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February 7, 2017

Title: Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Steve Milloy is the Senior Policy Fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute. He has written a fantastic new book: “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA”, which details some shocking (or not-so-shocking) information. Listen in as he discusses his new book and some details concerning the Left’s War on Fossil Fuels.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Congressional Review ACT?

Should the national goal be to reduce man’s dependence on fossil fuels through the restriction of the production and use of fossil fuels? Steve finds this question hilarious!

Do most consumers and business owners understand the ultimate cost of the burdens placed on the producers of energy in America?

Who is Scott Pruitt? If he is appointed as the next Administrator of the EPA, what will be his objectives?

Listen in as Steve Milloy gives more information about his new book: “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA”.

Click here  to order a signed copy of Steve’s newest book.

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May 20, 2016

Title: Save American Jobs
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Left has been deceiving Americans for years by telling them fossil fuels, clean coal, and fracking hurt our environment and economy. Now, it’s all about the ozone.

Our resident EPA environmental expert Kathleen White is with us to discuss the left’s blatant lies about fossil fuels and the ozone. First, she explains that “ozone” is not directly admitted; it is a chemical reaction. Ozone is also “one of the six criteria pollutants in the Clean Air Act”.

Unless you put your mouth over the end of a tailpipe for eight hours every day, ozone is not a health risk anymore,” Kathleen states jokingly. In all seriousness, however, it’s the truth. Kathleen goes on to reveal that the federal standard for ozone has impacted urban areas more deeply than any other regulation. There has been a dramatic reduction in ozone over the last twenty years, but the EPA doesn’t care – they want tighter regulations to the point where it is unfeasible.

There are 177 counties in America that are not able to meet the current EPA standards for ozone. How are they going to be able to meet the new standards? It is way past time for Congress to tell the EPA to stop. It is time for a complete overhaul in the EPA. Listen in as Kathleen discusses this further.

NOTE: Kathleen has a new book out! You can order “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energyhere.

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January 27, 2016

Title: Who Doesn’t Want Clean Energy?
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Everyone wants to have abundant clean energy, but at what cost? Our favorite energy expert, Kathleen White, is with us to give an update on the EPA’s selfish desire for clean energy at the expense of the citizens who must pay for it. In fact, the manner in which the EPA is attempting to force states to comply with outrageous regulations could be categorized as “threatening behavior”. Kathleen says this: “How [the EPA has] operated the last seven years under the Obama Administration is really of a different category than decades previously. They are creating laws as if they were Congress.

Listen in as Kathleen expands on the EPA’s abuse of power over the people. What is worse is that the courts just seem to go along with their every wish. Kathleen summarizes the whole situation like this: “It’s no longer the rule of law operating. It’s between those who think advancing the idiocrasy is an end toward any means and those who think the Constitutional structure of our country is absolutely fundamental.

What will be the effect, though, of the Clean Power Plan? Will it really be that bad? We need to clean up the air pollution, so why not let the EPA tell us how to do that? Who cares if it costs a little more? No no no no no! Not a good idea – not a good idea at all! Kathleen remarks, “When cost doesn’t matter, it will make electricity scarce... It will change everybody’s life.” Furthermore, states will be forced to change their laws – even their State Constitutions!

We’ve said this over and over again on the What’s UP Radio Program… Germany adopted their own version of the Clean Power Plan years ago. Now, electricity is a luxury only the super-rich can afford. Those who do have access are paying three times more than we are in the US. England is only slightly better; they pay about double what Americans pay for electricity. “They’ve put human welfare second to their ‘green dreams’!” Kathleen declares.

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November 4, 2015

Title: Standing up to the EPA Bully
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The state of Texas has had enough of the EPA bullying its way into the lives of honest, hard-working taxpayers. Texas and twenty-three other states are suing the EPA over the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Oklahoma has filed a suit on their own. That means half of the states have formally expressed their concern with the CPP and their desire to stop the EPA bullies.

