and Steve Moore, distinguished visiting Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Kathleen is with us for the entirety of the show today to discuss details of the book and why it is a must-read for everyone, especially high-school and college-aged students.

In this first segment with Kathleen, she answers the following questions:

Is AMERICAN energy remaking, revitalizing, and stimulating the US Economy?

What is the “Shale Gale” and is it occurring on private land, not federal lands?

Is the lower gasoline price a result of activity from another country or from America?

Is wind energy, solar energy, and biomass-produced energy driving America’s resurgence? If not, what is?

Tune in to Segment #2 as Kathleen discusses the misconceptions and flat-out lies too many Americans have bought into about green energy and man-caused climate change.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions for Segment #2 with Kathleen White:

What are the biggest misconceptions people have about American energy, especially oil and oil reserves?

Are we robbing our children and grandchildren’s future by using so much oil, gas, and coal today?

What is the most surprising truth about fossil fuels that “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”  brings to light?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

More questions for Kathleen White about her new book, “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”:

Is it really possible for America to become energy independent – even energy dominant?

Should America stop using green energy alternatives altogether?

Listen in to the last segment with Kathleen White as she reveals America’s $50 TRILLION opportunity…

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Final thoughts with Kathleen White:

Can we further unshackle the American economy if Obama and the regulators step back? What about a “friendly” new President?

Kathleen and co-author Stephen Moore close out their great book “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”:  with “America’s $50 TRILLION Opportunity”. Listen in as Kathleen explains this concept.

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May 20, 2016

Title: Save American Jobs
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Left has been deceiving Americans for years by telling them fossil fuels, clean coal, and fracking hurt our environment and economy. Now, it’s all about the ozone.

Our resident EPA environmental expert Kathleen White is with us to discuss the left’s blatant lies about fossil fuels and the ozone. First, she explains that “ozone” is not directly admitted; it is a chemical reaction. Ozone is also “one of the six criteria pollutants in the Clean Air Act”.

Unless you put your mouth over the end of a tailpipe for eight hours every day, ozone is not a health risk anymore,” Kathleen states jokingly. In all seriousness, however, it’s the truth. Kathleen goes on to reveal that the federal standard for ozone has impacted urban areas more deeply than any other regulation. There has been a dramatic reduction in ozone over the last twenty years, but the EPA doesn’t care – they want tighter regulations to the point where it is unfeasible.

There are 177 counties in America that are not able to meet the current EPA standards for ozone. How are they going to be able to meet the new standards? It is way past time for Congress to tell the EPA to stop. It is time for a complete overhaul in the EPA. Listen in as Kathleen discusses this further.

NOTE: Kathleen has a new book out! You can order “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energyhere.

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April 26, 2016

Title: The Paris Climate Agreement Explained
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

On Friday, April 22, the world celebrated Earth Day. Leaders from around the world gathered in New York City at the United Nations to highlight the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement (PCA). Kathleen White, our go-to expert for all things climate change related, is here to explain the details of the PCA and the effect it will have on you and your family for generations to come.

FACT: Did you know that one of the founders of Earth Day killed his girlfriend and stuffed her in a closet for a year and a half? What an outstanding role model!

In a recent article, Kathleen made the following statement: “What will be labeled a global triumph will, in reality, likely be a tragedy for rich and poor countries alike – especially for the poor.” She explains that the PCA makes several completely false assumptions regarding fossil fuels, which are rich, concentrated, versatile, abundant, and affordable. “They are far superior to renewables,” Kathleen goes on to state. In fact, rising consumption of fossil fuels is in direct correlation to economic growth. Listen in as Kathleen reveals just how high the connection is!

The UN and individual countries have been going crazy with the amount of regulations they require to be in compliance with their “save the Earth” campaign. If a factory, business, or school does not comply with their outrageous rules, they won’t receive any government money! Why can’t we just decide what is best for ourselves and our own families and businesses? “Humanity does need to join together for reasons of human welfare to maintain the great gains that have been made,” Kathleen believes. “But I don’t think we need to ‘save the Earth’.

Listen in as Kathleen White continues to discuss opinion polls, the horse and buggy, and immigrants in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Paris Climate Agreement Explained
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The UN has been bullying countries around the world, especially wealthy countries like the United States, to transfer all of their energy sources from fossil fuels to renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass (wood). Their “system-wide absolute goal” is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels by the year 2050. Listen in as Kathleen White explains why this is just not achievable – and why it shouldn’t even be attempted!

FACT: You cannot use renewable energy sources like wind and solar without relying on a back-up source of natural gas or coal!

Furthermore, the Paris Climate Agreement (PCA) requires wealthy countries to “climate assist” poor countries. Kathleen explains that the wealthy countries will fund this “Green Climate Fund” with $100 BILLION every year, which will be dispersed to poor countries. Senior officials within the UN have admitted that the “Green Climate Fund” is “not about the environment or energy; it is about income redistribution”.

Listen in as Kathleen discusses whether or not the next President must adhere to the PCA and what you need to understand about its impact on you, your business, and your family. For example, Kathleen explains that, “Right now, China and India are building coal-fired plants, which is great! [America has] almost destroyed the industry in the name of saving the climate. Thousands of Americans have lost their jobs in West Virginia and Kentucky. China and India are going toward responsible efforts to improve the living conditions for their populace.

FACT: Thanks to their love of renewable energy resource, Californians pay 40% MORE than the national average for electricity. The new national average will be higher than California’s if we do not put a stop to the EPA and the UN.

