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May 15, 2024

Title: Mother’s Day After an Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Camille Cates
with A Gritty Gospel Life (

Camille Cates is the author of “Moving Forward After Abortion”. Today, she discusses the do’s and don’ts of Mother’s Day.

Click here for more information about Camile Cates.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After Camille had an abortion, what emotions did she experience on Mother’s Day?

Do many women suffer in silence while well-meaning churches celebrate mothers on Mother’s Day? Camille urges churches to be more inclusive of all women, not just “mothers”, on Mother’s Day.

Many post-abortive mothers feel pain, sorrow, shame, and sadness. Are these re-occurring emotions throughout the year, not just on Mother’s Day?

Can relief be found? Camille discusses how both women and men who have experienced the pain of abortion can find mercy, grace, and forgiveness in God.

Click here for a list of recommended counselors and counseling services.

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May 9, 2024

Title: Abortion Facts You May Not Know
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Today, Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute, discusses several facts about abortion that you may not know.

Click here for more facts and statistics about abortion.

Click here for the latest from Life Issues Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What percent of pregnant women who walk into an abortion clinic leave without getting an abortion?

Is abortion a multibillion-dollar industry that is almost completely unregulated?

Why are true abortion numbers hard to obtain? Brad explains that several states do not require abortion numbers to be reported.

What percentage of abortions across America are performed by Planned Parenthood?

Why are the majority of abortion clinics located in minority neighborhoods? Brad reveals that PP actually preys on these neighborhoods, destroying one family at a time beginning with the death of babies.

Do many women regret having an abortion? Are many women pressured to abort their baby? Do many women report that they would have chosen life for their baby if they had been told of all the options available?

Are the fathers just as important as the mother and baby? Click here for more on how Life Issues Institute is helping men who have been touched by abortion.

Click here to help support Life Issues Institute.

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October 7, 2022

Title: Abortion: A Choice or a Decision?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

John Horvat is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, and author of “Return to Order”. Today, John discusses the radical pro-abortion crowd’s latest attempt to convince people that abortion is morally acceptable.

Click here to read John Horvat’s op-ed on this issue.

Click here to order the Deluxe Edition of “Return to Order”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are radical pro-abortionists abandoning the word “choice” for “decision”? John Horvat discusses who is behind the change and why, saying: “The word ‘choice’ was making people complacent.”

What does “my body – my decision” reveal about the pro-abortion movement?

Will the new mantra stick around and invigorate the “pro-decision” crowd?

Does their “decision” always involve killing an innocent life? John says: “The best thing to do is just be pro-life!” I agree!

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June 7, 2022

Title: How We Got to Roe v Wade
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Part 1 of 3

Professor Dr. John Sparks is the retired Dean of Arts & Letters at Grove City College and a fellow for the Institute for Faith and Freedom.

Today he discusses the importance of the 1965 case Griswold v. Connecticut and the opinions that were brought forth after the decision.

Click here  to read Dr. Sparks article on this topic in The Dakota Beacon.

Click here for more about the Institute for Faith and Freedom.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the facts in in the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut case concerning contraceptives? Dr. Sparks discusses the 19th Century law regarding contraceptives that had not been readily enforced until Estelle Griswold decided to open a birth control clinic in the state.

What did Justice Douglas unveil in this case? How did he come to this conclusion? Dr. Spark will continue this explanation in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - How We Got to Roe v Wade
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there an enumerated “right to privacy” in the US Constitution? Dr. Sparks explains how Justice Douglas “discovered” the “right to privacy”.

Why did Dr. Sparks have his students read about this case in his class?

What were Judge Robert Borks’ thoughts about this new right to privacy? Do other legal scholars agree with him? This is important! Listen in closely…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - How We Got to Roe v Wade
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Justice Black state that the privacy that Douglas claimed to uncover was a broad, abstract, ambiguous concept? Do other legal scholars agree with him? Dr. Sparks uses several examples to explain why Douglas’ thoughts are so dangerous.

Justice Black also bluntly stated that the “use of any such broad, unbounded judicial authority would make of this court’s members a day-to-day constitutional convention”. What does this mean?

Do most law schools teach aspiring law students that Roe v. Wade is the law of the land and should not be overturned, because there is a right to privacy found in the US Constitution? Dr. Sparks reveals that, unfortunately, it would be extremely difficult to find a law professor today that doesn’t teach that abortion falls under the “right to privacy”.

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March 1, 2021

Title: The Abortion Ban “Trigger” Bill
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Dr. Joe Pojman, Executive Director for TAL, discusses SB 9: The Human Life Protection Act, filed by State Sen. Angela Paxton (R-McKinney). SB9 has been labeled the “Abortion Ban Trigger” bill. It has been filed in the Texas House of Representatives as HB 1280 by Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Keller).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What laws does Texas have laws in place that protect the pre-born?

What is “The Abortion Ban Trigger” bill?

Do other states have similar bills already in place?

If Texas does NOT pass the Human Life Protection Act and Roe v. Wade is overturned, would abortions in Texas be illegal once again?

Republicans have the majority of members in the Texas House and the Texas Senate. Are any pro-abortion? Should this bill pass both the House and Senate?

Is there anything more important than saving more babies?

Click here to help Texas Alliance for Life fight to save more babies in Texas.

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October 29, 2020

Title: Court is in Session
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The news tells us every day that elected officials are making decisions that will shape our future. But what about the third arm of government: SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States).

In this new half-hour special from Life Issues, Brad Mattes is joined by special guests as they discuss the nine men and women who serve in that elite decision-making body … and why does it matter who sits on that court?

Brad says this: “Our nation became a better place because abolitionists did all within their power to end slavery. Now it’s every Christian’s obligation to leave their impact on America by ending legal abortion. It begins with who is nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Click here  for more from Life Issues.

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October 19, 2020

Title: Court is in Session
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The news tells us every day that elected officials are making decisions that will shape our future. But what about the third arm of government: SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States).

In this new half-hour special from Life Issues, Brad Mattes is joined by special guests as they discuss the nine men and women who serve in that elite decision-making body … and why does it matter who sits on that court?

Brad says this: “Our nation became a better place because abolitionists did all within their power to end slavery. Now it’s every Christian’s obligation to leave their impact on America by ending legal abortion. It begins with who is nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Click here  for more from Life Issues.

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September 29, 2020

Title: Court is in Session
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The news tells us every day that elected officials are making decisions that will shape our future. But what about the third arm of government: SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States).

In this new half-hour special from Life Issues, Brad Mattes is joined by special guests as they discuss the nine men and women who serve in that elite decision-making body … and why does it matter who sits on that court?

Brad says this: “Our nation became a better place because abolitionists did all within their power to end slavery. Now it’s every Christian’s obligation to leave their impact on America by ending legal abortion. It begins with who is nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Click here  for more from Life Issues.

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December 10, 2019

Title: Division Among the Pro-Abortion Crowd
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Two articles published recently in the New York Times showcased developments that the Democrat Party would prefer to remain unnoticed – widespread discord on one side and the extreme abortion agenda of the other.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, discusses more of this encouraging news.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who makes up the pro-abortion camp?

What is causing the discord in the Democrat Party regarding the abortion issue?

Brad and Terry briefly discuss the David Daleiden case…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Division Among the Pro-Abortion Crowd
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Planned Parenthood still harvests and sells live baby body parts. When the Texas Legislature learned this was still happening, what action did they take?

Does Planned Parenthood receive the majority of government funds for abortion services? Is this causing some of the division among pro-abortion activists? Brad discusses other issues that are causing division among pro-abortion activists…

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November 5, 2019

Title: Trump on the Ground, Hogtied
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Did you see the billboard advertisement that athletic company Dhvani recently published? It was horrific! Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, has the details...

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would the Secret Service knock on my door if I rented a billboard and placed a graphic message of Joe Biden or former President Obama hogtied, on the ground, with my foot pressing down upon their head?

Listen as Brad Mattes describes the billboard that athletic company, Dhvani, recently displayed in Times Square…

How did Planned Parenthood respond when questioned about the billboard? Was their response extremely hypocritical?

Is the Left defending this company’s right to free speech?

What was the campaign entitled? Were there other negative images depicting President Trump within this campaign?

Others have attempted to advertise positive, pro-life messages in Times Square. Have they been approved or rejected?

What should our response be to both Dhvani and Planned Parenthood?

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May 29, 2019

Title: The Devil is Working Overtime
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

The devil is working overtime. He is using everyone and everything possible to kill more babies every day – every minute – every second.

