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August 15, 2024

Title: Economic Resurgence through Energy Dominance
Topic: Reliable and Affordable Energy
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Former State Representative Jason Isaac is the CEO of the American Energy Institute and a Senior Fellow for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Jason discusses the Democrats’ empty promises of reducing energy prices and the Republicans’ updated National Platform which address the issue, as well.

Click here to read Jason’s op-ed on this very important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do higher energy prices drive up the cost of everything we use and consume in America?

What are Democrats doing to reduce energy prices? Jason kind of laughs as he explains that they are doing nothing; in fact, thousands and thousands of people in California, where energy costs are sky-high, had their electricity disconnected last year!

Have Republicans promised to take action to reduce energy prices? Jason discusses the Republican National Platform’s goal to reduce energy costs across the nation, while also funding other areas that need more money.

Democrats have shackled energy production in America. Will this continue if they are re-elected this November?

Can reduced energy prices bring down inflation? Can reduced energy prices fuel the resurgence of American manufacturing and job growth? Can reduced energy prices increase our national security? Jason answers each question with a resounding YES.

Will affordable, abundant American-produced energy help right our economic ship that is dangerously off course? Jason reveals just how much more the average American family is paying for everything than they were just four years ago under the leadership of Donald Trump.

Click here to subscribe to the American Energy Institute.

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May 30, 2024

Title: Wisely Using America’s Energy Resources
Topic: Reliable and Affordable Energy
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Americans depend on affordable, reliable energy sources. Inflation is already sky-high. So, what will happen when oil and gas become even more expensive thanks to Biden’s policies?

Former State Representative Jason Isaac is the Founder and CEO of the American Energy Institute. Today, Jason discusses information found in his latest op-ed: “Biden’s Environmental Agenda is a Dangerous Path Toward an Energy Crisis”.

Click here for more about the American Energy Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If every American stopped using all fossil fuels today, would global temperatures be affected in a dramatic way by 2100?

Are China and India causing air pollution along our West Coast? Jason Isaac reveals just how much pollution floats over to California…

Is Biden hell-bent on destroying the use of coal in America?

Does Congress need to man-up and reign in the out-of-control bureaucrats?

Are millions of Americans facing disconnection notices because they cannot pay their electric bill? Jason reveals that approximately 25% of Californians are currently facing disconnection and this is reflective of many states across the nation.

Have American voters been gaslighted into believing man is causing cataclysmic climate change?

Is it too late to re-educate American voters with the truth about “climate change”? Jason says: “I think they are waking up to the fact that it is based on the demonization of hydrocarbons and for no environmental benefit whatsoever. Actually, it makes the environment worse!

Click here to subscribe to the American Energy Institute.

Click here to help support Jason Isaac and the American Energy Institute.

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January 25, 2024

Title: Did Texas Dodge a Bullet?
Topic: Reliable and Affordable Energy
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

From time-to-time, Texas needs to squeeze more power out of existing suppliers. Did Texans dodge a bullet during the latest cold snap?

Former Texas States Representative Jason Isaac is the Founder and CEO of the American Energy Institute. Today, Jason discusses how we made it through the latest cold snap in Texas.

Click here for more about the American Energy Institute.

Click here to read more from Jason Isaac on this and other topics.

Click here for more about the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the latest deep-freeze cold snap, did Texans use more electricity than ever – more than during the storm in February 2021?

What will happen to the electric grid if we get another cold snap?

Did ERCOT reach out to the wind and solar suppliers for supplemental energy during the recent cold snap?

Do heat pumps become electricity hogs when the temperature drops below freezing?

What is a good solution?

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November 28, 2023

Title: The World Needs American Oil NOW!
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Do weak men create hard times?

Former Texas States Representative Jason Isaac is the Founder and CEO of the American Energy Institute. Today, Jason discusses the dangerous situation the world will face if the Biden Administration continues to block the production and distribution of America oil.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for the latest from the American Energy Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we care if Biden turns a blind eye toward Iran and its oil sales to China?