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February 15, 2016

Title: Temporary Strike Against the EPA
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Supreme Court has finally done something right! Oh, Hallelujah! What on earth are we talking about? Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, is an expert on all things concerning the environment and is here today to give us the scoop. Note: She also chaired the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality from 2001-2007. The TCEQ is the second largest environment regulatory agency in the world (only the EPA is larger).

So, what happened? What did SCOTUS do? They issued a stay on Obama’s Clean Power Plan. “This is a regulation unlike any that the EPA has ever issued,” Kathleen says. The Clean Power Plan will ultimately give the EPA complete and total control over the entire electric sector in the United States. Yes – they want control over all the electricity in every state. “There is nothing in the law that gives the EPA this kind of authority,” she explains.

We’ve explained many times on the What’s UP Radio Program how America companies that moved their production business to Europe decades ago are now coming back to the US due to the outrageous electric rates overseas. Kathleen White goes on to discuss the drastic increase in electric rates in Europe, specifically in Germany and England. They are paying three times more than we are! That is just ridiculous! Note: Most Germans don’t live in 2,000+ square foot homes like we do in the US. They live in 750 square foot apartments – and they can’t even afford to heat and cool those!

Energy is wonderful! It keeps us healthy!” Kathleen proclaims. But what will happen here if Obama (or Hillary or Bernie) grants total control to the EPA, shutting down all coal-fired electric plants? The Clean Power Plan is designed to control every aspect of electricity in the United States. It’s just like Obamacare and we all know how well that’s turned out to be! The EPA has even admitted that their Clean Power Plan will only reduce the “predicted rate of warming by 0.02 degrees Celsius”. That is nothing! That doesn’t even register as a change!

Listen in as Kathleen White explains what will happen if the EPA is given unchecked control. We are not out of the woods yet regarding this issue. The Supreme Court merely issued a “stay” and will still review all the presented material. We need to pray they shut it down completely!

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January 27, 2016

Title: Who Doesn’t Want Clean Energy?
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Everyone wants to have abundant clean energy, but at what cost? Our favorite energy expert, Kathleen White, is with us to give an update on the EPA’s selfish desire for clean energy at the expense of the citizens who must pay for it. In fact, the manner in which the EPA is attempting to force states to comply with outrageous regulations could be categorized as “threatening behavior”. Kathleen says this: “How [the EPA has] operated the last seven years under the Obama Administration is really of a different category than decades previously. They are creating laws as if they were Congress.

Listen in as Kathleen expands on the EPA’s abuse of power over the people. What is worse is that the courts just seem to go along with their every wish. Kathleen summarizes the whole situation like this: “It’s no longer the rule of law operating. It’s between those who think advancing the idiocrasy is an end toward any means and those who think the Constitutional structure of our country is absolutely fundamental.

What will be the effect, though, of the Clean Power Plan? Will it really be that bad? We need to clean up the air pollution, so why not let the EPA tell us how to do that? Who cares if it costs a little more? No no no no no! Not a good idea – not a good idea at all! Kathleen remarks, “When cost doesn’t matter, it will make electricity scarce... It will change everybody’s life.” Furthermore, states will be forced to change their laws – even their State Constitutions!

We’ve said this over and over again on the What’s UP Radio Program… Germany adopted their own version of the Clean Power Plan years ago. Now, electricity is a luxury only the super-rich can afford. Those who do have access are paying three times more than we are in the US. England is only slightly better; they pay about double what Americans pay for electricity. “They’ve put human welfare second to their ‘green dreams’!” Kathleen declares.

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January 4, 2016

Title: The Paris Sellout
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Prior to joining the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Kathleen White served a six-year term as Chairman and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the second largest environmental regulatory agency in the world after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She is an expert on environmental matters and a frequent guest on the Program.

World leaders recently met in Paris to discuss “global warming” and its threat to the planet. These leaders, with Obama at the head, came to an agreement on how this should be achieved. Kathleen White says the agreement is nothing more than a “symbolic deal; it is voluntary, unenforceable, and futile – but very dangerous”. In fact, she says the agreement is “meaningless”.

Listen in as Kathleen discusses more details about this Paris climate deal and why it is almost laughable. “Even US Sec of State John Kerry explicitly admitted that the deal wouldn’t even come close to prevent dangerous warming as predicted by the official science of the IPCC- driving the climate issue for almost thirty years,” Kathleen points out.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Paris Sellout
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Thanks to Obama, the United States will probably suffer the most under the new UN climate agreement. He is using the “rule of law” to force American citizens to comply with the regulations that will cost an outrageous sum and do very little to improve the planet.

The EPA has thrown pretty much every other government agency under the bus for the last thirty years, receiving millions (if not billions) in money damages all in the name of protecting the flea-flicking-flea-fly or a family of salmon in a stream. Now, Obama is pushing even harder against carbon, going around Congress directly to the EPA to adopt the “Clean Power Plan”. Only a court can stop this federal law.

Kathleen White also discusses the “Climate Reparations” that poor countries are demanding the US and other larger, wealthier countries pay in order for them to comply with the new Paris regulations. After all, it’s the larger countries who made this mess, right? (insert sarcasm) Obama has already forced roughly 400 coal-fired generating plants to close their doors. Has he replaced this lost energy source with another, such as wind, solar, or nuclear? NO. And therein lies the problem.

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November 4, 2015

Title: Standing up to the EPA Bully
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The state of Texas has had enough of the EPA bullying its way into the lives of honest, hard-working taxpayers. Texas and twenty-three other states are suing the EPA over the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Oklahoma has filed a suit on their own. That means half of the states have formally expressed their concern with the CPP and their desire to stop the EPA bullies.

