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January 8, 2018

Title: Setting National Priorities
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Listen in as Dr. Jane Orient explains Donald Trump’s new climate change policies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Trump Administration removed climate change from the list of national security threats?

Is it difficult to get the public angry about heat waves 50 years from now while they are shoveling heart attack snow or trying to keep from freezing to death?

Is the world’s greatest killer poverty?

What factors greatly help people overcome poverty, increasing their life expectancy?

How important is scientific integrity?

Is President Donald Trump demanding that scientists prove their findings of “global warming”?

Are vast sums of money really needed to reduce the temperature by a fraction of a degree?

We all know that China and India have an air pollution issue. But are people “really” dropping dead from the smog?

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April 26, 2016

Title: The Paris Climate Agreement Explained
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

On Friday, April 22, the world celebrated Earth Day. Leaders from around the world gathered in New York City at the United Nations to highlight the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement (PCA). Kathleen White, our go-to expert for all things climate change related, is here to explain the details of the PCA and the effect it will have on you and your family for generations to come.

FACT: Did you know that one of the founders of Earth Day killed his girlfriend and stuffed her in a closet for a year and a half? What an outstanding role model!

In a recent article, Kathleen made the following statement: “What will be labeled a global triumph will, in reality, likely be a tragedy for rich and poor countries alike – especially for the poor.” She explains that the PCA makes several completely false assumptions regarding fossil fuels, which are rich, concentrated, versatile, abundant, and affordable. “They are far superior to renewables,” Kathleen goes on to state. In fact, rising consumption of fossil fuels is in direct correlation to economic growth. Listen in as Kathleen reveals just how high the connection is!

The UN and individual countries have been going crazy with the amount of regulations they require to be in compliance with their “save the Earth” campaign. If a factory, business, or school does not comply with their outrageous rules, they won’t receive any government money! Why can’t we just decide what is best for ourselves and our own families and businesses? “Humanity does need to join together for reasons of human welfare to maintain the great gains that have been made,” Kathleen believes. “But I don’t think we need to ‘save the Earth’.

Listen in as Kathleen White continues to discuss opinion polls, the horse and buggy, and immigrants in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Paris Climate Agreement Explained
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The UN has been bullying countries around the world, especially wealthy countries like the United States, to transfer all of their energy sources from fossil fuels to renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass (wood). Their “system-wide absolute goal” is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels by the year 2050. Listen in as Kathleen White explains why this is just not achievable – and why it shouldn’t even be attempted!

FACT: You cannot use renewable energy sources like wind and solar without relying on a back-up source of natural gas or coal!

Furthermore, the Paris Climate Agreement (PCA) requires wealthy countries to “climate assist” poor countries. Kathleen explains that the wealthy countries will fund this “Green Climate Fund” with $100 BILLION every year, which will be dispersed to poor countries. Senior officials within the UN have admitted that the “Green Climate Fund” is “not about the environment or energy; it is about income redistribution”.

Listen in as Kathleen discusses whether or not the next President must adhere to the PCA and what you need to understand about its impact on you, your business, and your family. For example, Kathleen explains that, “Right now, China and India are building coal-fired plants, which is great! [America has] almost destroyed the industry in the name of saving the climate. Thousands of Americans have lost their jobs in West Virginia and Kentucky. China and India are going toward responsible efforts to improve the living conditions for their populace.

FACT: Thanks to their love of renewable energy resource, Californians pay 40% MORE than the national average for electricity. The new national average will be higher than California’s if we do not put a stop to the EPA and the UN.

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Title: Lies about the Paris Climate Agreement
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

New guest Dr. William Briggs is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Cornell University and former National Weather Service Meteorologist. Dr. Briggs is an expert in his field and he definitely does not agree with the alarmists concerning climate change. “For the past thirty years, they have been making predictions of what the temperature will be, and the predictions are always very high,” Dr. Briggs explains. “The reality is...the measurements have remained flat.

But, how do the alarmists explain the incorrect predictions? Simply put – they can’t! They believe so deeply in their theory that they cannot see the flaws in their model designs or even the incorrect predictions they are making! Furthermore, the alarmists cannot explain why the Earth was HOTTER over a thousand years ago than it is now, when there were less people and technology didn’t even exist! It’s so hard to even imagine what must be going on in their heads…

Dr. William Briggs wants everyone to know that the alarmists are flat wrong. They are purposefully misleading the public, especially when it comes to how many “scientists” agree with man-caused climate change. “The temperature has, in fact, varied a lot. That’s because the Earth changes in relation to the sun. There’s nothing anyone in the world can do about that!

Dr. Briggs believes the scientists are more-or-less being honest about their feelings concerning climate change. Most will even admit that their research is not to be taken as absolute fact. However, once the information reaches the politicians and the environmental activists, the opinions are stated as gospel. And therein lies the problem.

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January 4, 2016

Title: The Paris Sellout
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Prior to joining the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Kathleen White served a six-year term as Chairman and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the second largest environmental regulatory agency in the world after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She is an expert on environmental matters and a frequent guest on the Program.

