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June 1, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

For more than two decades, climate action groups have knowingly misled the public about the perils of putting an energy-starved planet on an energy diet. Aren’t they guilty of knowingly misleading the public about a clear and present danger, thereby robbing innocent people of their lives and livelihoods?

Dr. Marlo Lewis, Ph.D. is a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writing on global warming, energy policy, and public policy issues. We’ve done interviews with other experts recently on the topic of “Jail Climate Change Deniers”. Click here and search on Topic "Jail Climate Change Deniers"

Dr. Lewis explains the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupted Organizations Act) investigation, led by Dr. Jagadish Shukla and Dr. Ed Maibach, both professors at George Mason University. He also reveals the desire of seventeen state Attorney Generals who have banned together to investigate climate change “deniers”. These two entities are comparing people and organizations who spread the “real truth” about climate change (or lack thereof) to the Mafia and those who participate in organized crime. This is just ludicrous!

“We have more to fear from their agenda than we have to fear from climate change itself,” Dr. Lewis declares. Listen in as he discusses the hidden agenda of these professors, the seventeen AG’s, and the EPA.

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September 21, 2015

Title: It’s All Hogwash
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Two new studies revealed that the Southern Ocean carbon sink has become stronger rather than weaker, contrary to what some scientists previously thought. In climate parlance, a “carbon sink” is anything that absorbs more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than it releases, while a “source” is anything that emits more CO2 than it absorbs. Oceans, forests, and soils comprise the world’s major sinks. The balance between sinks and sources determines the “airborne fraction” – the annual percentage of CO2 emissions that accumulates in the atmosphere.

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains the above paragraph in laymen’s terms using soda/pop/Coca-Cola as an explanation. He explains how humans are sources for CO2. Oceans, especially the cold water spots, take in CO2. Not all of it stays in the air just floating around causing global warming, like environmentalists would have you believe. In fact, Dr. Lewis reveals that “the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere hasn’t changed in decades or maybe even hundreds of years!

Listen in as Dr. Lewis discusses more about the studies that were conducted and the blatant holes and mistruths in them in the next segment.

Dr. Lewis’s op-ed on this topic can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It’s All Hogwash
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Indian Ocean has become a wonderful receiver of CO2 over the last decade or so. It’s been soaking up CO2 more than ever! Dr. Lewis discusses the Obama Administration’s recent report “The Social Cost of Carbon”, which is the alleged damage that CO2 will cause to society. Using manipulated computer models, the OA has increased their estimate of CO2 by 60%, which (according to Dr. Lewis) is just ludicrous. Listen in as Dr. Lewis explains the models and the other bogus studies the OA has performed.

Dr. Lewis recommends parents use [this link]  as a resource to teach their children the truth about CO2 and its valuable impact on the environment.

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August 13, 2015

Title: Which is Better: Gas or Ethanol?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Using ethanol is better than straight gasoline, right? Well, not really, according to Dr. Marlo Lewis  and others. Dr. Lewis discusses a study out of the Minnesota Department of Bioproducts and Biosystem Engineering. The study followed the entire life cycle of gasoline compared to the entire life cycle of ethanol, to determine which caused more pollution.

As our kids prepare for another school year, they need to be equipped with the truth about this issue, as well as others. It will most certainly surface at one point or another, especially in middle or high school and most definitely in college. While it is true that gasoline produces a fraction more pollutants than ethanol when it is used as fuel, the difference is really insignificant, especially when you look at how many pollutants are produced during the actual manufacturing of the products.

Dr. Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute  says, “Ethanol has lower emissions when its combusted but you have to look at the well-to-wheel life cycle. It’s actually more polluting than gasoline in terms of five pollutants.” Listen in as he describes these five pollutants.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Which is Better: Gas or Ethanol?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The simple and blunt truth about Global Warming is that there is no such thing. There has not been an upward heating trend. There has not been more flooding or droughts. Dr. Lewis explains how, yes, cleanup after natural disasters is more costly, but that is due to the fact that there are more people to clean up after! Furthermore, life expectancy continues to climb around the world, even in third world countries. “None of the advances in the world would have been possible without the use of affordable energy in the form of fossil fuels,” Dr. Lewis proclaims.

