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June 28, 2017

Title: The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The population of Texas could double by 2050, says a report released by the Office of the State Demographer. If this happens, the Texas population would swell to 54.4 million. What does this mean for the Texas water supply?

Kathleen White has some answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Without water at an affordable price, will people move to Texas? Will they stay?

Can our current water system support a major increase in population?

In “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”, written by guest Kathleen White, one statement stands out: “Every other boom in human history eventually hit a wall and then declined because resources dwindled –whether timber, cropland, pasture, labor, water, or peat [fuel source].” Listen as she explains this statement.

Thirty years from now, without planning now for new water sources, will there be enough water for a population that is expected to be twice as large as it is now?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do most Texans obtain their water today?

Who owns the water underground? Kathleen discusses a twenty-year-old piece of Legislation that is not only outdated, but just doesn’t make sense. She also discusses how property rights filter into the equation.

In Texas, are we beginning to stop the use of ground water? Are we going too far in restricting the use of ground water?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With all the regulations set by the EPA on how, when, and where we can obtain water, what are some of our options for the future?

Can water be transferred from one basin to another in Texas? SHORT ANSWER: Nope! Listen as Kathleen explains why in more detail.

Kathleen was a co-author of “The Case for a Texas Water Market”. Without changes to current laws and regulations, will Texas be prepared to supply water for the needs of homes, businesses, and industry in the year 2050?

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May 18, 2017

Title: The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The population of Texas could double by 2050, says a report released by the Office of the State Demographer. If this happens, the Texas population would swell to 54.4 million. What does this mean for the Texas water supply?

Kathleen White has some answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Without water at an affordable price, will people move to Texas? Will they stay?

Can our current water system support a major increase in population?

In “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”, written by guest Kathleen White, one statement stands out: “Every other boom in human history eventually hit a wall and then declined because resources dwindled –whether timber, cropland, pasture, labor, water, or peat [fuel source].” Listen as she explains this statement.

Thirty years from now, without planning now for new water sources, will there be enough water for a population that is expected to be twice as large as it is now?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do most Texans obtain their water today?

Who owns the water underground? Kathleen discusses a twenty-year-old piece of Legislation that is not only outdated, but just doesn’t make sense. She also discusses how property rights filter into the equation.

In Texas, are we beginning to stop the use of ground water? Are we going too far in restricting the use of ground water?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Case for a Texas Water Market
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With all the regulations set by the EPA on how, when, and where we can obtain water, what are some of our options for the future?

Can water be transferred from one basin to another in Texas? SHORT ANSWER: Nope! Listen as Kathleen explains why in more detail.

Kathleen was a co-author of “The Case for a Texas Water Market”. Without changes to current laws and regulations, will Texas be prepared to supply water for the needs of homes, businesses, and industry in the year 2050?

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September 4, 2013

Title: Water Crisis Across Texas
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

Part 1 of 2

Does Texas have a pending water crisis?

Eric Opiela discusses the role he would play if elected as the next Texas Agriculture Commissioner in regards to dealing with and solving our water crisis.

Without water, there will be no more growth in Texas.

Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Water Crisis Will Affect All Texans
Discussed by Eric Opiela
with Eric Opiela

The Texas Agriculture Commissioner affects every Texan, but how does the Agriculture Commissioner oversee the safety of fruits and vegetables and meat items that Texans consume every day?

How does the horny-toad, the flea-flicking-flea-fly, or even the common spotted skunk affect industry, agriculture and consumers in Texas? Can Texas build another lake?

Listen in.

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