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June 13, 2024

Title: Extreme Weather: What We Still Don’t Know
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Albert Einstein expressed modesty with regard to his knowledge, reportedly saying: “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”

Sterling Burnett believes the same can be said about our knowledge (or lack-thereof) of climate and weather patterns. Sterling Burnett is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the Managing Editor of Environment and Climate News with the Heartland Institute.

Click here to read Sterling Burnett’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do scientists fully understand all the variables that affect weather locally, nationally, and worldwide?

What causes the ocean temperature and currents to fluctuate? Sterling Burnett has an easy-to-understand explanation…

Do humans have any control over the temperature of or shift in ocean current?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Extreme Weather: What We Still Don’t Know
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there more or less tornados/hurricanes today than in the past? Are they more or less forceful than in the past? Sterling Burnett warns to NOT listen to the media this hurricane season because they will all be lying to us.

Click here to help support the Heartland Institute.

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May 30, 2024

Title: Surface Station Data is Wrong
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Sterling Burnett is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy with the Heartland Institute. Today, Sterling Burnett discusses the government’s lies about climate change.

Click here for a study conducted by the Heartland Institute on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Taxpayers are shelling out millions upon millions of dollars on research based on “surface temperature station studies”. How accurate are these studies? Sterling Burnett explains “surface temperature data” and how concrete and asphalt roads and even nearby buildings can affect the results.

What is the purpose of the US Climate Reference Network?

Would the data being released from “surface temperature station studies”” hold up in a court of law?

Are the American people being completely gaslit about man-made climate change? Sterling Burnett calls the data “made-up numbers”.

Click here to help support the Heartland Institute.

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April 24, 2024

Title: Surface Station Data is Wrong
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Sterling Burnett is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy  with the Heartland Institute. Today, Sterling Burnett discusses the government’s lies about climate change.

Click here for a study conducted by the Heartland Institute on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Taxpayers are shelling out millions upon millions of dollars on research based on “surface temperature station studies”. How accurate are these studies? Sterling Burnett explains “surface temperature data” and how concrete and asphalt roads and even nearby buildings can affect the results.

What is the purpose of the US Climate Reference Network?

Would the data being released from “surface temperature station studies”” hold up in a court of law?

Are the American people being completely gaslit about man-made climate change? Sterling Burnett calls the data “made-up numbers”.

Click here to help support the Heartland Institute.

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April 19, 2024

Title: Biden’s Roadmap to Control
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Bonner Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses yet another terrible Biden initiative to “save the planet”.

Click here to read Dr. Cohen’s editorial on this issue, originally posted in the Daily Caller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or False: Humans are killing the planet.

Biden’s gurus have cunningly disguised the true intent for the minimum definition for zero-emission buildings. What buildings would fall under the proposed regulation? Dr. Bonner Cohen explains net-zero emissions, the new (very confusing) definition, why they are being very hush-hush about the proposal, and how every single American will be affected, reminding us of the “power of the purse”,

Is this a continuation of the Left’s “Roadmap to Control”?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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March 18, 2024

Title: Biden’s Roadmap to Control
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Bonner Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses yet another terrible Biden initiative to “save the planet”.

Click here to read Dr. Cohen’s editorial on this issue, originally posted in the Daily Caller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or False: Humans are killing the planet.

Biden’s gurus have cunningly disguised the true intent for the minimum definition for zero-emission buildings. What buildings would fall under the proposed regulation? Dr. Bonner Cohen explains net-zero emissions, the new (very confusing) definition, why they are being very hush-hush about the proposal, and how every single American will be affected, reminding us of the “power of the purse”,

Is this a continuation of the Left’s “Roadmap to Control”?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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February 6, 2024

Title: Biden’s “Pause” Is Bad News
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses Joe Biden’s latest order to “pause” the approval process for new terminals exporting US natural gas.

Click here for more on this and other issues from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is this pause bad for our economy?

Is this pause bad for the environment?

Is this pause bad for our national security?

Can Biden’s blunder be permanently reversed?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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December 8, 2023

Title: COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen is giving an update about the United Nations Conference of the Parties (UN COP 28).

Click here to read more on this important issue.

Click here for more from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are the 60,000+ attendees at the UN COP 28 Conference? Where do they come from?

Where is the UN COP 28 being held? Is this just pure hypocrisy?

Did all the attendees arrive in their electric cars? Or did they fly in their private gas-guzzling jets?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the focus of this year’s UN COP 28 money – lots and lots of money?

In past conferences, agreements were signed with much fanfare on reducing carbon usage, mainly oil, gas, and coal. Did China and India sign the agreements? Dr. Cohen gives all the details – much of which is sure to raise your blood pressure.

Do environmentalists blame natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes on man-made climate change?

What is the “Harm and Damage Fund”? How much will it cost? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “Harm and Damage Fund” a fancy way of saying “reparations”?

How much money will China and India contribute to this fund?

Is China secretly funding American colleges and universities to spread rhetoric about climate change bologna? Dr. Cohen explains how China is benefiting from the Biden Administration’s crackdown on fossil fuels.

Will China force severe lifestyle changes on their own citizens to comply with the UN COP 28 rules and regulations?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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December 4, 2023

Title: UN Expanding Climate Change Bologna
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Craig Rucker
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Craig Rucker is the co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and currently serves as its President. Craig is also the co-producer of “Climate Hustle” and “Climate Hustle 2”.  Today, Craig discusses details about the UN Conference COP 28 and climate change bologna.

CClick here to read Craig Rucker’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the UN Conference COP 28?

What are some of the climate alarmists’ extreme demands? Craig discusses their belief that eating meat is “cooking the planet”. What do they want us to eat? Bugs! He also shares a true funny story about a conference a few years…

What are “loss and damage funds”? Why will they be given to poor, third-world countries? How much money is being poured into this fund?

How soon does the UN want to phase out/eliminate fossil fuels? Is this achievable? Criag explains why this is so laughable, especially since China is given a free pass… br />
WWhy are we called “climate change deniers”?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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October 30, 2023

Title: China Doesn’t Care About the Environment
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

John Horvat is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, and author of “Return to Order”. Today, John discusses China’s massive non-compliance with eco-standards while the rest of the world pours billions and billions of dollars down the rat hole of “let’s save the planet climate change bologna.”

Click here to read John Horvat’s article on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has China signed climate accords?

China boasts the world’s second largest economy. Why, then, is China listed as a developing country, enjoying privileges and exemptions from World Trade Organization rules?

Is China a sanctuary for emission-evading companies looking to maximize profits?

Is China laughing in our faces?

Why aren’t eco-activists protesting China’s massive non-compliance?

Click here to help support John Horvat and Return to Order.

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August 29, 2023

Title: Liberals’ Climate Change Agenda Brings Out the Gaslighting
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

From his first day in office, Joe Biden has been pushing the green energy agenda, declaring a war on capitalism in America. Are too many Americans buying into the climate change lies? Or are many waking up to the truth?

Today, author and journalist Robert H, Knight discusses his latest article  in The Washington Times.

Click here to order a copy of Robert’s many books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Greenland lose a tremendous amount of its ice “416,000 years ago”? If cars and machines weren’t in existence then, why did the ice caps melt? After all, the environmentalists claim that humans, cars, and machines are now causing climate change! So, what happened back then?

When did “gaslighting” first appear and why?

In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made some outrageous claims. What were those claims? Did her article convince anyone that the Inflation Reduction Act is a good thing?

Can a few words reveal a person’s true character?

China controls most of the rare minerals needed in the production of the batteries necessary for electric cars. Much of this mining is done using child labor. Does the MSM understand and report on this?

Click here for more information about Robert Knight and to sign up for his FREE emails.

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July 25, 2023

Title: The Great Carbon Capture Scam
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives. Today, Jason discusses the truth about the Left’s carbon capture and net-zero fantasy.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this topic in the Daily Caller.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, the elites in Europe and the US believed that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns. Did burning witches (the evil humans) at the stake have any effect on the weather?

Have the elites in America today sold out to the fantasy of “net-zero”? Jason explains how companies are being manipulated into following the net-zero and decarbonization scam.

What is “net-zero”? Jason gives the best answer: “It’s the elimination of God’s gas.”

Would life exist without CO2? What will happen if the elites get their way in reducing CO2 emissions to 0.04%?

Why are those who support using oil and gas considered “bad people” – witches and warlocks?

What is carbon capture? Is carbon capture a scam? Jason reveals how much carbon capture costs and explains that it actually harms people living in poverty in the US and around the world. He also shares some brand-new statistical information that hasn’t even been publicly announced.

Bottom Line: Are humans causing climate change?

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July 17, 2023

Title: New Data on Fossil Fuels and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Dr. Bennett discusses the results of their updated data from the Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas-Induced Climate Change (MAGICC). In other words: What’s UP with a fossil fuel ban? Will it “change” climate change?

Dr. Brent Bennett has an M.S.E. and Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.S. in physics from the University of Tulsa. His graduate research focused on advanced chemistries for utility-scale energy storage systems.

Click here to read the press release and the full report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation on this topic.

Click here for more from Dr. Bennett.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can we store solar power generated during the day in batteries to use at night or when the power goes out? Do we have the battery capacity today? Dr. Bennett explains the challenges and why it is just not achievable any time soon.

What are greenhouse gases? Are they good or bad? Are greenhouse gases studied, tracked, and reported on? Is too much effort spent on predicting the future and not enough on current or past emissions? What causes greenhouse gas?

What caused the “little ice age”? Is the climate constantly changing?

What is “net zero”? Is net zero achievable?

If the US completely stopped using all fossil fuels by the year 2050, would the global temperature be affected? Dr. Bennet reveals that the temperature difference would be so miniscule – 0.082 degrees Celius – that we would not even notice a change.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - New Data on Fossil Fuels and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Greenhouse gas emission have stayed relatively the same over the past 100 years. Have solar emissions stayed constant, as well? Or does it change from year-to-year? Do solar emissions have a huge effect on the climate?

Has the climate of the earth changed many, many, many times over the course of history? Was the climate actually warmer when the dinosaurs roamed the earth than it is now? How is that possible if humans are causing climate change?!?