You can find the blog post by Dr. Lewis concerning this issue [here].

Encourage your friends and family to learn the truth about Global Warming [here]. 

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July 22, 2015

Title: 69,000 Deaths Prevented by 2100! WOW!
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The EPA is now claiming it can reduce the amount of premature deaths due to pollution and extreme heat by 69,000 by the year 2100. That’s a whopping 811 lives per year! Amazing! No, not really.

Wouldn’t it be more amazing if we could save 1,325,581 people? That number is much, much better!

Dr. Marlo Lewis,  with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains what the EPA wants to do with their “global action on climate change”. Collectively across the globe, trillions of dollars would be required to accomplish their goal to save nearly 70,000 lives – in America. I don’t really think that voters in China or Iran would agree to spend billions of their countries’ money on America, do you?

Germany and other European countries have switched from coal to using only “green” energy and they are paying the price – literally – as much as three times more than Americans to simply heat and cool their homes. Many can’t afford to “eat and heat”, as Dr. Lewis puts it, so they have to make a choice: food or heat/AC. He also explains how the automobile replacing horses as the main mode of transportation was the best thing that could have happened to human beings.

You can read Dr. Lewis’s full report here.

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June 3, 2015

Title: The European Union’s Unreasonable Forecast
Topic: European Union
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The European Union (EU) has made a proposal to cut emissions by 2050. Now, we all agree that we must take care of the world that God has entrusted us with. No argument there. But – BUT – God has also given us the tools and natural resources to help make our lives easier, cleaner, and healthier. The EU, however, wants us to go back to the dark ages – literally.

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains the proposal by the EU. He says, “They want the world to agree to a treaty that requires {every nation} to reduce it emissions of greenhouse gases 60% below 2010 levels by the year 2050.” Of course, Obama is all for this and will do everything in his power to sign this treaty before his Presidency expires.

Why can’t we just do it? Wouldn’t it better for the environment? Dr. Lewis says, “It’s unreasonable and unsustainable. The world, under current policies, is on track to nearly double what we emit now.” He explains how very little emissions actually come from developed countries like the US; most come from underdeveloped, poor countries that have little to no access to electricity.

Listen in as Dr. Marlo Lewis explains what these underdeveloped, poor countries will be required to do under this EU treaty. It’s absolutely absurd!

Click [here]  for more from Dr. Lewis and others on this issue.

To read Dr. Lewis’s blog on this topic, click [here].

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May 15, 2015

Title: The Lies Keep Getting Bigger
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

In 1970, LIFE Magazine reported that, within ten years, those living in urban cities would require gas masks to survive. LIFE Magazine also stated that civilization would end by the year 1985. Its 2015 and the earth hasn't warmed in nearly two decades! We’re alive and breathing – without the aid of gas masks. We have crude oil to spare (if Obama would let us drill!) What’s up with LIFEMagazine, anyway?

Dr. Marlo Lewis compares these statements to an apocalyptic science fiction movie. In fact, he laughs about it! Why on earth would he laugh about something as serious as climate change/global warming/global cooling/melting glaciers/and stranded polar bears? It’s the end of the world and I must recycle! I need to send money to save the whales! I have to march in the “save the trees” parade! (Sense the sarcasm, people. Sense the sarcasm.)

The left has excuse after excuse as to why the earth has changed from cooling to warming. But, Dr. Lewis says, “The alarmists can call off the apocalypse!” Listen in as he reveals the new information from satellite programs concerning fossil fuels, the real temperature of the earth, and what it means for our future. The left isn’t interested in the public; they are interested in politics – and money.

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April 16, 2015

Title: Just Give us the Facts, Jack
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Recently, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy was repeatedly unable to say whether her past statements and climate model predictions actually comported with observed climate data that have been used for decades.

Dr. Marlo Lewis in an expert in the area of global warming, energy policy, and public policy issues. He says, “Most of these models predict terrible impact from climate change. Over the last 35 years, the model rate predictions have exceeded the actual temperatures anywhere from two-to-five times.” He goes on to explain how the models are accurate less than five percent of the time.

Dr. Lewis says, “The EPA is one big echo chamber. They’ve all drunk the same Kool-Aid.” Listen in to the next segment as he explains more!

