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September 14, 2018

Title: EPA Conducts Illegal Experiments on People?
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

The title of the next two segments says it all. And, no, we are not referring to “old experiments” from the last century. These are NEW experiments, which took place under the Obama administration.

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did our federal government once use African Americans as human guinea pigs in a study in Tuskegee, Alabama?

After this abuse was brought to light, were national and international laws passed to outlaw the use of human guinea pigs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Conducts Illegal Experiments on People?
Topic: EPA Human Experiments
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does our Federal EPA still use human guinea pigs?

Who discovered this?

What is the EPA doing? Listen as Dr. Beisner gives the gruesome details.

Did the people who volunteered for this experiment know of the dangers to their lives?

Dr. Beisner discussed “Scare Pollution”, by Steve Milloy. Visit Dr. Beisner’s page at Cornwall Alliance,  make a donation of ANY size during the month of September, and he’ll send you a FREE copy! Use the code: 1809

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August 17, 2017

Title: The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He has been a guest on The What’s UP Radio Program many times discussing climate change issues. Today, he joins us for three segments to offer new information on the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a scientist, what is Dr. Beisner’s view of God, creation, and global warming? Listen as he opens this segment proclaiming his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord, son of God! Hallelujah!

Are there studies that claims preventing births will reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Are human beings really a threat to the earth?

Is global warming even a real issue? Or have there always been periods of warming and cooling?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What non-human activities affect the climate?

What are sun spot cycles and how do they affect the temperature of the earth?

Who are Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Robert Malthus and what were their thoughts about the population of the earth?

What do environmentalists really believe? Listen as Dr. Calvin Beisner shares some startling information.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will preventing more births really reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Why are many scientists encouraging “less population” for the earth?

Paul Ehrlich scared a lot of people with his doomsday predictions. Listen as Dr. Beisner reveals more about this dangerous man, including a time when Ehrlich lost a bet!

What is the “optimal population” for the world, according to environmentalists? NOTE: It’s a lot less than the population today!

What is Dr. Calvin Beisner’s opinion of the public school system’s teaching of this issue? He does not mince words! Listen in!

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August 4, 2017

Title: The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He has been a guest on The What’s UP Radio Program many times discussing climate change issues. Today, he joins us for three segments to offer new information on the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a scientist, what is Dr. Beisner’s view of God, creation, and global warming? Listen as he opens this segment proclaiming his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord, son of God! Hallelujah!

Are there studies that claims preventing births will reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Are human beings really a threat to the earth?

Is global warming even a real issue? Or have there always been periods of warming and cooling?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What non-human activities affect the climate?

What are sun spot cycles and how do they affect the temperature of the earth?

Who are Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Robert Malthus and what were their thoughts about the population of the earth?

What do environmentalists really believe? Listen as Dr. Calvin Beisner shares some startling information.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left Wants to Prevent Births to Stop Global Warming
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will preventing more births really reduce the effect of “global warming”?

Why are many scientists encouraging “less population” for the earth?

Paul Ehrlich scared a lot of people with his doomsday predictions. Listen as Dr. Beisner reveals more about this dangerous man, including a time when Ehrlich lost a bet!

What is the “optimal population” for the world, according to environmentalists? NOTE: It’s a lot less than the population today!

What is Dr. Calvin Beisner’s opinion of the public school system’s teaching of this issue? He does not mince words! Listen in!

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April 3, 2017

Title: Did You Use Energy Today?
Topic: Energy In Your Daily Life
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Did you use energy today?  Was that energy supplied by fossil fuels?

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder and National Spokesperson for The Cornwall Alliance.  Today he will be discussing just how much of the worldwide CO2 emissions America contributes, Obama’s efforts to reduce them, and what Trump must do for our future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There was an article written recently in Newsweek that is causing quite a stir. What was it about and why does it matter?

What is the greatest threat to the environment?

Listen as Dr. Beisner reveals the horrific conditions which the South African people live in – all thanks to leftist environmentalists who hate fossil fuels.

What is the second greatest threat to the environment?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Did You Use Energy Today?
Topic: Energy In Your Daily Life
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Obama’s efforts to reduce CO2 emissions succeed? Have his appointees admitted that their policies did nothing?

Is CO2 really toxic?

What is President Trump doing concerning this issue?

For more on this and other environmental issues, click here.

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March 13, 2017

Title: Has Anything Really Changed in Thirty Years?
Topic: Poverty
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

If you give a man a fish, you’ll need to give him a fish again tomorrow….Every so often, we evaluate our government programs and discover they simply aren’t working. So, instead of stopping them, we revamp them and add more programs that don’t work!

