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May 13, 2021

Title: Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 3

Humans are the globe’s only inhabitants that produce ideas. How can the world survive without humans? Will the end of the world as we know it be caused by too FEW humans?

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies with Focus on the Family. He debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting at universities and churches around the world.

For more on this topic from Glenn Stanton, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “climate anxiety”? What has caused climate anxiety to skyrocket in recent years? Are parents and school teachers scaring kids into thinking the world is going to end soon?

What are our children being taught about reproduction in the context of too many people? Glenn discusses a recent Vogue article that indicated that having kids is “environmental terrorism.” Are they for real???

For centuries, philosophers and thinkers have predicted the collapse of humanity because of too many humans. Have any other their predictions come to fruition?

Are demographers actually admitting that we are NOT producing enough people to continue humanity?

Have technology, commerce, and industry accomplished more to fix the earth’s problems than Greenpeace and other environmental activists combined? Glenn mentions a great academic resource for more information: Our World in Data from the University of Oxford.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the air we breathe causing more worldwide deaths today as compared to past years?

Do more people across the world have access to improved water sources than ever before?

Does humanity produce more than enough food to feed everyone? Is there a problem with distributing food? Glenn actually calls is a “political distribution problem”.

Is the number of people living in extreme poverty decreasing around the globe?

Are more or less people killed due to “climate events” compared to 100 years ago? .

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Humans Make the World Go ‘Round
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the air we breathe causing more worldwide deaths today as compared to past years?

Do more people across the world have access to improved water sources than ever before?

Does humanity produce more than enough food to feed everyone? Is there a problem with distributing food? Glenn actually calls is a “political distribution problem”.

Is the number of people living in extreme poverty decreasing around the globe?

Are more or less people killed due to “climate events” compared to 100 years ago?

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March 5, 2021

Title: Stable Families Help Kids in Lockdown
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on millions of people in numerous ways since the start of the pandemic. One of those ways is mental health, especially in school-aged children and teens who have been isolated from their school and peers. Spikes in youth suicides have been predicted due to the pandemic. But is that really the case?

Glenn Stanton has some answers for us today. Glenn is the Director for Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family.

Click here to read Glenn’s article on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are millions of Americans suffering in numerous ways since the start of the pandemic?

Was it feared that youth suicide rates would skyrocket?

What does the preliminary data reveal?

Why did teens fare relatively well during the quarantine?

Are youth reporting that they are spending more time with parents and siblings?

How important are family units?

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November 5, 2020

Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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October 23, 2020

Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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October 5, 2020

Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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June 5, 2020

Title: Polygamy in Utah: Pandora’s Box is Opened
Topic: Polygamy in America
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Many believed it would just be a matter of time. Same-sex marriage has been legalized across the nation and other alternative relational forms such as polyamory and unmarried cohabitation have become more normalized.

Amidst this, Utah Governor Gary Herbert decriminalized polygamy in his state by signing Senate Bill 102 into law on March 28th to very little fanfare. It went into effect May 12, 2020.

Author Glenn Stanton is a Family Formation Expert with Focus on the Family. Today, Glenn discusses the normalization of polygamy in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is polygamy? Is it simply just one man married to more than one woman – or is there more to it?

Are there many countries around the world that allow polygamy today?

Why did the Mormon church deem polygamy contrary to church doctrine in October 1890?

Have states always restricted polygamy in their state Constitutions, punishable with criminal offenses?

Did Utah “always” enforce this law?

Does the new Utah law permit polygamy? Is it legal now or just less of a penalty?

Will polygamy eventually expand to the rest of the nation?

Could the Mormon church split over this decision in Utah?

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December 27, 2019

Title: Long Live Gender Reveal Parties!
Topic: Crazy Left-Wing Ideas
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

You’ve seen them. The balloons filled with pink or blue confetti. The powder bombs. The cake filled with either blue or pink frosting. “Gender Reveals” have become a fascinating new phenomenon of this generation.

Glenn Stanton, the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, has some surprising information from scholar Florence Pasche Guignard from the University of Toronto concerning this fun and happy tradition. Glenn also served for many years in the Bush Administration as a consultant on increasing fatherhood involvement in the Head Start program.

You can read Glenn’s article on this topic here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is gender assigned when mom eats pink cake or blue cake?

Glenn Stanton recently Googled “gender reveal party supplies”. What did he discover?