NOTE: Gina McCarthy’s lack of competence can be seen [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Just Give us the Facts, Jack
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Senator Jeff Sessions and others sent a letter to the EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, asking her to produce data that the world is experiencing greater and longer droughts. Gina McCarthy gave this response: “Droughts are becoming more extreme and frequent.” I’m sorry Ms. McCarthy, but the hard data does not support your claim. And is that really the best answer you can come up with?

Dr. Marlo Lewis reveals what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says about droughts. HINT: It doesn’t jive with what Ms. McCarthy says! What about hurricanes? Since the 1900’s, there has been a twenty percent decrease in the amount of powerful land storms in the United States. Of course, the EPA’s “data” shows a dramatic increase.

Gina McCarthy also gave this asinine statement: “It makes no difference to the validity or the robustness of climate science that is telling us that we are facing an absolute challenge that we must address both environmentally and economically from a national security perspective, and for EPA, from a public health perspective.” It’s for our national security, according to Ms. McCarthy. Whoa. Listen in as Dr. Lewis rebuts this one!

NOTE: Jeff Sessions open letter and press release to Gina McCarthy can be viewed [here].

You can find Dr. Lewis’s article on this issue [here].

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February 18, 2015

Title: The Green Campaign to Restrict Trade in Fossil Fuels
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The left hates fossil fuels. They just hate them. They hate everything about them, even the good stuff! They hate progress. They hate humans. They just don’t understand that their cell phones, laptops, cars (yes, even smart cars!), toasters, TV’s, refrigerators, pretty much everything else uses electricity! Fossil fuels are the cheapest, easiest, most efficient source for electricity. But, they just don’t get it.

Dr. Marlo Lewis doesn’t know exactly “why” the left hates fossil fuels so much. It just doesn’t make sense to him! And what about CO2? Back in the days of the dinosaurs, the CO2 levels were so much higher than they are now! So why are the greenies crying and crying over the CO2 levels now? Do they really just not understand?

Listen in as Dr. Lewis reviews a report from the State Department concerning the Keystone Pipeline and why it has the left so hopping mad! It’s all about supply and demand. Supply and demand. The oil will get here one way or another. It just makes sense to build the pipeline! Bottom line: It is efficient – both economically and financially. You can find Dr. Marlo Lewis [here] or [here].

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January 29, 2015

Title: SOTU on Energy and Climate: Just Dumb
Topic: Obama Went from Dumb to Dumber
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The SOTU: As Obama kept talking, he just got dumber and dumber. When it came to the part of his speech concerning global warming, it just fell apart. Dr. Marlo Lewis says Obama just loves to take all the credit for America’s ranking in the oil and gas industry. Newsflash, Mr. President! That wasn’t you or your environmental cronies. That was good, old-fashioned hard work by the people of America.

Dr. Marlo Lewis has constructed a great go-to map to show where all the growth in oil and gas has occurred – and it’s not on federal land! Click [here]  to see the map. The full article can be found [here]. 

For Obama to claim a “growing economy” is yet another lie. We all know what’s going on with Obamacare. Didn’t Hitler lie continuously to the people, too?

Dr. Marlo Lewis recaps the SOTU and discusses why it is so important for everyone to be involved – really involved – in the political process. He also takes a poke at the White House Press Secretary, who attempts to give credit to Obama for the oil boom and gets shot down every time. Listen in – it’s good stuff!

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December 17, 2014

Title: What did the US Just Claim?!?!?!?!
Topic: Obama and China
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Marlo Lewis explains how the United States made an impressive, yet misleading, presentation at the recent UN Conference on Global Warming in Lima, Peru. This conference is obviously chock-full of environmentalists from various countries who love to get together and talk about how humans are awful and destroying the earth.

Dr. Lewis reviews a report by Myron Bell at about the recent conference, which is the second installment in a round of three, the final one occurring late in 2015 in Paris. Why is this conference so significant? What did the US make claims to during their presentation? And what does the Kyoto Treaty from 1997 have to do with where we are today in America concerning fossil fuels?