Kathleen White is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment. Kathleen says this in response to the lawsuit: “The Clean Power Plan is not merely another expensive EPA regulation. This rule to reduce CO2 is an arrogation of unprecedented federal authority to re-engineer the nation’s entire system of electric power – authority the U.S. Congress repeatedly refused to give to EPA.

Friends, you may not have noticed the slight increase which has already occurred in your electric bills. But when it doubles, what will you cut? Will you stop tithing? Stop eating out? Stop going on vacation? Buy a smaller home? Sell a car? The higher rates are coming; in fact, they are already here! Kathleen White explains how the unreasonably high energy rates in Europe, especially Germany, are driving American businesses back to America!

Kathleen says, “If we don’t push back, we really risk losing our form of government as a democracy based on the will of the people. Rules that have national consequences should not be the preference of the EPA.” The EPA has no authority over the people. If Congress wants to pass something, then so be it! Let the voters make their voice heard at the polls. The EPA should not be allowed to force every state, every citizen to adhere to their stringent, over-bearing regulations.

Listen in as Kathleen explains more about the Clean Power Plan, how long states have to comply, and the effects it will have on every citizen in the nation. This is not a simple regulation to help the environment. It will destroy America from within.

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July 9, 2015

Title: SCOTUS Got One Right!
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Supreme Court Justices have been hammered by Conservatives for recent rulings, but they finally got one right! Historically, the Court has helped the EPA stretch the boundaries; this time, however, the Court slapped the EPA in the face!

The EPA is constantly trying to get Congress or SCOTUS Justices to give them more and more authority over things that are none of their concern. The latest was an attempt to regulate phantom health risks to the public. Not only was this the EPA’s most expensive regulation proposed to date, it was full of flawed analysis and manipulated science.

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation,  gives a brief background of the EPA, which was birthed by former President Richard Nixon by executive order. Did anything good come out of Nixon’s time in the Oval Office? She also discusses her research paper on the latest push by the EPA to scare the public with false reports of high levels of mercury in the atmosphere. Kathleen says, “If mercury levels are high, there can be serious health concerns. However, the Center for Disease Control reveals that we have already reduced mercury levels below the EPA’s strict regulations.”

Tune in to the next segment with Kathleen White as she explains more about the mercury levels, what the EPA wants, what the EPA got, and the potential cost to taxpayers if the EPA does get the go-ahead in the future (which is quite possible).

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - SCOTUS Got One Right!
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama can be seen on video (several years ago as a candidate) stating that he wouldn’t need to shut down coal-fired plants because electricity prices would become so high that they’d be forced to close! He knew what he was doing even back then! And you know something is up when even the EPA admits that they lied about the numbers!

The cost of the most recent regulation “wish” by the EPA is 2000 times higher than the benefit it would give the people. Cost: $10 Billion. Benefit: $6 Million. I’m not a math whiz, but that doesn’t seem beneficial to anyone, actually. Kathleen goes on to describe the electric rates in Germany due to massive out-of-control coal regulations. Hint: They pay a whole lot more than we do in America!

Share these two segments on social media and with your email contacts. We need to put a stop to the EPA’s overreach now.

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June 3, 2015

Title: You can Keep your Land, but We’ll Take your Puddle!
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do you trust your federal government and those they have hired to enforce the rules and regulations governed by the laws they pass, but do not read? Of course, quoting the fantabulous Nancy Pelosi, “We must pass it to know what’s in it!NOT!

Kathleen White has a healthy bit of skepticism when it comes to government employees. Meaning, she trusts them just about as far as she can spit! Today, Kathleen is here to explain the EPA’s Clean Water Act Rule, which redefines “the waters of the United States” under the federal Clean Water Act. She says it really isn’t about clean water – it is about land. In fact, it’s about every square inch of land owned by an individual, couple, business, non-profit – anyone who owns land is affected.

Kathleen White believes that the EPA’s Clean Water Act will transform our country once and for all – and not in a good way. “Existing farming, ranching, oil and gas production, forestry, mining, building, and manufacturing now could be subject to a federal permit now averaging $270,000,” she says. If the Clean Water Act was tied to a commercial navigable water course or public road, as was originally proposed, then it would be great. But under the current verbiage, even a puddle on the driveway of your private home can be regulated!

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April 14, 2015

Title: Which is the Greater Threat?
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

According to Obama and left, the greatest threat to civilization is man-made global warming, or climate change, as they like to call it now. Threats from Islamist Terrorists are mute, again according to Obama. But do Americans understand the difference in the “threats”? Are Americans as dumb as Obama thinks they are? Kathleen White, distinguished Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, reveals what recent polls are indicating concerning about the public’s view of the “greatest threat”.

Scientific modules, which measure the changes in temperature around the globe, confirm that the earth’s temperature has not changed in nearly 20 years. So what’s all the hype about? Why is there a dire need to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used globally? Kathleen White explains why the left is shying away from global warming and has moved on to “climate change”.

Obama’s ultimate goal is to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to zero. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Kathleen White says, “There is not a comparable renewable energy source that even comes close to fossil fuels in efficiency and cost. Wind, water, and solar are only able to fill a small niche.” The only source that could even be consider is nuclear energy. Listen in as Kathleen explains why this isn’t really an option, either.

A recent UN official stated that we need to “depopulate the world”. Who makes the choice of who lives and who dies?

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March 25, 2015

Title: More than Half US States Oppose EPA's Clean Power Plan
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Are you concerned about your sky-rocketing electric bill?  Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, discusses the newest unconstitutional rules and regulations the EPA wants to impose on hard-working Americans.

