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June 8, 2015

Title: Left Lying about our Drinking Water
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by William Yeatman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The “Clean Water Act” sounds great, right? Everyone needs – no, everyone deserves – clean water. I am not disputing that. However, the “Clean Water Act” is not what you probably think it is about. In fact, it is simply yet another attempt by the Obama Administration to grant the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supreme power.

William Yeatman is Competitive Enterprise Institute’s  Senior Fellow, specializing in Environmental Policy and Energy Markets. William says, “The SAFE Drinking Water Act already protects the nation’s drinking water supply. The EPA has engaged in all sorts of shenanigans to make this new rule 'The CLEAN Water Act' appear to be something that it isn’t. It has absolutely nothing to do with drinking water.

The EPA has been spewing the lie that 117 Million Americans (1 in 3) do not have clean, safe drinking water. “We need to preserve the water for our children” is the latest ploy from the Left. Well, then maybe the EPA isn’t doing such a great job, if the “Safe Drinking Water Act” is currently under their watchful eye and guidance! William reveals that there has not been a public outcry concerning safe drinking water. None.

William Yeatman has another warning for those of us in Texas, specifically those who have been directly affected by the recent floods. Do you have a permit to fix your home, business, church, or school? Yes – even your home! Listen in as William gives the devastating news concerning this!

Interesting Fact: Prior to joining CEI, William was a Peace Corps volunteer, where he taught entrepreneurship and small business management to women living in rural areas. Before that, he ran a homeless shelter in Denver, Colorado. He’s a pretty cool guy! And he is dedicated to helping the public in whatever way he possibly can.

You can learn more about William Yeatman and read his publications with the Competitive Enterprise Institute [here].

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February 16, 2015

Title: Don't be Burned by Climate Scientists
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Surprise! “New” information has been revealed that the government bureaucrats at the EPA have been lying to the American public for a long time. When one lie ceases to work, they simply come up with another lie to tug on the heart strings of millions of people.

For example, now that the environmentalists realize that polar bears really aren’t dying off and glaciers really aren’t melting, they’re now saying it’s a “public health issue”. After all, everyone wants the best environment for their kids to grow up in, right?

Listen in as Dr. Sterling Burnett explains the EPA’s new hook to get people to buy into their lies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Don't be Burned by Climate Scientists
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Recently, the climate alarmists claimed that 2014 was the warmest year on record. People started freaking out. Government Officials said “no more fossil fuels – ever!” Al Gore was laughing all the way to the bank.

But Dr. Sterling Burnett and others say “Not so fast!” It wasn’t the warmest year. They have proof! Even if there was a slight rise in temperatures (99 to 99.0001), it’s called “weather”, not global warming or cooling or climate change. Weather.

Dr. Burnett also discusses weather “Homogenization”. This is the new climate scare tactic that is worse than Climategate. This is not science. It is down-right lies.

Listen as Dr. Burnett explains what they’re doing now.

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January 27, 2014

Title: Obama’s EPA is a Threat to National Security Part 1 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. White presented testimony recently before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate. The Democrat controlled committee allow only two conservatives to testify.

Dr. White testified how the President’s Climate Action Plan is a mixture of a least fifty federal programs or initiatives that are mostly redundant at best. A few of the Plan’s components could be extremely damaging to the economy, low income families and even to the U.S. national sovereignty.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. White presented testimony recently before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate. The Democrat controlled committee allow only two conservatives to testify.

Dr. White testified how the President’s Climate Action Plan is a mixture of a least fifty federal programs or initiatives that are mostly redundant at best. A few of the Plan’s components could be extremely damaging to the economy, low income families and even to the U.S. national sovereignty.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Germany began its ‘Energy Revolution’ in 2000. Since then, Germany’s electric prices have increased 50 percent and are now three times higher than average U.S. prices. It is now reported that over 700,000 German households are cut off from electricity because residents could not pay their continually increasing energy bills.

In England, the Daily Mail warns of the risks of 24,000 deaths of the elderly this winter who cannot afford to heat their homes.

The EPA is implementing these policies NOW in America.

It is time to say, “NO!”

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March 1, 2013

Title: Bill Clinton Says “I’m Sorry” But That’s Just Not Enough
Topic: EPA Lies
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

The Tuskegee, AL experiment which killed many black men, women, and even children lasted for decades. This nightmare will never be forgotten, even though Clinton offered an “apology” for the government’s actions.

Now, the EPA is experimenting on CHILDREN with diesel exhaust exposure! Yes, you read that right! Where is the outrage from our elected officials? It’s almost non-existent because so much of this testing is done under the radar.

You can find more from Steve Milloy at

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