Are Gender Reveal Parties dangerous? Glenn reveals that it actually is!! Someone died once! Yes – it really happened!

Do the moms and dads who organize gender reveal parties raise their fists, proclaiming, “You bet we’re sex-binary. What of it?

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October 22, 2019

Title: Ellen DeGeneres and President George Bush
Topic: Be Kind. Always.
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Have you heard about the hoopla surrounding Ellen DeGeneres and President George Bush? Quick background: They sat together at a football game and the Left went crazy mad!

Glenn Stanton says this is not a Leftist issue or a Christian issue. It is an “everyone issue”. Glenn is the Director of Family Formations at Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can we all learn from stories centered around non-believers, outcasts from Church, and the Synagogue?

King David wasn’t perfect. Moses was a killer. Noah was a drunk. Paul dedicated to his life to persecuting Christians. Did God change each of these men? Is he still changing the hearts of men and women today?

Glen says this: “The only people that really belong in God’s Kingdom are those that need God’s help. And that is everybody.

Should parents be willing to admit to their kids when they mess up?

Why did the Left get so crazy mad about Ellen and George being friends? Were Christians upset over the situation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ellen DeGeneres and President George Bush
Topic: Be Kind. Always.
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Ellen’s response to those who chastised her?

Is it really possible for us to be kind to everyone – no matter our beliefs?

Remember what Paul said: “As much as it is possible, be at peace with all people.

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July 30, 2019

Title: The Myth of the Dying Church
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 3

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. Today, Glenn will be discussing the church, the past, and the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Bottom Line: Is the church dying? Glenn discusses how recent research suggests a “yes and no” answer…

Is American becoming more secular and less Christian?

We hear so much about the growth of the so-called “nones,” those who say they no longer identify with any institutional church. Do these “nones” represent a growing population of new unbelievers?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Myth of the Dying Church
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are millennials leaving the church or coming back?

Do Christians need to stop talking about issues like gay marriage and abortion in the pulpit? Or are the churches that preach the Biblical truth showing growth?

What is happening with the Church around the world?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Myth of the Dying Church
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Matthew 28:19-20

Glenn Stanton firmly refutes the statement that the church is dying. Why?

Is there hope for parents today who are working hard to make sure their kids grow up with a vibrant, meaningful religious faith? Glenn has four very important suggestions that could really help you! Listen in…

You can order a copy of Glenn Stanton’s book here.

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May 20, 2019

Title: Four Reasons “Gender Theory” Is Ridiculous
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Gender dysphoria is defined (paraphrased) as a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by lack of congruence between gender identity and biological sex consigned at the union of a human sperm cell and a human egg.

Guest Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is “Gender Theory” a ridiculous, made-up idea?

Is Gender Theory being taught at college campuses across the nation, including Christian colleges and universities?

Can a girl like football, getting dirty, and playing with guns? Can a boy like to babysit and cook and bake cookies? Glenn uses Sarah Palin as an example of a woman/mother who loves children and loves to cook, but also loves to hunt and can field dress a moose!

Are there only two points on the spectrum: male / female?

Male and female are not natural unless you’re transgender. Is this hypocritical?

Is there a “sexless” specimen? Is being androgynous natural?

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February 1, 2019

Title: What Makes a Good Man?
Topic: What Makes a Good Man?
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Gillette has been making headlines lately with their ad that addressed toxic masculinity and challenged men to "be the best they can be." But what makes a good man?

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. Today he will be discussing a recent article about this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Gillette offer a good message?

Is masculinity under attack?

Should men stand up for anyone who is weaker and being taken advantage of?

Is it harmful for men to be tough? Is it harmful to teach your son not to cry? Is it harmful to teach your son to stand up to bullies?

What good traits should a parent/grandparent teach their sons and grandsons?

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November 19, 2018

Title: True Masculinity
Topic: Heroes
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

On November 7, a gunman killed twelve people at a California country music bar. And in the midst of the chaos and the mayhem, several men stepped up heroically. In a world that often labels masculinity toxic, this reflection of true masculinity should be lauded.

Glenn Stanton, with Focus on the Family, discusses this true display of manhood and how ordinary men often reflect good for their communities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can men know if they will ever be a hero?

Are men too often ridiculed for being polite and “manly”?

What makes someone step up and put their life on the line?