Is Iran using funds from oil sales to China to fund terrorism around the world?

Is China using Iranian oil to fuel its economic expansion worldwide?

Does the Left just not understand how Capitalism works? Do they simply want total control?

Did Trump-era policies save the average family in America approximately $2,500 a year in lower energy costs? How much has the cost increased over the past three years?

Energy prices effect the cost of everything. Does the world need America to lead in oil production and distribution again?

Click here to help support the American Energy Institute.

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July 25, 2023

Title: The Great Carbon Capture Scam
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives. Today, Jason discusses the truth about the Left’s carbon capture and net-zero fantasy.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this topic in the Daily Caller.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, the elites in Europe and the US believed that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns. Did burning witches (the evil humans) at the stake have any effect on the weather?

Have the elites in America today sold out to the fantasy of “net-zero”? Jason explains how companies are being manipulated into following the net-zero and decarbonization scam.

What is “net-zero”? Jason gives the best answer: “It’s the elimination of God’s gas.”

Would life exist without CO2? What will happen if the elites get their way in reducing CO2 emissions to 0.04%?

Why are those who support using oil and gas considered “bad people” – witches and warlocks?

What is carbon capture? Is carbon capture a scam? Jason reveals how much carbon capture costs and explains that it actually harms people living in poverty in the US and around the world. He also shares some brand-new statistical information that hasn’t even been publicly announced.

Bottom Line: Are humans causing climate change?

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July 7, 2023

Title: The Great Carbon Capture Scam
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives. Today, Jason discusses the truth about the Left’s carbon capture and net-zero fantasy.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this topic in the Daily Caller.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, the elites in Europe and the US believed that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns. Did burning witches (the evil humans) at the stake have any effect on the weather?

Have the elites in America today sold out to the fantasy of “net-zero”? Jason explains how companies are being manipulated into following the net-zero and decarbonization scam.

What is “net-zero”? Jason gives the best answer: “It’s the elimination of God’s gas.”

Would life exist without CO2? What will happen if the elites get their way in reducing CO2 emissions to 0.04%?

Why are those who support using oil and gas considered “bad people” – witches and warlocks?

What is carbon capture? Is carbon capture a scam? Jason reveals how much carbon capture costs and explains that it actually harms people living in poverty in the US and around the world. He also shares some brand-new statistical information that hasn’t even been publicly announced.

Bottom Line: Are humans causing climate change?

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April 21, 2023

Title: Joe Biden’s Energy Policies are a Train Wreck – Literally
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Most people want to Improve the environment. I don’t know anyone who would dispute that. However, is buying oil from unstable nations with lax pollution and human rights standards the only option? There must be other, better solutions!

Today, The Honorable Jason Isaac discusses some options to keep oil and gas prices down, as well how and why we have arrived at this impasse. Jason previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives. He is now the Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here to read Jason Isaac’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Jason on other topics.

Click here for more about Life:Powered.

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Since his inauguration, has President Biden demanded oil companies increase production while keeping their hands tied?

Has the price of diesel spiked even more dramatically when compared to gas prices?

With sky-rocketing diesel prices, many shippers are moving their goods from big-rigs to trains. How is that working out? Is this safer or more dangerous for people on the roads?

Is Biden laser-focused on slashing American greenhouse gas emissions? Does this even include a target against human beings?

What can America and Western European countries do to force China, India, and other countries to drastically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions? SHORT ANSWER: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What would be the end result of de-industrializing America and banning fossil fuels entirely? Are Germany and the United Kingdom perfect examples of what not to do?

What can the government do to stop oil companies from investing outside the US? Jason urges American oil companies to stand up to the government and embrace capitalism. After all, there is less risk to manufacture in America than other countries. Give the jobs to Americans. Boost the American economy. Help American families.