The EPA is attempting to close all coal-fired electric generating plants as soon as possible by issuing these mandates. But since the EPA can’t do this alone, they are trying to force individual states to do it for them! “This is not just another air pollution rule. This is something that really strikes to the heart of our personal and business lives. It will affect our entire country,” Kathleen asserts.

Natural gas is the most reliable form of renewable energy. It works in the winter when it’s cold and in the summer when it’s hot. It works 24/7 at the lowest cost,” Kathleen White says. “It’s good to have competition, though, to ensure low-cost, efficient electricity to consumers.

Kathleen also reminds us how Germany and the UK have passed laws in the last decade, banning the use of coal. Now, as a result, Germany’s electric rates are three times higher than the US. Three times higher, people. Do the math. Could you afford that? NO! Neither can the Germans, which is why an estimate 800,000 homes no longer even use electricity!

For more on this and other issues from Kathleen White, click [here].

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February 12, 2015

Title: Policy Perspective: The Endangered Species Act and Texas
Topic: Endangered Species Act
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Before a subdivision is built… Before a new building is constructed… Before a new bridge is created… Should the economic cost be considered? The EPA likes to regulate everything – everything, that is, except how much money their mandates will cost the taxpayers.

Kathleen White is an expert with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She has worked with the best of the best. When it comes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, Kathleen believes that the EPA has seen no restrictions. To the EPA, there is no difference between a gnat and bald eagle. Now, we’re all in favor of protecting the environment and animals, but there comes a point when we must say “enough is enough!”

How does the EPA actually determine if a species is in danger? Listen in as Kathleen discusses some of the crazy decisions the EPA has made regarding the ESA because they rely on bad science information and other outdated material. In fact, a judge even ruled in favor of the EPA even though it was proven that they had lied! Kathleen White explains…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Policy Perspective: The Endangered Species Act and Texas
Topic: Endangered Species Act
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The EPA is dead-set on stopping progress to all aspects of the human race – new houses, building, bridges, hospitals…The list goes on and on. All under the guise of protecting wildlife and exotic plants. They’ve done this time and time and time again, and will continue to do so until someone finally stops them!

However, there was one event where the EPA really, really, really over-stepped its authority: The Bastrop County Fires in 2011. If you aren’t mad after listening to the first segment with Kathleen White about whooping cranes and flea-flicking-flea-flies, then you’ll be really mad after this one! Listen in as she discusses the reason clean-up and rescue efforts were hampered. It is really just ridiculous, folks.

The problem with the Endangered Species Act is that it clearly puts animal species above human beings,” says Kathleen White. For example, the EPA and the Supreme Court are ignoring the tremendous costs placed on taxpayers when a tiny minnow-like fish population is slightly threatened. There are millions of these fish! Maybe not in one specific area, but there are still millions of them on the Earth! And it’s not just about little, tiny fishes in the sea. Kathleen explains how the EPA has pretty much lost its mind.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Policy Perspective: The Endangered Species Act and Texas
Topic: Endangered Species Act
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

One of Terry’s favorite sayings is: If “pro” is the opposite of “con”, does that mean “Congress” is the opposite of “progress”? Since 1973, the Endangered Species Act has not been altered or changed. Not once. The only thing Congress has done has thrown more and more money to the EPA so they can control more and more aspects of our lives.

For six years, Kathleen White was the Chairman and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which is second in size only to the EPA. In this final segment with Kathleen today, she gives her opinion on what Texas must do to continue the progress we’ve worked so diligently to achieve. Hint: It’s not through more regulations and mandates like the EPA!

We all know that movies and TV shows have a huge impact low-information voters. Kathleen says PETA, the EPA, and other groups have used the media successfully for decades. Listen in as she explains why human beings are so much more important, especially when you consider the high unemployment rates in some of these areas that have been effected by the EPA’s harsh guidelines and regulations.

You can learn more about this and other topics affecting our way of life [here].

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January 28, 2015

Title: The Dangers of Renewable Energy
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Germany, The United Kingdom, Denmark, and Spain have all gone the route of expensive renewable resources over the last few decades. They are all now beginning to see the error of their ways. Will Texas follow the lead of Europe in aggressively pursuing renewable energy resources? If we do, we are doomed!

What happened in Germany? Kathleen White explains that 800,000 households (not people – households!) have had their electricity shut off due to the devastatingly high energy rates. It’s just simply unaffordable. Families are living like our ancestors did 200 years ago – using wood to heat their homes and to cook their food! This is simply unacceptable in the 21st Century!

England, Denmark, and Spain are close behind Germany. They aren’t quite living off wood-burning fireplaces and wood stoves, but Kathleen believes they soon will be if their policies don’t change – and soon! England, for example, has a fairly new policy in place called “Energy Rationing”. England is using their taxpayer’s money to pay industries to shorten their work day and work week. How is this working out for them?

Listen in as Kathleen White gives a dire warning to all Americans and what will happen if we choose to follow Germany’s lead, too.

Click [here] for more on this and other issues.

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December 11, 2014

Title: EPA Following Obama's War on Coal
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

CO2 gets such a bad rap, but it is an absolute necessity to human life.

The EPA wants Texas and other states to reduce their greenhouse emissions by 30% by the year 2030. Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy, says this is absolutely unreasonable. Even a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, who taught President Obama has accused the EPA of overstepping the Constitutional, causing division between Congress and the agencies under the law.

The EPA has even admitted that their proposal would only reduce the predicted warming trend by 0.018 of a degree. This is immeasurable. This will not reduce greenhouse emissions in any way, shape, or form, says Kathleen White.