Listen as Glenn Stanton reveals more information about the twelve men who stepped up to protect strangers in a bar…

Were any women saving others from harm during this attack? Although there aren’t reports of women jumping in harm’s way, Glenn does mention the heroic acts of the women after the attack.

How can parents teach their children, especially their sons, about true masculinity?

You can read Glenn Stanton’s article on this topic here.

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October 22, 2018

Title: Four Reasons “Gender Theory” Is Ridiculous
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Gender dysphoria is defined (paraphrased) as a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by lack of congruence between gender identity and biological sex consigned at the union of a human sperm cell and a human egg.

Guest Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is “Gender Theory” a ridiculous, made-up idea?

Is Gender Theory being taught at college campuses across the nation, including Christian colleges and universities?

Can a girl like football, getting dirty, and playing with guns? Can a boy like to babysit and cook and bake cookies? Glenn uses Sarah Palin as an example of a woman/mother who loves children and loves to cook, but also loves to hunt and can field dress a moose!

Are there only two points on the spectrum: male / female?

Male and female are not natural unless you’re transgender. Is this hypocritical?

Is there a “sexless” specimen? Is being androgynous natural?

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June 5, 2018

Title: Legal and Acceptable but Still Immoral
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Recently, Gallup published a new poll on national values and morals. The results were quite astounding! Do you agree with the following result? “Two-thirds of Americans now support gay marriage – the highest number in at least 20 years”.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. Listen as he reveals more details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do homosexual couples raise happier, healthier children? Glenn compares startling statistics from children of divorce to children of same-sex couples…

Do kids raised by homosexual couples have more mental health problems growing up and as adults? Do some girls raised by homosexuals tend to be more promiscuous as teens and young adults?

Are kids raised by homosexual couples more likely to be abused sexually and mentally while growing up? Glenn explains that there is not a lot of research concerning this issue; however, same-sex couples are more likely to abuse each other in front of their children…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Legal and Acceptable but Still Immoral
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

According to USA Today "The increased acceptance of same-same marriage – which a 2015 Supreme Court decision made legal in all 50 states – comes as greater number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults are getting married in the U.S. More than 10.4% of LGBT adults are married to a same-sex spouse, according to daily tracking on the issue in 2017."

Why are more Americans accepting of homosexual marriage? Or, do they just not care what two people do in their “private time”?

How should Christians respond to this data? Go to the Focus on the Family website for more information on homosexuality and other family issues.

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Title: What’s Wrong with Being a Boy or a Girl?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Is it possible to raise a “genderless human”?

Glenn Stanton is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Marriage and Family in Ottawa. Glenn debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting.

Today, Glenn will discussing a “genderless generation”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it possible for parents to raise their children without gender?

Are we supposed to call the child “it”?

Will failing to define a child’s gender cause lasting psychological damage?

Will there be long-term consequences to society for allowing children to remain gender neutral?

Do most children naturally begin behaving like a certain gender, no matter what their parents believe?

If we disagree with “genderless children”, are we wrong, homophobic, gender-a-phobic, hateful, or hurtful? How should we respond if/when we are called these names? Glenn Stanton offers some great advice here. Listen in!

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May 4, 2018

Title: Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?  Some think so. But are these traits really the essence of what it means to be a man?

Glenn Stanton is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He defines manhood as a “man who does the right thing at the right time.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do current TV shows depict men, in general, in a positive, uplifting way? Key Word: Current.

QUIZ: What TV show from the mid-to-late 1970’s starred a black man as a positive, uplifting role model?

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?

Should men and women be treated equally in every situation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we live in a world where boys often grow up without their fathers to show them the way?

What are three ways to teach boys to become men when there is no father figure to help? The military and sports are two ways. Listen as Glenn discusses the third.

NOTE: We know that there are many single moms who listen to The What’s UP Radio Program. We applaud you. We salute you. We know you are doing the best you can. Keep doing what you are doing! You are doing an amazing job!

For more help on this subject, especially for single moms, Glenn recommends the book “Making a Modern Day Knight”.

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May 1, 2018

Title: What’s Wrong with Being a Boy or a Girl?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Is it possible to raise a “genderless human”?

Glenn Stanton is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Marriage and Family in Ottawa. Glenn debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting.

Today, Glenn will discussing a “genderless generation”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it possible for parents to raise their children without gender?

Are we supposed to call the child “it”?

