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May 19, 2023

Title: Biden Emission Standards Will Devastate Economy, Especially Minority Families and Businesses
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Donna Jackson is the Director of Membership Development for Project 21. She recently testified against new emission standards proposed by the Biden Administration.

Today, Donna discusses the negative effects the new proposed emissions standards will have on minority families and businesses.

Click here to read the press release regarding this serious issue.

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Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the new emissions standards the EPA is proposing?

Will the proposed new standards make it nearly impossible for manufactures to continue building many popular gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles? Donna explains how the current electrical grid is overloaded and nearly every person in America has experienced at least one blackout. Adding millions of electric vehicles will only exasperate the problem.

Is the EPA planning for more electric generating capacity across America? Donna says: “The technology doesn’t exist. This is just a pretense to take away private vehicles from Americans.”

Is the EPA and Biden Administration ignoring the labor conditions of the people (often child slaves) mining cobalt in the Congo?

Is the EPA and the Biden Administration ignoring the hardship the new proposed rule will have on the poorest in our communities? Donna passionately explains the many reasons why owning an electric vehicle is unattainable for the majority of minorities.

Why do so many minorities still vote on the Democrat ticket when so many of their policies are harmful? Donna has seen a shift in this over the past few years and is hopeful for the next election.

How can we educate minorities about the issues that are affecting them?

Click here for more information about Project 21, a program of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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January 25, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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January 13, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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February 4, 2021

Title: How Tight is Your Budget?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

How much more are you willing to pay for all of the products you use on a daily basis? Does Joe Biden even care that his new Energy Executive Order (basically AOC’s Green New Deal) will do far more harm than good?

Jason Isaac is the Director of Life:Powered initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Jason says: "President Biden claims to want to help the environment, but his Executive Orders won't stop climate change and actually jeopardize the environment. Curtailing American energy production means we'll be forced to import energy from foreign nations who don't share our country's commitment to environmental quality."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the earth’s climate been changing since Creation?

The Green New Deal calls for eliminating all US fossil fuel consumption by 2030 – less than 10 years from today. Can this be achieved? Jason explains how this would “incredibly decimate our economy”.

FACT: 90% of the emissions worldwide are from countries other than the US.

Does the Paris Accord give China a free-pass on emissions?

Do globally-accepted climate data models project a huge reduction in global temperatures in 2100 if America eliminates the use of all fossil fuels by the year 2030?

Are human beings 100% to blame for catastrophic climate change? Jason discusses why many (most) Americans believe this is true.

More on this issue can be found here.

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May 31, 2019

Title: Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Climate policies aim to increase the price of energy in order to decrease the consumption of energy. Dissolution of existing energy systems, without comparable alternatives, risks imposing acute energy austerity that could push middle- and low-income families back into preindustrial living conditions already re-emerging in some European countries.

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment and a Senior Fellow for the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She will be discussing the recent report by the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.

You can read Kathleen’s article on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the world getting better all the time?

Are there fewer energy-poor people across the globe? If so, why?

Will liberal/socialist climate change “solutions” halt the progress against world poverty?

How does the air and water quality in Texas currently rank?

The UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent special report proposes a carbon tax of $135 to $5,500 per ton of emissions of greenhouse gases, which could potentially raise the price of gasoline to a whopping $49 per gallon. That’s not $4.90 per gallon but $49 per gallon of gasoline. Elites could pay that without batting an eye, but what about all the rest of us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents need to be aware of what their children in public schools (and even some private schools!) are being taught about climate change and global warming?

Will the world run out of food? Is everyone going to die soon because of climate change?

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March 25, 2019

Title: Green New Deal: Cause and Effect
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

There are some who are dismissing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outlandish Green New Deal (GND) as a pipe dream. However, it has been endorsed by every single one of the Democratic Presidential candidates in the US Senate.

Tom Schatz, President of Citizens Against Government Waste, believes the GND is extremely dangerous and offers facts and figures below.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How would the GND harm our expanding economy?

Will the GND dramatically increase the size and power of the federal government?

Why would the GND completely alter the American way of life?

How do we compete against Santa Clause?

Are Americans ready to give up their freedoms for “free everything”? Tom Schatz explains the GND tax rate proposal… I guarantee you probably fall into one of the brackets that will be taxed more!

How many people in America actually pay taxes? How much debt is owed by each taxpayer? “The problem isn’t the taxes that are raised. It’s the money that is being spent and wasted,” Tom says.

Keep an eye out for the new CAGW Pig Book in coming weeks! Click here  for more information.

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February 12, 2019

Title: Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Climate policies aim to increase the price of energy in order to decrease the consumption of energy. Dissolution of existing energy systems, without comparable alternatives, risks imposing acute energy austerity that could push middle- and low-income families back into preindustrial living conditions already re-emerging in some European countries.

Kathleen White is the Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment and a Senior Fellow for the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She will be discussing the recent report by the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.

You can read Kathleen’s article on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the world getting better all the time?

Are there fewer energy-poor people across the globe? If so, why?

Will liberal/socialist climate change “solutions” halt the progress against world poverty?

How does the air and water quality in Texas currently rank?

The UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent special report proposes a carbon tax of $135 to $5,500 per ton of emissions of greenhouse gases, which could potentially raise the price of gasoline to a whopping $49 per gallon. That’s not $4.90 per gallon but $49 per gallon of gasoline. Elites could pay that without batting an eye, but what about all the rest of us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heating or Eating: Which Would You Choose?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents need to be aware of what their children in public schools (and even some private schools!) are being taught about climate change and global warming?

Will the world run out of food? Is everyone going to die soon because of climate change?

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Title: The Green New Deal: NOT A Good Deal
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Craig Richardson
with Energy and Environment Legal Institute (

According to an American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy report,  households already pay over seven percent of household income on home energy costs, more than three times the proportion paid by higher-income households on average.

Craig Richardson, President of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, explains Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) dangerous “Green New Deal”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will AOC’s “Green New Deal” do more harm than good to those already living in poverty?

Is AOC’s “Green New Deal” a rainbow-covered unicorn-fantasy?

Is a complete overhaul of the American energy system over the next ten years achievable?

Are many other concerns today (the homosexual agenda, gun rights, and even abortion) relevant to this discussion about environmental issues?

Listen as Craig Richardson explains how the Left’s ideas are not new; they’re just using a new (dangerous) face. “You don’t compromise with terrorists,” Craig warns.

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January 14, 2019

Title: Green New Deal Explained
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Part 1 of 2

Proud Socialist and newly elected Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ready to place a 70% tax on the rich to make her Green New Deal a reality.

Jarrett Stepman has written an article on the debacle: “The Green New Deal Is a Trojan Horse for Socialism.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal”? Is stopping climate change the only issue on her radar? HINT: Nope!

Is the Green New Deal a thinly veiled cover to implement socialism in America?

Why is Socialism wrong for American families?

Why do so many millennials embrace Socialism?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Green New Deal Explained
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the economic collapse in Venezuela a great example?

Is there a difference between a Democratic Socialist and a “regular” Socialist?

Is the Green New Deal patterned after the old Soviet Union Five Year Plan?

Will the Green New Deal fail just like the Soviet plan?

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