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February 27, 2024

Title: Books or Screens: Which is Better?
Topic: Education
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher and now writes for Return to Order. Today, Edwin discusses new research by Columbia University’s Teachers College that indicates students learn more from books than computer screens.

Click here to read Edwin’s full op-ed on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the Columbia University’s Teachers College study reveal about books vs screens?

How did they conduct their study?

Should observations of fifty-nine students dictate the future of teaching?

Why is Edwin Benson surprised that Columbia University’s Teachers College conducted this study?

Why are many schools switching to eBooks and material on hand-held devices?

Does having material on screens have little advantage if it loses its effectiveness?

Are paper books becoming obsolete?

Should we encourage our kids to read actual real paper books?

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October 24, 2023

Title: Who are the Real Book Banners?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

School libraries have a particular audience with a clearly defined set of needs and preferences. Having materials that become outdated or do not meet those criteria wastes scarce shelf space. So, about once a year, the school librarian goes through the collection and removes damaged, obsolete, or unused items.

Are librarians going too far, though, with the content they throw away?

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. Today, he explains the process of “weeding” and what is really happening in public school libraries across the country.

Click here to read Edwin Benson’s op-ed on this topic.

NOTE: If you want a good laugh, click here  for the official American Library Association list of “banned books” that the Left is up-in-arms about.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When it comes to books, what is “weeding”? Edwin explains that it isn’t necessarily a “bad thing”.

Is there a concerted effort to pull everything before 2008?

What constitutes an “obsolete book”?

The American Library Association has printed guidelines for “weeding”. However, is the process left to each individual librarian?

Is there evidence of school library shelves being cleared to erase certain aspects of human history they (the Left) deem racist or homophobic?

In 2022, data released by the American Library Association documented 1,269 demands targeting 2,571 titles. Who were making the demands and why?

What should parents and grandparents across the country be doing now?

LGBTQ activists raise millions of dollars to send “their books” to public school libraries. Why can’t Christians raise money to send positive, family-friendly and age-appropriate books and Bibles to public school libraries? Edwin and Terry spend the remainder of the interview discussing this. If you would like to help in any way or have suggestions, contact us here.

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November 2, 2022

Title: Feminist Claims Dating is “Broken”
Topic: Dating
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Is dating “broken”? Does dating need to return to courtship and supervision?

Edwin Benson is a writer for Return to Order. Today, Edwin discusses a recent NY Times opinion-piece about the current state of dating in America.

Click here to read more on this topic from Edwin Benson.

Click here for more about Return to Order.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did a feminist openly state that “dating is broken”? Did Edwin Benson find this odd? Edwin, a former public-school history teacher, was actually not surprised at all!

Has dating drastically changed over the last 50 years?

Did the author of the NY Times article express total rejection to the idea of an arranged marriage? Edwin compares the old ways of dating (arranged marriage, courtship, match-making) to the “hook-up” culture of today.

Has the sexual revolution erased pain and trauma from dating – or made it worse?

Are modern feminists now questioning the sexual revolution? Edwin believes many are, saying: “We are born with this particular need to have someone to share our lives with.”

More often than not, have women suffered the most from their own “liberation”?

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June 1, 2022

Title: Does Oberlin College’s Woke Curriculum Offer “Avoiding Responsibility 101”?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

Edwin Benson is a retired public school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. Today he shares the TRUE story of what happened at the Gibson Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, in 2016.

Click here to read Edwin Benson’s full op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and why did the Gibson family settle near Oberlin, Ohio?

Did a century of goodwill evaporate on November 9, 2016? Edwin explains that three men were in the bakery/small grocery store trying to buy wine and what happened next…

The next day, 200 to 300 students protested in front of the bakery. What was “their” side of the story? Edwin discusses the flyer they passed out to bystanders and what people were urged to do in retaliation. NOTE: He will discuss the flyer more in the second segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Does Oberlin College’s Woke Curriculum Offer “Avoiding Responsibility 101”?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the flyer handed out at the protest state that the alleged shoplifter and two friends were racially profiled and arrested with their rights being violated?

Did a Dean at Oberlin College become involved in her official capacity?

The President of Oberlin College was asked to intervene with the true story. What was his response? This is shocking!!

Did the employees and owners of the bakery face continued threats? Edwin reveals the disgusting things the protestors did…

The three men plead guilty to all charges. What was their punishment? Again – this is shocking!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Does Oberlin College’s Woke Curriculum Offer “Avoiding Responsibility 101”?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Edwin and Terry review what happened in 2016 at the Gibson Bakery…

From the courtroom, did Antoinette Myers, Oberlin’s Multicultural Resource Center Director, text her superior, Dean Meredith Raimondo: “I hope we rain fire and brimstone on that store”?

Did the Gibson family sue Oberlin College for spreading a false narrative of the events that transpired? Edwin reveals the amazing verdict in favor of the family and that the college is refusing to pay the court-ordered judgement!

Has Oberlin College ever acknowledged their involvement in perpetrating a false narrative in this case?

Are there often two sides to every story?

Is Oberlin College teaching its students to be good citizens or just members of a rebellious generation that denies responsibility for their actions?