Dr. Calvin Beisner is often the bearer of bad news. Unfortunately, he is once again. Listen as he discusses this never-ending cycle and what must be done to stop the madness.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When should aid be given to those in need?

How do we harm the poor with handouts?

Is business ownership declining?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Has Anything Really Changed in Thirty Years?
Topic: Poverty
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has The War of Poverty been so ineffective?

Will training those in poverty with a specific trade help more than just giving them a government handout?

What can individuals and churches do to help? Dr. Beisner says the first priority is to spread the Gospel.

For information on the Poverty, Inc. film which Dr. Beisner references in this interview, click here.   Please note: Due to overwhelming response regarding this film, it is currently unavailable.

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September 20, 2016

Title: California Cows Have Too Much GAS
Topic: Flatulent Cows
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Who knew that cows in California would have stinky gas? Yep – their farts stink, so something obviously must be done to curb the odor to save the environment!

Listen in as Dr. Calvin Beisner, with the Cornwall Alliance, explains how the California Air Resources Board (CARB) wants California dairy farmers to “curb the natural gas emanating from dairy farms”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When did all the environment craziness begin in California?

How does CARB propose dairy farmers curb their cows’ gas emissions?

Will capturing cows’ farts really help the environment?

Will genetically altering the microbes in the gut of a cow really produce less gas? More importantly, will it save consumers and dairy farmers money?

Why are voters so willing to accept CARB’s new strict proposal against cow’s flatulence?

Who will be effected the most from this unnecessary policy?

You can find Dr. Calvin Beisner article on this subject here.

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August 17, 2016

Title: Silence is Violence
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) has called for publications to refuse to post “phony op-eds about climate change.” This is not what you think.

Dr. Calvin Beisner, Founder of the Cornwall Alliance, says, “In short, the Senator acts as prosecutor, judge, and jury, and he wants to make sure the public hears only one side in the trial. And he’s managed to persuade some attorney generals and other Democratic Senators, including Hillary Clinton’s VP running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, to join him.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does X-times-Y-equal-Z?

How long has it been since the earth has actually warmed? Are there more or less humans on the planet?

Is our weather system simple or complex? HINT: It comes second only to the human brain.

Is it really possible to predict future climate changes?

Why is Senator Whitehouse so insistent that the public not hear the truth about global warming?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Silence is Violence
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Dr. Calvin Beisner begins this second segment by recounting the true story of Soviet Biologist Trofim Lysenko.  Dr. Beisner doesn’t believe that Lysenko was a “true” scientist. Listen in as he explains why.

Who gets to decide what op-eds are phony? What are the criteria?

There is a wide range of opinions among scholars concerning the effects of fossil fuels. First, what have studies discovered concerning carbon dioxide concentration?

What is the effect of added CO2? What is harmful? What is beneficial?

Do plants and animals thrive in warm or cold weather?

What is the best way to balance the effects from fossil fuels?

What would be the costs and benefits of efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by substituting other energy sources for fossil fuels?

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June 30, 2016

Title: Feeding the Hungry
Topic: Norman Borlaug Fed the Hungry
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Credited with saving at least one billion lives, Norman Borlaug once emphasized: “One of the greatest threats to mankind today is that the world may be choked by an explosively pervading but well camouflaged bureaucracy.” Today, this bureaucracy has embraced a worldview that undermines the importance of human life and promotes ideologies that see man as the cancer of the world.

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder and National Spokesman for The Cornwall Alliance. For over a decade, the Cornwall Alliance has been the world’s leading evangelical voice for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the gospel of Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, from the UN to WDC to state capitals, university campuses, MSM, blogs, and Facebook posting, too many people seem to have embraced a worldview that undermines the importance of human life and promotes ideologies that see man as the cancer of the world. Dr. Beisner says this is a “tragedy”. Why?

Listen in as Dr. Beisner compares America to the rest of the world when it comes to hunger. In case you were wondering, the numbers in America are grossly exaggerated.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Feeding the Hungry
Topic: Norman Borlaug Fed the Hungry
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

I was Hungry and You Fed Me”: The Legacy of Norman Borlaug. Who was Norman Borlaug and what did he do?

What did Norman do with his money? Did he live a lavish, wealthy lifestyle?

Was he able to feed all people?

Should we focus on enhancing the fruitfulness, beauty, and safety of the environment? Genesis 1:28 “God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'

In the global world we now live, it is important for organizations like The Cornwall Alliance to reach beyond our borders. Listen in as Dr. Beisner shares how you can help with two specific ways.

