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January 9, 2023

Title: Debunking the “World is Dying” Claim
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is the world dying? Are too many people killing the planet? Did the Industrial Revolution ruin or improve our lifespan?

Syd Lucas discusses a recent “60 Minutes” claim that a “population bomb will lead to wars and famines”. Syd is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Syd Lucas on this and other topics.

Click here for more from Life:Powered.

Click here to read the article which inspired this interview by Marian L Tupy, a senior fellow in the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity and editor of

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “population bomb”? Syd explains that the claim is taken from the book “Population Bomb” co-authored by Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne Howland Ehrlich.

Is the world “starving”?

Have MSM outlets normalized the message of “anti-humanism” and “anti-natalism”? Syd reveals that the population in Italy has depleted so drastically that they are now paying foreigners to move there because their economy is suffering so badly!

Is it surprising that millennials do not desire to procreate?

In America, do we have cleaner air and water today as compared to 50 years ago? Syd discusses a study after COVID restrictions were lifted concerning air quality. Was it better, worse, or the same?

Do surveys indicate the majority of Americans desire cleaner air and water, but are unwilling to pay higher prices to achieve it?

How does affordable, reliable energy improve life across the world? Click here  to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and across this great nation.

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November 15, 2022

Title: Heat or Eat: Why Should We Have to Choose?
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A national energy assistance association is reporting more than 20 million American households are struggling to meet their energy bills. This is a crisis that will be compounded by the coming cold winter months.

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Syd discusses truths and myths about the climate and how changes the Left wants to make will affect you and your family.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Jason Isaac, former Texas State Representative and Director of Life:Powered.

Click here for more about Life:Powered.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As energy bills surge for the average American family, will many be forced to choose between heating their homes and food for their table? Syd discusses how this very problem occurred just last winter in Europe and millions of Americans will face the same struggle this year. In fact, some already are!

Have Biden’s actions since taking office discouraged American oil and gas companies from drilling for more oil and/or natural gas? Has Biden even said: “There is no more drilling”?

Are supplies of diesel and heating oil dangerously low? Syd reveals that the supply is at the lowest level since 1993 and goes on to explain how low supply, coupled with increased demand, translates into higher prices for the consumer.

Has life expectancy and quality of life in America and other developed countries been fueled by abundant, affordable energy supplies since the 1900s?

Is man’s use of fossil fuels causing cataclysmic, catastrophic climate change? Syd discusses how the Left’s narrative is constantly changing, just like the climate.

The Left has been doubling down on their Green New Deal efforts. Can energy consumption that is currently supplied by fossil fuels be replaced with wind and/or solar energy at the same cost to the consumer?

Click here to sign up for free email alerts from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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September 7, 2022

Title: Filling Your Tea Kettle
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses how, in America, we rarely think about where our water comes from or even how clean it is. This is not the case for millions of people around the world.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Syd Lucas.

Click here for more from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worldwide, how many children die every day because of contaminated water?

Worldwide, how many hours every day do women and children, mainly young girls, devote to walking and collecting water?

We turn on our faucets or grab a bottle and go on living. Do we rarely consider not having safe, clean water?

Is water – and the energy to draw, clean, and transport it – key to humans flourishing?

The woke crowd blames the lack of safe, clean water on climate change. Is this true or false? Syd discusses why this is an absolutely false – and even dangerous – statement.

How can we help?

: Click here to learn more about Operation Blessing’s efforts to provide safe, clean drinking water around the world.

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September 2, 2022

Title: Filling Your Tea Kettle
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses how, in America, we rarely think about where our water comes from or even how clean it is. This is not the case for millions of people around the world.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Syd Lucas.

Click here for more from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worldwide, how many children die every day because of contaminated water?

Worldwide, how many hours every day do women and children, mainly young girls, devote to walking and collecting water?

We turn on our faucets or grab a bottle and go on living. Do we rarely consider not having safe, clean water?

Is water – and the energy to draw, clean, and transport it – key to humans flourishing?

The woke crowd blames the lack of safe, clean water on climate change. Is this true or false? Syd discusses why this is an absolutely false – and even dangerous – statement.

How can we help?

: Click here to learn more about Operation Blessing’s efforts to provide safe, clean drinking water around the world.

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August 12, 2022

Title: Eco-Anxiety: The New Trend Plaguing Millennials
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for the Life:Powered Initiative with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses “eco-anxiety” and how the Left’s outrageous policies are affecting your pocketbook.

Click here to read more on this issue from Syd Lucas and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the media reporting that the vast majority of voters are so worried about climate change that they actually fear for their lives? What are the “real” numbers? Syd reveals that deaths caused by “extreme weather events” has decreased by 90% over the last century and that only 1% of voters are concerned about climate change.

On average, how much more are Americans paying for gas, electricity, and everyday items since Biden took office? Are rising prices only affecting low- and middle-income Americas? Or are rich elites feeling the pain as well?

Biden recently remarked that climate change presents a “clear and present danger”. Has the world’s climate always been changing? Syd says in response: “The clear and present danger is that Americans are struggling to afford things.”

Germany has spent $500 billion over the last 20 years on alternative energy sources. Has this significantly reduced their use of fossil fuels? Syd reveals that it has only decreased 7%. What a joke!

As a result, Germany is now heavily reliant on Russian natural gas. Is Russia using this reliance as a weapon?

Can more reliable, affordable energy help Americans get back on their feet?

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April 28, 2022

Title: Energy Poverty Robs Children and Families of Opportunity
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the legal assistant for the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, she discusses the brave people trying to beat poverty who are without clean water or electricity – things we take for granted. Syd writes: “Climate change policies will hurt them, not help them, by crippling economies and limiting access to energy.”

Click here to read the article on this topic from Syd Lucas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What types of energy do we, in America, take for granted? Syd Lucas admits that she once took energy usage for granted and describes the many things we do every day that require energy.

What is significant about Boniface, the 14-year-old young man Syd Lucas met in Tanzania?

What did Syd expect when she visited Tanzania? Did anything surprise her?

Was Boniface’s family aware of how little they actually had?

Should we “haves” deny the “have nots” the right to energy sources we take for granted? Syd discusses how environmentalists just don’t realize how “green energy” will actually harm those in poverty around the world.

Why is it important to partner with communities that do not have access to clean water, proper sanitation, and affordable, reliable energy sources?

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