Listen in as Kathleen discusses what will happen if the EPA is, in fact, able to place this financial burden on the backs of Texans. For one, she says we would be forced to endorse, against our will, the EPA’s gross overreach of the laws of Congress.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Just Say NO to the EPA and Obama
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Terry says we should tell the EPA and Obama “Up your nose with a rubber hose!” Why would he say that?

Kathleen White had no idea Terry was going to throw a new slogan on her today! Should we start a “Just Say NO to the EPA” Campaign? Why can’t Texas just tell the EPA “NO!”

Kathleen White says it’s slightly harder than that. Listen in as she explains the legality of the issue, even though the EPA doesn’t have the authority to impose these regulations on the states. Log on to  for more on this issue.

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October 7, 2014

Title: Who's watching out for the Dollars in your Wallet?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

If you use electricity, you need to listen to this segment. If your friends and family members use electricity, they need to hear this segment.

Kathleen White discusses the EPA’s new “Clean Power Plan”, which she calls the most aggressive and far-reaching rule in the 40 year history of the EPA. The “Clean Power Plan” is designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electric power plants. That sounds great – until you read the entire 1,000-page document and find out what is actually in it.

Yes, Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen White has read the entire proposal and doesn’t need you to pass it in order for us to know what’s in it. She knows. Others know. And they don’t like it.

The proposed plan by the EPA will only reduce the temperature over the next 30 years by 0.018 of a degree. However, the cost to business owners and families will be astronomical. If you think your electric bill is high now, just wait until it is doubled or even tripled! Could your business or family afford this type of increase?

Listen in as Kathleen explains the “Clean Power Plan” in detail, why it’s bad, and what needs to be done to stop it. Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing Texans.

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September 15, 2014

Title: At a Crossroad: To Help or Not to Help
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

A recent Rasmussen poll indicates that nearly one-third of all voters are unaware of which party controls the House or the Senate. Do you know? Does your spouse? Do your neighbors or co-workers?

If these “low information voters” don’t know who their leaders are, how can we expect them to be informed when they vote? Do they even know who they’re voting for? Do they know anything at all about the issues, or do they just blindly follow?

One area that is of great importance is energy. Kathleen White is a distinguished senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She knows energy like Obama knows golf.

Kathleen says a lot of the problem begins with the media. They distort, exaggerate, and twist the facts around so badly that it is often hard for even educated voters to realize the truth. This very reason is why the Texas Public Policy Foundation is hosting the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit” this September 25 and 26 in downtown Houston.

People deserve to the know the truth about Obama and the insidious regulations he is imposing on states concerning what, where, and how much they can drill, manufacture, and sell reliable, cheap fossil fuels. People also deserve to know that fossil fuels are NOT harming the environment and causing the earth to warm. We need CO2 in order to live, people. If we don’t have it, we die. Period.

We have access to massive amounts of energy in Texas and America. Did you know that 60% of people in India have no electricity? That is so hard for me to imagine! If Obama and his minions would allow us the opportunity to send the people of India and other poor nations our resources, their quality of life – and even their life-expectancy – would vastly improve!

To register for the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”, log on to

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Social Cost for Carbon
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A new phrase is floating around: “The Social Cost of Carbon”. Kathleen White says this is an invention from the EPA without any input from Congress or a formal process from the public in an attempt to estimate the amount of money from every ton or pound of carbon dioxide in order to rid our society of CO2. Whew, that is a mouthful! Simply put, this is yet another ploy from the environmentalists who want us to live like the cavemen did in the Stone Ages.

Kathleen calls the whole debacle “bizarre”. The EPA is attempting to predict 100 years in to the future, when they can’t even depict what is going to happen ten years from now – or even a month, a week, a day!

We all know what the EPA and Obama really want: Money. The EPA is imposing outrageous fees on businesses concerning the amount of carbon they generate. More importantly, the EPA has now proposed the most severe regulation in its history, which would force a complete redesign of the ENTIRE NATION’S system of electrical generation. They want to shut down every coal plant and replace it ALL with wind and solar powered energy. This would cost billions and billions and BILLIONS of tax-payer dollars!

The environmentalists have been claiming for years that carbon puts a strain on everything, from health and well-being to the height of the sea level to the severity of storms. So they have now devised this “Social Cost of Carbon” story to woo others into believing their lies. Kathleen says that this all complete speculation. She uses an example from the 1960’s to prove her point. Listen in to find out happened!

To register for the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”, log on to

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Benefits of Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Before the use of fossil fuels began to skyrocket in England in the mid-1700’s, the average life-span was only 25-30 years old! At least 30% of children died before they were 15 years old. This had been the norm for most of human history.

Then enter fossil fuels… It was discovered that coal could be used as an energy source. Immediately, the life-span of people doubled and even tripled!

The majority of people spent their short lives doing physical labor, from farming to making clothes to building houses and buildings. With the use of fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, these jobs took far less time. For example, weaving one pound of cotton took 18 hours per person without the use of fossil fuels. After, it only took 30 minutes! Incredible!

If you are interested in learning more about fossil fuels and the benefits they have in our society, I encourage you to attend the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit” this September 25 and 26 at the Regency Hotel in downtown Houston.

To register for the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”, log on to

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August 21, 2014

Title: Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Energy Realism. What is that?  Kathleen White says it is way past time Americans heard that term.

Our economy and our everyday lives revolve around our energy independence. Texas, in fact, is the ONLY state where both energy related jobs and the economy have increased.

It’s not just about our gasoline and electricity; it’s about watermelon and clothes and school supplies. It’s about Chick-fil-A milkshakes and movie date night. Cheaper transportation costs results in lower prices for everything.

