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November 12, 2020

Title: The False “God” of the Woke Crowd
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

Who and what does the “woke” crowd worship? Are they really awake or just misguided?

Judie Brown is the President and Co-founder of the American Life League, the nation’s oldest grassroots pro-life educational and advocacy organization. Today, Judie discusses those questions and what you and I must do to protect ALL human life.

More about the American Life League can be found here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the “false god of the woke crowd”? Why should we ALL be concerned about this false god?

Has George Orwell’s fictional book “1984” turned into a modern-day nightmare for us today?

What is the woke crowd’s definition of “abortion” and “black lives matter”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The False “God” of the Woke Crowd
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between the two definitions for “woke”?

In the last segment, Judie discussed the woke crowd’s new definition for abortion and black lives matter. Do they also view being pro-life differently?

Could the “woke god” be enlightening us as to the times which in we live?

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August 5, 2020

Title: The False “God” of the Woke Crowd
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

Who and what does the “woke” crowd worship? Are they really awake or just misguided?

Judie Brown is the President and Co-founder of the American Life League, the nation’s oldest grassroots pro-life educational and advocacy organization. Today, Judie discusses those questions and what you and I must do to protect ALL human life.

More about the American Life League can be found here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the “false god of the woke crowd”? Why should we ALL be concerned about this false god?

Has George Orwell’s fictional book “1984” turned into a modern-day nightmare for us today?

What is the woke crowd’s definition of “abortion” and “black lives matter”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The False “God” of the Woke Crowd
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between the two definitions for “woke”?

In the last segment, Judie discussed the woke crowd’s new definition for abortion and black lives matter. Do they also view being pro-life differently?

Could the “woke god” be enlightening us as to the times which in we live?

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March 2, 2018

Title: Is Abortion Ever “Good”?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Former MTV reporter Becky Griffin recently tweeted her way into my stratosphere when she tweeted: "Woman puts baby up for adoption, he grows up to be a violent young man who will spend the rest of his life in prison for a mass murder. Tell me more about how abortions are wrong. #Florida #ParklandSchoolShooting."

Is abortion ever “good”? Is it ever “better”? American Life League President Judie Brown responds: “NO!”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Becky Grffin’s logic sick and twisted?

On the day of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting, more than 2,500 babies were silently murdered by abortion. Why does one act of violence outweigh the other?

Are too many Christians numb to the fact that abortion is a violent sin against God?

Our children are becoming accustomed to violent video games, TV shows, song lyrics, and even commercial. Many Christian teens think that pornography is normal and okay, but think littering is horrible! Where did we go wrong?

GOOD NEWS: Are more young people pro-life?

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October 3, 2016

Title: Truth and Freedom are Under Attack in America
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Though many say that abortion is a right, we all know that it truly is an act of murder which takes the life of an innocent child. Some in the political arena have relegated the act of abortion to a mere “political issue.” That alone dehumanizes babies and insults the Creator of all things, including unborn babies.

Judie Brown, with the American Life League, states, “This will not stop until we stop it.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the left really relegated abortion to a political issue?

Does the American public need a wake-up call? “Our [current] laws are not of God, they are of man,” Judie says. “If we do not stand up and say no to this, who will?

Are we all like the watchman mentioned in Ezekiel in this deadly age of moral depravity? Listen in as Judie gives encouragement to those who may be afraid to speak up for fear of not knowing what to say.

Did we start winning the minds and hearts of the young people in American with the “silent scream”?

Editor’s Note: Have you ever considered buying several pro-life t-shirts to wear on occasion? Or maybe putting a pro-life bumper sticker on your car? You may be surprised at just how effective they can be!

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July 21, 2016

Title: Truth and Freedom are Under Attack in America
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Though many say that abortion is a right, we all know that it truly is an act of murder which takes the life of an innocent child. Some in the political arena have relegated the act of abortion to a mere “political issue.” That alone dehumanizes babies and insults the Creator of all things, including unborn babies.