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May 18, 2016

Title: Heed the Warnings from History
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Does our government need a “Ministry of Truth” like that warned of in George Orwell’s “1984”? Are the Fundamental liberties of free speech and free press, which are guaranteed by the First Amendment, in jeopardy?

In 2009, the left-wing website Talking Points Memo provocatively asked, “At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers?” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. called coal companies “criminal enterprises” who’s CEOs “should be in jail … for all of eternity.” Guest Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder and National Spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance and a former Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Social Ethics at Knox Theological Seminary. He reminds us that last year Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island, called for a similar action to be taken against climate skeptics. One more reason to elect the “right” people into office!

Dr. Beisner goes on to compare litigation against tobacco companies “misleading the public” to the “crimes” committed by climate skeptics. He says, “The analogy is completely absurd.” Listen in as he explains that there are an abundant of unanswered questions regarding “man-caused global warming”. Therefore no one can be – or should be – persecuted for not conforming to the left’s mandates!

Tune in to the next segment as Dr. Calvin Beisner discusses Free Speech, weather predictions, and even the Apostle Paul.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heed the Warnings from History
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Those who have been pushing for a decrease in fossil fuels now want to arrest, try, and incarcerate those who deny “man-caused global warming”.

Dr. Calvin Beisner explains that the “climate system is one of the most complex natural systems we have ever studied.” There is nothing “normal” or “predictable” about it. “We don’t even know if they increase or decrease warming,” he states. We do, however, know that plants grow more abundantly with more CO2 in the air, which is definitely a good thing for the entire planet! Listen in as Dr. Beisner gives a terrific scientific explanation why the environmentalists cannot, prove without a shadow of a doubt, that more CO2 causes higher temperatures.

Should Christians be involved in this debate? After all, we have been entrusted by God to take care of our planet and its resources. “Free speech is a very important part of the Christian understanding of ethics,” Dr. Beisner believes. “The Bible says we are to test all things and hold fast to what is true.” He goes on to use specific examples from Paul and others to explain why free speech is absolutely vital to the continuation of a free society.

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April 13, 2016

Title: Climate Change and Christianity
Topic: Climate Change and Christianity
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation and former Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Knox Theological Seminary and of Interdisciplinary Studies at Covenant College. We love to have experts on the show and he certainly qualifies – especially for this sensitive and important issue regarding fossil fuels and climate change.

Fossil fuels are absolutely indispensable to lifting and keeping any society out of poverty,” Dr. Beisner proclaims. “We cannot use the money we spend fighting global warming to lift the remaining four billion who are in poverty.

Questions for this interview: Is a belief in God and His son, Jesus Christ, a leap of faith? “Absolutely not,” Dr. Beisner declares. “The New Testament itself gives us plenty of reasons to say ‘no’ to that question.” Listen in as he quotes several Scriptures to support his opinion.

Is catastrophic, man-caused climate change really happening? Dr. Calvin says, “There is very strong scientific evidence that our contribution to climate change is actually very small.” He goes on to explain the alarmist “models” and how they are not only biased, they are flat wrong! They know this, yet they keep pushing billions and billions of dollars into their schemes to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Is there any proof that man is causing this catastrophic climate change that would warrant governments to change man’s use of fossil fuels? “Anything we do to reduce [any type of] impact is going to have extremely small beneficial returns, if any at all,” Dr. Beisner believes. However, if the majority of countries across the world suddenly decide to stop using fossil fuels, the impact on the environment would be drastically altered – and not in a good way!

Is it a “leap of faith” for those who truly believe that man is causing climate change? After all, there is no proof! Dr. Calvin Beisner doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions or pretend to know what others are thinking. However, he does believe that most people are simply unaware of the facts. Listen in as he discusses a statement by Nobel Prize Physicist, Dr. Richard Feynman, regarding this very topic.

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February 1, 2016

Title: Christians: Don’t Silence Your Critics
Topic: Respecting Others
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

In 1 Peter 3:15-16, we are told: “15 In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” (ESV)

Also, in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, it reads: “Test everything; hold fast what is good.”

Dr. Calvin Beisner is the spokesperson for the Cornwall Alliance. He believes that Christians who refuse to listen to and debate their critics are just as guilty of “rational civil discourse” as those whom they disagree with!