With technological advances, do we have more of an idea of what causes the earth’s climate to shift up or down? What is the estimated cost to eliminate the use of fossil fuels? How much are people willing to pay every month to have cleaner water and air?

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation.

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July 7, 2023

Title: The Great Carbon Capture Scam
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives. Today, Jason discusses the truth about the Left’s carbon capture and net-zero fantasy.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this topic in the Daily Caller.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, the elites in Europe and the US believed that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns. Did burning witches (the evil humans) at the stake have any effect on the weather?

Have the elites in America today sold out to the fantasy of “net-zero”? Jason explains how companies are being manipulated into following the net-zero and decarbonization scam.

What is “net-zero”? Jason gives the best answer: “It’s the elimination of God’s gas.”

Would life exist without CO2? What will happen if the elites get their way in reducing CO2 emissions to 0.04%?

Why are those who support using oil and gas considered “bad people” – witches and warlocks?

What is carbon capture? Is carbon capture a scam? Jason reveals how much carbon capture costs and explains that it actually harms people living in poverty in the US and around the world. He also shares some brand-new statistical information that hasn’t even been publicly announced.

Bottom Line: Are humans causing climate change?

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March 14, 2023

Title: Biden’s Plan for Carbon Emission “Degrowth”
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Recently, Joe Biden issued an outrageous and far-fetched pledge to reduce America’s carbon footprint – without research from any federal agency.

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Dr. Bennett discusses Joe Biden’s bold (and expensive) plan.

Click here to read the press release on this important topic from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Dr. Brent Bennett.

Click here to learn more about the Life:Powered initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

America has spent over $100 BILLION to combat climate change. Has anything changed, though? Weren’t carbon dioxide emissions at a record high in 2022? Dr. Bennett explains that America is still low on the list, but globally the numbers rose. He also reveals that the amount America has spent to lower the levels is well over $200 BILLION now.

The world says America is the problem. Is America the problem? Can America, by itself, reduce worldwide carbon emissions?

Does the atmosphere circulate around the globe over time? Dr. Bennett gives a great explanation of pollution, carbon dioxide, the ozone, and how it all works together.

Are China and India spending amounts equal to the US to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in their nations? Dr. Bennett reveals that they are spending more money building more coal plants, increasing their carbon footprint.

Joe Biden has boldly committed to reduce America’s greenhouse gas emissions to 50+% below 2005 levels by 2030. READ THAT AGAIN! Will his Inflation Reduction Act actually work? How much will it cost the American taxpayer?

What is “degrowth”? Is the Left laser-focused on degrowth?

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as the continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation.

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September 20, 2022

Title: Reject the Climate Cult
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is Director of Life:Powered, a project within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. In reference to the European Union’s mandatory need to “flatten the curve” regarding electricity demand, Jason recently tweeted: “Don’t cook when you’re hungry. Don’t heat/cool your home. Don’t clean your clothes. Don’t bathe.”

Click here for more from Jason Isaac.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Prime Minister Liz Truss? Why did she recently lift the fracking ban in the UK?

Why are citizens of the European Union facing a bleak, cold, dark winter? Jason explains how Russia is partly to blame, in addition to the ban on fracking for years.

What did Jason mean by his recent tweet? (See above link) Should he also include “don’t charge your electric vehicle”?

TRUE OR FALSE: Colorado electric companies can manually shut off or adjust the power to citizens’ homes via Smart Meters.

Can conservation and flattening the curve help avoid forced blackouts? SHORT ANSWER: Nope.

Are the elites being truthful about the consequences of going totally green within the next few years? Jason reveals how much Texans’ electric bills would increase. The amount is astronomical.

Is abundant, reliable, affordable energy the cornerstone of our lives today?

Are fossil fuels to blame for any change in climate? Jason laughs at this question, saying: “Absolutely not. Economic prosperity and environmental leadership go hand-in-hand… So, with access to affordable, reliable energy, we actually mitigate a changing climate that is going to continue to change for millennia to come until the earth is gone and we go (hopefully) to heaven.”

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September 7, 2022

Title: Filling Your Tea Kettle
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses how, in America, we rarely think about where our water comes from or even how clean it is. This is not the case for millions of people around the world.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Syd Lucas.

Click here for more from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worldwide, how many children die every day because of contaminated water?

Worldwide, how many hours every day do women and children, mainly young girls, devote to walking and collecting water?

We turn on our faucets or grab a bottle and go on living. Do we rarely consider not having safe, clean water?

Is water – and the energy to draw, clean, and transport it – key to humans flourishing?

The woke crowd blames the lack of safe, clean water on climate change. Is this true or false? Syd discusses why this is an absolutely false – and even dangerous – statement.

How can we help?

: Click here to learn more about Operation Blessing’s efforts to provide safe, clean drinking water around the world.

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September 2, 2022

Title: Filling Your Tea Kettle
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses how, in America, we rarely think about where our water comes from or even how clean it is. This is not the case for millions of people around the world.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Syd Lucas.

Click here for more from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worldwide, how many children die every day because of contaminated water?

Worldwide, how many hours every day do women and children, mainly young girls, devote to walking and collecting water?

We turn on our faucets or grab a bottle and go on living. Do we rarely consider not having safe, clean water?

Is water – and the energy to draw, clean, and transport it – key to humans flourishing?

The woke crowd blames the lack of safe, clean water on climate change. Is this true or false? Syd discusses why this is an absolutely false – and even dangerous – statement.

How can we help?

: Click here to learn more about Operation Blessing’s efforts to provide safe, clean drinking water around the world.

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August 12, 2022

Title: Eco-Anxiety: The New Trend Plaguing Millennials
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for the Life:Powered Initiative with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses “eco-anxiety” and how the Left’s outrageous policies are affecting your pocketbook.

Click here to read more on this issue from Syd Lucas and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the media reporting that the vast majority of voters are so worried about climate change that they actually fear for their lives? What are the “real” numbers? Syd reveals that deaths caused by “extreme weather events” has decreased by 90% over the last century and that only 1% of voters are concerned about climate change.

On average, how much more are Americans paying for gas, electricity, and everyday items since Biden took office? Are rising prices only affecting low- and middle-income Americas? Or are rich elites feeling the pain as well?

Biden recently remarked that climate change presents a “clear and present danger”. Has the world’s climate always been changing? Syd says in response: “The clear and present danger is that Americans are struggling to afford things.”

Germany has spent $500 billion over the last 20 years on alternative energy sources. Has this significantly reduced their use of fossil fuels? Syd reveals that it has only decreased 7%. What a joke!

As a result, Germany is now heavily reliant on Russian natural gas. Is Russia using this reliance as a weapon?

Can more reliable, affordable energy help Americans get back on their feet?

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July 12, 2022

Title: Global Warming Activists Glue Themselves to Da Vinci’s Last Supper Painting
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Guy Mitchell
with Special Guest

Just when you thought gas prices couldn’t go higher, radical environmental activists are doing everything they can to see that gas prices spike even higher.

New guest Guy Mitchell discusses new tactics by Greenpeace and Sierra Club activists and how their shenanigans would affect you.

Click here to purchase Guy Mithell’s new book, “Global Warming: The Great Deception”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Greenpeace and Sierra Club activists glue themselves to de Vinci’s The Last Supper painting? Guy Mitchell discusses their doomsday rhetoric, saying: “You can’t use facts to motivate these people.”

Did they also spray paint the message “No New Oil” near the painting?

Would Guy Mitchell consider these activists “level-headed”? SHORT ANSWER: Nope.

Does weather change all the time – from day to day, month to month, year to year, decade to decade, millennium to millennium? Do humanity’s activities have a dramatic affect on the weather and CO2 levels?

Did the Supreme Court recently rule against the EPA and its war against CO2? Guy Mitchell explains what the EPA was doing and why the Supreme Court ruled against them.

Guy closes the interview discussing his new book, “Global Warming: The Great Deception”. Use the link above to purchase your copy.

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Title: SCOTUS Left a Bitter Pill to Swallow in One of its Key Rulings
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Dr. Bonner Cohen recently wrote: “The Biden administration’s plan to use the administrative regulatory state to further what the president has called the 'incredible transition' to green energy hit a speed bump with the Supreme Court’s June 30 ruling reining in the Environmental Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate power plants.” Today, Dr. Cohen, a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, discusses the significance of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Click here to read Dr. Cohen’s full op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who within our government is authorized to decide major policy issues? Dr. Cohen reminds us of the role of Congress, the division of powers, and the branches of government. He further explains how many agencies, such as the EPA and CDC, have become “lawmakers” over the past few decades and why it has been so bad for many reasons.

What is the purpose is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

Did Obama state that he could use his “pen and phone” to achieve his goal to phase out fossil fuels?

Bottom Line: Is CO2 a pollutant? No.

How did the Supreme Court come to their decision if none of them are scientists? Dr. Cohen explains the West Virginia case in question, saying: “It was scientifically absurd!”

What does the future hold for this issue? Where will Americans get affordable and reliable energy? Dr. Cohen discusses why wind and solar energy and electric cars are NOT the answer.

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January 25, 2022

Title: The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Are fossil fuels – oil, natural gas, and coal – causing declining fertility rates across the globe? Will we soon have too few people paying into the national debt via taxes? What will the future look like without babies?

Katie Tahuahua is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, purposed to raise America’s energy IQ. Today, Katie discusses a new Danish study that ridiculously claims fossil fuels may be to blame for declining fertility rates around the world.

Click here to read on this topic from Katie Tahuahua.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Katie was on the program recently (October 18, 2021) discussing how four in ten young people are afraid to have children. Does this surprise Katie?

Are fossil fuels really causing birth rates to plummet or is scaremongering the cause?

Is the air around the world, especially in the US, cleaner today as compared to air quality in 1970? Katie reveals just how cleaner it is today – and it just might shock you!

