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August 26, 2011

Title: 134,000 New Jobs in Pennsylvania Because of Fracking – 0 New Jobs Created in New York State Because of Fracking. Why?
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using a completion technique called “Fracking”.

There are NO cases of groundwater contamination, however the environmentalists want to restrict its use.

Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping water, sand, and some trace chemicals under high pressure into a completed wellbore to create fissures in relatively impermeable geologic formations such as shale sometimes tens of thousands of feet below the surface. This technique is being used now in Pennsylvania and has created over 140,000 new jobs in that State alone in the past two years.

The State of New York banned its use - consequently 0 new jobs have been created. More information can be found at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A fierce anti-fracking movement is growing.

With the exception of groundwater depletion, no causal connection between hydraulic fracturing and environment problems have been demonstrated. Congress has asked the EPA to submit a report. Surprisingly, the Obama Administration and the EPA placed NO OIL or Gas authority on the review panel.

This is just another example of the elites in America shutting down the expansion of oil and gas production in America. But Obama will give billions in loan guarantees to the County of Brazil so they can drill more. What’s wrong with this picture?

More information can be found at

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June 13, 2011

Title: 134,000 New Jobs in Pennsylvania Because of Fracking – 0 New Jobs Creating in New York State Because of Fracking. Why?
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using a completion technique called “Fracking”. There are NO cases of groundwater contamination. But the environmentalists want to restrict its use. Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping water, sand, and some trace chemicals under high pressure into a completed wellbore to create fissures in relatively impermeable geologic formations such as shale sometimes 10’s of thousands of feet below the surface. This technique is being used now in Pennsylvania and has created over 140,000 new jobs in that State alone the past two years. The State of New York banned its use; consequently 0 new jobs have been created. More information can be found at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fracking Creates Jobs and Helps Produce More Oil and Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A fierce anti-fracking movement is growing. With the exception of groundwater depletion, no causal connection between hydraulic fracturing and environment problems has been demonstrated. Congress has asked the EPA to submit a report. Surprising, the Obama Administration and the EPA place NO OIL and Gas authority on the review panel. This is just another example of the elites in America shutting down the expansion of oil and gas production in America. But Obama will give billions in loan guarantees to the County of Brazil so they can drill more. What’s wrong with this picture? More information can be found at

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