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September 20, 2022

Title: Reject the Climate Cult
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

The Honorable Jason Isaac is Director of Life:Powered, a project within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. In reference to the European Union’s mandatory need to “flatten the curve” regarding electricity demand, Jason recently tweeted: “Don’t cook when you’re hungry. Don’t heat/cool your home. Don’t clean your clothes. Don’t bathe.”

Click here for more from Jason Isaac.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Prime Minister Liz Truss? Why did she recently lift the fracking ban in the UK?

Why are citizens of the European Union facing a bleak, cold, dark winter? Jason explains how Russia is partly to blame, in addition to the ban on fracking for years.

What did Jason mean by his recent tweet? (See above link) Should he also include “don’t charge your electric vehicle”?

TRUE OR FALSE: Colorado electric companies can manually shut off or adjust the power to citizens’ homes via Smart Meters.

Can conservation and flattening the curve help avoid forced blackouts? SHORT ANSWER: Nope.

Are the elites being truthful about the consequences of going totally green within the next few years? Jason reveals how much Texans’ electric bills would increase. The amount is astronomical.

Is abundant, reliable, affordable energy the cornerstone of our lives today?

Are fossil fuels to blame for any change in climate? Jason laughs at this question, saying: “Absolutely not. Economic prosperity and environmental leadership go hand-in-hand… So, with access to affordable, reliable energy, we actually mitigate a changing climate that is going to continue to change for millennia to come until the earth is gone and we go (hopefully) to heaven.”

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July 18, 2022

Title: Why Are We Paying More at the Pump?
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director of Life:Powered, a project within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The purpose of this initiative is to inform the national discussion about energy resources and advocate for energy policies that promote economic freedom and advance the human condition.

Today Jason Isaac discusses who is to blame for the rising oil and gas prices around the world and what can be done to reverse this devastating trend.

Click here for more on energy issues affecting you every day.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

From day one, has the Biden Administration been focused on destroying the oil and gas industry in the US? Jason explains how oil and gas costs affect the cost of everything we use every day – including clothing and food prices.

The Department of Energy was created in the 1970’s. Did it take until the Trump Administration for America to become energy independent? Jason discusses how women in third world countries spend 200 million hours walking to just get water for their families – and it usually isn’t even clean water! Why won’t the UN allow these countries funds to build and maintain water wells?

How was this energy independence achieved? Jason explains that it all comes down to the government getting in the way. Trump stopped that and Biden brought it BIG time!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Are We Paying More at the Pump?
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The price of oil has doubled since Biden took office. With the global oil price set by the economic rule of supply and demand, what changed? Jason reminds us that Biden stopped the Keystone Pipeline, but also mentions other pipelines that you probably haven’t even heard of.

Can American oil refiners produce enough gasoline to affect the supply side? Listen close! This is important information that every American needs to know!

Has America built new major oil refineries in the last 50 years? SHORT ANSWER: Nope. Jason explains why…

What can Texas do to increase the supply? Jason has some great suggestions and also discusses some Legislation that was passed during the last session that should start helping the market.

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June 28, 2022

Title: Why Are We Paying More at the Pump?
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The Honorable Jason Isaac is the Director of Life:Powered, a project within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The purpose of this initiative is to inform the national discussion about energy resources and advocate for energy policies that promote economic freedom and advance the human condition.

Today Jason Isaac discusses who is to blame for the rising oil and gas prices around the world and what can be done to reverse this devastating trend.

Click here for more on energy issues affecting you every day.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

From day one, has the Biden Administration been focused on destroying the oil and gas industry in the US? Jason explains how oil and gas costs affect the cost of everything we use every day – including clothing and food prices.

The Department of Energy was created in the 1970’s. Did it take until the Trump Administration for America to become energy independent? Jason discusses how women in third world countries spend 200 million hours walking to just get water for their families – and it usually isn’t even clean water! Why won’t the UN allow these countries funds to build and maintain water wells?