We can do it in America! Obama and the left just need to allow it to happen!

Listen in as Kathleen White gives a long list of services which would benefit from lower gasoline prices and invites everyone to the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit this September 25-26 in Houston.

Visit  for all the details.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is an expert when it comes to getting the most out of our energy resources. She firmly believes that the government is focused on undermining the energy revolution. She describes how, in June of 2014, the EPA gave itself the right and the power to oversee all electric generation in the United States of America.

This, in essence, allows the EPA to distribute energy based on the lowest carbon output, not based on the most reliable or the least expensive. If Californians think their black-outs are bad now, just wait!

Another issue discussed in this second segment with Kathleen White is the widespread poverty in China, India, South America, and Africa. Is their limited access to abundant oil the logical explanation? Kathleen explains it as a “common denominator”. She also thinks that corrupt leaders are to blame.

Visit  for all the details.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen calls the struggle for energy independence “The Power of Energy and Human Lives vs the Power of Government”.  I love that! Houston is a great place for the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit because Texas is the energy capital of America!

Some of the speakers at the Summit will be discussing the moral imperative of allowing society to take advantage of abundant and affordable energy. Other topics to be discussed are “Energy Opportunities and Climate Policy”, “The State of Climate Science”, and “Regressive Consequences of Green Energy Policies”.

Kathleen will be discussing “Fossil Fuels: The Moral Case” at the Summit. Listen in as she gives a preview of her workshop.

For all the details about the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit this September 25-26 in Houston, log on to

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July 18, 2014

Title: The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

I challenge you and your family to an experiment. It won’t cost you a dime. It cost you your dignity. It won’t hurt a bit. I dare you to turn all electrical devices and appliances off (except your fridge and freezer). Don’t use your cell phone, iPad, or computer. No watching TV or popping popcorn. Even turn the thermostat up to around 85 degrees (as long as no one requires the house to be cooler for medical reasons).

Gather your family around in the living room. Sit in the dark (or use candles, no flashlights allowed). Talk. Play games. Pray. Sing. You can do anything – except use electricity.

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, reminisces about the Good Ol’ Days…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In the last segment, Kathleen painted a picture of what life was like before the Industrial Revolution. Now, she explains how fossil fuels have vastly improved our way of life, both here in America and across the world.

Although there are still some places in the world that struggle and are in deep poverty, most countries are thriving. And we have fossil fuels to thank for that.

So, why is Obama continually trying to stifle that progress? Kathleen compares a loaf of bread to the energy of a car burning gasoline.

Listen in to hear the rest of the story.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is the former Chairman for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Kathleen is now the Director for the Armstrong Center for Energy and Environment with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Kathleen explains who benefits from the use of fossil fuels and why it would morally wrong to stop using them.

You can learn more at

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June 30, 2014

Title: The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

I challenge you and your family to an experiment. It won’t cost you a dime. It cost you your dignity. It won’t hurt a bit. I dare you to turn all electrical devices and appliances off (except your fridge and freezer). Don’t use your cell phone, iPad, or computer. No watching TV or popping popcorn. Even turn the thermostat up to around 85 degrees (as long as no one requires the house to be cooler for medical reasons).

Gather your family around in the living room. Sit in the dark (or use candles, no flashlights allowed). Talk. Play games. Pray. Sing. You can do anything – except use electricity.

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, reminisces about the Good Ol’ Days…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In the last segment, Kathleen painted a picture of what life was like before the Industrial Revolution. Now, she explains how fossil fuels have vastly improved our way of life, both here in America and across the world.

Although there are still some places in the world that struggle and are in deep poverty, most countries are thriving. And we have fossil fuels to thank for that.

So, why is Obama continually trying to stifle that progress? Kathleen compares a loaf of bread to the energy of a car burning gasoline.

Listen in to hear the rest of the story.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Moral Cause for Using Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is the former Chairman for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Kathleen is now the Director for the Armstrong Center for Energy and Environment with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Kathleen explains who benefits from the use of fossil fuels and why it would morally wrong to stop using them.

You can learn more at

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January 27, 2014

Title: Obama’s EPA is a Threat to National Security Part 1 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. White presented testimony recently before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate. The Democrat controlled committee allow only two conservatives to testify.

Dr. White testified how the President’s Climate Action Plan is a mixture of a least fifty federal programs or initiatives that are mostly redundant at best. A few of the Plan’s components could be extremely damaging to the economy, low income families and even to the U.S. national sovereignty.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. White presented testimony recently before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate. The Democrat controlled committee allow only two conservatives to testify.

Dr. White testified how the President’s Climate Action Plan is a mixture of a least fifty federal programs or initiatives that are mostly redundant at best. A few of the Plan’s components could be extremely damaging to the economy, low income families and even to the U.S. national sovereignty.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Germany began its ‘Energy Revolution’ in 2000. Since then, Germany’s electric prices have increased 50 percent and are now three times higher than average U.S. prices. It is now reported that over 700,000 German households are cut off from electricity because residents could not pay their continually increasing energy bills.

In England, the Daily Mail warns of the risks of 24,000 deaths of the elderly this winter who cannot afford to heat their homes.

The EPA is implementing these policies NOW in America.

It is time to say, “NO!”

Log on to  for more.

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July 23, 2013

Title: Obama’s War on American Families
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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Title: All Pain. But No Gain.
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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July 2, 2013

Title: Obama’s War on American Families
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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Title: All Pain. But No Gain.
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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February 26, 2013

Title: It’s Time for Real Science
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The UN is hounding every country to have better, safer, cleaner water and air. And we should take care of resources and conserve energy. But, as we all know, the EPA is somewhat “crazy” about getting things in order.