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April 8, 2022

Title: Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Topic: Parental Rights in Florida
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

The Left has dubbed the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”. Are they correct – or just upset because they won’t have control of the young children anymore?

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher, currently writing for Return to Order. Today he reveals the true facts about the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act and why every state across the nation should pass laws to protect the innocence of our children.

Click here tor read Edwin Benson’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here to read Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act.

Click here for the latest articles and opinion pieces from Edwin Benson and others at Return to Order.

Click here for the latest book, “Liberal Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church” by John Horvat, the Founder of Return to Order.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act be a model for Texas and other states?

According to the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, what must parents be told (notified) concerning their child? Edwin explains that schools will be required to notify parents if there is a change in the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health, which changes the school’s services to the student.

Does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding their children?

Instead of hiding information from parents, does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act encourage and facilitate discussions between students and their parents about mental, emotional, or physical health issues?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Topic: Parental Rights in Florida
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act state that a person cannot say the word “gay”? SHORT ANSWER: Nope. Edwin goes into more detail about the language of the bill…

Can schools in Florida block parents’ access to education and health records?

Under the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, are school personnel required to notify parents about changes in the students’ health or well-being?

Does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act ban school personnel from encouraging a student to withhold information from parents?

Does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act forbid schools from discouraging or prohibiting parental involvement in critical decisions affecting their child? Edwin says: “If a parent wants to be involved, then the parent can be involved.” As it should be!

Does the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act state that schools may not permit age-inappropriate instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity? Edwin explains that this is why the Left is crying and gnashing their teeth, claiming the bill is too vague.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Topic: Parental Rights in Florida
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have parents been whipped into submission the past decades by the so-called “education experts”? Edwin gives his personal opinion as a former school teacher.

HOWEVER, many parents across the nation are awakening from their slumber, saying: “Enough is enough.” What are some of their specific concerns?

Is God using the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act for His Glory?

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December 22, 2021

Title: LBGTQ Agenda Flooding Schools Through Books
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

We learned: “See Dick. See Jane. See Spot. See Spot run. Run, Spot, run!”

Now kids learn: “This is Ruthie. She is a transgender girl” and “Heather has Two Mommies”.

What happened?

Edwin Benson is a retired public school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. Today, he offers a warning to parents concerning the blatant and disgusting LBGTQ indoctrination in public schools across the nation.

Click here to read more on this topic from Edwin Benson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are LGBTQ advocates indoctrinating young readers through picture books?

Can any child grasp, much less argue against, such propaganda?

Is the new children’s book “It Feels Good to Be Yourself” now part of the typical selection invading elementary classrooms across the nation?

Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little ears what you hear.” Do parents need to take heed now more than ever? Edwin says: “Part of the problem is that too many parents don’t know that they have to unteach it.”

How can parents preserve their child’s innocence with this dangerous, disgusting perversion flooding into classrooms of all ages everywhere?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - LBGTQ Agenda Flooding Schools Through Books
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Most parents gladly give their kids a few dollars with the Scholastic Book Fair (SBF) comes calling. Can parents today trust Scholastic Book Fairs to have their best interest at heart?

The National Sex Education Standards states: “By the end of the 2nd grade, students should be able to explain why it is important to show respect for different kinds of families (nuclear, single parent, blended, intergenerational, cohabiting, adoptive, foster, same-gender, interracial).” Why is it necessary to teach second-graders about cohabitating and same-gender families in the classroom?

Are books becoming more explicit for middle school age students and older? Edwin recounts the time he read a book his high school-age daughter was required to read over the summer…

How can children be taught the truth about this dangerous perversion?

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August 25, 2021

Title: Islam is Invading Public School and Colleges/Universities
Topic: Islamization of America
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order


Return to Order contributor, Edwin Benson, discusses how modern Muhammadans are using America’s schools to make Islam more acceptable to Christians everywhere.

Click here to read more on this topic from Edwin Benson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Qur’an command Muslims to promote their beliefs through lies and deceit if necessary?

Are Muslims using academic centers as a preferred weapon against “infidels”? Edwin says: “Our schools are sitting ducks because we have deliberately removed God from public education. Kids who have not been raised in Christian homes are defenseless.”

Do many Muslims assimilate into the culture/country where they live? Do they wish to “get along” with their fellow non-Muslim countrymen? Do they obey and follow the law of their country (if it is not Shariah Law)?

Edwin Benson discusses a case the US Supreme Court recently refused to hear. The case: A high school student refused to repeat: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

Edwin is a retired public school history teacher. What was his standard teaching practice regarding religion in America and around the world?

Do Muslims teach their children to not only hate Jews, but all “infidels”? Is this horrifying hatred creeping into textbooks in the US?

Why is it important for parents to stay alert and object to the teaching of Islam in public schools? Edwin warns that even kids in private and Catholic schools are being taught that Islam is an acceptable religion.

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July 27, 2020

Title: Cancel the Word Master
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

Are we are living out George Orwell’s 1984? The oversensitive cancel culture cannot tolerate that some might “master” things more quickly or have more skill than others.

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who now writes for Return to Order. Today, he discusses the “racist” word “master” and the total lunacy of the Left.