How was this energy independence achieved? Jason explains that it all comes down to the government getting in the way. Trump stopped that and Biden brought it BIG time!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Are We Paying More at the Pump?
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The price of oil has doubled since Biden took office. With the global oil price set by the economic rule of supply and demand, what changed? Jason reminds us that Biden stopped the Keystone Pipeline, but also mentions other pipelines that you probably haven’t even heard of.

Can American oil refiners produce enough gasoline to affect the supply side? Listen close! This is important information that every American needs to know!

Has America built new major oil refineries in the last 50 years? SHORT ANSWER: Nope. Jason explains why…

What can Texas do to increase the supply? Jason has some great suggestions and also discusses some Legislation that was passed during the last session that should start helping the market.

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March 23, 2022

Title: Russia Is Just Biden’s Scapegoat for Rising Gas Price
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Scapegoat: A person or group made to bear the blame (via

Jason Isaac with Life:Powered at the Texas Public Policy Foundation discusses his recent article on this topic, found here .  Jason previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives.

Jason wrote: “President Joe Biden’s announcement that the United States would ban Russian oil imports in response to the attack on Ukraine was met with serious concern from both sides of the aisle because of the impact it could have on already record high gas prices.”

Click here for more from Life:Powered.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Obama boldly declare on the campaign trail in 2008: “Under my plan… electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”? Is this happening again under the Biden Administration?

FACT: Electricity costs in Germany have skyrocketed 60% in the last year due to their “clean energy” policies, resulting in many deaths in the freezing months because people cannot afford to heat their homes.

Are celebrities and others demanding that banks cease funding to the Canadian pipelines?

Serious Question: Does the Left live in an alternate universe where electricity is produced out of thin air? Jason says: “It blows my mind how the Left thinks they can get electricity from rainbows and unicorns. It just doesn’t happen.” He goes on to place the blame on the Biden Administration…

Is oil and gas being produced in cleaner and safer ways anywhere else in the world as compared to American production? SHORT ANSWER: No. LONG ANSWER: Listen as Jason explains how much cleaner oil and gas production is in America, including shipping it overseas.

Some Democrats want to ban all oil and gas activity on Federal lands. Can this mindset be reversed? Jason discusses what must be done in the short-term and long-term to get America back to energy independence.

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February 9, 2022

Title: Does Biden Have a Magic Wand?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Former Texas State Representative Jason Isaac is the current Director of Life:Powered, a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Their goal is to ensure that we, our children, and grandchildren continue to benefit from abundant, reliable, safe, and clean energy.

Jason recently wrote: “Our nation’s leaders must have missed the Schoolhouse Rock episode on supply and demand. The basic principles of economics…are astonishingly simple. The scarcer oil is, the more expensive it is.”

Click here to read more on this issue from Jason Isaac.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could the Biden Administration pursue policies that would increase energy supplies and make energy sources more reliable, clean, and safe? Jason says: “YES – and they could even do it with American energy supplies not OPEC or Russia like they’ve been begging to produce more while killing American energy.”

Since Biden took office a little over a year ago, what has happened to the supply of energy in the US?

Has the Biden administration caused energy sources within the US to become scarcer? Jason discusses several reasons why.

The Biden Administration blames higher energy prices in the US on OPEC and collusion amongst the major energy companies within the US. Is this an accusation accurate?

What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Why does Biden want to tap into it? Will it help both in the short term and long term? Jason says: “Short term: yes. Long term: no.” He then explains how it will punish American energy producers.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Does Biden Have a Magic Wand?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Biden Administration aiming to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the US to zero?

Under President Trump’s leadership, did the United States become energy independent for the first time in nearly 70 years? Jason explains how Trump’s America First policies were able to do that – and how Biden actually wants to block exports of energy!

Do wind and solar work well during real cold, snowy, and icy conditions? Jason laughs and firmly says “NO”.

Do more humans die from being too cold or being too hot?

If Conservative Republicans regain control of the House of Representatives in WDC and increase their majority in the US Senate, can some of the Draconian policies implemented by the Biden Administration be reversed?