But if you compare the water and air in the US to 30 years, what would you find? How is this compared to China and India? Kathleen White is a Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She also served a six year term as Chairman and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The EPA sets a standard for everything environmentally related. And this standard is constantly changing.

If you sat down to look at all the different standards and the way they have changed over the just the last 5 or 10 years, it would make your head spin! Are these standards feasible? Should they be stricter?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In this final segment, Kathleen explains the recent expansion of natural gas in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area and the effect on the people in the area. She also talks about what the public should start demanding of the EPA.

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December 21, 2012

Title: Fracking Creates Jobs!
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using “fracking”. There are NO cases of contamination, yet the EPA wants to ban the method!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama did not place a single expert in the Oil and Gas industry on the panel to review the “damage” caused by fracking.


You shouldn’t be.

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August 24, 2012

Title: Foundation Praises U.S. Fifth Circuit's rebuke of EPA!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Let's take the 5th Circuit's rebuke of the EPA - what was that about and why is that such a tremendous victory for Texas, other citizens of other states, and working Americans?

Even though the Clean Air Act had boundaries and limits, didn't it allow each state to devise ways to clean up their air and their water?

Will this latest ruling that declared that the EPA had overstepped its boundaries and legal authority help more power plants in Texas stay in operation?

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August 6, 2012

Title: Clean Air Through Liberty: Reforming the Clean Air Act!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

What is our quality of air like today compared to 40 years ago? What does "ambient level" mean? What is particulate matter?

Are there any new studies that say we must reduce pollutants to further increase the quality of life, to increase longevity, and to reduce death caused by particles in the air?

What are the harder sciences? Is the EPA in the same ballpark? What do you think about the recent study conducted by the EPA on a sample size of only 10 Mennonite women?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Should the EPA be reined in? Should Congress retake its authority, and should we hold Congress accountable for the EPA running amok?

For our listeners just now joining in, what's the quality of our water and air since the EPA was birthed 40 years ago? Also, was the EPA created by law?

Can we continue to go down the same course with the EPA unbridled and maintain our lifestyle of having two SUVs', and a 4,000 square foot home with heat in the winter and AC in the summer?

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May 16, 2012

Title: Is Fracking Shaking Up The Earth's Crust?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Kathleen White answers:

Is there any evidence that ONE frack job has contaminated potable water?

Is there any evidence that fracking causes earthquakes?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Will Obama and his new executive order shut down the use of these fracking technique or are we just crying wolf?

How can conservatives stand up and say no to this overreaching federalization of the oil and gas drilling industry on private lands?

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March 8, 2012

Title: Blindfold Removed - Six Reasons Keystone XL Was A Bad Deal All Along.
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Kathleen White answers:

Would Keystone XL reduce foreign oil dependency?

Would Keystone XL have increased domestic oil prices?

Did Keystone XL overstate the number of jobs to be created?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Has the current Keystone pipeline leaked this year?  If so, how many times?

Are the environmental concerns about oil leaks justified?

Would mining tar sands worsen global warming?

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February 15, 2012

Title: TAKE COVER! The EPA's Regulatory Avalanche is on a roll!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Kathleen White answers:

Is Obama's Environmental Protection Agency Bureaucracy going to put the brakes on the fragile economic recovery?

What does TCEQ stand for? What did you do in another life for air and water quality throughout Texas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The EPA accounts for how much of the 26 billion dollar total cost of new federal regulations? Does that include the costs of the changes industry must make?

For the families with a median household income - how much of their after tax income is being spent on energy? Is that more or less than food expenses?

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January 26, 2012

Title: SEE BELOW: Six Reasons Keystone XL was a bad deal all along.
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Would Keystone XL reduce foreign oil dependency?

Would Keystone XL have increased domestic oil prices?

Did Keystone XL overstate the number of jobs to be created?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Has the current Keystone pipeline leaked this year?  If so, how many times?

Are the environmental concerns about oil leaks justified?

Would mining tar sands worsen global warming?

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August 26, 2011

Title: 134,000 New Jobs in Pennsylvania Because of Fracking – 0 New Jobs Created in New York State Because of Fracking. Why?
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using a completion technique called “Fracking”.

There are NO cases of groundwater contamination, however the environmentalists want to restrict its use.

Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping water, sand, and some trace chemicals under high pressure into a completed wellbore to create fissures in relatively impermeable geologic formations such as shale sometimes tens of thousands of feet below the surface. This technique is being used now in Pennsylvania and has created over 140,000 new jobs in that State alone in the past two years.

The State of New York banned its use - consequently 0 new jobs have been created. More information can be found at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A fierce anti-fracking movement is growing.

With the exception of groundwater depletion, no causal connection between hydraulic fracturing and environment problems have been demonstrated. Congress has asked the EPA to submit a report. Surprisingly, the Obama Administration and the EPA placed NO OIL or Gas authority on the review panel.

This is just another example of the elites in America shutting down the expansion of oil and gas production in America. But Obama will give billions in loan guarantees to the County of Brazil so they can drill more. What’s wrong with this picture?