Back to the Danish study, which claims pollution causes infertility… The population is exploding in India, where they do not have pollution controls on their coal-fired generation plants. How is this possible?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are cultural factors driving lower birth rates in the US? Katie uses this segment to explain why she believes this makes much more sense rather than blaming fossil fuels. She also reveals some startling statistics about marriage and families today…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the youth around the world today (not just in America) blessed to be born in the age of incredibly low poverty, outstanding health, longer life expectancy, widespread education, and nearly unlimited opportunity?

Is there a double-standard around the world – blaming America for everything? On the other hand… is it America’s responsibility to provide resources for every other country around the world?

What would our lifestyle look like today without affordable, reliable energy at our fingertips? Katie reminds us to be grateful for what we have and pray for those around the world who do not.

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Title: Coal is Making a Comeback
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Charlotte Whelan
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Charlotte Whelan is a Policy Analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, focusing on energy and climate policy.

She recently wrote: “Ever since the world began slowly reopening from pandemic lockdowns, climate activists have been calling for a 'green' rebuilding of our economies. They would like to dramatically change the way we live in order to reduce carbon emissions. But ironically, these very policies have placed us in the situation we’re now in: turning to coal to solve our energy problems.”

Click here to read more on this topic from Charlotte.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are climate activists plotting to re-build our economy under their terms, which means less energy consumption for all?

Do we know if they’re proposed plans will even work?

Are any countries experiencing an energy crisis? Charlotte reveals that the latest information predicts that the US will experience a considerable coal-consumption increase for the first time since 2014.

Why did Biden publicly begg OPEC to release more oil?

As Texans discovered this past winter, wind and solar just are not reliable. Has the European Union relied too much on wind and solar? Have they been in an energy crisis for years? Charlotte discusses Germany’s severe energy problems and how France is starting to turn around…

Are renewable energy sources, mainly wind and solar, able to pull us and the world out of this energy crisis?

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January 13, 2022

Title: The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Are fossil fuels – oil, natural gas, and coal – causing declining fertility rates across the globe? Will we soon have too few people paying into the national debt via taxes? What will the future look like without babies?

Katie Tahuahua is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, purposed to raise America’s energy IQ. Today, Katie discusses a new Danish study that ridiculously claims fossil fuels may be to blame for declining fertility rates around the world.

Click here to read on this topic from Katie Tahuahua.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Katie was on the program recently (October 18, 2021) discussing how four in ten young people are afraid to have children. Does this surprise Katie?

Are fossil fuels really causing birth rates to plummet or is scaremongering the cause?

Is the air around the world, especially in the US, cleaner today as compared to air quality in 1970? Katie reveals just how cleaner it is today – and it just might shock you!

Back to the Danish study, which claims pollution causes infertility… The population is exploding in India, where they do not have pollution controls on their coal-fired generation plants. How is this possible?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are cultural factors driving lower birth rates in the US? Katie uses this segment to explain why she believes this makes much more sense rather than blaming fossil fuels. She also reveals some startling statistics about marriage and families today…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Future is Bright! Have Those Babies!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the youth around the world today (not just in America) blessed to be born in the age of incredibly low poverty, outstanding health, longer life expectancy, widespread education, and nearly unlimited opportunity?

Is there a double-standard around the world – blaming America for everything? On the other hand… is it America’s responsibility to provide resources for every other country around the world?

What would our lifestyle look like today without affordable, reliable energy at our fingertips? Katie reminds us to be grateful for what we have and pray for those around the world who do not.

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November 19, 2021

Title: Is Climate Change Pre-PTSD a Real Thing?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A slightly suspicious and unsourced poll claims that 70% of Americans are either very or somewhat worried about global warming.

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for the Life:Powered Initiative with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the earth’s constantly changing climate and how reliable, affordable, and abundant energy can save entire countries.

Click here for more information on the Life:Powered Initiative.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Americans really suffering from pre-PTSD because of worries over climate change? What is pre-PTSD?

Has the earth’s climate changed over the millennium? Dr. Bennett says: “As you read more scientific literature, you see that what you read in the headlines is entirely disconnected from the debates that go on within the scientific realm.”

When looking back over recorded and non-recorded history focused on man’s health, wealth, longevity, and comfort, is today the best time yet to be alive?

Do more people die from cold weather than from warm weather?

Can entire populations be released from abject poverty through the use of reliable, affordable, and abundant energy? Dr. Bennett reminds us that this is exactly what America did! We should help others, like those in the South Sudan where only 1% of the population has electricity!

Do the poor and middle-class benefit the most from reliable, affordable, and abundant energy?

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November 2, 2021

Title: Minorities and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Derrick Hollie
with Reaching America (

Part 1 of 2

The Left has had some crazy predictions on global warming/cooling/climate change over the past few decades. They have also had some pretty crazy ideas on reducing pollution in America and across the world. But, should the proposed Biden policies focus on the current impact not hypothetical possibilities that might happen one hundred years from now?

Derrick Hollie is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. He is also the President of Reaching America, a non-profit addressing issues affecting the black community such as criminal justice reform, occupational licensing, energy poverty, and free speech. He is a host of the weekly “Reaching America on Demand” podcast.

Click here for more information on Reaching America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we killing Mother Earth because we drive our SUVs, eat meat, and procreate? Derrick has delivered testimony FIVE times on energy poverty. Listen as he explains what this means for everyone, not just minorities…

Does air conditioning save lives and increase our quality of life?

Have the catastrophic climate predictions over the past 50+ years come true? Did global warming occur at catastrophic levels killing millions as predicted?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Minorities and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Derrick Hollie
with Reaching America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it possible to know what new inventions/technologies will be available the next 5, 10, 25, or 100 years?

What is “environmental justice”? Derrick and others believe that the effort should be focused on assessing the impact of higher energy prices on everyone, not just the poor.

Derrick also discusses how Federal regulations should realistically look at the impact on all populations in regards to employment, wages, consumer prices, and homeownership. But, how can this be done without biases controlling the analysis?

What can WE do to stop the Biden Administration from implementing these horrible energy policies?

To read more on this topic from Derrick Hollie, click here.

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October 25, 2021

Title: Coal is Making a Comeback
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Charlotte Whelan
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Charlotte Whelan is a Policy Analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, focusing on energy and climate policy.

She recently wrote: “Ever since the world began slowly reopening from pandemic lockdowns, climate activists have been calling for a 'green' rebuilding of our economies. They would like to dramatically change the way we live in order to reduce carbon emissions. But ironically, these very policies have placed us in the situation we’re now in: turning to coal to solve our energy problems.”

Click here to read more on this topic from Charlotte.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are climate activists plotting to re-build our economy under their terms, which means less energy consumption for all?

Do we know if they’re proposed plans will even work?

Are any countries experiencing an energy crisis? Charlotte reveals that the latest information predicts that the US will experience a considerable coal-consumption increase for the first time since 2014.

Why did Biden publicly begg OPEC to release more oil?

As Texans discovered this past winter, wind and solar just are not reliable. Has the European Union relied too much on wind and solar? Have they been in an energy crisis for years? Charlotte discusses Germany’s severe energy problems and how France is starting to turn around…

Are renewable energy sources, mainly wind and solar, able to pull us and the world out of this energy crisis?

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October 18, 2021

Title: Why Nobody’s Kids Need to be Scared about Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows less than one-third of American teenagers are optimistic about the planet’s future. Children skip school for climate change protests with cardboard signs bearing such bleak slogans as “Why should I study for a future I won’t have?” and “We won’t die from old age. We’ll die from climate change.”

Katie Tahuahua is the Communications Manager for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative. Today she explains why kids today have absolutely no reason to be worried about climate change.

Click here to read more on this issue from Katie Tahuahua.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Katie is a new mom. Before becoming a mother, did she worry and fret over cataclysmic climate change?

Who is scaring kids about their future? Are 4 in 10 millennials really too scared to have kids because of climate change fears? Katie believes it is a combination of politicians like AOC and left-leaning media journalists who are just look for ratings.

Should the education system be stressing longevity, quality of life, and opportunities for all instead of doom and gloom? NOTE: TPPF and Life:Powered has a TON of information on this topic that will be useful to your kids – especially high school and college age. Click on the link above for more!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Nobody’s Kids Need to be Scared about Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why won’t teachers teach kids that they are fortunate and blessed to live in America instead of parts of India, China, South America, or Africa? Or even in America TODAY compared to one or two hundred years ago?

Who is NOAA? Does their recent study indicate that the earth’s atmosphere hit a peak in 2016 and is actually declining?

Will the rhetoric soon switch to “the coming ice age”? Katie sort of chuckles, saying she believes that “a lot of politicians use climate change to get more power”. She goes on to explain that the majority aren’t willing to give up their power and we need to be vigilant and hold them accountable.

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October 13, 2021

Title: The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 3

It has taken decades of high-dollar subsidies to push renewable energy from 3% to a mere 4% of our nation’s total energy supply. Why does the Left keep pushing these massively expensive programs? What is the true cost to consumers?

Former Texas Representative Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative. Life:Powered exists to ensure that we, our children, and grandchildren continue to benefit from abundant, reliable, safe, and clean energy.

Click here for more on this and other issues effecting Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the Democrats wanting to increase our dependency on foreign oil?

Does the price of gasoline effect the cost of all goods we buy? Jason reminds us that all of the goods we buy have once been on a truck, plane, or train – all which use gasoline. “This Biden tax will hurt Americans – the least among us more than anyone else,” he says.

Are hidden fees (aka massive taxes for Americans) on methane (natural gas) tucked into the Democrat’s wish-lists?

Are the Democrats wanting to make our electricity less reliable? Jason reveals that there are huge penalties in the various Democrat bills if a person/business does not convert to renewable energy.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How will energy price increases effect those least able to afford the increases? Are millions already being negatively affected?

Is man causing cataclysmic catastrophic climate change? Short Answer: NO but Jason expands on this answer…

What is the purpose of the new Civilian Clime Corps? How many people will be employed? Why do we need tax-payer funded door-knockers pushing a leftist agenda which is destroying America?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are Democrats so focused on making everyone dependent on unreliable solar and wind energy? Jason believes that Democrats think the American people are too stupid to know what is good for them, so they take control of everything for us. He says: “They want to appease their self-righteous coastal elite donors who are funding these organizations to destroy our country from the inside.”