Paul Batura is the vice President of Ministry Communications with Focus on the Family. He urges everyone to do something today – anything – to save more babies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the devil working overtime to kill babies in America?

Why is it time to reinvigorate believers in America?

Are people (specifically pro-choice people) beginning to see the light regarding the horrendous practice of abortion?

What is the “Declaration for Life”? Do petitions help change people’s minds?

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, FOF and others will gather in Times Square in New York City. Listen as Paul Batura reveals what awesome thing they will be doing using the Jumbotron!

What is the program “Option Ultrasound”?

Click here  to sign the “Declaration for Life” petition from Focus on the Family. Please prayerfully consider adding a donation to FOF after you sign the petition. Any amount is welcome.

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May 16, 2019

Title: The Devil is Working Overtime
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

The devil is working overtime. He is using everyone and everything possible to kill more babies every day – every minute – every second.

Paul Batura is the vice President of Ministry Communications with Focus on the Family. He urges everyone to do something today – anything – to save more babies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the devil working overtime to kill babies in America?

Why is it time to reinvigorate believers in America?

Are people (specifically pro-choice people) beginning to see the light regarding the horrendous practice of abortion?

What is the “Declaration for Life”? Do petitions help change people’s minds?

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, FOF and others will gather in Times Square in New York City. Listen as Paul Batura reveals what awesome thing they will be doing using the Jumbotron!

What is the program “Option Ultrasound”?

Click here  to sign the “Declaration for Life” petition from Focus on the Family. Please prayerfully consider adding a donation to FOF after you sign the petition. Any amount is welcome.

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March 15, 2019

Title: Videos Not Edited: They Were Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Life Issues President, Brad Mattes, has an update on the Center for Medical Progress case today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Planned Parenthood and their compliant media partners claimed the videos were “deceptively edited”. What was the recent decision from the Texas 5th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the videos?

What facts did the Center for Medical Progress expose about Planned Parenthood?

How did the “compliant media partners of the abortion industry” report the Court’s conclusion?

Why are so many people afraid to view the CMP video?

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March 1, 2019

Title: The Devil is Working Overtime
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

The devil is working overtime. He is using everyone and everything possible to kill more babies every day – every minute – every second.

Paul Batura is the vice President of Ministry Communications with Focus on the Family. He urges everyone to do something today – anything – to save more babies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the devil working overtime to kill babies in America?

Why is it time to reinvigorate believers in America?

Are people (specifically pro-choice people) beginning to see the light regarding the horrendous practice of abortion?

What is the “Declaration for Life”? Do petitions help change people’s minds?

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, FOF and others will gather in Times Square in New York City. Listen as Paul Batura reveals what awesome thing they will be doing using the Jumbotron!

What is the program “Option Ultrasound”?

Click here  to sign the “Declaration for Life” petition from Focus on the Family. Please prayerfully consider adding a donation to FOF after you sign the petition. Any amount is welcome.

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February 21, 2019

Title: Videos Not Edited: They Were Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Life Issues President, Brad Mattes, has an update on the Center for Medical Progress case today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Planned Parenthood and their compliant media partners claimed the videos were “deceptively edited”. What was the recent decision from the Texas 5th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the videos?

What facts did the Center for Medical Progress expose about Planned Parenthood?

How did the “compliant media partners of the abortion industry” report the Court’s conclusion?

Why are so many people afraid to view the CMP video?

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February 19, 2019

Title: The Devil is Working Overtime
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Paul Batura
with Focus on the Family

The devil is working overtime. He is using everyone and everything possible to kill more babies every day – every minute – every second.

Paul Batura is the vice President of Ministry Communications with Focus on the Family. He urges everyone to do something today – anything – to save more babies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the devil working overtime to kill babies in America?

Why is it time to reinvigorate believers in America?

Are people (specifically pro-choice people) beginning to see the light regarding the horrendous practice of abortion?

What is the “Declaration for Life”? Do petitions help change people’s minds?

On Saturday, May 4, 2019, FOF and others will gather in Times Square in New York City. Listen as Paul Batura reveals what awesome thing they will be doing using the Jumbotron!

What is the program “Option Ultrasound”?

Click here  to sign the “Declaration for Life” petition from Focus on the Family. Please prayerfully consider adding a donation to FOF after you sign the petition. Any amount is welcome.

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February 11, 2019

Title: The NY Abortion Law is Simply Not Necessary
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brittany Raymer
with Focus on the Family

The baby's heart starts to beat at around 6 weeks. Published scientific literature shows that unborn babies can experience pain around 20 weeks. Most doctors define the age of viability at about 24 weeks.

Yet the State of New York passed a state law allowing the mother and the abortionist to kill the baby up until the moment of live birth.

Brittany Raymer is the Life Issues Analyst at Focus on the Family. She recently wrote: “Despite the obviously callous nature of this bill, the passing of this horrific piece of legislation isn’t a surprise. Radical elements in New York politics have wanted to pass this measure for years.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any sane, pro-life office holders in the New York State Legislature?

Is this evil disrespect for life spreading to other states?

If Democrats win control of the US Senate and the Presidency in 2020, will the killing of babies up to the moment of live birth be one of their top priorities?

What can pro-lifers do to help save more babies?

Now is the time to become involved. Don’t wait until it is too late. Click here  to help Focus on the Family’s “Operation Ultrasound” save more babies.

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Title: Videos Not Edited: They Were Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Life Issues President, Brad Mattes, has an update on the Center for Medical Progress case today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Planned Parenthood and their compliant media partners claimed the videos were “deceptively edited”. What was the recent decision from the Texas 5th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the videos?

What facts did the Center for Medical Progress expose about Planned Parenthood?

How did the “compliant media partners of the abortion industry” report the Court’s conclusion?

Why are so many people afraid to view the CMP video?

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February 1, 2019

Title: The NY Abortion Law is Simply Not Necessary
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brittany Raymer
with Focus on the Family

The baby's heart starts to beat at around 6 weeks. Published scientific literature shows that unborn babies can experience pain around 20 weeks. Most doctors define the age of viability at about 24 weeks.

Yet the State of New York passed a state law allowing the mother and the abortionist to kill the baby up until the moment of live birth.

Brittany Raymer is the Life Issues Analyst at Focus on the Family. She recently wrote: “Despite the obviously callous nature of this bill, the passing of this horrific piece of legislation isn’t a surprise. Radical elements in New York politics have wanted to pass this measure for years.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any sane, pro-life office holders in the New York State Legislature?

Is this evil disrespect for life spreading to other states?

If Democrats win control of the US Senate and the Presidency in 2020, will the killing of babies up to the moment of live birth be one of their top priorities?

What can pro-lifers do to help save more babies?

Now is the time to become involved. Don’t wait until it is too late. Click here  to help Focus on the Family’s “Operation Ultrasound” save more babies.

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November 19, 2018

Title: Abortion and Witchcraft
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Christians from all over Ohio stood together recently to protest a “sacred blessing” ceremony at a Columbus, Ohio abortion clinic. Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, has all the extremely disturbing details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was “blessing” the abortion clinic?

What did the Christian, Pro-Life activists discover when they arrived at the abortion clinic to pray?

Do Christians need to pray more outside abortion clinics?

Is Satan real? Is hell a real place?

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October 26, 2018

Title: Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Adam Holz
with Plugged In (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Have you seen the new movie/documentary “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” yet? If not, RUN don’t walk to the nearest movie theatre and see it today!

Adam Holz has all the inside information about the movie and the reaction it is receiving from the public.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does evil exist in this world today?

Should parents use caution when deciding whether or not to see this movie with their children? Adam Holz warns that this movie is definitely graphic and everyone should use caution…

Is this a must-see movie for people with deep moral convictions concerning abortion?

Will the movie change hearts and minds?

Click here  for more reviews on this and other movies/book/television shows from Plugged In.

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October 2, 2018

Title: AMA Promotes Abortions on Demand
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The American Medical Association (AMA) was once held in high regard. However, now less than a quarter of practicing doctors are AMA members.

Brad Mattes, the President of Life Issues, offers answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the AMA promote abortion on demand through 36 weeks?

Did their official journal recently attack pro-life centers, calling them unethical?

Did the Supreme Court tell the state of California that they could NOT force pro-life pregnancy centers to share information about Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers?

Do any abortion clinics perform abortions for free?

A recent study revealed how many people pro-life pregnancy centers helped in 2017. Listen as Brad Mattes discusses this number and how much money they saved the American tax-payers.