More information can be found at

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June 13, 2011

Title: 134,000 New Jobs in Pennsylvania Because of Fracking – 0 New Jobs Creating in New York State Because of Fracking. Why?
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using a completion technique called “Fracking”. There are NO cases of groundwater contamination. But the environmentalists want to restrict its use. Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping water, sand, and some trace chemicals under high pressure into a completed wellbore to create fissures in relatively impermeable geologic formations such as shale sometimes 10’s of thousands of feet below the surface. This technique is being used now in Pennsylvania and has created over 140,000 new jobs in that State alone the past two years. The State of New York banned its use; consequently 0 new jobs have been created. More information can be found at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A fierce anti-fracking movement is growing. With the exception of groundwater depletion, no causal connection between hydraulic fracturing and environment problems has been demonstrated. Congress has asked the EPA to submit a report. Surprising, the Obama Administration and the EPA place NO OIL and Gas authority on the review panel. This is just another example of the elites in America shutting down the expansion of oil and gas production in America. But Obama will give billions in loan guarantees to the County of Brazil so they can drill more. What’s wrong with this picture? More information can be found at

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June 7, 2010

Topic: Gulf Oil Catastrophe
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

For decades, environmentalists have blocked the development of an oil empire near Alaska, which only uses 0.001 percent of 19.5 MILLION acres. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Visit for the full article by Kathleen White.

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February 26, 2010

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is a Distinguished Senior Fellow-In-Residence with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment. She knows what she’s talking about when it comes to the environment. Log on to for more information on the truth.

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama and his minions keep pressuring our duly elected officials to pass climate change legislation in order to strengthen the economy and bring more jobs to the American people. But, is this true? Find out for yourself at

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Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do you still believe the world is headed for disaster and ruin because of “global warming”? If you’re on the fence, log on to to learn more.

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December 9, 2009

Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, talks about the recent explosion in the climate change war.

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October 6, 2009

Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The impact of the Waxman/Markey bill on the Texas economy will be tragic - massive job loss and higher energy prices just to name the two big ones. Low income families will be the hardest hit. Log on to for more and to see how you can stop it from happening.

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September 14, 2009

Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What will happen in the “cap and trade” bill is passed? Can your family afford to pay more each year for your electricity, gas, and groceries? What about your employer? Can they increase their budget while paying higher taxes?

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Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Log on to for more information on the cap and trade bill and what it will cost you. Also, urge your EO’s to vote against the cp and trade bill.

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March 3, 2009

Title: CARBON AUDACITY Part 1 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Director of Texas Public Policy Foundation, Kathleen White, discusses President Messiah Obama’s lust for clean air and his thirst to tax Americans who use it! Log onto for more information.

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Title: CARBON AUDACITY Part 2 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Director of Texas Public Policy Foundation, Kathleen White, discusses President Messiah Obama’s lust for clean air and his thirst to tax Americans who use it! Log onto for more information.

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Title: CARBON AUDACITY Part 3 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Director of Texas Public Policy Foundation, Kathleen White, discusses President Messiah Obama’s lust for clean air and his thirst to tax Americans who use it! Log onto for more information.

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November 11, 2008

Title: If You Don’t Like The Climate Today, Wait Until Tomorrow
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is it cost effective to go green? What will it cost us not to build more electrical generating plants across Texas?

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October 28, 2008

Topic: Nuclear Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Let’s face it. Our state, our country, and our world needs more energy. But, where will it come from? What is safest for the environment? How expense will it be? Will there be enough? Guest Kathleen White is with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Log onto for more.

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August 11, 2008

Title: Will Massive Increases in the Price of Food & Fuel Continue Because of the EPA?
Topic: Energy Prices
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The EPA’s Gestapo decision to continue with high levels of ethanol production will increase the price of food, increase energy costs and reduce mileage efficiencies.

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August 5, 2008

Title: Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over and Over Hoping For A Different Result! One of Three
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over and Over Hoping For A Different Result! Kathleen White, former Chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, discuss the Democrats refusal to an open debate and vote on Energy Independence. Part 1 of 3

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Title: In Quotes is the Democrat’s Plan For Energy Independence: “ " [Hint they have no plan]
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathlene White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, continues explaining the differences between the Democrats non-plan and Republican “Action Plan” for Energy Independence. Part 2 of 3

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Title: MIT States the Increase in Energy Costs to Heat and Cool Your Home to be on average $4500 per Year!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

New study by MIT states the Increase in Energy Costs to Heat and Cool Your Home to be on average $4500 per Year! Are your ready?

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June 23, 2008

Title: Does Any Other Country Prohibit or Ban Oil Companies From Drilling Off Their Shores? Segment 3 of 4
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation ( explains how Congress has saddled consumers with dependence on Foreign Oil.

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Title: Does Any Other Country Prohibit or Ban Oil Companies From Drilling Off Their Shores? Segment 4 of 4
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation ( continues explaining how Congress has contributed to the problem of high energy prices.

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June 19, 2008

Title: Does Any Other Country Prohibit or Ban Oil Companies From Drilling Off Their Shores? Segment 1 of 4
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation ( explains how Congress has saddled consumers with dependence on Foreign Oil.

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Title: Does Any Other Country Prohibit or Ban Oil Companies From Drilling Off Their Shores? Segment 2 of 4
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation ( continues explaining how Congress has contributed to the problem of high energy prices.

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May 14, 2008

Title: Part Two: Growing Mountain of Evidence Reveals Negative Economic Impact of Ethanol
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part Two: A growing mountain of evidence reveals the economic and environmental folly of federal ethanol policy. Studies reveal it takes up to 1,700 gallons of water to create 1 gallon of ethanol and when we use it in our cars, it gives us ‘less miles per gallon’. Log onto for more.

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May 13, 2008

Title: Growing Mountain of Evidence Reveals Negative Economic Impact of Ethanol
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A growing mountain of evidence reveals the economic and environmental folly of federal ethanol policy. Studies reveal it takes up to 1,700 gallons of water to create 1 gallon of ethanol and when we use it in our cars, it gives us ‘less miles per gallon’. Log onto for more.

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