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October 13, 2021

Title: The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 3

It has taken decades of high-dollar subsidies to push renewable energy from 3% to a mere 4% of our nation’s total energy supply. Why does the Left keep pushing these massively expensive programs? What is the true cost to consumers?

Former Texas Representative Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative. Life:Powered exists to ensure that we, our children, and grandchildren continue to benefit from abundant, reliable, safe, and clean energy.

Click here for more on this and other issues effecting Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the Democrats wanting to increase our dependency on foreign oil?

Does the price of gasoline effect the cost of all goods we buy? Jason reminds us that all of the goods we buy have once been on a truck, plane, or train – all which use gasoline. “This Biden tax will hurt Americans – the least among us more than anyone else,” he says.

Are hidden fees (aka massive taxes for Americans) on methane (natural gas) tucked into the Democrat’s wish-lists?

Are the Democrats wanting to make our electricity less reliable? Jason reveals that there are huge penalties in the various Democrat bills if a person/business does not convert to renewable energy.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How will energy price increases effect those least able to afford the increases? Are millions already being negatively affected?

Is man causing cataclysmic catastrophic climate change? Short Answer: NO but Jason expands on this answer…

What is the purpose of the new Civilian Clime Corps? How many people will be employed? Why do we need tax-payer funded door-knockers pushing a leftist agenda which is destroying America?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Left’s Power Grab of American’s Power System
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are Democrats so focused on making everyone dependent on unreliable solar and wind energy? Jason believes that Democrats think the American people are too stupid to know what is good for them, so they take control of everything for us. He says: “They want to appease their self-righteous coastal elite donors who are funding these organizations to destroy our country from the inside.”

BOTTOM LINE: Will these policy changes have any effect on climate change?


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August 27, 2021

Title: We Are Being Lied To
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

We have been hearing about man-made, cataclysmic climate change for decades. How many of those end-times predictions have come true? How accurate are weather models one week, one month, ten years, or a hundred years from now?

Former Texas Representative Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Life:Powered Initiative.

Click here for more on this topic from Life:Powered and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What were the dire predictions pushed in early 2020 when COVID began to spread? Did the UN admit they over predicted the predictions?

Are data models purely statistical in nature – not scientific?

Can we learn a lesson from the drastic measures taken early-on with COVID predictions? Should we apply this lesson learned to other contentious issues, such a “cataclysmic climate change predictions”?

Does the use of unrealistic criteria skew the results of modeling?

How does the MSM manipulate the public and fixate on worst-case-scenario?

Did abundant, affordable energy make America great?

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March 4, 2021

Title: UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 3

Former Texas State House of Representative Jason Isaac discusses the recent ERCOT debacle. What happened? Why? How can we fix it? Jason is a former Texas State Representative and the current Director of the Life:Powered Initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is ERCOT?

What is the PUC – the Public Utility Commission?

Why did Governor Abbott request the resignation of the ERCOT board members?

What is ERCOT’s responsibility? After Jason’s explains their responsibility, he asks this: “Why would we build new thermal generators when you can’t compete with companies that can pay their customers to take their product?”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Electrical generating plants need routine maintenance from time to time. Why is the routine maintenance normally scheduled during the winter months?

The cold blast hit Sunday and Sunday night, Valentine’s day, February 14th. Was ERCOT asleep at the switch – literally?

How did the blackout/outage happen?

Was ERCOT’s failure to properly manage the grid a contributing factor to the extended power outages across the state?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - UPDATE: ERCOT Debacle
Topic: ERCOT Debacle
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are people justified in blaming ERCOT for not acting quickly?

How did the coal and natural gas fair during the freeze?

The consumers are the real losers in this whole mess. Should energy companies be penalized?

Will our overdependence on unreliable energy such wind and solar be more costly in the future?

Does the Texas Legislature have time to make changes NOW for the future?

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February 4, 2021

Title: How Tight is Your Budget?
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

How much more are you willing to pay for all of the products you use on a daily basis? Does Joe Biden even care that his new Energy Executive Order (basically AOC’s Green New Deal) will do far more harm than good?