Edwin’s op-ed on this topic can be found here:

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Edwin’s opinion, has the Left completely lost their mind?

Is “master” now a racist word?

Is the word “master” used in many languages all across the world? Do many references have absolutely nothing to do with slavery or dominion over another person?

Was Jesus called a master? Is it a Biblical term for teacher?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Cancel the Word Master
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some uses for the word “master”:
Maître d’
Art collections of old masters
Ivy League Masters degrees
Master Plumber or Master Electrician
School master schedules
Master plans for code ordinances
Rugby players obey the instructions of the scrub master
PowerPoint master slides
The list could go on and on and on…

Where will it end? What is the real battle?

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July 15, 2020

Title: Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

When Mao launched his Cultural Revolution in 1966, he decided that Red China’s greatest enemy was tradition. He made war on what he called the Four Olds: old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits.

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who now writes for Return to Order. He says: “It seems the left in America is borrowing Mao’s old ideas. In the name of changing the “racist” culture, it is attacking the restaurant chain, Cracker Barrel.

Edwin Benson is the author of “Can America’s Schools Be Saved”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was Mao? What was the Cultural Revolution? What was Mao’s war on the “four olds”?

Is the left in America borrowing from Mao’s playbook in attacking the “four olds”?

Is the restaurant chain Cracker Barrel racist?

One hate-filled person actually stated: “Open the door to a Cracker Barrel and you get a whiff of Jim Crow and biscuits.” What in the world???

Who founded Cracker Barrel? What’s UP with the name?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Cracker Barrel represent a threat because it evokes memories of family and tradition?

Are many BLM activists basing their hatred toward whites on logic or jealousy?

Are the haters simply attacking Cracker Barrel because we Americans have allowed it?

Was Mao’s main focus on the young people? Did he target them specifically? If so, why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do Americans fight so much over politics?

Do people dare tell their neighbors who they vote for anymore?

Are too many Republicans afraid to wear Trump attire?

Click here  for more from Edwin Benson.

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April 21, 2020

Title: How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

Teaching responsibility is difficult. Students will resist the initial efforts. Parents will be unhappy with failing grades. Divorced parents, battling for the child’s affection and loyalty, often bend over backward to defend unacceptable behavior. The leftists will scream about discrimination by race, ethnic group, sex, or anything else in its bag of often-used tools.

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. Edwin discusses the funeral he recently attended for a former student, who died in a car accident. The student was intoxicated, and the passenger of the vehicle also died.

Edwin believes that teachers definitely have a duty to their students to help them become responsible adults – we all have a responsibility. You can find his book, “Can America’s Schools Be Saved”, here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was “John” (name has been changed for privacy reasons)? How does Edwin remember this student?

What was the viewing like for John? NOTE: This was recent, during the Coronavirus quarantine, so social distance practices were observed.

What was Edwin’s opinion of John?

What did Edwin learn about John since his graduation to his untimely death?

What was the atmosphere outside the funeral home while waiting in a social distance line? Was it kind of like a party?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were there photo/video displays on John’s short life?

Was there any sign of religion being displayed?

What did Edwin observe in the funeral home parking lot before he left?

Why did the phrase “But for the grace of God, go I” come to Edwin’s mind during this young man’s funeral?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we all failing the next generation by not teaching better responsibility habits and behavior? Edwin Benson calls is “character building” and stresses it’s not the teacher’s sole responsibility.

How do we all teach the next generation to take responsibility for their own lives?

Do we need God’s help to raise the next generation?

To read Edwin Benson’s full op-ed on this topic, click here.

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July 29, 2019

Title: Avoiding College Regret and Remorse
Topic: Regret and Remorse
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

Never in history has it been easier to get a college degree than it is now in the United States. There are more colleges, more programs, and more ways to pay for them than ever before. Many programs enable students to get a degree online without ever visiting a university campus. Some colleges even allow some student to enroll without a high school diploma.

However, according to a recent CBS News story, two-thirds of American college graduates regret getting their degrees.

So, why is there so much regret? Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. You can find Edwin’s book, "Can America's Schools Be Saved? How the Ideology of American Education is Destroying It", here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do many people have regret and remorse concerning their college degree?

Are too many people getting degrees in something they just cannot use? Edwin Benson mentions one such degree: Peace studies and conflict resolutions.

Do too many people have too much college debt that they cannot pay off?

What percentage of incoming college freshman know what they want to major in – and stick with it? While this is pretty normal, what is one issue that arises with this?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Avoiding College Regret and Remorse
Topic: Regret and Remorse
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is a college degree the right path for everyone?

What are college graduates today expecting as soon as they receive their diploma?

How many college graduates regret their degree? Edwin explains that it varies by field…

Terry suggests taking a year off before heading off to college. Why? Does Edwin agree?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Avoiding College Regret and Remorse
Topic: Regret and Remorse
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

IIn the last segment, Terry and Edwin briefly discussed one alternative to college, at least for the year straight out of high school. What other suggestions does Edwin have?

Why is prayer so important regarding this huge life decision? Listen as Edwin shares a sweet story…

How can students minimize the amount of debt they incur while attending college?

You can read more about this issue here.

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