Judie Brown, with the American Life League, states, “This will not stop until we stop it.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the left really relegated abortion to a political issue?

Does the American public need a wake-up call? “Our [current] laws are not of God, they are of man,” Judie says. “If we do not stand up and say no to this, who will?

Are we all like the watchman mentioned in Ezekiel in this deadly age of moral depravity? Listen in as Judie gives encouragement to those who may be afraid to speak up for fear of not knowing what to say.

Did we start winning the minds and hearts of the young people in American with the “silent scream”?

Editor’s Note: Have you ever considered buying several pro-life t-shirts to wear on occasion? Or maybe putting a pro-life bumper sticker on your car? You may be surprised at just how effective they can be!

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July 2, 2015

Title: Abortionists Need Jesus, Too
Topic: Planned Bullyhood
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

After 20 years of prayer and protests, a Planned Parenthood facility is finally closing its doors in Washington, DC. Judie Brown, the President of the American Life League, says this: “It was through prayer and action on the part of vigilant people who have been present and protesting at the clinic.” This is the 8th Planned Parenthood abortion clinic that the ALL has helped shut down this year! Praise God!

Five years ago, the ALL started a movement called “Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood”. Through this initiative, there has been a drastic decline in the number of abortions at 173 Planned Parenthood facilities. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of babies have been saved from murder! Again – Praise God!

The American Life League is a community of all faiths. A Baptist might be praying next to a Catholic reciting the Rosary who is standing next to a person from a non-denominational church, raising her hands high in thanksgiving and honor to the Lord Almighty. Through peaceful and prayerful protests outside abortion clinics, Judie says, “We give all the glory to God. We don’t take any of the credit. We truly put our faith out there for all to see.”

Judie also warns Christians not to get worked up; always stay calm. The moment you lose your temper, you lose and they win.

Jesus told his disciples: “Let’s be going.” What are you doing – where will you go – to help save one more baby? Click here  to help the American Life League in their efforts to stop abortion. Currently, they are actively trying to close the Planned Parenthood mega-clinic in San Antonio.

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October 23, 2014

Title: America - Wake Up!
Topic: America's Got Issues
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

FACT: More than 3,000 children are aborted in America every single day. A baby is murdered every 35 seconds. The number of abortions in America has now surpassed the 60 Million mark. Oh, the tears God must be shedding as He watches so many of His people sit and do nothing.

Judie Brown, President of the America Life League, says: “Anyone who takes five minutes to look around at what’s happening with our country’s leadership certainly knows that there is a problem in America. We are decaying from within our own walls.”

Many people, including Judie, believe Obama is no longer the President of the United States; he has made himself into the “Dictator” of the United States. He has no respect for the law of the nation, God’s law, and is a terrorist when it comes to abortion.

Is God’s tolerance of our disobedience wearing thin? How much of the blame is to blame on Christians? Judie believes that too many Christians are apathetic towards the social issues in America and the world today. Too many Christians are complacent and say “not my life, not my business, not my problem”.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Judie calls every Christian to action. Judie says we need to “dig down deep into our own humanity and find our gift of discernment”. We need to converse with others and discuss how we can change the very soul of our country. We need to pray together for our country’s future. Not only do we need to seek God’s face, we must pray that our country seeks God’s face.

Judie can be found at

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August 19, 2014

Title: Planned Parenthood Is At It Again
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

DISCLAIMER: Please use caution when listening to this segment at home or at the office. Issues discussed during this segment may be disturbing to young listeners or might offend your co-workers.

We don’t teach our children the “proper” way to start a house fire, rob a gas station, or drive 100 miles per hour down the street. That would be irresponsible and down-right insane.

I, as a middle-aged white man, would be sent to jail and crucified during a trial if I took Planned Parenthood material to the school playground and showed the brochures to 10 and 11 year old girls and boys.

So, why do we allow our public educators to teach our children as young as 5 and 6 years old that experimenting with sex is natural and acceptable? Why are we allowing our public educators to tell them that kinky sex is ok?