Do pro-life centers charge the people they serve? Spoiler Alert: Nope!

Is it time for the AMA to stop playing politics?

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September 28, 2018

Title: The Beginning of the End of Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shawn Carney
with Forty Days for Life (

Part 1 of 3

Since 2007, 40 Days for Life prayer vigils and community outreach programs have saved more than 17,000 babies from abortion. Shawn Carney, the President of 40 Days for Life, has compiled forty amazing stories about life, love, grace, and hope in his new book, “The Beginning of the End of Abortion”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we in really seeing the beginning of the end of abortion in America?

Are pro-life pregnancy centers now outnumbering abortion clinics across America?

Are former abortion workers and women/men who have had abortions converting to the pro-life movement in mass numbers? In fact, are they becoming leaders in the pro-life movement?

SAD FACT: America now performs as many abortions per year as North Korea and China.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Beginning of the End of Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shawn Carney
with Forty Days for Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where are the majority of abortion clinics located? In other words, do they target minority neighborhoods?

Margaret Sanger is the “mother of abortion”. Did she ever retract her beliefs about minorities?

Tune in to the next segment with Shawn as he shares some stories from his new book, “The Beginning of the End of Abortion”.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Beginning of the End of Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shawn Carney
with Forty Days for Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Shawn Carney shares a few stories from the book… Grab some tissues!!! These stories are amazing!

What is 40 Days for Life? Click here  for more information.

Can “The Beginning of the End of Abortion” be used as a daily devotional guide during the 40 Days for Life?

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September 26, 2018

Title: AMA Promotes Abortions on Demand
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The American Medical Association (AMA) was once held in high regard. However, now less than a quarter of practicing doctors are AMA members.

Brad Mattes, the President of Life Issues, offers answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the AMA promote abortion on demand through 36 weeks?

Did their official journal recently attack pro-life centers, calling them unethical?

Did the Supreme Court tell the state of California that they could NOT force pro-life pregnancy centers to share information about Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers?

Do any abortion clinics perform abortions for free?

A recent study revealed how many people pro-life pregnancy centers helped in 2017. Listen as Brad Mattes discusses this number and how much money they saved the American tax-payers.

Do pro-life centers charge the people they serve? Spoiler Alert: Nope!

Is it time for the AMA to stop playing politics?

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September 25, 2018

Title: AMA Promotes Abortions on Demand
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

The American Medical Association (AMA) was once held in high regard. However, now less than a quarter of practicing doctors are AMA members.

Brad Mattes, the President of Life Issues, offers answers…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the AMA promote abortion on demand through 36 weeks?

Did their official journal recently attack pro-life centers, calling them unethical?

Did the Supreme Court tell the state of California that they could NOT force pro-life pregnancy centers to share information about Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers?

Do any abortion clinics perform abortions for free?

A recent study revealed how many people pro-life pregnancy centers helped in 2017. Listen as Brad Mattes discusses this number and how much money they saved the American tax-payers.

Do pro-life centers charge the people they serve? Spoiler Alert: Nope!

Is it time for the AMA to stop playing politics?

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September 13, 2018

Title: Aborted Babies Have Rights, Too
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. Joe Pojman answers questions today concerning the recent ruling by U.S. Judge David A. Ezra, which struck down the portion of Senate Bill 8 that bans the desecration of human remains after elective abortions and miscarriages. Dr. Pojman is the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are abortionists in Texas really flushing the remains of aborted babies down toilets and/or putting them in baggies and throwing the baby in dumpsters?

In Texas, if a drunk driver kills the baby of a pregnant woman, is the driver charged with a homicide/murder?

Why is the abortionist protected from criminal charges?

Texas Alliance for Life was a strong advocate for Senate Bill 8 during the last Legislative Session in Texas. Listen as Dr. Pojman discusses some of the details of this bill.

How can we all help save more babies?

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September 5, 2018

Title: Who has Abortion Murdered?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Steve Jobs’ biological mother was an unwed graduate student who made an adoption plan for him. If abortion had been legal at that time, would we still have Apple products today?

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, discusses the differences between “an option” and “the option”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would Apple exist without Steve Jobs?

Of the 60 million babies that have been aborted since 1973, how many could have cured cancer? Discovered another galaxy? Been a teacher? A lawyer? The possibilities are endless…

Is adoption really a loving option? Brad discusses open and closed adoptions…

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April 23, 2018

Title: Do You Pray for Abortion Workers?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

As Christians, it is all-too-easy to find ourselves dehumanizing abortion workers. Instead, however, we should be praying for them.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, offers us some encouragement through Scripture today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we pray for abortion workers?

Are abortion workers children of God, too? 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

What can you do to help abortion workers? Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'

Brad closes the segment in prayer for abortion workers…

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April 9, 2018

Title: California Compelling Free Speech
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

On March 26,  we had Cathy Ruse with the Family Research Council on to discuss a disturbing situation in California regarding free speech rights for pro-life pregnancy centers.

Today, Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, is here to give an update on this case, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The California legislature recently passed a law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to promote/advertise for/and give advice about abortions to their clients.

Is this called “compelled speech” – speech which the government dictates what you can say, when to say it, and how to say it? Listen as Brad says this is not just “compelled speech”, but it is “forced speech”.

Were some of the Supreme Court Justices concerned over the California law?

Compare this to the government requiring all car dealerships inform their customers of the “deals” down the street…

In a similar fashion to the California law, the City of Austin tried to force pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion clinics. How did the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans rule on the Austin case?

Brad encourages listeners to pray for the Supreme Court Justices as they deliberate this case. They are expected to issue a ruling in June 2018.

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March 26, 2018

Title: The Supreme Court, Free Speech, and Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a pivotal free speech case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

Bottom line: Should pro-life pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion providers?

Cathy Cleaver Ruse is a Senior Fellow of Legal Studies with the Family Research Council. She was in the court chamber during oral arguments on this case. Today she reveals the details of that hearing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was it like being in the courtroom during oral arguments for the case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra?

Does the First Amendment protect both the right to speak and the right not to speak?

Should pro-life crisis pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion facilities?

Is this comparable to McDonald’s being forced to advertise for Wendy’s?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Abortion Distortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the United States one of the only a few countries which allows abortion up to the moment before birth? Is our abortion rate one of the highest in the world as well?

Should all Americans be free to live out their faith without fear of punishment?

Must we do everything humanly and spiritually possible to protect pro-life pregnancy centers from being forced by the government to advertise for abortion?

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March 12, 2018

Title: End the Lies Campaign
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Part 1 of 2

The nation’s top abortion supremacy group, NARAL Pro-Choice America, has launched a new campaign, “End the Lies”, along with a website dedicated to slandering life-saving pregnancy centers and ultrasound-equipped medical clinics.

Jay Hobbs is the Editor in Chief of Pregnancy Help News. He has also been on staff at Heartbeat International since 2012, currently serving as the Director of Communications and Marketing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “End the Lies” campaign?

Is this new campaign a treasure trove of unfounded claims and senseless vitriol NARAL has conjured up over the past two decades?

Example: A women is in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. She Googles “pregnancy help” and a nearby pro-life pregnancy center is the first to pop up on her screen. Why does NARAL view this as offensive and bad?

Have abortion advocates ever presented testimony from clients of a pro-life crisis pregnancy center showing how the client was harmed?

Do ALL women who visit a crisis pregnancy center choose life? Do they still report that they had a good experience even if they choose abortion?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - End the Lies Campaign
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Not only do thousands of women testify to the life-saving power of pregnancy centers, but thousands more testify to the unspeakable pain and regret of abortion and the horrible conditions inside an abortion mill.

NARAL believes the above statement is harmful to women. Why?

Are women who say they “enjoyed” their abortion lying?

Why do some Judges believe the lies from NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and other pro-abortion activists?

Listen as Jay Hobbs explains a law that the Supreme Court of California will be voting on March 20th and how it could affect pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide.

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March 2, 2018

Title: Is Abortion Ever “Good”?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Former MTV reporter Becky Griffin recently tweeted her way into my stratosphere when she tweeted: "Woman puts baby up for adoption, he grows up to be a violent young man who will spend the rest of his life in prison for a mass murder. Tell me more about how abortions are wrong. #Florida #ParklandSchoolShooting."

Is abortion ever “good”? Is it ever “better”? American Life League President Judie Brown responds: “NO!”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Becky Grffin’s logic sick and twisted?

On the day of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting, more than 2,500 babies were silently murdered by abortion. Why does one act of violence outweigh the other?