There were sixteen other countries represented at the conference – what strides are they achieving to leave a cleaner, healthier earth for future generations? Dr. Lewis says, “It doesn’t matter what the United States and other developed countries do to curb CO2 emissions. If the developing countries, like China and India, don’t watch their emissions, there is no way to limit the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.”

Listen in as Dr. Marlo Lewis, an expert on global warming, energy policy, and public policy issues, discusses the juicy details about the UN Conference on Global Warming.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Obama Tom-Foolery at its Finest
Topic: Obama and China
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Obama recently promised China that the United States would reduce our manufacturing output. The Chinese government, in turn, promised that they would reduce their carbon emissions by 2030, at which time it would just plateau, but never actually decrease. Dr. Marlo Lewis says that China snookered Obama with this one. ….

Also discussed in this segment are the consequences of the “treaty” with China. The financial burden is going to fall upon the hard-working, blue-collar average American citizen – just like every other law passed by this historic administration.

Oh – and by the way, Obama is attempting to claim that this “treaty” is actually an international agreement. Why? Because he knows that the Senate will never approve a “treaty”! And what about Texas????

Fool me once, Mr. President, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So much is discussed in these two segments with Dr. Marlo Lewis!! Share them with all your contacts!

You can find more from Dr. Lewis at  or

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December 3, 2014

Title: Ethanol Hurts People and Engines
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Illinois Petroleum Council (IPC) has launched an ad campaign in Chicago warning consumers that the city’s proposal to require the sale of E15, a gasoline mixture containing 50 percent more ethanol than most cars were designed to use, could damage engines, lower gas mileage, and harm small businesses.

George W. Bush started this big mess during his State of the Union address in 2006 when he stated that ethanol would be used more and more by the year 2013. Well, we’ve already passed that deadline up, but the EPA and Congress are still trying to sanction more ethanol in your gasoline.

Dr. Lewis is certain, however, that Bush 43 could not have foreseen the mess that his speech would create. There have been numerous unintended consequences, such as food price inflation, sky rocketing gas prices, increasing greenhouse emissions (YES you read that right!), and political instability and violence in developing countries.

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is an expert in global warming, global cooling, climate change, whatever Al Gore is calling it these days. Listen in as Dr. Lewis explains what Congress is telling the EPA, who controls all oil and gas regulations and standards across the nation. He also explains in further detail just how more ethanol will affect you. If you think your extended car warranty will cover any engine damage caused by ethanol – think again!

Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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November 4, 2014

Title: Who Made Them God?
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Over 1.5 BILLION people in the world still lack electricity. They have none. Zip. Zero. That’s BILLION – with a B. Also, 3.6 BILLION people need access to plentiful, reliable, affordable energy as soon as possible. These people might have access to electricity for a few hours each day, or have a stove to cook on but no running water. They might have running water, but not electricity.

So, is energy poverty or global warming the bigger threat? Dr. Marlo Lewis cites a study that reveals the 20 greatest accomplishments of the 20th Century and on the top of the list was the invention of electricity.

Think about how many times each day you use electricity. Can you imagine still using horse dung and other disgusting things to cook with over an open flame? Can you imagine still using a horse and buggy as your only mode of transportation? Can you imagine not reaching into a refrigerator and getting a cold glass of milk or having indoor plumbing? Can you imagine not having centralized heat or air conditioning? And heaven forbid you don’t have access to the internet and Facebook and Twitter on your iPad or smart phone. Your kids might even have to – gasp! – walk to a library to do research for a school paper! Oh the horror!

So, who made the Al Gore, UN, the Politicians, the International Monetary Fund “god”? Liberal Democrat environmentalists want the right to tell everyone in the world how much electricity they can use each day. Oh, they still want to have their private jets, big houses, and gas-guzzling Suburbans – they just don’t want anyone else to have them!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who Made Them God?
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The politicians control other politicians who don’t want to be controlled, except by the politicians! They don’t want anyone else to tell them what to do but they sure don’t have a problem with telling us what to do – and even how we should live!

Michelle Obama and her “healthy” lunch program. Obama and the “Affordable Care Act”. The environmentalists and fracking. Now, Al Gore and the UN want to play “god” and tell us when, where, and how much electricity we can use – in our own homes!