Will failing to define a child’s gender cause lasting psychological damage?

Will there be long-term consequences to society for allowing children to remain gender neutral?

Do most children naturally begin behaving like a certain gender, no matter what their parents believe?

If we disagree with “genderless children”, are we wrong, homophobic, gender-a-phobic, hateful, or hurtful? How should we respond if/when we are called these names? Glenn Stanton offers some great advice here. Listen in!

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April 17, 2018

Title: What’s Wrong with Being a Boy or a Girl?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Is it possible to raise a “genderless human”?

Glenn Stanton is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Marriage and Family in Ottawa. Glenn debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting.

Today, Glenn will discussing a “genderless generation”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it possible for parents to raise their children without gender?

Are we supposed to call the child “it”?

Will failing to define a child’s gender cause lasting psychological damage?

Will there be long-term consequences to society for allowing children to remain gender neutral?

Do most children naturally begin behaving like a certain gender, no matter what their parents believe?

If we disagree with “genderless children”, are we wrong, homophobic, gender-a-phobic, hateful, or hurtful? How should we respond if/when we are called these names? Glenn Stanton offers some great advice here. Listen in!

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January 23, 2018

Title: Do You Have Too Many Kids?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Chip and Joanna Gaines (stars of HGTV's Fixer Upper) received a surprising amount of criticism via social media after announcing their fifth baby is on the way. Critics discussed how over-population effects climate change and environmental footprints.

Glenn Stanton is the Family Director of Global Family Formation Studies. Listen in as he sheds more light on these disturbing statements from the left.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do parents with many children often get asked this question: “Are all those kids yours?

Are the left’s accusations of over-population negatively affecting the environment founded on facts? Or, are they simply fear-mongering?

How many children do parents in developing countries normally have?

Are some countries PAYING their citizens to have MORE babies due to a failing economy?

How can we be encouraging to couples who have many children?

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January 3, 2018

Title: Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?  Some think so. But are these traits really the essence of what it means to be a man?

Glenn Stanton is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He defines manhood as a “man who does the right thing at the right time.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do current TV shows depict men, in general, in a positive, uplifting way? Key Word: Current.

QUIZ: What TV show from the mid-to-late 1970’s starred a black man as a positive, uplifting role model?

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?

Should men and women be treated equally in every situation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we live in a world where boys often grow up without their fathers to show them the way?

What are three ways to teach boys to become men when there is no father figure to help? The military and sports are two ways. Listen as Glenn discusses the third.

NOTE: We know that there are many single moms who listen to The What’s UP Radio Program. We applaud you. We salute you. We know you are doing the best you can. Keep doing what you are doing! You are doing an amazing job!

For more help on this subject, especially for single moms, Glenn recommends the book “Making a Modern Day Knight”.

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October 27, 2017

Title: We Live in a Weird World
Topic: Christian Values
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

We live in a weird world. A world where boys can be girls and girls can be boys. A world where wrong is right and right is wrong.

Glenn Stanton is a Family Counselor and Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. Today, he will be discussing this scary, topsy-turvy world and how we can avoid it.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is teaching our kids today? Who is teaching adults?

Who is right and who is wrong?

Parents: What kind of TV shows do you watch? Do you ban those shows from your children’s eye, yet watch them yourself?

Listen as Glenn Stanton passionately offers hope and encouragement to listeners who may be feeling lost and confused…

Are there consequences for sin? Do most people believe there are NOT consequences?

Too many college-age youth leave the church and do not return. What can parents do now to prevent their children from becoming another statistic?

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May 10, 2017

Title: Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?  Some think so. But are these traits really the essence of what it means to be a man?

Glenn Stanton is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He defines manhood as a “man who does the right thing at the right time.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do current TV shows depict men, in general, in a positive, uplifting way? Key Word: Current.

QUIZ: What TV show from the mid-to-late 1970’s starred a black man as a positive, uplifting role model?

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?

Should men and women be treated equally in every situation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we live in a world where boys often grow up without their fathers to show them the way?

What are three ways to teach boys to become men when there is no father figure to help? The military and sports are two ways. Listen as Glenn discusses the third.

NOTE: We know that there are many single moms who listen to The What’s UP Radio Program. We applaud you. We salute you. We know you are doing the best you can. Keep doing what you are doing! You are doing an amazing job!