Are too many Christians numb to the fact that abortion is a violent sin against God?

Our children are becoming accustomed to violent video games, TV shows, song lyrics, and even commercial. Many Christian teens think that pornography is normal and okay, but think littering is horrible! Where did we go wrong?

GOOD NEWS: Are more young people pro-life?

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January 30, 2018

Title: Does Abortion Really Hurt the Baby?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. Levatino, a former abortionist, recently described dismemberment abortion as an “absolutely brutal procedure where a human being torn to pieces.

Jonathon Saenz is the President of Texas Values. He has been in witness to several testimonies and hearings concerning abortion. Today, Jonathon will be discussing the truth about dismemberment abortion.

You can read Jonathon’s article on this topic here.

You can listen to Jonathon Saenz on 1120 AM The Bridge in Austin every Saturday at NOON.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is fetal dismemberment and why was it outlawed in Texas? Jonathon is very graphic in his response, so use caution.

Are abortion supporters suing the state of Texas to ALLOW this horrible practice to become law once again?

In states where fetal dismemberment is permitted, do women specifically request a different procedure?

Are former abortionists ideal spokespeople for the Pro-Life movement?

Has SB8 been instrumental in drastically reducing the number of abortions in Texas over the last few years?

Are Pro-Lifers too radical concerning this issue?

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November 15, 2017

Title: Does Abortion Really Hurt the Baby?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. Levatino, a former abortionist, recently described dismemberment abortion as an “absolutely brutal procedure where a human being torn to pieces.

Jonathon Saenz is the President of Texas Values. He has been in witness to several testimonies and hearings concerning abortion. Today, Jonathon will be discussing the truth about dismemberment abortion.

You can read Jonathon’s article on this topic here.

You can listen to Jonathon Saenz on 1120 AM The Bridge in Austin every Saturday at NOON.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is fetal dismemberment and why was it outlawed in Texas? Jonathon is very graphic in his response, so use caution.

Are abortion supporters suing the state of Texas to ALLOW this horrible practice to become law once again?

In states where fetal dismemberment is permitted, do women specifically request a different procedure?

Are former abortionists ideal spokespeople for the Pro-Life movement?

Has SB8 been instrumental in drastically reducing the number of abortions in Texas over the last few years?

Are Pro-Lifers too radical concerning this issue?

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April 27, 2017

Title: Australia Supreme Court Makes Horrible Mistake
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Graphic imagery was key to ending slavery, Nazi concentration camps, and the Vietnam War. The images caused people to see the truth and put an end to the atrocities.

Brad Mattes, with Life Issues, has some disturbing news coming out of Australia today. We in America should pay close attention to ensure these lies do not come to our shores.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

WHAT’S UP with the Victoria, Australia State Supreme Court?

What did the Court decide about using the images of dead babies to spread the truth about abortion?

What did the Court call the images? Were they right?

Do graphic images actually help spread the truth about evil in this world?

In Victoria, Australia, are pro-life organizations and activists permitted to use a picture of an aborted baby when talking about abortion? What forms of communication are prohibited and which are allowed?

Could this new law also affect organizations outside of Australia?

How many babies are now being murdered each day in America through abortion?

How can we in America help turn the tide against abortion?

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March 14, 2017

Title: Ridiculous Arguments from Pro-Choice People
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Thankfully, many people are beginning to see the truth about abortion and are now advocating for more help for those considering abortion.  However, there are still those who believe abortion is the only answer. In fact, the sad reality is they actually celebrate abortion.

Today, Joy Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News,  will reveal the three most outrageous claims the left has made in recent weeks concerning abortion.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do those saying abortion is acceptable truly believe their claims? Do their statements add up?

Do pro-choicers dislike the term “unborn baby”?  Listen as Jay Hobbs reads directly from a Salt Lake Tribune article regarding statements a Utah Senator made.

What are they now calling unborn babies?

Do pro-choicers believe women deserve informed consent and ultrasounds before they have an abortion?

The pro-choice crowd lobbies relentlessly against Choose Life license plates. But, now, in California, they want a Pro-Choice license plate! What’s the difference?

To read Jay Hobbs full article on this issue, and for more information about Pregnancy Help News, click here.

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February 22, 2017

Title: Modern Version of Child Sacrifice
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Joe Goodson
with Concerned Christian Citizens (Concerned Christian Citizens)

What are you doing this coming Saturday, February 25, 2017? Can you make it to Austin for a prayer rally to stop the sacrifice of millions of children? Click here  for more details about the Abolish Abortion Texas Rally.

Joe Goodson is the President of Concerned Christian Citizens. His organization, along with many others, stand behind HB948, which would abolish abortion in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is America’s greatest national evil the murder of our own pre-born children?

Is now the right time to abolish abortions in Texas? Listen in as Joe Goodson compares abortion to the slavery of the people of Israel. “We have blood on our hands that we, as a nation, have to answer for,” Goodson says.

What is HB948?

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February 7, 2017

Title: Can Texas Ban All Abortions?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Is it possible to ban all abortions in Texas?  Who know what the future holds? Briscoe Cain, the new State Representative for Texas District 128, fully supports HB948, relating to prohibiting abortion and recognizing the rights, powers, and privileges of all unborn children at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth; affecting criminal offenses and penalties.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christian Conservatives currently the majority in Austin?

If – and when – the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, would all abortions automatically be banned in Texas?

Why does Texas need to pass a law NOW banning all abortions should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade?

Listen in as Representative Cain discusses more details about HB948. “We need to dare the Federal Government to tell us to stop,” he boldly states.

Send us your comments  about this issue! We’d love to hear your opinion!

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January 30, 2017

Title: Abortion Around the World
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

In 1920, the former Soviet Union became the first country in the world to legalize abortion. Abortions now occur legally in 136 nations. The 60 nations still prohibiting abortion face relentless international pressure to permit abortion without restriction. We now have nearly a century of evidence documenting what happens when governments authorize abortion: it does not become rare, but increases exponentially.

President of Life Issues, Brad Mattes, has more information to share today about the fate of abortion across the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is a country’s future found in its babies?

Does Russia have a horrible record when it comes to the unborn? Shocking Fact: 70% of all pregnancies in Russia end in abortion. How does this compare to America?

Is Russia now worried about their future as their population decreases due to the amount of abortions it is experiencing? Brad reveals several unconventional methods the Russian government has experimented with in an attempt to increase their population.

In one region of Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church and local health officials are promoting one abortion-free day each year. Listen as Brad Mattes explains what this is and why he thinks we should do the same in the United States.

Would you participate and promote an “Abortion Free Day” in America? Send us your comments.

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Title: Abortion Around the World - Part 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report is the first to systematically track reported abortions in 100 nations and territories from 1920 through 2015. This report contains 4,915 country years of data, major findings, and country abortion graphs showing the impact of authorization, world maps, and a policy table for 196 nations.

Arina Grossu, the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, was one of the experts to review the Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Approximately how many babies worldwide have been murdered through abortion? FACT: More human life has been destroyed through abortion than all the combined wars in history.

Abortions were first legalized in 1920 in Russia. How many pregnancies end in abortion today in Russia?

What three countries perform the most abortions? Hint: The United States is Number Three.

Do more abortions occur in countries which have a Judeo-Christian worldview or a communist/atheist rule?

Listen as Arina Grossu reviews more of the information from the Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report.

Should our Elected Officials authorize an “Abortion Free Day in America”? Arina has a better idea! And I like hers much better!

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December 28, 2016

Title: 94 America’s Largest Cities
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Abortion has stopped the beating hearts of enough humans to fill 94 of America’s largest cities. Read that again. How sad God must be in heaven looking down at us on earth, while surrounded by those millions of sweet babies who never got a chance fulfill His purpose.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, discusses this devastating reality and what Christians must do to stop the murder of innocent lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many babies have been murdered through legal abortion in the United States since Roe vs Wade?

If a foreign country nuked 94 of America’s largest cities, killing everyone, would the MSM report on it? Would preachers be silent in the pulpit?

Life Issues has four different websites in order to reach people across the world. They are your one-stop-shop for all information concerning life, from conception to natural death. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Life Issues.

To listen to Brad Mattes’s podcast on this topic, clickhere.



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October 6, 2016

Title: You Shall Refer to an Abortion Clinic
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Crisis Pregnancy and others forced to refer to Abortion Clinics. Listen in as Jay Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News, explains what it means for pro-life organizations across the United States.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A new law in Illinois will require all healthcare professionals to inform a woman that an abortion is helpful and needed.

