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October 12, 2016

Title: Climate is Going to Change – Again!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

Part 1 of 2

Our government has issued a new Climate Change warning: It’s changing again! Big surprise! That tends to happen – every single day! Dr. William “Matt” Briggs is a writer, philosopher, and itinerant scientist living on a small, but densely populated, island in the Atlantic Ocean. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University in statistics, where he is an Adjunct Professor. He will be discussing this new “shocking” climate information today for two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How accurate are weather predictions? Can scientists and meteorologists accurately predict the climate 100 years from now?

Mr. Briggs asks this question: Would you continue to give a stock broker money every year for thirty years if his predictions were constantly wrong?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Climate is Going to Change – Again!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the EPA claiming about climate change now?

According to alarmists, everything – from education to agriculture to business – is affected by “climate change” and the “world will spin out of control” if we don’t do something drastic now.

Why do the government-paid scientists so firmly believe that man is causing climate change?

President Eisenhower warned about the impact government money would have on scientific research. Listen in as Dr. Briggs offers more details.

How do we combat the government’s climate change propaganda machine from kindergarten to college?

How will the decisions of the next President effect the EPA, climate regulations, families, schools, and businesses?

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April 26, 2016

Title: Lies about the Paris Climate Agreement
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Dr. William Briggs
with Dr. William Briggs (

New guest Dr. William Briggs is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Cornell University and former National Weather Service Meteorologist. Dr. Briggs is an expert in his field and he definitely does not agree with the alarmists concerning climate change. “For the past thirty years, they have been making predictions of what the temperature will be, and the predictions are always very high,” Dr. Briggs explains. “The reality is...the measurements have remained flat.

But, how do the alarmists explain the incorrect predictions? Simply put – they can’t! They believe so deeply in their theory that they cannot see the flaws in their model designs or even the incorrect predictions they are making! Furthermore, the alarmists cannot explain why the Earth was HOTTER over a thousand years ago than it is now, when there were less people and technology didn’t even exist! It’s so hard to even imagine what must be going on in their heads…

Dr. William Briggs wants everyone to know that the alarmists are flat wrong. They are purposefully misleading the public, especially when it comes to how many “scientists” agree with man-caused climate change. “The temperature has, in fact, varied a lot. That’s because the Earth changes in relation to the sun. There’s nothing anyone in the world can do about that!

Dr. Briggs believes the scientists are more-or-less being honest about their feelings concerning climate change. Most will even admit that their research is not to be taken as absolute fact. However, once the information reaches the politicians and the environmental activists, the opinions are stated as gospel. And therein lies the problem.

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