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August 21, 2014

Title: Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Energy Realism. What is that?  Kathleen White says it is way past time Americans heard that term.

Our economy and our everyday lives revolve around our energy independence. Texas, in fact, is the ONLY state where both energy related jobs and the economy have increased.

It’s not just about our gasoline and electricity; it’s about watermelon and clothes and school supplies. It’s about Chick-fil-A milkshakes and movie date night. Cheaper transportation costs results in lower prices for everything.

We can do it in America! Obama and the left just need to allow it to happen!

Listen in as Kathleen White gives a long list of services which would benefit from lower gasoline prices and invites everyone to the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit this September 25-26 in Houston.

Visit  for all the details.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen White is an expert when it comes to getting the most out of our energy resources. She firmly believes that the government is focused on undermining the energy revolution. She describes how, in June of 2014, the EPA gave itself the right and the power to oversee all electric generation in the United States of America.

This, in essence, allows the EPA to distribute energy based on the lowest carbon output, not based on the most reliable or the least expensive. If Californians think their black-outs are bad now, just wait!

Another issue discussed in this second segment with Kathleen White is the widespread poverty in China, India, South America, and Africa. Is their limited access to abundant oil the logical explanation? Kathleen explains it as a “common denominator”. She also thinks that corrupt leaders are to blame.

Visit  for all the details.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Energy Realism
Topic: Crossroads Energy and Climate Summit
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathleen calls the struggle for energy independence “The Power of Energy and Human Lives vs the Power of Government”.  I love that! Houston is a great place for the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit because Texas is the energy capital of America!

Some of the speakers at the Summit will be discussing the moral imperative of allowing society to take advantage of abundant and affordable energy. Other topics to be discussed are “Energy Opportunities and Climate Policy”, “The State of Climate Science”, and “Regressive Consequences of Green Energy Policies”.

Kathleen will be discussing “Fossil Fuels: The Moral Case” at the Summit. Listen in as she gives a preview of her workshop.

For all the details about the Crossroads Energy and Climate Policy Summit this September 25-26 in Houston, log on to

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