What groups of people does this law affect?

What is the consequence of NOT following this law?

Is it time for Christians to stop sitting on the sidelines and speak up?

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October 3, 2016

Title: Truth and Freedom are Under Attack in America
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Though many say that abortion is a right, we all know that it truly is an act of murder which takes the life of an innocent child. Some in the political arena have relegated the act of abortion to a mere “political issue.” That alone dehumanizes babies and insults the Creator of all things, including unborn babies.

Judie Brown, with the American Life League, states, “This will not stop until we stop it.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the left really relegated abortion to a political issue?

Does the American public need a wake-up call? “Our [current] laws are not of God, they are of man,” Judie says. “If we do not stand up and say no to this, who will?

Are we all like the watchman mentioned in Ezekiel in this deadly age of moral depravity? Listen in as Judie gives encouragement to those who may be afraid to speak up for fear of not knowing what to say.

Did we start winning the minds and hearts of the young people in American with the “silent scream”?

Editor’s Note: Have you ever considered buying several pro-life t-shirts to wear on occasion? Or maybe putting a pro-life bumper sticker on your car? You may be surprised at just how effective they can be!

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September 19, 2016

Title: 94 America’s Largest Cities
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Abortion has stopped the beating hearts of enough humans to fill 94 of America’s largest cities. Read that again. How sad God must be in heaven looking down at us on earth, while surrounded by those millions of sweet babies who never got a chance fulfill His purpose.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, discusses this devastating reality and what Christians must do to stop the murder of innocent lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many babies have been murdered through legal abortion in the United States since Roe vs Wade?

If a foreign country nuked 94 of America’s largest cities, killing everyone, would the MSM report on it? Would preachers be silent in the pulpit?

Life Issues has four different websites in order to reach people across the world. They are your one-stop-shop for all information concerning life, from conception to natural death. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Life Issues.

To listen to Brad Mattes’s podcast on this topic, click here.

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September 16, 2016

Title: 94 America’s Largest Cities
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Abortion has stopped the beating hearts of enough humans to fill 94 of America’s largest cities. Read that again. How sad God must be in heaven looking down at us on earth, while surrounded by those millions of sweet babies who never got a chance fulfill His purpose.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, discusses this devastating reality and what Christians must do to stop the murder of innocent lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many babies have been murdered through legal abortion in the United States since Roe vs Wade?

If a foreign country nuked 94 of America’s largest cities, killing everyone, would the MSM report on it? Would preachers be silent in the pulpit?

Life Issues has four different websites in order to reach people across the world. They are your one-stop-shop for all information concerning life, from conception to natural death. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Life Issues.

To listen to Brad Mattes’s podcast on this topic, click here.

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August 8, 2016

Title: Republican Governor Does the Unthinkable
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Illinois Governor, Republican Bruce Rauner, has done the unthinkable. He recently signed into law a bill that was pushed by Democrats! And, no, it was not a “good” bill.

Jay Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News, will be discussing HB1564 and all the dirty little tricks which the Dems slipped into the bill.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Illinois, what is the new state-preferred choice for women in unexpected pregnancies?

The new Illinois law (effective Jan. 1, 2017) requires – and forces – medical professionals in all capacities, including Crisis Pregnancy Centers, to go against their deeply held religious conscience by referring patients for abortions and counseling patients on what the legislation calls the “benefits” of abortion.

Read that again, friends. All medical professionals must refer women to a local abortion clinic and outline to the patient the “benefits” of abortion.

What does science tell the observer about the significance of uniting a sperm cell with the egg cell within a female human?

What can we do?

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July 21, 2016

Title: Truth and Freedom are Under Attack in America
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Though many say that abortion is a right, we all know that it truly is an act of murder which takes the life of an innocent child. Some in the political arena have relegated the act of abortion to a mere “political issue.” That alone dehumanizes babies and insults the Creator of all things, including unborn babies.

Judie Brown, with the American Life League, states, “This will not stop until we stop it.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the left really relegated abortion to a political issue?

Does the American public need a wake-up call? “Our [current] laws are not of God, they are of man,” Judie says. “If we do not stand up and say no to this, who will?

Are we all like the watchman mentioned in Ezekiel in this deadly age of moral depravity? Listen in as Judie gives encouragement to those who may be afraid to speak up for fear of not knowing what to say.

Did we start winning the minds and hearts of the young people in American with the “silent scream”?

Editor’s Note: Have you ever considered buying several pro-life t-shirts to wear on occasion? Or maybe putting a pro-life bumper sticker on your car? You may be surprised at just how effective they can be!

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February 3, 2016

Title: America is in Second Place
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Which do you believe:

It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” Or…

It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”

It is a sad reality that some people, including Christians, are tired of paying for “welfare babies” and wish they had been aborted so they (taxpayers) wouldn’t be financially responsible for their upcoming. To those people, I say, “Shame on you!

Brad Mattes is there today to reveal some startling statistics about death. It’s not surprising that China greatly surpasses all other countries when it comes to the death toll of its citizens (not including war). “Since China began their cruel and brutal one-child policy, they estimate that 336 million babies have died on the altar,” Brad says. “It’s like wiping out an entire country.” This number does not even include the astonishing amount of baby girls who were born and then left for dead on the streets – simply because they were born the wrong sex.

Sadly, America is second on the list of countries which kills its own citizens. Friends, this is not a time to boast about coming in second place. We should be on the bottom – far behind every other country in the world. Since 1973, Americans have murdered roughly 57 million babies – more than the entire populations of New York and California combined.

What kind of long-term economic impact does abortion have on a country? Brad says, “Think of all those American citizens who were executed in the womb that will not be paying taxes – not paying into Social Security – not buying houses or cars.” This even affects teachers! There will be far fewer children to teach ten or twenty years from now due to abortion!

There is hope on the horizon, however! The pro-death side (those who push abortion) is desperately seeking more young people for their cause, but more and more millennials are pro-life! They are realizing the truth about abortion and want no part of the hideous reality of voluntary death. “They are not drinking the Kool-Aid,” Brad says.

PS Mother Teresa said the first quote above and Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong said the other.

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December 10, 2015

Title: Liberal Pastors are Wrong about Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

If you haven’t heard the latest news about abortion supporters, you are in for a shock. If you have, Mark Tooley President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, sets the record straight about what United Methodist and Episcopalian female clergy said and prayed in front an Ohio Planned Parenthood.

Do these female clergy condemn Islamists who rape young girls and boys? Do they condemn the sexual enslavement of millions of women? Do they condemn the murder of innocent men, women, and children around the world? Do they condemn Islamists who throw homosexuals off rooftops for simply being gay? No! They are silent! They don’t want to get their hands dirty. They don’t want to offend the Muslims, but it is perfectly acceptable to offend Protestants and Catholics who oppose abortion.

Mark Tooley says Reverend Laura Young truly believes that pro-life protestors have a “misguided faith”. In fact, Mark says this about the issue: “The major threat to their freedom is Christians in America. From her (Reverend Young) perspective, she sees abortion clinics as guardians of the sexual revolution.

Mark further laments that Reverend Young and others are throwing out the common stereotype that pro-life supporters are against women. This cannot be further from the truth! The majority of pro-life supporters are women themselves. Crisis pregnancy centers exist to help women and their children. They even offer support for men who do not wish to terminate their partner’s pregnancy! If you need healing or want more information, google “crisis pregnancy centers” in your area. Let go and let God!

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November 20, 2015

Title: The Link Between Abortion and Premature Birth
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is deceitful,” said King Solomon in Proverbs 14:25.

From the moment a woman walks into an abortion clinic, she is lied to. She is told her baby doesn’t matter because it cannot live without her. She is told there are minimal health risks. She is told she will bounce back just fine in no time. She is told that there is no risk to future pregnancies should she wish to start a family. She is not told her baby has fingers and toes and a heartbeat. She is not told of the many severe complications that can occur after an abortion. She is not told about the post-traumatic stress she will endure, for some women daily for the rest of their lives. She is not told of the risk of giving birth prematurely to a future baby or to a baby who is stillborn. She is not told of the higher risk to breast cancer. She is lied to so Planned Parenthood can make more money. Period.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues, is here today to discuss the unfortunate link  between premature birth rates and women who have previously had an abortion. Planned Parenthood is absolutely denying this link. Brad says their approach is “Lie and Deny”. Abortionists and workers at Planned Parenthood believe their mission is sacred. “They are making blood money,” Brad believes.

