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August 9, 2021

Title: You Selfish American! Your Breath is Killing People!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

A recent study claims: “Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person” and “For every 4,434 metric tons of CO2 produced, one person globally will die”. Is this true or just hysteria for the masses?

Marc Morano is the Executive Director and Chief Correspondent for Climate Depot a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). About this issue, he writes: “Climate activists are trying to now convince Americans that they are selfish for…being Americans! This is now sounding like a very Soviet-style climate community.”

Click here for the article on this topic from Marc.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have we officially reached peak climate madness? Unfortunately, Marc doesn’t think we have…

Is the production of “greenhouse gases” the byproduct of all daily human activity? Are kids being taught in public schools that Americans are responsible for it all?

Do solar flares (or the lack thereof) and ocean currents affect the earth’s climate?

Did cavemen cause the Ice Age or the mini-Ice Age? Marc offers facts and statistics to explain. He gets very passionate and doesn’t sugar-coat the situation…

Is my CO2-laden breath killing people?

What is the goal of climate alarmists? What do they want us to “give up”? For starters: cars, single-family homes, air-conditioning, and meat… Come on, man! Really?

In a recent survey, a majority of those responding said “YES” they want cleaner air and water. Of course! We all do! But are they willing to pay even $10 a month for it? Of course not!

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July 15, 2019

Title: A History of Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

Marc Morano is the award-winning producer, writer, and host of Climate Hustle. Marc is one of the highest profile voices of climate realism in the world today. More can be found here.

Today, Marc will be discussing the newest “climate emergency” facing mankind around the world. You don’t want to miss this interview! Not only is Marc informative, he is hilarious!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First it was the Greenhouse Effect. Then Global Cooling. Then Global Warming. Then the narrative changed to Climate Change. Now, many are calling it a Climate Emergency. Are too many just drinking the Kool-Aid? Marc will be discussing each “scare” throughout the interview…

What do climate activists really believe?

Is the newest “climate emergency” just a bunch of bologna?

Marc has a great new book out, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change”. Get it here!

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January 31, 2018

Title: Climate Weirding!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

First it was the coming ice age, then global warming was going to cause massive sea level increases and drown millions of people. Then Al Gore began calling it “climate change”. Is the new term people are using: “Climate Crisis”?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Al Gore been consistently wrong with his ice age/global warming/climate change/climate crisis exclamations?

Did Al Gore’s environmental movies predict record-breaking snow/ice storms which the Northern states are currently experiencing? Short answer: Nope.

Australia recently had record-breaking HIGH temperatures (117 degrees!). How can the earth have global warming and global cooling at the same time?

Marc Morano calls it “Global Weirding”!!!

Has there been various climate variations since the beginning of time? Is this just simply “weather”?

Listen as Marc discusses the recent wildfires and droughts in California and how these disasters were much more common the 19th Century than they are now!

Al Gore shouts: “Man caused climate change is killing the planet!” But is this true?

Pick up a copy of Marc Morano’s new book “Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change here.

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January 11, 2018

Title: Climate Weirding!
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

First it was the coming ice age, then global warming was going to cause massive sea level increases and drown millions of people. Then Al Gore began calling it “climate change”. Is the new term people are using: “Climate Crisis”?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Al Gore been consistently wrong with his ice age/global warming/climate change/climate crisis exclamations?

Did Al Gore’s environmental movies predict record-breaking snow/ice storms which the Northern states are currently experiencing? Short answer: Nope.

Australia recently had record-breaking HIGH temperatures (117 degrees!). How can the earth have global warming and global cooling at the same time?

Marc Morano calls it “Global Weirding”!!!

Has there been various climate variations since the beginning of time? Is this just simply “weather”?

Listen as Marc discusses the recent wildfires and droughts in California and how these disasters were much more common the 19th Century than they are now!

Al Gore shouts: “Man caused climate change is killing the planet!” But is this true?

Pick up a copy of Marc Morano’s new book “Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change here.

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June 5, 2017

Title: Paris Pull-Out
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

Last Thursday (June 1), we heard the news that President Donald Trump pulled the United Stated out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement (PCCA). This is a far cry from former President Obama’s love affair with the UN and the EPA.

Marc Morano is the Director of Communications for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. He has insider news about the PCCA and why President Trump refused to participate in the debacle.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Marc Morano believe President Trump made the right decision?

Will there be more pollutants in the air because the US is not party to the PCCA?

Will this diminish our quality of life?

Do we really need the UN’s permission to use or not use fossil fuels?

What are a few problems with the PCCA? Reduce paper manufacturing twelve percent. Reduce cement manufacturing by twenty-three percent. Reduce steel and iron manufacturing thirty-eight percent. Reduce coal use by eighty-six percent. REDUCE THE USE OF NATURAL GAS BY thirty-one percent.

Would the PCCA hurt the American economy?

What restrictions will be placed upon other countries under the PCCA? Is it fair?

Has the Vice Chair stated: “We will redistribute wealth by climate policy.Wow. That should scare even the liberals. (But it won’t!)

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April 26, 2017

Title: The Truth About Climate Change
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Marc Morano
with Climate Depot (

Too often, name-calling wins the debate. The left uses this tactic time and time again, especially when discussing issues such as climate change and the environment. Their new favorite phrase is “climate change denier”.

Has the earth’s climate ever changed? PARENTS: Your kids are NOT learning the information discussed in this segment in public schools!

New guest, Marc Morano, is the Director of Communications for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). CFACT was founded in 1985 to promote a much-needed, positive alternative voice on issues of environment and development.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the earth’s climate changing today?

Are humans the main cause of climate change? Do your kids still think polar bears are dying because of global warming? FACT: There are MORE polar bears now than when Al Gore started scaring people.

Polls reveal Americans want clean water and clean air, but are they willing to pay more for new measures?

How does CFACT help counter the message that man – through his use of fossil fuels – is causing cataclysmic, catastrophic climate change?

The film “Climate Hustle” can be viewed here.  Watch it tonight with your kids after dinner!

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