BOTTOM LINE: Will these policy changes have any effect on climate change?


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August 27, 2021

Title: We Are Being Lied To
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

We have been hearing about man-made, cataclysmic climate change for decades. How many of those end-times predictions have come true? How accurate are weather models one week, one month, ten years, or a hundred years from now?

Former Texas Representative Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative.

Click here for more on this topic from Life:Powered and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What were the dire predictions pushed in early 2020 when COVID began to spread? Did the UN admit they over predicted the predictions?

Are data models purely statistical in nature – not scientific?

Can we learn a lesson from the drastic measures taken early-on with COVID predictions? Should we apply this lesson learned to other contentious issues, such a “cataclysmic climate change predictions”?

Does the use of unrealistic criteria skew the results of modeling?

How does the MSM manipulate the public and fixate on worst-case-scenario?

Did abundant, affordable energy make America great?

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August 9, 2021

Title: You Selfish American! Your Breath is Killing People!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

A recent study claims: “Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person” and “For every 4,434 metric tons of CO2 produced, one person globally will die”. Is this true or just hysteria for the masses?

Marc Morano is the Executive Director and Chief Correspondent for Climate Depot a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). About this issue, he writes: “Climate activists are trying to now convince Americans that they are selfish for…being Americans! This is now sounding like a very Soviet-style climate community.”

Click here for the article on this topic from Marc.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have we officially reached peak climate madness? Unfortunately, Marc doesn’t think we have…

Is the production of “greenhouse gases” the byproduct of all daily human activity? Are kids being taught in public schools that Americans are responsible for it all?

Do solar flares (or the lack thereof) and ocean currents affect the earth’s climate?

Did cavemen cause the Ice Age or the mini-Ice Age? Marc offers facts and statistics to explain. He gets very passionate and doesn’t sugar-coat the situation…

Is my CO2-laden breath killing people?

What is the goal of climate alarmists? What do they want us to “give up”? For starters: cars, single-family homes, air-conditioning, and meat… Come on, man! Really?

In a recent survey, a majority of those responding said “YES” they want cleaner air and water. Of course! We all do! But are they willing to pay even $10 a month for it? Of course not!

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August 4, 2021

Title: Minorities and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Derrick Hollie
with Reaching America (

Part 1 of 2

The Left has had some crazy predictions on global warming/cooling/climate change over the past few decades. They have also had some pretty crazy ideas on reducing pollution in America and across the world. But, should the proposed Biden policies focus on the current impact not hypothetical possibilities that might happen one hundred years from now?

Derrick Hollie is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. He is also the President of Reaching America, a non-profit addressing issues affecting the black community such as criminal justice reform, occupational licensing, energy poverty, and free speech. He is a host of the weekly “Reaching America on Demand” podcast.

Click here for more information on Reaching America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we killing Mother Earth because we drive our SUVs, eat meat, and procreate? Derrick has delivered testimony FIVE times on energy poverty. Listen as he explains what this means for everyone, not just minorities…

Does air conditioning save lives and increase our quality of life?

Have the catastrophic climate predictions over the past 50+ years come true? Did global warming occur at catastrophic levels killing millions as predicted?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Minorities and Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Derrick Hollie
with Reaching America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it possible to know what new inventions/technologies will be available the next 5, 10, 25, or 100 years?

What is “environmental justice”? Derrick and others believe that the effort should be focused on assessing the impact of higher energy prices on everyone, not just the poor.

Derrick also discusses how Federal regulations should realistically look at the impact on all populations in regards to employment, wages, consumer prices, and homeownership. But, how can this be done without biases controlling the analysis?

What can WE do to stop the Biden Administration from implementing these horrible energy policies?

To read more on this topic from Derrick Hollie, click here.

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May 14, 2021

Title: Kids Shouldn’t Be Scared of the Environment
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Our kids and teenagers should be focused on their grades and friends and hobbies. They should never be worried about the future of our planet. A recent Kaiser Foundation study, however, reports that less than one-third of teens are optimistic about the earth’s climate. What lies are they being fed in public school and from the MSM?

Katie Tahuahua is the Communications Manager for the Life:Powered Initiative with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Click here  to read more from Katie on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “ecoanxiety”? Is the emotional threat created by public education and the MSM greater than the real threat to the environment caused by fossil fuels?

Is this emotional stress causing substance abuse disorders, anxiety disorders, and depression in kids and teenagers?

Is the condition of humanity strong and our future more solid than ever? Has infant mortality decreased in recent decades? Is life expectancy great than ever? Have poverty, literacy, and over-all health improved?

Have any of the dire predictions of catastrophic climate catastrophes come close to reality?

Are we more likely to die from overconsumption and laziness than war, natural disasters, or even diseases? Katie says: “I wish parents and teachers would focus more on how much better things are getting and how we continue to improve on that progress.”

Should every human have access to affordable energy like fossil fuels?

Should our children and grandchild go boldly into the future with confidence that the world isn’t going to end because of man’s use of fossil fuels and other resources?

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May 13, 2021

Title: Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 3

Humans are the globe’s only inhabitants that produce ideas. How can the world survive without humans? Will the end of the world as we know it be caused by too FEW humans?

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies with Focus on the Family. He debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting at universities and churches around the world.

For more on this topic from Glenn Stanton, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “climate anxiety”? What has caused climate anxiety to skyrocket in recent years? Are parents and school teachers scaring kids into thinking the world is going to end soon?

What are our children being taught about reproduction in the context of too many people? Glenn discusses a recent Vogue article that indicated that having kids is “environmental terrorism.” Are they for real???

For centuries, philosophers and thinkers have predicted the collapse of humanity because of too many humans. Have any other their predictions come to fruition?

Are demographers actually admitting that we are NOT producing enough people to continue humanity?

Have technology, commerce, and industry accomplished more to fix the earth’s problems than Greenpeace and other environmental activists combined? Glenn mentions a great academic resource for more information: Our World in Data from the University of Oxford.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the air we breathe causing more worldwide deaths today as compared to past years?

Do more people across the world have access to improved water sources than ever before?

Does humanity produce more than enough food to feed everyone? Is there a problem with distributing food? Glenn actually calls is a “political distribution problem”.

Is the number of people living in extreme poverty decreasing around the globe?

Are more or less people killed due to “climate events” compared to 100 years ago? .

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the air we breathe causing more worldwide deaths today as compared to past years?

Do more people across the world have access to improved water sources than ever before?

Does humanity produce more than enough food to feed everyone? Is there a problem with distributing food? Glenn actually calls is a “political distribution problem”.

Is the number of people living in extreme poverty decreasing around the globe?

Are more or less people killed due to “climate events” compared to 100 years ago?

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December 30, 2020

Title: Climate Change Propaganda in Public Schools
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Katie Tahuahua
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What are children really being taught about climate change in public schools? Katie Tahuahua has some alarming information for us today. Katie is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How important is abundant, affordable, and reliable energy? Katie says: “There are people on [other] continents who don’t have the electricity that we have and their lives are radically, radically different. If other millennials my age saw what their lives were like, they would be a lot more thankful for having fossil fuels.”

Will curtailing the use of fossil fuels harm the poorest countries around the world – even here in America?

Do millennials (and even children as young as grade school age) really believe that there are sufficient “green energy sources” to switch from fossil fuels within the next 5-10 years?

Do millennials also believe that “green energy sources” are cheaper than fossil fuels?

What can parents do to ensure their children aren’t being indoctrinated with misinformation at public schools? Katie is a new mom herself and prays that her child will not grow up in an America without fossil fuels – especially air conditioning in Texas!

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September 11, 2020

Title: Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

“Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy” is set for a global online release on Thursday, September 24.

Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas states: “No film debunks the faith of the climate change cult better than [the soon to be release film] Climate Hustle 2. And it does it with facts!"

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a Senior Policy Analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and an internationally recognized expert on natural resources.

More information about “Climate Hustle 2” can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we facing a nationwide referendum on our energy future?

Does Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy expose Hollywood’s hypocrisy?

Does the film expose financial corruption of the Left?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy expose media bias?

What is their end-game? Bottom line: Total control to micromanage every decision people make – even our speech!

Click here  for more on the film: Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy. Make plans to watch this with your family on Thursday September 24. Tickets are only $14.99 (not person – just one fee) and can be purchased at that above link.

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October 4, 2019

Title: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Part 1 of 3

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s – some for centuries! They continue to do so today. None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates have come true. Surprise. Surprise.

Steve Milloy, with Junk Science, reveals some of the more notable predictions and explains why they have all been wrong.

More can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have modern doomsayers been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s?

Who are these doomsayers? Are many in government or academia (or were at one time)?

Have any of their predictions been accurate?

Does the media ever denounce the doomsayers when their predictions fail?

Do the doomsayers really believe their predictions are true?

Tune in to the next segment as Steve Milloy discusses a collection of wild predictions from notable people in government and science…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Steve Milloy discusses 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions:

Famine Forecast – hundreds of millions of people will die of starvation by 1975

Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam

A New Ice Age by 2000

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

America is #1 in clean air. Why don’t the doomsayers go to China or India to fight for cleaner air?

Is the earth warming to catastrophic levels?

Steve Milloy discusses two more 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions:

Since 2004, both the Pentagon and NASA have both warned Presidents of massive problems with the sea levels. Why, then, did Obama buy a mansion on Miami Beach?

Have any of Al Gore’s predictions come true?

Have ANY of the predictions in the last 50 years come true?

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July 15, 2019

Title: A History of Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

Marc Morano is the award-winning producer, writer, and host of Climate Hustle. Marc is one of the highest profile voices of climate realism in the world today. More can be found here.

Today, Marc will be discussing the newest “climate emergency” facing mankind around the world. You don’t want to miss this interview! Not only is Marc informative, he is hilarious!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First it was the Greenhouse Effect. Then Global Cooling. Then Global Warming. Then the narrative changed to Climate Change. Now, many are calling it a Climate Emergency. Are too many just drinking the Kool-Aid? Marc will be discussing each “scare” throughout the interview…

What do climate activists really believe?

Is the newest “climate emergency” just a bunch of bologna?