Kathleen White is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment. Kathleen says this in response to the lawsuit: “The Clean Power Plan is not merely another expensive EPA regulation. This rule to reduce CO2 is an arrogation of unprecedented federal authority to re-engineer the nation’s entire system of electric power – authority the U.S. Congress repeatedly refused to give to EPA.

Friends, you may not have noticed the slight increase which has already occurred in your electric bills. But when it doubles, what will you cut? Will you stop tithing? Stop eating out? Stop going on vacation? Buy a smaller home? Sell a car? The higher rates are coming; in fact, they are already here! Kathleen White explains how the unreasonably high energy rates in Europe, especially Germany, are driving American businesses back to America!

Kathleen says, “If we don’t push back, we really risk losing our form of government as a democracy based on the will of the people. Rules that have national consequences should not be the preference of the EPA.” The EPA has no authority over the people. If Congress wants to pass something, then so be it! Let the voters make their voice heard at the polls. The EPA should not be allowed to force every state, every citizen to adhere to their stringent, over-bearing regulations.

Listen in as Kathleen explains more about the Clean Power Plan, how long states have to comply, and the effects it will have on every citizen in the nation. This is not a simple regulation to help the environment. It will destroy America from within.

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July 9, 2015

Title: SCOTUS Got One Right!
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Supreme Court Justices have been hammered by Conservatives for recent rulings, but they finally got one right! Historically, the Court has helped the EPA stretch the boundaries; this time, however, the Court slapped the EPA in the face!

The EPA is constantly trying to get Congress or SCOTUS Justices to give them more and more authority over things that are none of their concern. The latest was an attempt to regulate phantom health risks to the public. Not only was this the EPA’s most expensive regulation proposed to date, it was full of flawed analysis and manipulated science.

Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation,  gives a brief background of the EPA, which was birthed by former President Richard Nixon by executive order. Did anything good come out of Nixon’s time in the Oval Office? She also discusses her research paper on the latest push by the EPA to scare the public with false reports of high levels of mercury in the atmosphere. Kathleen says, “If mercury levels are high, there can be serious health concerns. However, the Center for Disease Control reveals that we have already reduced mercury levels below the EPA’s strict regulations.”

Tune in to the next segment with Kathleen White as she explains more about the mercury levels, what the EPA wants, what the EPA got, and the potential cost to taxpayers if the EPA does get the go-ahead in the future (which is quite possible).

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - SCOTUS Got One Right!
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama can be seen on video (several years ago as a candidate) stating that he wouldn’t need to shut down coal-fired plants because electricity prices would become so high that they’d be forced to close! He knew what he was doing even back then! And you know something is up when even the EPA admits that they lied about the numbers!

The cost of the most recent regulation “wish” by the EPA is 2000 times higher than the benefit it would give the people. Cost: $10 Billion. Benefit: $6 Million. I’m not a math whiz, but that doesn’t seem beneficial to anyone, actually. Kathleen goes on to describe the electric rates in Germany due to massive out-of-control coal regulations. Hint: They pay a whole lot more than we do in America!

Share these two segments on social media and with your email contacts. We need to put a stop to the EPA’s overreach now.

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January 2, 2014

Title: Christmas, the EPA, and America the Beautiful
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 1 of 3

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons are a time meant for family, faith, and friends. The goons in WDC know this and use the distractions to their advantage every year.

This year, the EPA proposed water regulations that would give them oversight over public and private lakes, ponds, streams across the nation. Did anyone even know about this? Eric Opiela, candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, says: “That’s not happening on my watch!

Listen in…

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Title: Wetlands Classifications Can Take Away Your Rights
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 2 of 3

What is the “Wetland Classification” and how does it allow the EPA to take away land from honest citizens?

Listen in as Eric explains.

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Title: How Important is the Texas Farming and Ranching Industry?
Topic: EPA Bullies
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 3 of 3

Eric Opiela shares his vision for the future of Texas and how he plans to stop the EPA.

For more on Eric, log on to

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