We, in America, cannot even begin to fathom living without electricity. Dr. Marlo Lewis continues discussing the outrageous amount of people in the world who either lack adequate electricity or have none at all. The numbers are just astonishing. There are ways that all these people can have electricity by using inexpensive, reliable, natural fossil fuels. But Al Gore and the UN won’t allow it! Shame on them for being so selfish, wanting all the energy for themselves and their big jet planes.

Dr. Lewis says that these regulations will have devastating effects on third world countries. These poor people do not have the means or money to use wind or solar powered energy. They don’t even have the means or money for fossil fuels, which are a whole lot cheaper! Forcing every country in the world to follow ridiculous rules about electrical use is not only wrong, it borderlines on abuse.

Dr. Marlo Lewis’s article “Is Energy Poverty or Global Warming the Bigger Threat” can be found [HERE]  Print out the report and have your children read it. Ask them questions. Have them ask you questions. Explain to your children the dangers of the environmentalist’s ideals. Explain to them how Al Gore and the UN will sling us back into the dark ages with their strict rules and regulations. Show your children the proof about “global warming” and how man is not causing the Earth to warm. What have they been taught in school? You might be surprised at how much they “know” or think they know.

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October 23, 2014

Title: The Future of Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Give notice to your landlord. Tell your apartment manager you are outta there! Sell your house and 99% of your stuff! Move into a 200 foot Zulu Hut, with no plumbing and no electricity. Eat veggies grown in your garden. Raise your own chickens. Actually, scratch that. You also have to become a Vegan. No more meat for you! Come on! It’ll be fun!

NOT! I am only just kidding, folks. BUT this is not far from the ideal living situation environmentalists want us to all experience. That part I am NOT kidding about.

Dr. Marlo Lewis is back to discuss a new campaign haters of electricity and fossil fuels are using called the “Divestment Movement’s Heart of Darkness”. Their goal is to convince large corporations, college presidents, politicians, and anyone else who will listen to dump their money and investments into clean energy companies. In short, they want to use this money to campaign for climate alarm. It’s nothing but a political strategy.

Dr. Lewis has been watching fossil fuels for decades. He is simply amazed by the attention being given to fossil fuels over the last few years. What is all the hype about? Listen in!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Future of Fossil Fuels
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dr. Marlo Lewis says that if the “Divestment” campaign gains momentum, oil company stocks could plummet quickly and dramatically. However, this does not just effect the fossil fuel industry. It affects a whole, whole lot more than that. Normal, everyday people would lose their jobs – jobs that you and I depend on to provide us services every day. Jobs many of YOU have right now! Financial services. Technology companies. Restaurants. Farmers. Telecommunications. Everything uses electricity.

The environmentalists don’t think about this. They just see “fossil fuel” and run around screaming, waving their “Mother Earth” sign, and Tweeting from the iPhones!

If we really stopped using all fossil fuels completely – cold turkey – we would be tossed back into the Stone Ages. No electric smart cars – we’d ride a horse and use a buggy. No iced tea – we’d drink unfiltered, disease filled water from a pond. No iPhones – you’d have to (gulp) write a handwritten letter! Oh the horror!

Log on to  for more information on fossil fuels and the way they impact our daily lives.

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October 14, 2014

Title: EPA Refuses to Report Good News
Topic: Facts about CO2
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Facts: There has been a reduction of 62% in carbon dioxide emissions since 1980. Population, however, has grown by 39%. Energy use has increased by 25%. Vehicle miles traveled have increased by 95%. And GDP has nearly tripled at a whopping 145%!!

Try to find this “Good News” on the EPA’s website – it’s not there! They don’t want us to know the truth. They are even trying to now classify HUMANS as a POLLUTANT. Give me a break! They just want more money!

Despite all these FACTS, the left is crying, “Stop using CO2! It’s killing the earth! It’s causing cancer! People are dying!” Where are their FACTS? Someone show me one shred of evidence that proves their case!

But what about China and other countries spitting out CO2 like a big, black monster? Dr. Marlo Lewis has an explanation and a solution for them, as well. Listen in!

Energy drives America. Energy drives the world. Or, most of it, anyway. Over 2 Billion people live in such poverty that they do not have electricity. Women cook on “stoves” made of manure. Children walk hours every day to just gather water. This is what the environmentalists will push America to, if they are allowed to continue manipulating the EPA and the White House with their lies.