The debate over climate change is often a heated one. Both sides don’t understand why the other side can’t agree with the other’s predictions. But that is exactly the point. It is possible to discuss the topic in a healthy, respectful manner. Terry and Dr. Beisner, for example, may not agree on every aspect, but that doesn’t cause them to get angry with each other, spewing insults and hateful words.

This is not always the case, however. Listen in as Dr. Beisner discusses a strange situation that just recently happened to him personally. It is a perfect, and unfortunate, example of “rational civil discourse”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Christians: Don’t Silence Your Critics
Topic: Respecting Others
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

The What’s UP Radio Program takes pride in inviting respected and well-qualified experts to share the facts on a wide range of topics. We do not just have “the average Joe” on talking about their opinion on certain issues. Dr. Calvin Beisner is a scholar on the application of Christian worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship, and public policy. You can follow the Cornwall Alliance on Facebook  and on Twitter.  Sign up on their website to receive FREE emails about all matters relating to climate change.

Dr. Beisner discusses a documentary  that offers terrific insight into the issue of “man-caused global warming” by thirty scholars in the field that supports nine different points: 1) the science is not settled, 2) natural processes dominate climate change, 3) man-made CO2 is very little compared to natural causes, 4) real evidence does not support catastrophic warming, 5) catastrophic forecasts come from invalidated climate models, 6) invalidated climate models do not produce scientific data, 7) climate models contain assumptions of earth’s sensitivity to CO2 that are far too high, 8) there is not a single example of carbon dioxide being a pollutant, and 9) 165 years of real observation since the Industrial Revolution of the earth’s temperature and CO2 indicate that the maximum temperature rise that we should expect from additional CO2 before we run out of hydrocarbon fuels to put more into the atmosphere is only 1.2 degrees Celsius.

In other words, we could burn all the fossil fuels on the earth and not raise earth’s temperature more than 1.2 degrees Celsius,” he proclaims. So, when are the oceans supposed to flood the earth? When are all the mountains going to crumble due to the scorching sun? I’ve lost count on how many times the climate scarers have changed their minds on whether the earth is going to freeze to death or burn up in a fiery explosion!

Listen in as Dr. Calvin refutes the climate change doomsayers and gives reasonable facts which disputes the whole idea.

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March 9, 2015

Title: March 25, 2015: Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor
Topic: Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

I would venture to guess that 100% of the listeners to the What’s UP Program know who Mother Teresa was. However, I would bet not many have heard of Norman Borlaug. Nicknamed the “Father of the Green Revolution”, Norman Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his works which saved BILLIONS of lives.

Dr. Calvin Beisner, with the Cornwall Alliance, calls Borlaug a “Hero”. He started out as a farmer, who became an agriculture scientist and developed special seed varieties that could adapt to different soil and climates. His work led to the multiplication of crop yields from the 50’s-70’s. Essentially, he is responsible for wiping out famine around the world, except where it is forced by warfare.

Dr. Beisner says this of Norman Borlaug: “This is a great example of how godly people can use the minds God has given us to devise ways to enhance the fruitfulness, beauty, and safety of the earth for the benefit of our neighbors.” Wow. What a testimony!

So, why do modern-day environmentalists despise Borlaug so much? Listen in as Dr. Beisner talks about another man, Paul Ehrlich, who wrote the book “The Population Bomb” in 1968 and said there was no hope of feeding the growing population in the world. My, oh my, how Norman proved him wrong!

March 25 is Norman Borlaug’s birthday, which is why the Cornwall Alliance has chosen that day to celebrate the “Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor”. Click [here] for more on this. And be sure to spread the word on social media!

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February 10, 2015

Title: God of Creation
Topic: God of Creation
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

God has entrusted mankind with His masterpiece – the Earth. We were created to take care of the Earth and all that dwells here. His handiwork is beautiful and awe-inspiring; just think of the mountains and oceans, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. Dr. Calvin Beisner remembers visiting the Rocky Mountains as a young boy. The beauty and majesty of those mountains is forever etched in his mind; he will never forget that experience.

Listen in as Dr. Beisner and Terry discuss Psalm 104. Our God of Creation absolutely knew what He was doing when placed the stars in the sky, when He made every type of animal, when He made the oceans blue and the grass green, when He made you and me. Psalm 104 reminds us that we need to tell others about His great creation and the wonderful things He has done for us through and by the Earth.

Let’s not take advantage of this great responsibility; look at the beauty around you. Teach your children and grandchildren to respect and love nature. The next generation is taught that we are destroying the Earth and that it won’t be around in 100 years because we’ve killed the trees and used up all the water.