There have been over 100 independent studies all across the world which all give testimony to the fact that abortion does, in fact, affect future pregnancies in many capacities. There are even studies dating back to 1957 which link abortion to higher risks of breast cancer. “Many premature births, stillbirths, and pregnancy complications could be avoided if women are just told the truth,” Brad admonishes.

Please encourage all young women to visit a pro-life pregnancy clinic if they find themselves in a situation where they are considering abortion. Offer to take them to an appointment. Offer to help find them a job if needed. Offer shelter if they have nowhere to go. If you or someone you know has had an abortion, Brad urges you to get help or help someone else. Don’t live alone with the silent pain. There is help, hope, and healing in the arms of Jesus.

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October 23, 2015

Title: Liberal Pastors are Wrong about Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

If you haven’t heard the latest news about abortion supporters, you are in for a shock. If you have, Mark Tooley President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, sets the record straight about what United Methodist and Episcopalian female clergy said and prayed in front an Ohio Planned Parenthood.

Do these female clergy condemn Islamists who rape young girls and boys? Do they condemn the sexual enslavement of millions of women? Do they condemn the murder of innocent men, women, and children around the world? Do they condemn Islamists who throw homosexuals off rooftops for simply being gay? No! They are silent! They don’t want to get their hands dirty. They don’t want to offend the Muslims, but it is perfectly acceptable to offend Protestants and Catholics who oppose abortion.

Mark Tooley says Reverend Laura Young truly believes that pro-life protestors have a “misguided faith”. In fact, Mark says this about the issue: “The major threat to their freedom is Christians in America. From her (Reverend Young) perspective, she sees abortion clinics as guardians of the sexual revolution.

Mark further laments that Reverend Young and others are throwing out the common stereotype that pro-life supporters are against women. This cannot be further from the truth! The majority of pro-life supporters are women themselves. Crisis pregnancy centers exist to help women and their children. They even offer support for men who do not wish to terminate their partner’s pregnancy! If you need healing or want more information, google “crisis pregnancy centers” in your area. Let go and let God!

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September 9, 2015

Title: The Little Voices in Heaven
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
with Truth For Health (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The book of Revelation talks about people who were martyred crying out in the throne room. Are the 60+ Million aborted babies in heaven crying out, too? Do they wonder “Why me?” Is Jesus comforting them as they sit at his feet?

As a Christian physician, Dr. Vliet’s heart just aches for those innocent babies who have been murdered for convenience. As new videos are being released weekly by the Center for Medical Progress,  she prays more and more people will begin to see the truth about abortion. Dr. Vliet is overcome with sadness for the doctors who perform abortions every day so callously. She weeps for the babies who have lost their lives due to someone’s selfishness.

Listen in as she discusses how a powerful poem she wrote is now a song “We Belong to Him”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Little Voices in Heaven
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
with Truth For Health (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

If you have had an abortion or know someone who has, please know that no one at the What’s UP Radio Program judges you or thinks less of you. We love you and want you to know that there is hope and help through the blood of Jesus Christ. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet agrees with us in that statement. She believes that many women have been lied to and manipulated into aborting their child. You can find forgiveness in the arms of Jesus. Don’t let another day go by without Him.

Listen in as Dr. Vliet reads the lyrics to the song/poem she wrote.

You can follow Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet on Facebook and Twitter.

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March 13, 2015

Title: Texas Medical Board Gives Abortion Doctor a Slap on the Wrist
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

In April 2014, Texas Alliance for Life (TAL) staff attorney Erin Groff filed a complaint with the Texas Medical Board (TMB) against Houston abortionist Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld, who was performing abortions illegally out of his private medical office in Houston. The complaint alleged that Dr. Rosenfeld was performing about two abortions every other day in his office, well above the 50 per year threshold requiring abortion facility licensure according to state law. The TMB opened an investigation, and in October Ms. Groff provided testimony.

Dr. Joe Pojman, the Executive Director of TAL, is ecstatic that the TMB ruled in February of 2015 that Dr. Rosenfeld violated the Texas abortion facility licensing law. However, while the TMB could have denied, suspended, or revoked his license, they chose to merely issue a remedial plan that has two requirements: eight additional hours of continuing medical education and a payment of $500 per year for administering the plan.

Listen in as Dr. Pojman gives the facts about the case and why Texas should have more laws regarding abortionists and their clinics. “We are definitely heading in the right direction, but there is still a lot of work to do,” he says. There are several bills that have already been introduced concerning abortion laws and regulations of abortion clinics, and Dr. Pojman discusses these, as well.

To get free updates from Texas Alliance for Life and to follow their Facebook  and Twitter  accounts, click [here].


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October 24, 2014

Title: They're Getting Desperate
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

A lie is a lie is a lie. Abortion supporters have had the best wordsmiths for decades. They have convinced millions of women that abortion is safe, legal, and rare. Now that America has surpassed the 60 million abortion mark, abortion supporters have a new tactic.

No one would ever put this bumper sticker on their car: “I love abortion”. No one in the abortion industry would ever say “We’re in favor of killing babies”. NO. They are smarter than that. But not as smart as they think.

Brad Mattes says that abortion supporters know they are losing the battle. They know that more and more women are seeing abortion for what it really is: murder. They are getting desperate. Their newest campaign is to convince people that women who have an abortion are doing a “social good”. They call it “reproductive justice”. They say that abortion “saves lives, improves lives, and makes for a stronger society”.

After pro-life supporters coined the phrase “Love them both” and were successful in passing the Sonogram bill, more women started choosing life for their babies. Women are now rejecting Planned Parenthood’s “abortion-on-demand-no-apologies” claim that abortion empowers women. Too many women have been scarred, physically and emotionally, from abortion. They now know the truth and are willingly fighting save other women from the agony they face daily.

If you have had an abortion and would like some free advice from Christian counselors, log on to  Don’t go another day with the guilt and suffering. Contact them today.

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October 9, 2014

Title: Texas Democrats Denounce 5th Circuit Ruling on HB2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.
The Democrats blame “mad white men” for the recent ruling of a Louisiana appellate court to uphold HB2 in Texas. Dr. Joe Pojman, with the Texas Alliance for Alliance, discusses an email sent by Democrat leaders about the ruling.

Lisa Paul, the Deputy Communications Director for the Texas Democrat Party, said in an email that women will suffer from this “restrictive, unconstitutional law”. They claim that Republicans are forcing women’s health clinics to close and are denying women the right to choose. They say that closing clinics reduces women’s access to prenatal care, cancer screenings, mammograms, and annual wellness visits. And, finally, they assert that HB2 is an assault on women, dragging women by their hair back to the “mad men era”.

One of the left’s biggest arguments with HB2 is the provision requiring abortion doctors have hospital privileges. If you were having an out-patient surgical procedure in your physician’s office, you would want that doctor to have visiting privileges at a nearby hospital. You wouldn’t allow your child to be operated on in an out-patient clinic if their physician wasn’t allowed in the nearest hospital! Why should it be any different for abortion doctors?

Even former President Bill Clinton said he thinks abortion should be safe and rare! Come on, Dems! Get with the program! Too many women are scarred for their life, both physically and emotionally, from abortion. Some even die! We cannot allow this to continue. We’re not pushing women back to the Stone Age. HB2 cleans up dirty clinics, and causes some to close by their choice not wanting to come up to standards, Why do liberal women (and men) oppose safe abortions?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Texas Democrats Denounce 5th Circuit Ruling on HB2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.

Pro-life advocates are not the only people who have witnessed unsanitary conditions in many women’s health clinics, aka abortion facilities. Even the Department of Health has documentation of horrific unhygienic environments. They also noted many facilities did not have up-to-code rooms or hallways large enough to accommodate patients safely or in an emergency situation.

What I find most disturbing are the clinics where nurses and other aides aren’t trained properly on how to clean surgical instruments – even using the same tools on more than one patient without being sterilized! There are cases where the DOH has fined the same clinic on more than once occasion for these violations. No! Just…NO! This is not acceptable.

Bringing abortion clinics up to the required “standard of care” is just a no-brainer. Other ambulatory facilities must meet these standards. Abortion clinics should be required to meet them as well. I will say it again… This is the opposite of the war on women. So far opposite. We are trying to save more women, not kill them or ruin their lives.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Texas Democrats Denounce 5th Circuit Ruling on HB2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.

In this segment, host Terry Lowry “debates” Dr. Joe Pojman, with the Texas Alliance for Life, over HB2. You won’t believe some of the ridiculous claims the left is making about Republicans and our “war on women”! Listen in and share all these links with your contacts and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Outlook, and Google Pus. We need every vote this November if we want to keep Texas red!