Marc has a great new book out, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change”. Get it here!

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August 15, 2018

Title: 30 Amazing Years of Failed Climate Alarm Predictions
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Art Moore
with World Net Daily (

Part 1 of 2

Who said the following statements?
We have reached the point of no return.
We have reached the critical point.

Art Moore is a journalist with World Net Daily and the best-selling author of “See Something, Say Nothing”. 

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Philip Shabecoff and why did his article “Global Warming has Begun” start a downward spiral?

What is the “Malthusian Theory”?

Who is the author of “Population Bomb” and did it result in worldwide panic?

What is the mission of the “Club of Rome”?

From Global Warming to Global Cooling…has Time Magazine predicted both?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - 30 Amazing Years of Failed Climate Alarm Predictions
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Art Moore
with World Net Daily (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Democratic Party platform compare the fight against global warming to World War II, with Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson warning that “a vote for Trump is a vote for climate catastrophe”?

What is the biggest threat we face: terrorism or global warming alarmists?

Is there a clear political agenda from global warming alarmists?

Hasn’t the earth warmed and cooled since creation?

What did Al Gore claim in his 2006 documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth”?

Did Renewable Energy Researcher John Abraham contend that Trump’s election means we’ve “missed our last off-ramp on the road to catastrophic climate change”?

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May 21, 2018

Title: Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Neil Frank, Ph. D., is an American meteorologist and former director of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Florida. He was instrumental in advancing both the scientific and informational aspects of hurricane forecasting. He retired as Chief Meteorologist at KHOU-TV in Houston May 2008.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Earth warming?

Has the Earth been warming and cooling since the beginning of creation?

If so, what is causing the warming?

Is Dr. Neil Frank alone in his opinion about man-caused global warming? HINT: Nope.

Assuming that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, what is the cost of mitigating its impact?

What is the “Green Energy Fund”? How much money does the UN want to raise for this fund? Who will be paying for it?

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Thankfully President Donald Trump removed America from the Paris Agreement, aka the “Green Energy Fund”. If America was still included in that agreement, how much would we be paying now?

Can computer models accurately predict global temperatures 10 – 100 – 1,000 years from now?

What causes the Earth to go through such drastic temperature changes (if not CO2)?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is CO2 good for anything?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Neil Frank is a meteorologist and scientist. First, though, he is a Christian. Listen as he answers this final question:

Is there a spiritual side of this battle to redistribute wealth and lower our standard of living?

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May 14, 2018

Title: Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Neil Frank, Ph. D., is an American meteorologist and former director of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Florida. He was instrumental in advancing both the scientific and informational aspects of hurricane forecasting. He retired as Chief Meteorologist at KHOU-TV in Houston May 2008.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Earth warming?

Has the Earth been warming and cooling since the beginning of creation?

If so, what is causing the warming?

Is Dr. Neil Frank alone in his opinion about man-caused global warming? HINT: Nope.

Assuming that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, what is the cost of mitigating its impact?

What is the “Green Energy Fund”? How much money does the UN want to raise for this fund? Who will be paying for it?

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Thankfully President Donald Trump removed America from the Paris Agreement, aka the “Green Energy Fund”. If America was still included in that agreement, how much would we be paying now?

Can computer models accurately predict global temperatures 10 – 100 – 1,000 years from now?

What causes the Earth to go through such drastic temperature changes (if not CO2)?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is CO2 good for anything?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Neil Frank is a meteorologist and scientist. First, though, he is a Christian. Listen as he answers this final question:

Is there a spiritual side of this battle to redistribute wealth and lower our standard of living?

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February 26, 2018

Title: Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Neil Frank, Ph. D., is an American meteorologist and former director of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Florida. He was instrumental in advancing both the scientific and informational aspects of hurricane forecasting. He retired as Chief Meteorologist at KHOU-TV in Houston May 2008.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Earth warming?

Has the Earth been warming and cooling since the beginning of creation?

If so, what is causing the warming?

Is Dr. Neil Frank alone in his opinion about man-caused global warming? HINT: Nope.

Assuming that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, what is the cost of mitigating its impact?

What is the “Green Energy Fund”? How much money does the UN want to raise for this fund? Who will be paying for it?

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Thankfully President Donald Trump removed America from the Paris Agreement, aka the “Green Energy Fund”. If America was still included in that agreement, how much would we be paying now?

Can computer models accurately predict global temperatures 10 – 100 – 1,000 years from now?

What causes the Earth to go through such drastic temperature changes (if not CO2)?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is CO2 good for anything?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Neil Frank is a meteorologist and scientist. First, though, he is a Christian. Listen as he answers this final question:

Is there a spiritual side of this battle to redistribute wealth and lower our standard of living?

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February 14, 2018

Title: Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Neil Frank, Ph. D., is an American meteorologist and former director of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Florida. He was instrumental in advancing both the scientific and informational aspects of hurricane forecasting. He retired as Chief Meteorologist at KHOU-TV in Houston May 2008.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Earth warming?

Has the Earth been warming and cooling since the beginning of creation?

If so, what is causing the warming?

Is Dr. Neil Frank alone in his opinion about man-caused global warming? HINT: Nope.

Assuming that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, what is the cost of mitigating its impact?

What is the “Green Energy Fund”? How much money does the UN want to raise for this fund? Who will be paying for it?

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Thankfully President Donald Trump removed America from the Paris Agreement, aka the “Green Energy Fund”. If America was still included in that agreement, how much would we be paying now?

Can computer models accurately predict global temperatures 10 – 100 – 1,000 years from now?

What causes the Earth to go through such drastic temperature changes (if not CO2)?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is CO2 good for anything?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Can Anything Good Come From CO2?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Neil Frank
with Special Guest

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Neil Frank is a meteorologist and scientist. First, though, he is a Christian. Listen as he answers this final question:

Is there a spiritual side of this battle to redistribute wealth and lower our standard of living?

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January 31, 2018

Title: Climate Weirding!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

First it was the coming ice age, then global warming was going to cause massive sea level increases and drown millions of people. Then Al Gore began calling it “climate change”. Is the new term people are using: “Climate Crisis”?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Al Gore been consistently wrong with his ice age/global warming/climate change/climate crisis exclamations?

Did Al Gore’s environmental movies predict record-breaking snow/ice storms which the Northern states are currently experiencing? Short answer: Nope.

Australia recently had record-breaking HIGH temperatures (117 degrees!). How can the earth have global warming and global cooling at the same time?

Marc Morano calls it “Global Weirding”!!!

Has there been various climate variations since the beginning of time? Is this just simply “weather”?

Listen as Marc discusses the recent wildfires and droughts in California and how these disasters were much more common the 19th Century than they are now!

Al Gore shouts: “Man caused climate change is killing the planet!” But is this true?

Pick up a copy of Marc Morano’s new book “Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change here.

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Title: Green Energy Runs Global Politics
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Professor Meghan O'Sullivan
with Windfall the Book (

Green Energy is a topic of high importance. Or is it? Most people, when polled, do not place green energy high on their list, but to hear CNN talk, those who don’t talk about it are idiots.

Meghan O’Sullivan is a Harvard Professor and former National Deputy Security Advisor. Meghan has expertise in foreign affairs, Middle East policy, and renewable energy security and policy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has energy dominated global politics for more than a century?

Have we witnessed energy going from scarcity to abundance the past fifteen years?

Did Putin really threaten to shut off electricity to Western Europe if they did not comply with their demands? Listen as Meghan O’Sullivan refreshes our memory of this event…

Are industries in Western Europe now building factories and plants in America because it is cheaper?

Does affordable, reliable, and abundant energy drive economic growth? And if so, to what extent?

Does President Trump have an opportunity to propel America into a world-class leader in providing reliable, affordable, and abundant energy to billions of people around the world?

Get a copy of Meghan O’Sullivan’s book, “Windfall”, here.

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January 11, 2018

Title: Climate Weirding!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

First it was the coming ice age, then global warming was going to cause massive sea level increases and drown millions of people. Then Al Gore began calling it “climate change”. Is the new term people are using: “Climate Crisis”?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Al Gore been consistently wrong with his ice age/global warming/climate change/climate crisis exclamations?

Did Al Gore’s environmental movies predict record-breaking snow/ice storms which the Northern states are currently experiencing? Short answer: Nope.

Australia recently had record-breaking HIGH temperatures (117 degrees!). How can the earth have global warming and global cooling at the same time?

Marc Morano calls it “Global Weirding”!!!

Has there been various climate variations since the beginning of time? Is this just simply “weather”?

Listen as Marc discusses the recent wildfires and droughts in California and how these disasters were much more common the 19th Century than they are now!

Al Gore shouts: “Man caused climate change is killing the planet!” But is this true?

Pick up a copy of Marc Morano’s new book “Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change here.

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Title: Green Energy Runs Global Politics
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Professor Meghan O'Sullivan
with Windfall the Book (

Green Energy is a topic of high importance. Or is it? Most people, when polled, do not place green energy high on their list, but to hear CNN talk, those who don’t talk about it are idiots.

Meghan O’Sullivan is a Harvard Professor and former National Deputy Security Advisor. Meghan has expertise in foreign affairs, Middle East policy, and renewable energy security and policy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has energy dominated global politics for more than a century?

Have we witnessed energy going from scarcity to abundance the past fifteen years?

Did Putin really threaten to shut off electricity to Western Europe if they did not comply with their demands? Listen as Meghan O’Sullivan refreshes our memory of this event…

Are industries in Western Europe now building factories and plants in America because it is cheaper?

Does affordable, reliable, and abundant energy drive economic growth? And if so, to what extent?

Does President Trump have an opportunity to propel America into a world-class leader in providing reliable, affordable, and abundant energy to billions of people around the world?

Get a copy of Meghan O’Sullivan’s book, “Windfall”, here.

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December 5, 2017

Title: Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Part 1 of 3

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, and to ensure impoverished nations are able to improve their living conditions only marginally?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the wind blow 24/7/365?

Is it possible to save excess production from wind farms when the wind is not blowing? Paul Driessen mentions information from Mark Mills, an American nuclear physicist and a developer of atomic bombs.