Jason Isaac is the Director of Life:Powered initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Jason says: "President Biden claims to want to help the environment, but his Executive Orders won't stop climate change and actually jeopardize the environment. Curtailing American energy production means we'll be forced to import energy from foreign nations who don't share our country's commitment to environmental quality."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the earth’s climate been changing since Creation?

The Green New Deal calls for eliminating all US fossil fuel consumption by 2030 – less than 10 years from today. Can this be achieved? Jason explains how this would “incredibly decimate our economy”.

FACT: 90% of the emissions worldwide are from countries other than the US.

Does the Paris Accord give China a free-pass on emissions?

Do globally-accepted climate data models project a huge reduction in global temperatures in 2100 if America eliminates the use of all fossil fuels by the year 2030?

Are human beings 100% to blame for catastrophic climate change? Jason discusses why many (most) Americans believe this is true.

More on this issue can be found here.

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December 11, 2019

Title: Rick Perry
Topic: Rick Perry
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The Houston Chronicle editorial board missed the mark in its criticism of our outgoing Secretary of Energy, slamming Rick Perry for – get this – doing his job.

Former Texas State Representative Jason Isaac is the Senior Manager and Distinguished Fellow for “Life: Powered Project”, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Jason discusses all the accomplishments the American Oil and Gas market has achieved under the leadership of Rick Perry.

Click here for more from Jason and Life:Powered on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Energy Secretary, did Rick Perry promote the use of fossil fuels, oil, gas, and coal throughout America and around the world?

How did the Houston Chronicle editorial board criticize Rick Perry? Was this criticism warranted?

Is the US now the leader in liquefied natural gas? Why is this important to us and our allies?

Jason Isaac discusses how as much as 65% of the pollutants in California are actually from China…

Are renewable energy sources available today to completely replace all fossil fuels?

Jason states this fact: “The battery technology that exists on earth today to store electricity would keep the lights on in New York City for less than an hour.” Unless we want to live in the dark ages again, we are definitely not ready for a complete overhaul!

What technological breakthroughs are necessary to achieve this?

More on this in the next segment!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Rick Perry
Topic: Rick Perry
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

China and India both signed and agreed to the terms of the Paris Climate Accord. Why, then, aren’t they reducing their pollutants? Why aren’t they being hounded by the environmental activists? Jason reveals that the pollutants from China can be felt all the way to Denver!

Are Germany, France, and Spain meeting their targets under the Paris Climate Accord? What about Africa?

Again, Jason reveals some startling information, this time concerning the average life span in those countries compared to people living in America. People are dying from freezing to death in some European countries due to their strict “renewable energy only” policies!

Can third world countries bring their citizens up out of poverty without affordable, reliable energy resources?

In America, what would change if we went to 100% solar or wind energy? What technology would be required? How much would this cost the average family?

Did you know that some countries require the electricity to be turned off every night at dusk until dawn the next morning? Guess what happens to their food supply? It perishes! Do you want to have to visit the grocery store every day just to get food? I don’t! Jason points out that this is just one more way to keep the government in control…

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August 16, 2019

Title: Are You Willing to Pay for the New Green Deal
Topic: New Green Deal
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Forcing electricity providers to switch to renewable energy before the technology is ready would jeopardize the reliability of our country’s electric grids. The result would be disastrous for the United States economy, public health, and quality of life.

Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and a Distinguished Fellow at the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Jason, a fourth-generation native Texan, was elected four times as the State Representative for Hays and Blanco counties in the Texas Hill Country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What can we learn about the New Green Deal from Venezuela?

Is the technology ready and available to make the switch from coal and natural gas to renewable energy?

Without access to affordable, reliable electricity will our industries, businesses, hospitals, grocery stories, and even our public schools face brownouts and blackouts?

Jason reveals that just last week, Texas was a mere 1% away from having brownouts statewide! Folks – this is serious!!!