For more help on this subject, especially for single moms, Glenn recommends the book “Making a Modern Day Knight”.

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March 31, 2017

Title: Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?  Some think so. But are these traits really the essence of what it means to be a man?

Glenn Stanton is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He defines manhood as a “man who does the right thing at the right time.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do current TV shows depict men, in general, in a positive, uplifting way? Key Word: Current.

QUIZ: What TV show from the mid-to-late 1970’s starred a black man as a positive, uplifting role model?

Does having big muscles, facial hair, a big truck, or a pretty girl make a man manly?

Should men and women be treated equally in every situation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are There Any Good Men Left?
Topic: Family Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we live in a world where boys often grow up without their fathers to show them the way?

What are three ways to teach boys to become men when there is no father figure to help? The military and sports are two ways. Listen as Glenn discusses the third.

NOTE: We know that there are many single moms who listen to The What’s UP Radio Program. We applaud you. We salute you. We know you are doing the best you can. Keep doing what you are doing! You are doing an amazing job!

For more help on this subject, especially for single moms, Glenn recommends the book “Making a Modern Day Knight”.

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May 25, 2016

Title: The Benefits of Marriage
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Will marrying the right person make you more successful? Will you live a longer, healthier life?

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation Studies with Focus on the Family. He is with us today to discuss a recent study from the University of Washington on the benefits of marriage. Glenn says, “This isn’t really new. It just adds to a long list of research.”

Glenn reveals some of the information which this and others studies have uncovered. For instance, women who are married are less likely to endure physical abuse from a spouse. Yes, it happens, but women who are in co-habitating relationships experience physical abuse at much higher rates.

Glenn also offers some advice for couples who are struggling. You might not be “in love” every day, but there is something “to love” all the time. With a few exceptions (abuse being one), couples who stick it out through those rough patches are much, much happier in the long run. “You’ll find that those cloudy days – those cloudy months – go by. New fresh days come. And that is more natural to marriage than most people think,” Glenn Stanton states.

Listen in as Glenn discusses more about the benefits of marriage. He has also written several books on this issue, which can be found on the Focus on the Family website:

Why Marriage Matters

The Ring Makes all the Difference

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April 28, 2016

Title: Teaching Children the Truth
Topic: Moral Relativism
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

You may have heard about or seen a viral video  making its way around social media in which a 5’9” white, male journalist asked college students if it was acceptable for him to say he is a 6’5” Asian woman. Well, as you can imagine, the liberal students at the University of Washington had some pretty off-the-wall responses to Joseph Backholm, who is the Director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington and the journalist in the video.

Today, we have Focus on the Family spokesperson, Glenn Stanton, on the show to break down the very obvious problems which this video raises. What Joseph Backholm attempted to prove in his video was that a man can say he is a woman by wearing a dress, but someone cannot change their nationality or height because that would be ludicrous! The video would be funny if it wasn’t such an accurate depiction of the way so many millennials feel in our current society.

Glenn states: “The students were living consistently with that misguided worldview that we can’t really tell anybody that they’re wrong with their own story. And that’s the sad place we’ve come to because of the politics surrounding these issues.” There is nothing in these laws that punishes a man for simply claiming to be a woman. A man does not have to dress like a woman. A man does not need a note from a doctor saying he is undergoing gender reassignment surgery. He is not wrong and he can go into whatever room he wants to go into.

How do we teach our children the truth? Glenn recommends showing this viral video to your children and discuss the reasons why it was made in the first place. “We don’t have to be ugly or judgmental to people,” he states. But we do need to face reality. This issue is not going away any time soon; in fact, it will probably only become harder to ignore. Don’t wait until your kids are already lost to the left. Teach them now what the truth really is.

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September 1, 2015

Title: Gender Neutral Toys
Topic: Gender Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Should children’s toys and games be gender-neutral? Target recently announced that their stores will phase out all “gender bias colors” related to children’s toys and games. In other words, no pink or purple pointing the direction to the girl toys and no blue or green showing customers where boy games are. Have we really stooped to this level, America, where our girls can’t just like dolls and boys are criticized for only wanting to play with action figures?

Glenn Stanton  is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He is also the author of “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity & Femininity”  Glenn says this of the controversy: “There are boys and girls in the world. And boys are going to gravitate to the boy stuff and girls gravitate to the girls stuff. Not because culture says to but because they like them!

