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June 11, 2024

Title: Texas Storm Raises Questions about Renewables
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Craig Rucker
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Will the Biden Administration’s obsession with “green energy” collapse the American electric grid?

Craig Rucker is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Craig discusses the recent power outage debacle in Texas after a major storm and what we must do moving forward to stop Biden’s power grab (pun intended).

Click here to read the op-ed from Craig Rucker on this topic in the DC Journal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Biden Administration laser-focused on eliminating gas appliances and combustion engines?

What is the real goal of “green energy”? Craig Rucker explains how the Biden Administration and most of the Democratic Party are doing anything and everything in their power to convince the American public to stop using oil, gas, and coal. He goes on to discuss the many, many negative effects of using wind and solar energy.

How will “going green” effect global temperatures?

Will the drive for a total electric society skyrocket demand, triggering an increase in consumer prices? Craig Rucker says we need to look no further than California to see the results of an all-electric state.

How does the weather (i.e. no wind or no sun) play a role in an all-electric society?

Does America have the resources to produce the needed solar panels and wind blades needed for this transformation? Craig explains why the answer is “yes” and “no”.

Are environmental considerations fully reviewed before site selection, construction, production stage, and disposal after useful life is reached?

Without tax credits and taxpayer funding, would anyone build a new wind or solar farm?

Should we hit the pause or re-set button on an all-electric society? Craig Rucker says: “I would scrap the whole thing!”

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December 4, 2023

Title: UN Expanding Climate Change Bologna
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Craig Rucker
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Craig Rucker is the co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and currently serves as its President. Craig is also the co-producer of “Climate Hustle” and “Climate Hustle 2”.  Today, Craig discusses details about the UN Conference COP 28 and climate change bologna.

CClick here to read Craig Rucker’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the UN Conference COP 28?

What are some of the climate alarmists’ extreme demands? Craig discusses their belief that eating meat is “cooking the planet”. What do they want us to eat? Bugs! He also shares a true funny story about a conference a few years…

What are “loss and damage funds”? Why will they be given to poor, third-world countries? How much money is being poured into this fund?

How soon does the UN want to phase out/eliminate fossil fuels? Is this achievable? Criag explains why this is so laughable, especially since China is given a free pass… br />
WWhy are we called “climate change deniers”?

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