If we do not have generating capacity to fill in when the wind is not blowing, what happens to the consumer?

Listen as Paul Driessen, discusses his recent op-ed from Townhall: “Tesla Battery, Subsidy, and Sustainability Fantasies”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Even Bill Gates admits that we do not have the technology today to sustain our lifestyles. Listen as Paul Driessen discusses what Bill Gates said…

Does the actions by the elitists and environmentalists border on criminal activity? Is there any evidence that they have corroborated together?

What does Al Gore “really” want America to do with fossil fuels? NOTE: He is absolutely out of touch with reality!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, ensuring that impoverished nations are able to improve their living conditions only marginally?

Has Tesla employed activists to fight against fossil fuel use? Are they limiting their contacts to America, or have they expanded to Russia as well?

FACT: As the world becomes more energy sufficient and advanced, women and low-income people are able to improve their lives through education and careers. Listen as Terry offers details from a past interview with Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, concerning this information.

Now, Al Gore and others want to prevent people in impoverished nations from any type of advancement by blocking fossil fuels. Why on earth would they do this?

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September 15, 2017

Title: Green Energy Runs Global Politics
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Professor Meghan O'Sullivan
with Windfall the Book (

Green Energy is a topic of high importance. Or is it? Most people, when polled, do not place green energy high on their list, but to hear CNN talk, those who don’t talk about it are idiots.

Meghan O’Sullivan is a Harvard Professor and former National Deputy Security Advisor. Meghan has expertise in foreign affairs, Middle East policy, and renewable energy security and policy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has energy dominated global politics for more than a century?

Have we witnessed energy going from scarcity to abundance the past fifteen years?

Did Putin really threaten to shut off electricity to Western Europe if they did not comply with their demands? Listen as Meghan O’Sullivan refreshes our memory of this event…

Are industries in Western Europe now building factories and plants in America because it is cheaper?

Does affordable, reliable, and abundant energy drive economic growth? And if so, to what extent?

Does President Trump have an opportunity to propel America into a world-class leader in providing reliable, affordable, and abundant energy to billions of people around the world?

Get a copy of Meghan O’Sullivan’s book, “Windfall”, here.

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August 31, 2017

Title: Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Part 1 of 3

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, and to ensure impoverished nations are able to improve their living conditions only marginally?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the wind blow 24/7/365?

Is it possible to save excess production from wind farms when the wind is not blowing? Paul Driessen mentions information from Mark Mills, an American nuclear physicist and a developer of atomic bombs.

If we do not have generating capacity to fill in when the wind is not blowing, what happens to the consumer?

Listen as Paul Driessen, discusses his recent op-ed from Townhall: “Tesla Battery, Subsidy, and Sustainability Fantasies”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Even Bill Gates admits that we do not have the technology today to sustain our lifestyles. Listen as Paul Driessen discusses what Bill Gates said…

Does the actions by the elitists and environmentalists border on criminal activity? Is there any evidence that they have corroborated together?

What does Al Gore “really” want America to do with fossil fuels? NOTE: He is absolutely out of touch with reality!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, ensuring that impoverished nations are able to improve their living conditions only marginally?

Has Tesla employed activists to fight against fossil fuel use? Are they limiting their contacts to America, or have they expanded to Russia as well?

FACT: As the world becomes more energy sufficient and advanced, women and low-income people are able to improve their lives through education and careers. Listen as Terry offers details from a past interview with Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, concerning this information.

Now, Al Gore and others want to prevent people in impoverished nations from any type of advancement by blocking fossil fuels. Why on earth would they do this?

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August 28, 2017

Title: Oops! The NY Times Goofed!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

The NY Times goofed. Again. Big time! Will heads roll? Was it on purpose? Does management care? Is their objective really to convince readers that too many humans on are on Earth?

Dr. Sterling Burnett is back with details about the NY Times’ latest attempt to pull the wool over our eyes. He’s not buying it! Are you?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What exactly did the NY Times report about climate change that was so wrong?

Did they have to print a retraction for their error?

Does Dr. Burnett believe the NY Times really “goofed” or was it done on purpose?

How much money does the government give to environmental groups who report that man is causing climate change?

How much money does the government give to environmental groups who believe there are other causes for climate change (not caused by humans)?

WWill this goof-up cause the NY Times and other news publications to stop their “fake news” reporting? HINT: Probably not…

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August 17, 2017

Title: The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He has been a guest on The What’s UP Radio Program many times discussing climate change issues. Today, he joins us for three segments to offer new information on the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a scientist, what is Dr. Beisner’s view of God, creation, and global warming? Listen as he opens this segment proclaiming his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord, son of God! Hallelujah!

Are there studies that claims preventing births will reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Are human beings really a threat to the earth?

Is global warming even a real issue? Or have there always been periods of warming and cooling?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What non-human activities affect the climate?

What are sun spot cycles and how do they affect the temperature of the earth?

Who are Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Robert Malthus and what were their thoughts about the population of the earth?

What do environmentalists really believe? Listen as Dr. Calvin Beisner shares some startling information.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will preventing more births really reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Why are many scientists encouraging “less population” for the earth?

Paul Ehrlich scared a lot of people with his doomsday predictions. Listen as Dr. Beisner reveals more about this dangerous man, including a time when Ehrlich lost a bet!

What is the “optimal population” for the world, according to environmentalists? NOTE: It’s a lot less than the population today!

What is Dr. Calvin Beisner’s opinion of the public school system’s teaching of this issue? He does not mince words! Listen in!

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August 4, 2017

Title: The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He has been a guest on The What’s UP Radio Program many times discussing climate change issues. Today, he joins us for three segments to offer new information on the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a scientist, what is Dr. Beisner’s view of God, creation, and global warming? Listen as he opens this segment proclaiming his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord, son of God! Hallelujah!

Are there studies that claims preventing births will reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Are human beings really a threat to the earth?

Is global warming even a real issue? Or have there always been periods of warming and cooling?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What non-human activities affect the climate?

What are sun spot cycles and how do they affect the temperature of the earth?

Who are Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Robert Malthus and what were their thoughts about the population of the earth?

What do environmentalists really believe? Listen as Dr. Calvin Beisner shares some startling information.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will preventing more births really reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Why are many scientists encouraging “less population” for the earth?

Paul Ehrlich scared a lot of people with his doomsday predictions. Listen as Dr. Beisner reveals more about this dangerous man, including a time when Ehrlich lost a bet!

What is the “optimal population” for the world, according to environmentalists? NOTE: It’s a lot less than the population today!

What is Dr. Calvin Beisner’s opinion of the public school system’s teaching of this issue? He does not mince words! Listen in!

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August 3, 2017

Title: Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Part 1 of 3

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, and to ensure impoverished nations are able to improve their health and living conditions only marginally?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the wind blow 24/7/365?

Is it possible to save excess production from wind farms when the wind is not blowing? Paul Driessen mentions information from Mark Mills, an American nuclear physicist and a developer of atomic bombs.

If we do not have generating capacity to fill in when the wind is not blowing, what happens to the consumer?

Listen as Paul Driessen, discusses his recent op-ed from Townhall: “Tesla Battery, Subsidy, and Sustainability Fantasies”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Even Bill Gates admits that we do not have the technology today to sustain our lifestyles. Listen as Paul Driessen discusses what Bill Gates said…

Does the actions by the elitists and environmentalists border on criminal activity? Is there any evidence that they have corroborated together?

What does Al Gore “really” want America to do with fossil fuels? NOTE: He is absolutely out of touch with reality!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Tesla Batteries, Subsidies, and Sustainability Fantasies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the real goal of all the crony-corporatist wind, solar, and battery enthusiast to slash living standards in industrialized nations, ensuring that impoverished nations are able to improve their living conditions only marginally?

Has Tesla employed activists to fight against fossil fuel use? Are they limiting their contacts to America, or have they expanded to Russia as well?

FACT: As the world becomes more energy sufficient and advanced, women and low-income people are able to improve their lives through education and careers. Listen as Terry offers details from a past interview with Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, concerning this information.

Now, Al Gore and others want to prevent people in impoverished nations from any type of advancement by blocking fossil fuels. Why on earth would they do this?

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June 23, 2017

Title: Sketchy Science
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Norman Rogers
with Climate Views (

Part 1 of 2

Will environmental tree-huggers ever learn?

New guest, Norman Rogers is publisher of Climate Views. He is a member of the CO2 Coalition, the National Association of Scholars, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society. His list of accomplishments is a mile long.

Why would Norman Rogers, a scientist, state : “I am critical of sketchy science, especially in the climate area.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Background for interview: California de-constructed their man-made lakes and suffered an enormously, long drought. Now, they have mandated, through Legislation, an overly aggressive move to remove the use of fossil fuels from the mix of energy sources.

Is this achievable?

How will this effect Californians?

How much of California’s energy is imported?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Sketchy Science
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Norman Rogers
with Climate Views (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are Renewable Power Certificates (RPC’s)?

Who is making money on these RPC’s?

Are other states exploiting tax payers by implementing similar schemes?

Can we shift from the use of coal and natural gas to strictly wind and solar energy?

What is “Climate Views”?

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April 26, 2017

Title: The Truth About Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

Too often, name-calling wins the debate. The left uses this tactic time and time again, especially when discussing issues such as climate change and the environment. Their new favorite phrase is “climate change denier”.

Has the earth’s climate ever changed? PARENTS: Your kids are NOT learning the information discussed in this segment in public schools!

New guest, Marc Morano, is the Director of Communications for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). CFACT was founded in 1985 to promote a much-needed, positive alternative voice on issues of environment and development.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the earth’s climate changing today?

Are humans the main cause of climate change? Do your kids still think polar bears are dying because of global warming? FACT: There are MORE polar bears now than when Al Gore started scaring people.

Polls reveal Americans want clean water and clean air, but are they willing to pay more for new measures?

How does CFACT help counter the message that man – through his use of fossil fuels – is causing cataclysmic, catastrophic climate change?

The film “Climate Hustle” can be viewed here.  Watch it tonight with your kids after dinner!

