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July 23, 2013

Title: Obama’s War on American Families
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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Title: All Pain. But No Gain.
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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July 4, 2013

Title: Obama’s War on American Families
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

According to President Obama the War of Terror is over. Now we are engaged on the War on American Families.

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

It is anyone’s guess how a ‘war’ against the industry that is responsible for producing forty percent of the nation’s electricity makes any sense. But Obama goes to Africa and promises them $7 Billion to build new coal plants. Now that makes a lot of sense. Listen in….

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July 2, 2013

Title: Obama’s War on American Families
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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Title: All Pain. But No Gain.
Topic: Obama's War on American Families
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Obama is determined to force American families to pay more for their electricity to cool their homes, to heat their homes in the winter, and to pay more for the gasoline to get them back and forth from home to work, to the grocery store, to church, to little league…to everywhere and all we do…pay more and more and more….

Seventy-three major climate studies predicting man-caused global warming have all been proven wrong when compared to the actual temperature of the each over the last decade. And if you missed it the first time: they all – all – have been proven wrong by actual temperature readings. A.L.L.

But Obama is focused on his war on America’s use of coal, which produces about forty percent of all electricity in America today. To replace coal will cost more, a lot more. Should consumers and tax payers be forced by Obama to pay trillions of dollars in the future as a penalty for living in America?

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