Dr. Beisner encourages young people to look back at history and see just how far we have come. For example, the life expectancy throughout time until not too long ago was only 27 years. Poverty was the norm, not the exception. The Cornwall Alliance is committed to teaching people about the advantages of nature and how to use the Earth to further improve and advance our lives.

For more from Dr. Calvin Beisner, click [here].

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December 15, 2014

Title: Three Great Legacies of Climategate and Climategate II
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

More and more federal grant money is flowing to those who support the premise that man is causing catastrophic global warming. Environmentalist alarmists want us to stop having kids, stop driving cars, stop using air conditioning – even stop mowing our grass and growing our own food!

In today’s interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner, he explains Climategate and Climategate II. What are they? Have we really been lied to about man-caused global warming? Also, how has the MSM added to the hypocrisy?

You can follow the Cornwall Alliance on Facebook at Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation or on Twitter @CornwallSteward.  

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Three Great Legacies of Climategate and Climategate II
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Cornwall Alliance isn’t just a run-of-the-mill website full of non-experts who don’t like global warming lies. The contributors are experts in their field who have done extensive research on the issue of man-caused global warming; they’ve studied the climate models. They all say the information being fed by the MSM and environmental alarmists just doesn’t add up.

For over a generation, kids have been fed the global warming lie in public school. It’s plastered in kid cartoons and even the movies we watch on the big screen. Is it too late to reverse the damage?

Dr. Beisner says it just doesn’t make sense to pour millions and billions and even trillions of dollars into more studies that show the same results over and over again, never changing.

Log on to  for more on the issue of global warming.

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November 20, 2014

Title: Obama Sacrifices American Prosperity on the Altar of Climate Hype
Topic: Obama and China
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

On Veteran’s Day, 2014, President Obama was not honoring soldiers in Arlington. He was not at one of the many military bases across the county. He was not issuing legislation to help our wounded warriors or their families.

Instead, Obama was with some of his best friends in China negotiating an agreement to reduce the countries’ carbon footprint. China has agreed to try to reduce their CO2 emissions by the year 2050. 15 years from now, their CO2 will be lower anyway as a result of declining population due to their one-child-only policy!

So, basically, China didn’t agree to do or change anything and Obama missed a great photo op with Americans soldiers and Michelle missed some BBQ and collard greens. Or would she prefer some fried chicken?

Be sure to listen in to the next segment with Dr. Beisner as he discusses low-information voters and the ever-growing consensus that global warming is a scheme.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Obama Sacrifices American Prosperity on the Altar of Climate Hype
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

We are called to be good stewards of God’s resources. We are also called to be our brother’s keeper. Dr. Calvin Beisner and others at the Cornwall Alliance are doing both. They have called out John Gruber for his outright lies about Obamacare. (That was in the first segment. Click the link above to hear that interview.)

The Cornwall Alliance is also issuing warnings concerning the Obama Administration’s propaganda about global warming. More and more scientists are confirming that the earth is not warming like Al Gore and his extremist buddies claim. If we are mandated to switch from inexpensive, reliable, natural oil and gas to intermittent, unreliable, expensive solar and wind energy, we are doomed. The poor, especially, will be dramatically affected.

If strict, nation-wide laws are passed concerning the use of fossil fuels, Dr. Beisner predicts the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, electricity bills increasing by a minimum or $1,000 per year, and higher prices for everything. And if the UN has their way on the matter, well, you can forget it!

Join The Cornwall Alliance’s Facebook discussions! Search for “Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation”.

To read more about how drastic climate change policies will affect the poor, click [HERE].

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September 19, 2014

Title: Prosperity and Poverty - The Energy Factor
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. Calvin Beisner
with Cornwall Alliance (

God has entrusted us with His creation. God expects us to take care of His creation. The very first commandment is found in Genesis 1:28: “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Is it our responsibility to pay for the energy costs for people around the globe? The Bible tells us that we are our brother’s keeper, but that doesn’t mean that it is our government’s responsibility to supply people across the globe with everything they need. Without access to reliable, abundant and inexpensive energy, you lock the poor into a lifetime of back-breaking labor.

Dr. Beisner says that if we allow Obama and the EPA to pass mandates on coal and force us to use solar and wind energy, he is invading on our personal rights. If we allow the UN to pass restrictions on the use of coal across the globe, we will be holding back third-world countries from achieving the same prosperity we enjoy in America.

Listen in as he discusses the difference between the government’s responsibility, our individual rights, and who should pay for what.

Come meet Dr. Beisner and hear him on Friday morning during the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”. For registration information and more details, log on to

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