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Title: The Truth About Climate Change - Part 2
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

In response to the large scale anti-Trump, pro-Green-Environment march held on Earth Day, let’s take a look at the facts with Dr. Bonner Cohen, the Environmental Scholar for the National Center for Public Policy Research.

NOTE: Today, Dr. Bonner is representing the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) as one of their Senior Policy Analysts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a scientific consensus that man is causing cataclysmic, catastrophic climate change because of man’s use of fossil fuels? Dr. Bonner Cohen says this: “Anytime they say there is a consensus, this is a red flag. There is something behind this that has nothing whatsoever to do with science.”

Do most Americans want to pay more for consumer goods?

Do most Americans want to pay more in fuel costs to drive their automobiles and heat and cool their homes?

Will we all suffer massive job losses in order to pay for additional measures for supposedly cleaner air, water, and to save more polar bears?

Is the US only contributing about five percent of the CO2 emitted world-wide each year?

If the US dropped its CO2 emissions to zero, what effect would this have on global temperatures?

What should parents and grandparents do to counter the lies taught to children in the public school systems?

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Title: The Truth About Climate Change - Part 3
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Paul Driessen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Since Donald Trump was elected President, Global Warming Alarmists have amped up their fight against Conservatives. They held a “March for Science” protest on Earth Day and have plans for a “People’s Climate March” on April 29.

Paul Driessen is a Senior Policy Analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). He is also the author of “Cracking Big Green and Eco-Imperialism: Green Power – Black”.

Today, Paul will be offering more insight into the climate change issue and what you – and your kids – need to know.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the modern environmental movement a recent phenomenon or have there been other movements for hundreds of years?

Has the use of fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal given humans a longer life expectancy?

What is a ZULU hut? And why is it important?

Is the Left winning the minds and hearts of our children in public schools, K through college, regarding climate change?

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February 14, 2017

Title: What’s UP with Trump and Green Energy
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Nick Stockton recently wrote in the magazine Wired, “No matter what Trump does, green energy will prevail. He states the United States will lose out in the global economy if it does not continue to push green energy to the detriment of fossil fuels.

Guest Dr. Sterling Burnett writes for Climate Change Weekly for The Heartland Institute. Today he will be discussing the above-mentioned article and the future of the EPA under the Trump Administration.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Nick Stockton correct in his assertion?

Has Germany seen the folly of rushing to green as its energy source?

Dr. Burnett says this of so-called green energy: “The real green for green energy is the green in your pocketbook when it’s stealing your money.”

When wind and solar energy are not producing electricity, what must consumers, businesses, and industries use for power?

The United States is the second largest export economy in the world. During a recent year, the top exports of the United States were refined petroleum, cars, planes, helicopters, and/or spacecraft, vehicle parts, and packaged medicines. Are these industries heavily dependent on energy in their production?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What’s UP with Trump and Green Energy
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can the countries manufacturing cars, computers, and vehicle parts rely on green energy to economically and reliably produce their products and compete with manufacturing plants in America?

Are fossil fuels in abundance in the US? Will they be the most reliable source of energy through 2050 and perhaps beyond?

What are Dr. Sterling Burnett’s thoughts on a carbon tax? Won’t this put more of a financial hardship on the poor?

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Title: Are Fossil Fuels Really Doomed?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Larry Bell
with Author

New guest Professor Dr. Larry Bell is an endowed professor at the University of Houston. Larry has been a contributor to Forbes Magazine and now writes for Newsmax Finance. His column is entitled “The Bell Tells for You.

Today, Dr. Bell will be discussing how climate doomsayers just can’t seem to make up their minds – or get their stories straight.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have the climate doomsayers become a staple on the nightly news just recently? Or, have there always been philosophers and ideologues who believe there are too many humans on Earth?

Is the atmosphere warming or cooling? How much do man’s activities affect “climate change”?

Listen in as Dr. Bell discusses some of the past predictions of climate doomsayers. He states: “It’s time to get politics out of science.

Is more CO2 really green?

Did Al Gore really become filthy rich off of pushing “man-caused climate change”?

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December 8, 2016

Title: Climate Alarmists Pushing Green Education Indoctrination
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Climate alarmists want to indoctrinate America’s youth, turning green robots loose on their parents and the world. Climate alarmists have been working diligently, and persuasively, to undermine the teaching of sound science, the scientific method, and critical thinking in America’s primary, secondary, and college classrooms.

Dr. Sterling Burnett is a Research Fellow and the Managing Editor of Environment and Climate News at the Heartland Institute. He has some eye-opening information which every parent with public school-educated children must listen to.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do Climate Alarmists want to brain-wash our children so badly?

What do Texas textbooks teach about climate change? Is it fact or theory?

How many other countries are teaching climate alarmism is in their schools?

How successful are the climate alarmists as they push their brain-washing ideology? Do you students really believe them?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate Alarmists Pushing Green Education Indoctrination
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as host Terry Lowry discusses how long it takes for missionaries to break the ice with indigenous tribes, learn their language, and translate the Bible. Why do climate alarmists have an issue with this?

What part of the population of the world lacks clean water, adequate sanitation, reliable food supplies, and modern electricity? How could these societies be helped?

A recent editorial published by the Huffington Post stated: “Efforts to fight climate change will fail unless schools turn out post-industrial, green citizens.” Is this the sentiment echoed among most liberals?

Listen in as Dr. Sterling Burnett reads from the Huffington Post editorial…What one aspect does Dr. Burnett agree with the author?

Do fossil fuels benefit or harm the environment?

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October 12, 2016

Title: Climate Alarmist Showing Their True Colors
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

200 million people. That is the “ideal” population of Earth. The Entire Earth. Or so says climate alarmist Arne Naess. He and many others like him truly believe that humans are ruining the Earth. Dr. Sterling Burnett is here for two segments today to reveal the terrifying details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was Arne Naess and why did he push for a lower population on the Earth?

What is the population of the Earth today compared to when Arne Naess offered his opinion?

Who chooses who lives, how long they live, and who gets to have children?

Travis Rieder is an author and bioethicist at John Hopkins University. His focus is on the ethics of procreation and man-caused climate change. Listen in as Dr. Burnett discusses Rieder’s ideas.

Does Professor Rieder firmly believe that man is causing catastrophic-cataclysmic climate change?

Does Travis Rieder believe that Western man is not willing to give up the comforts they have become so accustomed to? Note: Rieder calls comforts such air conditioning and refrigeration “toys”.

The majority of man-kind who live in third-world countries long for the comforts we in America take for granted. Why can’t they advance?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate Alarmist Showing Their True Colors
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many climate alarmists advocate forced abortions and sterilization?

How do climate alarmists view our national forest parks? This is actually very important – listen in!

What do Obama, Paris, and Professor Rieder have in common?

Do climate alarmists want to increase the cost of fossil fuels in order to lower the population of the earth?

What is really causing the climate to change?

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Title: Climate is Going to Change – Again!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

Part 1 of 2

Our government has issued a new Climate Change warning: It’s changing again! Big surprise! That tends to happen – every single day! Dr. William “Matt” Briggs is a writer, philosopher, and itinerant scientist living on a small, but densely populated, island in the Atlantic Ocean. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University in statistics, where he is an Adjunct Professor. He will be discussing this new “shocking” climate information today for two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How accurate are weather predictions? Can scientists and meteorologists accurately predict the climate 100 years from now?

Mr. Briggs asks this question: Would you continue to give a stock broker money every year for thirty years if his predictions were constantly wrong?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate is Going to Change – Again!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the EPA claiming about climate change now?

According to alarmists, everything – from education to agriculture to business – is affected by “climate change” and the “world will spin out of control” if we don’t do something drastic now.

Why do the government-paid scientists so firmly believe that man is causing climate change?

President Eisenhower warned about the impact government money would have on scientific research. Listen in as Dr. Briggs offers more details.

How do we combat the government’s climate change propaganda machine from kindergarten to college?

How will the decisions of the next President effect the EPA, climate regulations, families, schools, and businesses?

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August 17, 2016

Title: Silence is Violence
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) has called for publications to refuse to post “phony op-eds about climate change.” This is not what you think.

Dr. Calvin Beisner, Founder of the Cornwall Alliance, says, “In short, the Senator acts as prosecutor, judge, and jury, and he wants to make sure the public hears only one side in the trial. And he’s managed to persuade some attorney generals and other Democratic Senators, including Hillary Clinton’s VP running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, to join him.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does X-times-Y-equal-Z?

How long has it been since the earth has actually warmed? Are there more or less humans on the planet?

Is our weather system simple or complex? HINT: It comes second only to the human brain.

Is it really possible to predict future climate changes?

Why is Senator Whitehouse so insistent that the public not hear the truth about global warming?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Silence is Violence
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Dr. Calvin Beisner begins this second segment by recounting the true story of Soviet Biologist Trofim Lysenko.  Dr. Beisner doesn’t believe that Lysenko was a “true” scientist. Listen in as he explains why.

Who gets to decide what op-eds are phony? What are the criteria?

There is a wide range of opinions among scholars concerning the effects of fossil fuels. First, what have studies discovered concerning carbon dioxide concentration?

What is the effect of added CO2? What is harmful? What is beneficial?

Do plants and animals thrive in warm or cold weather?

What is the best way to balance the effects from fossil fuels?

What would be the costs and benefits of efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by substituting other energy sources for fossil fuels?

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January 14, 2016

Title: The Proof is in the Pudding
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

The proof is in the pudding! The cost of courting public opinion is increasing, especially when it comes to climate change bologna. With the pause in global temperature rise continuing well into its 18th year, polar bear populations and Arctic and Antarctic ice levels on the increase, and hurricane land strikes at historic lows, the list of “horribles” climate alarmists can trot out to scare the public is dwindling. However, the number of alarmists (especially Hollywood celebrities) in increasing!

Dr. Sterling Burnett, with the Heartland Institute, is here to give an update on the new ways these environmental wackos are reaching out to the low-information voter. “The funny thing is, when they run out of ‘horribles’, they reverse course and say the opposite of what they’ve said before,” he says. When the Next Ice Age didn’t happen, they claimed we are going to scorch to death.