Besides, so what if a girl likes Buzz Light Year and a boy likes to pretend to mop and cook? That girl will just know how to defend herself if she gets picked on and that boy is going to make a great husband for a woman someday!

Tune in to the next segment with Glenn Stanton as he discusses his great book.

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Title: Girls and Boys Are Different – And They Should Be!
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Parenting is the toughest job in the world. We’re in charge of little people who will grow up to be big people with their own lives. We don’t want to mess up, but we do – all the time. How do we know what to do? The Bible is, of course, the best “how-to manual” we can follow. In today’s society, however, there are a lot of people who tell us we are wrong.

Glenn Stanton is an expert concerning gender issues. In his book, “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity & Femininity”  Glenn covers one of the biggest issues of today: Gender Bias. “We don’t have to guide our children not to be liars,” he points out, “but in some sense we have to step in.” The same goes for steering our children into masculinity and femininity. “There are a number of different ways to be a healthy boy and girl.”

Have gender roles changed, though? Glenn doesn’t really think so. Listen in as he explains how males will always be males and females will always be females. However, boys don’t have to like sports and girls don’t have to like ballet. “Sometimes the lines are blurry, but we can still talk meaningfully about boy and girl stuff,” Glenn believes.

God created us in His image and in His image He created us male and female. This is important!

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August 18, 2015

Title: Gender Neutral Toys
Topic: Gender Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Should children’s toys and games be gender-neutral? Target recently announced that their stores will phase out all “gender bias colors” related to children’s toys and games. In other words, no pink or purple pointing the direction to the girl toys and no blue or green showing customers where boy games are. Have we really stooped to this level, America, where our girls can’t just like dolls and boys are criticized for only wanting to play with action figures?

Glenn Stanton  is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He is also the author of “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity & Femininity”  Glenn says this of the controversy: “There are boys and girls in the world. And boys are going to gravitate to the boy stuff and girls gravitate to the girls stuff. Not because culture says to but because they like them!

Besides, so what if a girl likes Buzz Light Year and a boy likes to pretend to mop and cook? That girl will just know how to defend herself if she gets picked on and that boy is going to make a great husband for a woman someday!

Tune in to the next segment with Glenn Stanton as he discusses his great book.

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Title: Girls and Boys Are Different – And They Should Be!
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Parenting is the toughest job in the world. We’re in charge of little people who will grow up to be big people with their own lives. We don’t want to mess up, but we do – all the time. How do we know what to do? The Bible is, of course, the best “how-to manual” we can follow. In today’s society, however, there are a lot of people who tell us we are wrong.

Glenn Stanton is an expert concerning gender issues. In his book, “Secure Daughters, Confident Sons: How Parents Guide Their Children into Authentic Masculinity & Femininity”  Glenn covers one of the biggest issues of today: Gender Bias. “We don’t have to guide our children not to be liars,” he points out, “but in some sense we have to step in.” The same goes for steering our children into masculinity and femininity. “There are a number of different ways to be a healthy boy and girl.”

Have gender roles changed, though? Glenn doesn’t really think so. Listen in as he explains how males will always be males and females will always be females. However, boys don’t have to like sports and girls don’t have to like ballet. “Sometimes the lines are blurry, but we can still talk meaningfully about boy and girl stuff,” Glenn believes.

God created us in His image and in His image He created us male and female. This is important!

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March 23, 2015

Title: Loving Homosexuals
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Is it ok to be friends with gay men and lesbian women? What if they want to get married? Should I attend their wedding? What if my child says “I’m gay”? What did Jesus say – and not say – about homosexuality? What is the role of the church in the same-sex debate? What is your pastor preaching – or not preaching – from the pulpit concerning the issue?

Here to discuss all those questions and more is the Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, Glenn Stanton. Glenn served in the George W. Bush administration for many years as a consultant on increasing fatherhood involvement in the Head Start program. He has also written many books on marriage, the family, and homosexuality. His latest book, “Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth,” explores how Christians should interact with gay or lesbian neighbors in a Christ-honoring way.

First, Glenn reminds us that we all have a “fatal disease called sin and we all have a need for salvation”. We are all called to show the love of God. But, he continues, “There is a delicate balance we must recognize between grace and truth.”

Listen in as Glenn Stanton gives his personal opinion on these situations, which he acquires from the Bible and the words that Jesus said. His books can be found [here].

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