Is electricity produced by wind mills and solar panels reliable 24/7/365?

The New Green Deal calls for banning fossil fuels by 2030. If this is accomplished, will this have any measurable effect on global temperatures by 2100 – seventy years later?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are You Willing to Pay for the New Green Deal
Topic: New Green Deal
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the United States already #1 on the list of air, water, and pollution improvements?

What percentage of household income was spent on energy in 1980? What is it now? HINT: It’s less now!

What is the goal of the “Powering Off Movement”?

Will voters embrace the New Green Deal if they are honestly told what it will cost them personally?

Since the 1900’s, has the quality of life improved for Americans and many across the globe?

Click here for more information on this issue. Don’t ignore it! Get involved now!

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July 8, 2019

Title: How Much are You Willing to Pay?
Topic: Carbon Tax
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

When the Sons of Liberty rioted in Boston Harbor over a small tax on their beloved tea, they surely had no idea what lay ahead for what would soon become the United States of America.

Imagine if Sam Adams and his crew had known that nearly 250 years later, the nation’s duly and constitutionally elected representatives would seriously consider a tax on nearly everything we buy, eat, drink, wear, drive, use, and do.

Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and a Distinguished Fellow at the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How has life improved since the Sons of Liberty rioted in Boston Harbor?

Have fossil fuels and electricity been the catalyst for our quality of life in America today?

Too many leaders on both sides of the isle are pushing for a “Carbon Tax”. Would this take more money from everyone’s pockets for everything we buy?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - How Much are You Willing to Pay?
Topic: Carbon Tax
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When surveyed, how many people are willing to pay more on their electric bill to “combat climate change”?

Are humans really causing the climate to change at an alarming rate?

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April 2, 2019

Title: Ending Energy Poverty
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Imagine continuing your normal daily activities without affordable, abundant, and reliable energy. Imagine, for instance, traveling to and from work every day on a horse. Imagine washing clothes without the convenience of a washing machine and dryer. Imagine doing research for school or work without a computer. (Us old folks actually remember those days!)

Oh… and no more cell phones!!!

Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and a distinguished fellow at the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is life expectancy in developed nations?

What is life expectancy in Africa?

Does this reduced life expectancy correlate with their lack of access to reliable, affordable, and abundant electricity?

Do the majority of people in Africa still use dung to heat their huts and cook their food? Click here  to view a video.

How many people die every year due to a lack of reliable, affordable, and abundant energy?

What is “Energy Poverty”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ending Energy Poverty
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could China have helped their citizens rise from poverty without reliable, affordable, and abundant energy?

Is there documentation that the UN and portions of the US government purposefully keep reliable, affordable, and abundant energy from billions across the globe? Why would they do this?

Is the Green New Deal anti-American?

What is the purpose, mission, and focus of the “Life: Powered Initiative”?

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March 14, 2019

Title: Is Colorado the New California?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Now that new oil and gas drilling in California has essentially been locked down, Colorado is the focus of the “Keep It in the Ground” movement.

Jason Isaac is the Senior Manager for TPPF’s initiative “Life: Powered”.  Their goal is to inform the national discussion about energy resources and advocate for energy policies that promote economic freedom and advance the human condition.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Due to advancements in energy production: Are people living longer and healthier lives? Is poverty decreasing? Is our environment cleaner than ever before?

How has America regained the position as the world’s number one producer of oil and gas?

The environmentalists have conquered California. Why is Colorado next on their list? Has New York already implemented extreme measures to become more “green”?

What would happen to current production levels if Texas Democrat leaders push through any oil and/or gas drilling obstructions? How many jobs would be lost? Would the air quality suffer?

FACT: German citizens pay three times more to heat and cool their homes than Americans. Spaniards pay four times more than we do! BUT WAIT --- THERE’S MORE! Right here in Texas, the city of Georgetown (north of Austin) went 100% renewable. How much are THEY paying? How much money has the city lost?

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