The environmentalists don’t realize that everything they have the privilege of using every day comes from energy. Their smart phones use energy to produce the sound of music they listen to while jogging in the park. The latest college football stats they just Googled on their laptop while sipping a $6 cup of coffee at the local Starbucks, using their free WiFI, uses energy. The shower they took after their jog in the park took energy. If they don’t have a car, but ride the bus, that bus uses MORE energy than a car! When they go out clubbing on Friday night, that business uses energy to play music and serve them drinks! What hypocrisy!

Log on to  to learn more FACTS about the LIES of climate change, or global warming, or man-caused pollutants. Or whatever it is they are calling it these days.

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September 16, 2014

Title: The Clean Power Plan
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The radicals at the EPA are determined to remove any and all signs of carbon-based energy in America – and the world. One of the EPA’s new favorite coin-phrases is the “Clean Power Plan”. This is a proposed guideline (aka regulation) to reduce carbon dioxide from coal powered plants by an average of thirty percent nationwide by the year 2030. Dr. Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains this guideline (aka regulation) in further detail.

Yesterday on The What’s UP Radio Program, Kathleen White discussed another favorite phrase the EPA is throwing around to all the Hollywood elite and Ivy League college kids: “The Social Cost of Carbon”. Dr. Marlo Lewis says this is the “new equivalent of the Marxist labor theory of value”. In other words, it’s all “hocus pocus” based on climate functions that have never been validated.

Furthermore, Dr. Lewis says the EPA has no empirical data at all about any benefits wind or solar powered energy have on the environment. Zero evidence. None. Zilch. Nada. Zip. Listen in as Dr. Lewis discusses how the EPA is not even attempting to offer a shred of proof for any benefits or if it will absolutely reduce the effects “global warming” has had on our economy.

Dr. Lewis is a presenter with the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit” on September 25 and 26 in Houston. For more information and to register, log on to

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August 25, 2014

Title: The Greens Want Their Cake - And They Want to Eat It, Too!
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

For years, the Greens and the environmentalists argued that building the Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada throughout the United States would increase gas prices. Marlo Lewis says this doesn’t make any sense! And he’s right!

Now the Greens are saying “Oh no! We can’t do this because now the price of gas will decrease and we can’t have that!” Sheesh! They just need to make up their minds already!

Marlo references a new study (listen to find out who it’s from!) that states, even if further Keystone XL Pipeline is approved, it would only increase carbon emissions by 0.0001°C – one ten-thousandths of a degree – by the year 2100. Whoa! Stop the drilling! Stop the oil! Shut down the pipes! That is just too dangerous! LOL

Just two years ago, there was hardly any crude oil being shipped from Canada to the US. Now there are up to 170,000 barrels a day! This oil is being shipped via rail car because the Greens won’t allow Obama to finish the pipeline!

Obama should be looking into the cheapest way to get this oil to America rather than focusing on one ten-thousandths of a degree of global warming.

Learn more on this issue at

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April 24, 2008

Title: Are You Paying Too Little For Your Electricity?
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

President Bush’s recent speech on Global Warming laid out a perfect blueprint for slow motion economic decline, legitimized global warming alarmism and will only make energy more scarce and cause and escalation of your electric bill. Why was he wrong? Listen in and then log onto for more.

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March 24, 2008

Title: Are You Paying Too Little For Your Electricity?
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

President Bush’s recent speech on global warming laid out a perfect blueprint for slow motion economic decline, legitimized global warming alarmism and will lead to disastrous energy-rationing and escalating prices for you electricity. Log onto for more details

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April 3, 2007

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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March 14, 2007

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains why he thinks energy independence is possible in our lifetime. Log onto for more information.

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August 7, 2006

Topic: Energy Prices
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Oil and gas prices are the hot topic of the day. We seem to start our day thinking about them and ending the day fuming about them. Dr. Marlo Lewis joins Terry today to answer a few of your questions. Does OPEC control the price of oil and gas or is it demand? Who are the biggest consumers of oil and gas? Can U.S. producers affect the price of oil and gas? And more… Visit for daily updates.

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