Log on to to learn how you can be a part of saving more babies in Texas.

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September 16, 2014

Title: Why did Wendy Davis have Two Abortions?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

DISCLAIMER: Issues discussed during this segment might be inappropriate for young children. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of children.

Wendy Davis, the Texas Democrat Gubernatorial candidate, has had two abortions. In her new campaign memoire, Davis explains the abortions were performed for medical reasons. Emily Horne, with the Texas Right to Life, says Wendy Davis may just be trying to win sympathy from a certain type of voter who might not otherwise vote for her.

If you recall, Wendy Davis lead the famous filibuster during the summer of 2013 against the pro-life bill, HB-2. She stood on her feet for nearly thirteen hours with the intent of slamming down regulations that make it safer for women to have abortions. The bill had nothing to do with the types of abortions she had. Some people are even claiming that Wendy would not have been able to have her abortions if this bill had been law in the 1990’s when her abortions were performed. This is absolutely not the case.

Emily Horne describes Wendy Davis’s abortions in a little more detail, explaining that one of Wendy’s pregnancies was life-threating to her, which most pro-life organizations actually see as an acceptable “excuse” for an abortion. The other abortion Wendy had was not life-threatening to her.

Listen in as Emily discusses this.

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June 17, 2014

Title: The Truth about the Church and Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Pro-choice advocates are right. The Bible never specifically mentions abortion and whether it is right or wrong.

So, why do pro-life supporters say that abortion is wrong? Well, for one, it is a commandment: “Thou shalt not kill”. Also, God says that He knew you in your mother’s womb.

Many argue that you aren’t a “human” until you are born. I counter-act them with: “But a baby cannot survive the first year without the love, nourishment, and care from a mother or father. Should we be allowed to kill an infant at any time because they are an inconvenience?”

Listen in as Brad discusses some of the abortion-advocates newest “pick up lines”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Truth about the Church and Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Planned Parenthood is suddenly acting like they are the divine experts on reproductive rights and preventing pregnancy. Truthfully, though, they know squat and just want your money.

Churches must be equipped with how to talk to young people about abortions, the dangers, and what to after an abortion – for both females AND males.

Brad Mattes, with Life Issues, is very passionate about the care given after an abortion occurs. Log on to  to order a copy of “Is There Not a Cause”.

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May 28, 2014

Title: Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

If you're wondering what Senate Democrats decided to give moms for Mother's Day, think dirty, unregulated abortion clinics. While Conservatives fight to give women more protection, liberals are trying to send states back to the dark ages of health care.

Their latest attempt, the "Women's Health Protection Act," would sweep away virtually every state and local limit on abortion and clinic standards. For the extreme Left, Sen. Richard Blumenthal's (D-Conn.) sweeping proposal is the answer to what they call a "cascading wave of restrictions" in the states.

The left realizes they are losing the battle and they are willing to do anything to win.

Listen in as new guest, Arina Grossu with the Family Research Council, explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Family Research Council’s Arina Grossu poses this question: "Why would medical textbooks and professional anesthesiologists already have come to a general consensus that fetal anesthesia and analgesia are warranted for fetal surgical procedures, were it not for the presence and experience of pain in these tiniest of patients?"

Furthermore, did you know that between 20 and 30 weeks in-utero, an unborn baby has more pain receptors per square inch of skin than at any other time in his or her life, with only a very thin layer of skin for protection? It's time to give these tiny children the real protection they deserve.

Contact your Senators and urge them to back the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – S. 1670! Log on to  for more on this and other pro-life issues.

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May 27, 2014

Title: Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2  (continued on May 28, 2014)

If you're wondering what Senate Democrats decided to give moms for Mother's Day, think dirty, unregulated abortion clinics. While Conservatives fight to give women more protection, liberals are trying to send states back to the dark ages of health care.

Their latest attempt, the "Women's Health Protection Act," would sweep away virtually every state and local limit on abortion and clinic standards. For the extreme Left, Sen. Richard Blumenthal's (D-Conn.) sweeping proposal is the answer to what they call a "cascading wave of restrictions" in the states.

The left realizes they are losing the battle and they are willing to do anything to win.

Listen in as new guest, Arina Grossu with the Family Research Council, explains.

Tune in tomorrow, May 28, 2014, to hear the rest of the interview!

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April 25, 2014

Title: What is happening to all the abortionists?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Part 1 of 3

LISTENER WARNING: Some information shared in this segment might upset some people, especially young children.

The downward trend of dwindling abortionists is a “problem” that’s plagued the abortion industry for decades. In my eyes, fewer abortionists means more lives spared, Hallelujah!

Following Roe v. Wade, the number of abortionists in America rose, ultimately peaking at an all-time high of 2,908 in 1982. The most recent statistics from the Guttmacher Institute (originally founded as the research arm of Planned Parenthood) show that the number of abortionists has since dropped by over 40% to just 1,720 in 2011.

Abortionists who were trained during the peak of abortion rights in the seventies are now retiring. And their younger successors are few. In a 2011 paper published by Debra Stulberg, a researcher at the University of Chicago, found that only 14% of OB-GYNs are performing abortions. Should we praise God for the “Graying Process”?

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Title: What is happening to all the abortionists? Part 2 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

LISTENER WARNING: Some information shared in this segment might upset some people, especially young children.

Brad Mattes shares a medical student’s personal encounter with an abortion in this segment. The student described the procedure as “crude.” He graphically described the sound of the vacuum machine as it filled with blood, tissue, and tiny organs. Then the machine’s motor came to a sudden stop. The tube was removed and the baby’s body and head followed.

His admission was powerful: “I’ve not been able to think of anything besides what that baby boy might have been. I have been tortured by these images… and I was just a spectator. Never again will I be pro-choice, and never again will I support the murder of any human being, no matter what their stage in life.”

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Title: What is happening to all the abortionists? Part 3 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

LISTENER WARNING: Some information shared in this segment might upset some people, especially young children.

Because of conscience laws, hospitals cannot legally force nursing students to take part in abortions. Brad had the opportunity to meet five of nurses who courageously advocated for their rights and did so to help protect unborn life. They serve as an encouragement to others in the medical field so that their pro-life beliefs are protected.

Brad encourages you to continue to pray for the physicians and nurses who have chosen to perform and assist in abortions. Pray that their hearts will be softened and they will see these precious souls as babies and not just blobs of tissue. Pray for side-walk counselors who encounter abortion-minded women on a daily basis. Pray for the young girls and women who are in the midst of a crisis pregnancy and feel their only solution – their only hope – is an abortion.

Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

Log on to for more.

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November 8, 2013

Title: Working to Save Both the Mother and the Baby
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

Nationally, 95% of teen girls arrested on prostitution charges were victims of sexual abuse in their earlier years. Traffickers lure them into the life with clothes and loving attention. That is when things turn ugly.

It is extremely difficult to identify the victims of child trafficking because most of them are runaways or in foster care. Nevertheless, everyone’s daughter is at risk. Why is this? Listen in as Pamela explains the dangers.

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July 24, 2013

Title: Oh Happy Day! Planned Parenthood Announces The Closing Of Three Clinics in Texas
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jim Sedlack
with American Life League (

Planned Parenthood informed staff at three of its facilities in Texas last week that they would be closing. The three closures are located in:

    1. Bryan
    2. Huntsville
    3. Lufkin

Jim Sedlak explains how States have slowly stopped sending tax dollars to support Abortion Clinics. He further emphasizes that Planned Parenthood was caught lying about performing mammograms. They do not have a single mammogram machine in any clinic in America. PP has lost tax dollars and private donations but they still have more than One Billion Dollars in assets.

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April 26, 2013

Title: Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (

Part 1 of 4


By now, most people have heard about the murder trial case involving abortionist Dr. Gosnell, who is accused of negligent homicide in the death of one woman and the deaths of 7 babies born alive after failed abortions. Some of the murder charges have already been dropped against Dr. Gosnell, shocking and horrifying many in the pro-life community.

At what point do babies begin to feel pain while they are in the womb? Is an abortion painful for the baby? What about the mother?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (


We are talking today about the pain that babies experience in the womb, especially during an abortion. But what if a baby is born alive during an abortion and then killed outside the womb? Should this still be considered an abortion or murder?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (


Many mothers and fathers talk and sing to their babies in the womb. Doctors believe that babies can hear and even recognize familiar voices while in the womb. Even pro-choicers admit this!