World leaders recently met in Paris to discuss “global warming” and its threat to the planet. These leaders, with Obama at the head, came to an agreement on how this should be achieved. Kathleen White says the agreement is nothing more than a “symbolic deal; it is voluntary, unenforceable, and futile – but very dangerous”. In fact, she says the agreement is “meaningless”.

Listen in as Kathleen discusses more details about this Paris climate deal and why it is almost laughable. “Even US Sec of State John Kerry explicitly admitted that the deal wouldn’t even come close to prevent dangerous warming as predicted by the official science of the IPCC- driving the climate issue for almost thirty years,” Kathleen points out.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Paris Sellout
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Thanks to Obama, the United States will probably suffer the most under the new UN climate agreement. He is using the “rule of law” to force American citizens to comply with the regulations that will cost an outrageous sum and do very little to improve the planet.

The EPA has thrown pretty much every other government agency under the bus for the last thirty years, receiving millions (if not billions) in money damages all in the name of protecting the flea-flicking-flea-fly or a family of salmon in a stream. Now, Obama is pushing even harder against carbon, going around Congress directly to the EPA to adopt the “Clean Power Plan”. Only a court can stop this federal law.

Kathleen White also discusses the “Climate Reparations” that poor countries are demanding the US and other larger, wealthier countries pay in order for them to comply with the new Paris regulations. After all, it’s the larger countries who made this mess, right? (insert sarcasm) Obama has already forced roughly 400 coal-fired generating plants to close their doors. Has he replaced this lost energy source with another, such as wind, solar, or nuclear? NO. And therein lies the problem.

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July 22, 2014

Title: What Science Really Says about Climate Change
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Hollywood celebrities are experts at memorizing their lines and repeating what they’ve been told about climate change, fracking, and the environment. But how much do they really know? Are they scientists? Are they experts in the field?

The same goes for politicians. The mass majority of politicians are being paid to holler, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Who is paying them? Lobbyists in the form of insanely high campaign contributions, of course!

Now, the UN is switching their stance on “climate change”. What have they discovered?

Listen in as Josiah Neeley explains this new evidence.

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July 17, 2014

Title: Teach your Kids the TRUTH about CO2
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

The earth is cooling! No, the earth is warming! Oops, now it’s cooling, again! Wait! Nope, it’s really warming. We must stop this warming trend before we destroy the earth! No, I am not being sarcastic. I am not being “mean” or bullying. I am simply stating what the “Climate Change” people have been hollering for years.

Leighton Steward is an Earth Scientist. His job is to know what’s going on with the earth – the why’s and how’s and what if’s. He says, first, the earth needs to be warm in order for plants to actually grow, so animals can eat the plants, so humans can eat the animals. He says CO2 is NOT a pollutant, like so many “environmental specialists” would have us believe.

Listen in as Leighton clears some things up – and gives a dire warning of what might happen if energy prices keep rising. Log on to for more.

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June 26, 2014

Title: What Science Really Says about Climate Change
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Hollywood celebrities are experts at memorizing their lines and repeating what they’ve been told about climate change, fracking, and the environment. But how much do they really know? Are they scientists? Are they experts in the field?

The same goes for politicians. The mass majority of politicians are being paid to holler, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Who is paying them? Lobbyists in the form of insanely high campaign contributions, of course!

Now, the UN is switching their stance on “climate change”. What have they discovered?

Listen in as Josiah Neeley explains this new evidence.

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June 10, 2014

Title: Teach your Kids the TRUTH about CO2
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

The earth is cooling! No, the earth is warming! Oops, now it’s cooling, again! Wait! Nope, it’s really warming. We must stop this warming trend before we destroy the earth! No, I am not being sarcastic. I am not being “mean” or bullying. I am simply stating what the “Climate Change” people have been hollering for years.

Leighton Steward is an Earth Scientist. His job is to know what’s going on with the earth – the why’s and how’s and what if’s. He says, first, the earth needs to be warm in order for plants to actually grow, so animals can eat the plants, so humans can eat the animals. He says CO2 is NOT a pollutant, like so many “environmental specialists” would have us believe.

Listen in as Leighton clears some things up – and gives a dire warning of what might happen if energy prices keep rising. Log on to for more.

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June 9, 2014

Title: Top Ten Reasons Washington Should not Impose New Global Warming Laws or Regulations
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Amy Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

In this first segment with Amy Ridenour, she answers four of the top questions thinking-people have concerning global warming:

1. Is the world warming?
2. Who is really harmed by the push to reduce fossil fuels?
3. Who leads the world today in reducing CO2 emissions?
4. Are global warming climate modules accurately predicting what is happening in the real world?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Amy Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Regulations have goon too far. We especially don’t need any NEW regulations. Listen in as Amy discusses the other six reasons:

5 Are claims that 97% of the world’s scientists endorse global warming true?
6 Is the UN using scientists to write policy papers or is the UN using politicians?
7 As predictions do NOT come about, do the fossil fuel haters simply change their predictions?
8 Ice coverage around the world will disappear soon unless we all stop using fossil fuels – true or false?
9 If we stop using fossil fuels, what will we use?

And #10... Listen in to find out!

Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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