Since the polar bears and icebergs aren’t diminishing as expected, the alarmists newest bell-ringer is “acidification of the ocean”. Of course, it’s all man’s fault. Listen in as Dr. Burnett explains that, while oceans are more acidic, it is due to sea life – not humans! Even the New York Times is exaggerating the truth. Actually, that’s not too surprising…

Government-funded studies which conclude that man is causing global warming are simply out of control. In addition, university professors and scientists are just going along with the government’s assertion of climate change. Why? Money. 

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December 2, 2015

Title: The Real Threat: Terrorism or Climate Change?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

President Obama has repeatedly stated that climate change is the most dangerous threat to the security, tranquility, and progress of the United States and the world. For instance, in his commencement address to the Coast Guard Academy in May 2015, Obama said, “No challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a change in climate.”

Dr. Sterling Burnett points out how even Obama’s defense department has jumped on the bandwagon claiming climate change is bad news. The defense department!! Shouldn’t they be more focused on “containing” ISIS? I suppose that is beside the point, though…

In regards to terrorism and climate change, Dr. Burnett says this: “It is not climate change that is killing people around the globe. It is not climate change that is kidnapping young girls around the globe. It is not climate change that is bombing people in Paris cafes or shooting people in theatres or killing people in marathons. It is not climate change that is destroying buildings.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Real Threat: Terrorism or Climate Change?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Dr. Burnett is the managing editor for Environment and Climate News with the Heartland Institute. He is an expert on matters of climate change, and I trust him when he says, “I see a lot of people saying things, but what they say is not backed up by evidence.” That is all we want: evidence. The problem is, there is no evidence – or the evidence we do have points to the opposite!

Take polar bears for example. By all calculations from the global warming alarmists, polar bears should be extinct, or nearly extinct, by now. When records began, only around 5,000 polar bears existed. Now, there are over 25,000. Dr. Burnett also discusses crop growth, Arctic ice, and weather patterns, such as hurricanes and droughts. The numbers the left are spewing just don’t add up to the facts.

To better serve American citizens, Dr. Burnett believes the billions of dollars we waste on false models for climate changes could be better spent on feeding the homeless and fighting terrorism around the world – maybe even combating illegal immigration! Amen, Dr. Burnett. Amen.

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September 22, 2015

Title: Praise God: Another Empty Agreement
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Coal is dirty. Coal causes too much global warming. Coal needs to be eliminated from the earth. NOT! Contrary to what you have heard from CNN and despite what your kids have been taught in public school, coal keeps us moving! Coal is important and will continue to be. Obama has done his best to eliminate coal use in the US. He’s been somewhat successful, but not as much as he would hope to be.

Dr. Sterling Burnett says that coal use is actually up around the world! Some people say this is not a good thing, especially in China where the greenhouse gasses are so high. India and Australia are two other countries that have increased their use of coal. Germany is yet another example – and this is a must for the Germans because their electricity rates are triple what ours are in the US! Can you imagine paying nearly $1,500 a month to cool your home in the summer? That does not sound appealing.

Renewable power plants like solar and wind are outrageously expensive, but states are now required to obtain at least part of their electricity from them. Dr. Burnett explains how Congress has allowed the EPA to run rampant, shutting down coal plants right and left.

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September 21, 2015

Title: It’s All Hogwash
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Two new studies revealed that the Southern Ocean carbon sink has become stronger rather than weaker, contrary to what some scientists previously thought. In climate parlance, a “carbon sink” is anything that absorbs more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than it releases, while a “source” is anything that emits more CO2 than it absorbs. Oceans, forests, and soils comprise the world’s major sinks. The balance between sinks and sources determines the “airborne fraction” – the annual percentage of CO2 emissions that accumulates in the atmosphere.

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains the above paragraph in laymen’s terms using soda/pop/Coca-Cola as an explanation. He explains how humans are sources for CO2. Oceans, especially the cold water spots, take in CO2. Not all of it stays in the air just floating around causing global warming, like environmentalists would have you believe. In fact, Dr. Lewis reveals that “the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere hasn’t changed in decades or maybe even hundreds of years!

Listen in as Dr. Lewis discusses more about the studies that were conducted and the blatant holes and mistruths in them in the next segment.

Dr. Lewis’s op-ed on this topic can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It’s All Hogwash
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Indian Ocean has become a wonderful receiver of CO2 over the last decade or so. It’s been soaking up CO2 more than ever! Dr. Lewis discusses the Obama Administration’s recent report “The Social Cost of Carbon”, which is the alleged damage that CO2 will cause to society. Using manipulated computer models, the OA has increased their estimate of CO2 by 60%, which (according to Dr. Lewis) is just ludicrous. Listen in as Dr. Lewis explains the models and the other bogus studies the OA has performed.

Dr. Lewis recommends parents use [this link]  as a resource to teach their children the truth about CO2 and its valuable impact on the environment.

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June 3, 2015

Title: Is John Kerry a Law Breaker or Just a Lying Liar?
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Ron Arnold
with Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (

On March 12, 2015, Secretary of State John Kerry made the following statement: “Climate change outranks terrorism, epidemics, and poverty as the worst threat facing the world today. He went on to say that our only hope is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels completely. You can view the full speech [here].

Ron Arnold is the Executive Vice President of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise. Mr. Arnold believes that John Kerry is a hypocrite and a lying liar. Ron says, “If they’re gonna talk the talk, let’s make ‘em walk the walk!” Amen, brother! Amen!

By the way….Did you know that, at one point, John Kerry owned $3-6 MILLION in stock in more than 50 oil and gas companies? Listen in as Ron Arnold explains the Kerry’s investment portfolios and the loophole they have used to make them even richer!

Listen in as Ron compares President George W. Bush’s recent financial receipts of the Bush Library to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry’s donation receipts for their organizations. Some of the same groups have donated to both causes, but the real issue is why. This is important information, folks! Pass this segment along to your friends!

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May 15, 2015

Title: The Lies Keep Getting Bigger
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

In 1970, LIFE Magazine reported that, within ten years, those living in urban cities would require gas masks to survive. LIFE Magazine also stated that civilization would end by the year 1985. Its 2015 and the earth hasn't warmed in nearly two decades! We’re alive and breathing – without the aid of gas masks. We have crude oil to spare (if Obama would let us drill!) What’s up with LIFEMagazine, anyway?

Dr. Marlo Lewis compares these statements to an apocalyptic science fiction movie. In fact, he laughs about it! Why on earth would he laugh about something as serious as climate change/global warming/global cooling/melting glaciers/and stranded polar bears? It’s the end of the world and I must recycle! I need to send money to save the whales! I have to march in the “save the trees” parade! (Sense the sarcasm, people. Sense the sarcasm.)

The left has excuse after excuse as to why the earth has changed from cooling to warming. But, Dr. Lewis says, “The alarmists can call off the apocalypse!” Listen in as he reveals the new information from satellite programs concerning fossil fuels, the real temperature of the earth, and what it means for our future. The left isn’t interested in the public; they are interested in politics – and money.

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April 16, 2015

Title: Just Give us the Facts, Jack
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Recently, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy was repeatedly unable to say whether her past statements and climate model predictions actually comported with observed climate data that have been used for decades.

Dr. Marlo Lewis in an expert in the area of global warming, energy policy, and public policy issues. He says, “Most of these models predict terrible impact from climate change. Over the last 35 years, the model rate predictions have exceeded the actual temperatures anywhere from two-to-five times.” He goes on to explain how the models are accurate less than five percent of the time.

Dr. Lewis says, “The EPA is one big echo chamber. They’ve all drunk the same Kool-Aid.” Listen in to the next segment as he explains more!

NOTE: Gina McCarthy’s lack of competence can be seen [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Just Give us the Facts, Jack
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Senator Jeff Sessions and others sent a letter to the EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, asking her to produce data that the world is experiencing greater and longer droughts. Gina McCarthy gave this response: “Droughts are becoming more extreme and frequent.” I’m sorry Ms. McCarthy, but the hard data does not support your claim. And is that really the best answer you can come up with?

Dr. Marlo Lewis reveals what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says about droughts. HINT: It doesn’t jive with what Ms. McCarthy says! What about hurricanes? Since the 1900’s, there has been a twenty percent decrease in the amount of powerful land storms in the United States. Of course, the EPA’s “data” shows a dramatic increase.

Gina McCarthy also gave this asinine statement: “It makes no difference to the validity or the robustness of climate science that is telling us that we are facing an absolute challenge that we must address both environmentally and economically from a national security perspective, and for EPA, from a public health perspective.” It’s for our national security, according to Ms. McCarthy. Whoa. Listen in as Dr. Lewis rebuts this one!

NOTE: Jeff Sessions open letter and press release to Gina McCarthy can be viewed [here].

You can find Dr. Lewis’s article on this issue [here].

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April 13, 2015

Title: Climate Change Lies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The climate change alarmists are taking a specific statement, “There is a 97% consensus that humans are contributing to climate change” and using it for their benefit every chance they can. Sterling Burnett says there are two things wrong with his statement. First, it is “false and misleading”.

Dr. Burnett also says, “It’s General Science 101.” If you’re hypothesis is proven to be right in test after test, then great. However, the models and tests used by the climate change scientists are not proven right; in fact, they rarely give the same answers!

There is a bare majority of scientists who agree that humans have contributed to climate change,” Dr. Burnett continues. But these are just “opinions”, not fact. Listen in as he explains in more detail.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate Change Lies
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

When scientists are asked, in an opinion poll, if humans are causing climate change, over 50% say “yes”. But this is just an opinion poll – not scientific fact. So when the MSM blasts climate “deniers”, it’s merely an “opinion”, but they never present it in that light. It’s always – always – fact. This is the problem.

Dr. Sterling Burnett says, “Obama is willing to impose his beliefs on the American people contrary to American law.” The liberals want to dictate how everyone lives in the future. They think they know best because Obama is “the smartest guy in the room”.

Finally, should government policy focus on making the American worker the most productive worker in the world while factoring in the worker and the environment? Dr. Burnett says, “Absolutely not!” Why does he believe this? Listen in!

You can find more from Dr. Burnett [here]. 

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