So why do those same people believe that a baby cannot feel pain in the womb during an abortion?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (


Abortionists inject a saline solution in the mother’s womb that literally burns the baby’s skin off during an abortion. This is ok, according to law.

But if I found an Eagle’s nest and took the baby egg, I would go to jail for harming a protected species. If I took a baby kitten or baby puppy and began killing it because I wasn’t ready for the responsibility of a new pet, I would go to jail for cruelty to animals.

What is wrong with this picture?

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April 23, 2013

Title: Why Are Women Protecting Gosnell?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

It’s no secret that medical malpractice is a big problem. But does it apply to abortion doctors? And just what does medical malpractice reform (MMR) protect?

MMR really hasn’t done anything to help patients by removing the “bad apples” from the tree. What MMR does is protect the doctor and the insurance company.

The topic of today is Dr. Gosnell, his clinic, and how he treated countless women and babies. Will he be held accountable for his actions?

Log on to  for more on this and other issues involving our right to a trial by jury.

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Title: An Abortion Ghoul’s Chamber of Horrors
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Gosnell is an abortion doctor who is on for the death of a patient and also the deaths of 7 late-term babies he attempted to abort, but who were born alive and he subsequently murdered.

It has been discovered that Dr. Gosnell’s abortion clinic was dirty, equipment was rusted and dusty, and that fetal matter (babies!) were discarded in bags, milk jugs, and juice cartons throughout the clinic.

Yet, pro-choice advocates are supporting this monster!

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Everyone is always shocked and outraged when a drunk driver kills an innocent baby in his mother’s womb in a traffic accident. A cross, flowers, balloons, and teddy bears are placed at the crash site for years to come.

Yet, when a black doctor is accused of murdering countless babies after botched abortions, he is protected by the left and the media is silent. The mother wasn’t ready yet. The baby was going to have medical challenges. The father took off. She was raped. These are all the excuses we hear daily from people who are defending their right to choose an abortion - even late-term abortions.

But what about that babies right to live and have a chance?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

We must never give up the fight to protect the unborn.

Contact your local pregnancy assistance center to see how you can volunteer a few hours a month to help save more babies.

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April 22, 2013

Title: Clean Abortion Clinics - A No Brainer, Right?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Elizabeth Davidson
with Women’s Wellness Coalition of Texas

Part 1 of 3

Abortion is the most common invasive surgical procedure performed solely on women in Texas. Since the “procedure” is done every day, one would assume that a high standard of care would be implemented and followed at every clinic. But this could be farther from the truth.

One bill in the Texas House, HB 537, would place abortion facilities under the same scrutiny and regulations as other surgical centers, ensuring that they are operating with the highest standard of care available.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Elizabeth Davidson
with Women’s Wellness Coalition of Texas

Never has it been more crucial and critical for Christians and pro-lifers to be more involved than now. The future of our country is danger as thousands of babies are being aborted every day.

But, if you look at the here and now, it is vitally important that the facilities provide a clean, safe environment for women who wish to choose an abortion. HB 2816 would require abortion clinics have a sterile suite with a back-up generator and a clean air system. The bill would also require abortion doctors to have admitting privileges to hospitals within a 30 mile radius.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Elizabeth Davidson
with Women’s Wellness Coalition of Texas

Abortion proponents argue that these reasonable safety standards would restrict access to abortion. If they really cared about the woman and her “choice” to “choose”, don’t you think they would want the best possible environment for that woman? And what about the doctors? You’d think they would want to do such a dangerous procedure in the safest, cleanest environment possible.

Please log on to  and see how you can help the Women’s Wellness Coalition of Texas.

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November 13, 2012

Title: Are Abortion Limits Equivalent To Forced Abortions?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Rebecca Oas
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Please share with us the story of Feng Jianmei from China.

Why are laws with restrict abortion being compared to China's brutal forced abortion policy which traumatized Feng Jianmei?

What are some claims of the recent article put out by the Guttmacher Institute (the research division of Planned Parenthood)?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Rebecca Oas
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

What are some of the United States laws that this article discussed and are labeling as "coercion in reproductive decision making"?

Why is the Guttmacher article shedding such negative light on laws that provide incentives for childbearing?

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December 1, 2011

Title: Is it “okay” for a wrongdoer to be exempt from liability? Abortionists in Texas.
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Mark McCaig
with Mark McCaig

Part 1 of 2

First, explain the shield against liability that abortionists now have in Texas?

Did God intend for the wrong-doer to be exempt from liability?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Mark McCaig
with Mark McCaig

Back to the abortionist, should they have a shield against liability when they harm the woman undergoing an abortion?

What do you propose and how can we help?  All of our listeners need to contact their Republican State Executive Committeeman & Committeewoman, they can be found at .

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October 11, 2010

Title: Abortion Clinics must be licensed to provide RU-486 Abortions
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

A Best of Segment .....

Dr. Joe Pojman with Texas Alliance for Life discusses Texas’ Attorney General Greg Abbott’s ruling that Texas Abortion clinics must be licensed to perform abortions using the RU-480 pill.

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August 11, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Save the date for Texas Alliance for Life’s 2010 Annual Benefit Dinner featuring Anny Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas who now tours the country as an advocate for the unborn! Log on to for more info on the Benefit Dinner.

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August 6, 2010

Title: WHEN IS A BABY A BABY? Part 1 of 5
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Dr. Fleming began a series a few weeks ago on moral and ethical issues facing Christians today. We have split the most recent sermon into 5 segments to be aired today. The current topic is: Abortion.

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Title: WHEN IS A BABY A BABY? Part 2 of 5
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Christians, even pastors, have differing viewpoints on abortion and when life begins. But, what does God say? Log on to for more information on CFBC.

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Title: WHEN IS A BABY A BABY? Part 3 of 5
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

The Bible is very specific about the life of a person, even a baby in the womb. Dr. Fleming uses these many Scripture references in his sermon. Log on to for more information on CFBC.

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Title: WHEN IS A BABY A BABY? Part 4 of 5
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

What do you believe? Have you searched your heart and soul to listen to God about this serious issue of life and death? Log on to for more information on CFBC.

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Title: WHEN IS A BABY A BABY? Part 5 of 5
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

If you or someone you know has had an abortion or is contemplating abortion, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church for help at 281.440.3800. Or log on to for more information on CFBC.

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July 1, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

On June 17th, the FDA panel unanimously approved a new abortifacient drug, cutely called “ella”, moving it one step closer to final approval and its appearance on drugstore shelves across the nation. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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April 29, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Christine Melchor
with Houston Coalition for Life

The Houston Coalition for Life is dedicated to ending abortion in Houston. Log on to to learn how you can help. Plus, show your support by becoming a fan (or “liking”) The Houston Coalition on FB.

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Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Log on to to learn more about reproductive rights.

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April 20, 2010

Title: SEEING IS BELIEVING Part 1 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shari Richards
with Sound Wave Images

Ultrasound technology is credited with an important role in changing attitudes - and heart - on the abortion issue. If a woman sees the image of her unborn child and is educated on the development of the life forming inside of her womb, she is less likely to have an abortion. Log on to to see how you can help save more babies!

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Title: SEEING IS BELIEVING Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shari Richards
with Sound Wave Images

More than a million American women will have an abortion in 2010 and 44% of American women will have an abortion at some point in her lifetime. The nation, however, is becoming more and more pro-life. What will you do to help save more babies? Log on to for more.

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February 1, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Dr. Paul Kengor refreshes our memory of Ronald Reagan’s famous 1987 speech to pro-life leaders about an issue that is dear to many of hearts. Log on to for more.

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January 19, 2010

Title: SEEING IS BELIEVING Part 1 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shari Richards
with Sound Wave Images

Ultrasound technology is credited with an important role in changing attitudes - and heart - on the abortion issue. If a woman sees the image of her unborn child and is educated on the development of the life forming inside of her womb, she is less likely to have an abortion. Log on to to see how you can help save more babies!

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Title: SEEING IS BELIEVING Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Shari Richards
with Sound Wave Images

More than a million American women will have an abortion in 2010 and 44% of American women will have an abortion at some point in her lifetime. The nation, however, is becoming more and more pro-life. What will you do to help save more babies? Log on to for more.

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October 18, 2006

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Dr. Janice Crouse
with Concerned Women for America (

The title of a recent cover article of Ms. Magazine was "We Had Abortions". Have 50,000,000 abortions changed America forever?

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March 16, 2006

Title: The Abortion Pill
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Brad Mattes brings us up to date on several Pro-Life issues.

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