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April 19, 2024

Title: Biden’s Roadmap to Control
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Bonner Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses yet another terrible Biden initiative to “save the planet”.

Click here to read Dr. Cohen’s editorial on this issue, originally posted in the Daily Caller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or False: Humans are killing the planet.

Biden’s gurus have cunningly disguised the true intent for the minimum definition for zero-emission buildings. What buildings would fall under the proposed regulation? Dr. Bonner Cohen explains net-zero emissions, the new (very confusing) definition, why they are being very hush-hush about the proposal, and how every single American will be affected, reminding us of the “power of the purse”,

Is this a continuation of the Left’s “Roadmap to Control”?

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March 18, 2024

Title: Biden’s Roadmap to Control
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Bonner Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses yet another terrible Biden initiative to “save the planet”.

Click here to read Dr. Cohen’s editorial on this issue, originally posted in the Daily Caller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or False: Humans are killing the planet.

Biden’s gurus have cunningly disguised the true intent for the minimum definition for zero-emission buildings. What buildings would fall under the proposed regulation? Dr. Bonner Cohen explains net-zero emissions, the new (very confusing) definition, why they are being very hush-hush about the proposal, and how every single American will be affected, reminding us of the “power of the purse”,

Is this a continuation of the Left’s “Roadmap to Control”?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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February 6, 2024

Title: Biden’s “Pause” Is Bad News
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses Joe Biden’s latest order to “pause” the approval process for new terminals exporting US natural gas.

Click here for more on this and other issues from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is this pause bad for our economy?

Is this pause bad for the environment?

Is this pause bad for our national security?

Can Biden’s blunder be permanently reversed?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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December 8, 2023

Title: COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen is giving an update about the United Nations Conference of the Parties (UN COP 28).

Click here to read more on this important issue.

Click here for more from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are the 60,000+ attendees at the UN COP 28 Conference? Where do they come from?

Where is the UN COP 28 being held? Is this just pure hypocrisy?

Did all the attendees arrive in their electric cars? Or did they fly in their private gas-guzzling jets?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the focus of this year’s UN COP 28 money – lots and lots of money?

In past conferences, agreements were signed with much fanfare on reducing carbon usage, mainly oil, gas, and coal. Did China and India sign the agreements? Dr. Cohen gives all the details – much of which is sure to raise your blood pressure.

Do environmentalists blame natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes on man-made climate change?

What is the “Harm and Damage Fund”? How much will it cost? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - COP 28: The Money Machine
Topic: Climate Change Bologna
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “Harm and Damage Fund” a fancy way of saying “reparations”?

How much money will China and India contribute to this fund?

Is China secretly funding American colleges and universities to spread rhetoric about climate change bologna? Dr. Cohen explains how China is benefiting from the Biden Administration’s crackdown on fossil fuels.

Will China force severe lifestyle changes on their own citizens to comply with the UN COP 28 rules and regulations?

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September 28, 2023

Title: Depopulation is Their Goal
Topic: California Crush
Discussed by Dr. Bonner Cohen
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Dr. Bonner Cohen is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Dr. Cohen discusses the Left’s newest scare tactic against oil and gas companies.

Click here for the article that prompted this interview with Dr. Cohen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the Climate Greens in California using lawsuits to shake down and stop oil and gas companies? Dr. Cohen goes through a long list of things that California does not do in order to keep their state safe. Listen in to find out why this is important…

Are other left-leaning cities and states considering similar suits?

Do the oil and gas companies stand a chance against the Newsom-appointed Supreme Court Justices?

California has set a goal of 100% renewable energy and net-zero carbon emissions by 2045. If achieved, will this have any effect on the climate? Dr. Cohen reveals just how much harm their goal will have on the economy and the environment, saying: “The harm that will be disproportionately borne by people of middle and lower income will be absolutely enormous.”

Is their ultimate to goal to achieve depopulation?

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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