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September 27, 2019

Title: If Water Stands/Puddles On Your Property: EPA Regulates
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Under the Obama Administration, the EPA was granted the authority to regulate every single body of water in the US – even a puddle on your own private property. Yes! This is true!

Thankfully, all that has now changed, thanks to President Trump's repeal of this suffocating regulation!

Dr. Conner Bohen is Senior Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, where he concentrates on energy, natural resources, and international relations.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it “really” true that the Obama Administration grated the EPA full access and governing rights to every single body of water in the US – even a puddle on private property?

Did many believe this was a gross overreach of power?

Why did the courts agree with the people, ruling against the Obama Administration regulation?

Did President Trump take positive action to reverse this regulation?

Should bureaucrats sitting in an obscure office in WDC have the dictatorial power to tell Texas land owners, developers, farmers, and ranchers what they can and cannot do with their property?

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June 25, 2015

Title: EPA Overreach: They Want your Water
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Water is everywhere. In your backyard. On your driveway. In the street in front of your house. You probably don’t ever give it a second thought (unless it was during or after Tropical Storm Bill). The EPA is paying attention, though, and that is bad news for everyone. Back in 1972, Congress gave the EPA the authority to govern navigable waters through the “Clean Water Act”. However, in recent years, the EPA has taken this regulation out of context.

Robert Henneke is the Director of the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He discusses how these laws have been so broadly expanded by the Executive Branch that they do not even remotely resemble the original statutes. Robert says, “It’s hard to find a better example of this then the recent abuse we’re seeing coming out of the EPA in their ‘Waters of the United States’ rule adoption. It is nothing more than a federal land-grab and attack on private property ownership.”

If the EPA is given permission to regulate water on private land, Robert says, “Property owners would be required to secure costly and time-consuming permits.” There is also the threat of criminal prosecution if property owners do not comply with these regulations, which is, in my opinion, just outrageous!

Now is the time for Congress to step up and stop the EPA, not give them more control. We must challenge our elected officials to do what’s right. Listen to the next segment with Robert Henneke as he continues explaining the EPA’s shameful overreach.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Overreach: They Want your Water
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Robert Henneke
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

There is no doubt that the EPA is definitely in cahoots with the environmentalists. But just how deep does their alliance go?

Robert Henneke discusses the left’s play-book nicknamed ‘Sue and Settle’ and ways the Center for American Future  plans to stop the EPA and the Obama Administration. Private citizens who own their own property do not deserve this kind of treatment. They should not be forced to abide by rules meant for commerce purposes.

The Center for American Future  is fighting for you and your rights. They believe the government, especially the EPA, needs to stop having their behind-closed-meetings. It is time to force the EPA to abide by the Constitution and common sense. Click [here]  for more information.

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June 3, 2015

Title: You can Keep your Land, but We’ll Take your Puddle!
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do you trust your federal government and those they have hired to enforce the rules and regulations governed by the laws they pass, but do not read? Of course, quoting the fantabulous Nancy Pelosi, “We must pass it to know what’s in it!NOT!

Kathleen White has a healthy bit of skepticism when it comes to government employees. Meaning, she trusts them just about as far as she can spit! Today, Kathleen is here to explain the EPA’s Clean Water Act Rule, which redefines “the waters of the United States” under the federal Clean Water Act. She says it really isn’t about clean water – it is about land. In fact, it’s about every square inch of land owned by an individual, couple, business, non-profit – anyone who owns land is affected.

Kathleen White believes that the EPA’s Clean Water Act will transform our country once and for all – and not in a good way. “Existing farming, ranching, oil and gas production, forestry, mining, building, and manufacturing now could be subject to a federal permit now averaging $270,000,” she says. If the Clean Water Act was tied to a commercial navigable water course or public road, as was originally proposed, then it would be great. But under the current verbiage, even a puddle on the driveway of your private home can be regulated!

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October 6, 2014

Title: The EPA Wants to Regulate YOUR Puddle
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

If you currently own land anywhere in the continental United States, or if you have plans to buy land in the future, listen to this segment with a pen and paper in hand, ready to take notes. Rules and regulations could change – drastically.

Dr. Bonner Cohen is with the National Center for Public Policy Research. He discusses how the EPA has the power to classify land as a “wetland”. There is new legislation being considered in Washington DC that will significantly affect land ownership in the United States.

Some examples of the changes proposed by the EPA: A puddle could be regulated by the EPA. Even on your land. A tiny, little puddle with ¼ of an inch of rain. Do you have a natural-flowing ditch in your backyard? Well, according to the pending legislation, a ditch in your backyard could require a permit from the EPA. So ridiculous!

Make sure you listen in to the next segment to hear more information about the newest and utterly outrageous EPA proposal. Then share these segments with your friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter. Email your entire list of contacts. If your friends own a plot of land, they will thank you!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The EPA Wants to Regulate YOUR Puddle
Topic: EPA to Regulate Your Puddle and Ditch
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

It doesn’t matter if the land you own is arid or flooded, the EPA wants to regulate it. Even if there is a simple puddle, the EPA wants to control that puddle. We all know the EPA is a power-hungry government agency, but this is just getting out of hand.

So, what exactly are “navigable” waters, and why does the EPA want to take this single word out of the original statute? What other new proposals is the EPA making in regards to private land ownership? These new proposed regulations are going to make it that much easier for any person – whether it be a private citizen or a government worker – to file suit against if you have even one single puddle on your land. This also applies to stock ponds, which are often found on farms and ranches.

Dr. Bonner Cohen discusses two Supreme Court decisions which actually made it harder for the EPA to regulate private land. Now that Obama has appointed two new environmentally-friendly Justices, the EPA is trying once again to get their hands on your land. Even if a “body of water” (aka puddle) exists for a matter a days, if the EPA knows about it, they’ll regulate it and fine you if you don’t comply with their rules!

Remember to call or email your elected officials and urge them to deny the EPA further control of private land ownership. It doesn’t matter if your elected officials are Republican or Democrat – many from both sides are against this proposal. You can always find more information on this at

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