Listen in as Judie Brown, with the American Life League, discusses new tactics Planned Parenthood is using and what we must do to stop them.

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April 4, 2014

Title: Pelosi Deserves the Margaret Sanger Award
Topic: Planned Parenthood and the Margaret Sanger Award
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

There is a saying that goes: “You are what you eat.” This is also true of the company we keep. The people we surround ourselves with. Even the accomplishments we are recognized for.

Nancy Pelosi was recently presented the Margaret Sanger award, which is given in honor of someone who built her life around the words calling for cleaning the gene pool. Margaret Sanger called the poor, the minorities, and the uneducated the weeds of society.

Pelosi was eager to accept.

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March 11, 2014

Title: Misplaced Priorities
Topic: Abortions Funded by Taxes
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

The American Life League was able to save 39,315 babies last year thanks to donations from people like you. The average donation to the ALL was $127. Do you think you could make a matching donation to help save one more life? How about $50, $25, or $10?

If you still think that is too much money, chew on this: Planned Parenthood received $540 million from taxpayers. Yes, you contributed to the deaths of 327,166 babies, which cost $1,692 each.

Happy now? Listen in to hear how you can stop the insanity!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Abortions Funded by Taxes
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

The American Life League was able to save 39,315 babies last year thanks to donations from people like you. The average donation to the ALL was $127. Do you think you could make a matching donation to help save one more life? How about $50, $25, or $10?

If you still think that is too much money, chew on this: Planned Parenthood received $540 million from taxpayers. Yes, you contributed to the deaths of 327,166 babies, which cost $1,692 each.

Happy now? Listen in to hear how you can stop the insanity!

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August 2, 2013

Title: If You’re Not Agitating for God – You’re Not Working Hard Enough
Topic: Truth in Advertising
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

Catholics for Choice attack Pro-lifers and even the Pope for being ‘religious extremists’.

I say they (those who favor killing babies) and who attack Pro-life Christians are:

    1. Christ-a-phobic
    2. They can no longer sense the presence of God
    3. We cannot judge their eternal condition, but we can judge their stands

Our positive and truthful stand will save some babies and save some who favor killing babies. Listen in.

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Title: The Left Attacks Those Standing for the Truth Enough
Topic: Truth in Advertising
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 2 of 2

Should Pro-lifers defend the killing of any baby under any circumstance?

Judie Brown explains the Pro-life position without any exceptions.

Our positive and truthful stand will save some babies and save some who favor killing babies. Listen in.

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September 7, 2012

Title: Recent Poll Results: Obama Is Losing Support Among Catholics.
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Part 1 of 2

How many Catholics were called in a recent poll commissioned by the American Life League?

What questions were asked? What were the results of the poll? Do more Catholic women support Obama than Catholic men?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Why is Obama losing support of Catholics? Why are these results surprising for the Obama administration?

What do these results indicate? How important is it for our religious leaders to stand and say you cannot vote for a man who kills babies?

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March 19, 2010

Topic: Compromising Pro-Lifers
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

When is it ok to kill a baby in the womb? Are too many pro-lifers giving in to the opinion that abortion is ok when the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest? What if the abortion is to save the mother's life? For more, log onto

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March 9, 2010

Topic: Right to Life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

When does life begin and is it OK to kill life just because I can? Judie Brown is with the American Life League. Log on to to learn how you can help save lives - no matter what age!

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September 29, 2009

Topic: Personhood Theory
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

What is “personhood”? What is “biological development”? Judi Brown is with the American Life League. Log on to for more information.

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July 16, 2009

Topic: Cannibalization of America’s Weakest Members
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

American Life League President, Judie Brown, reacts to the National Institutes of Health’s new embryonic stem cell research rules. For more information, log on to

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Topic: Cannibalization of America’s Weakest Members
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

In this second segment, Judie comments on the recent film: “My Sister’s Keeper” and its significance in the pro-life movement.

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July 14, 2009

Topic: Cannibalization of America’s Weakest Members
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

American Life League President, Judie Brown, reacts to the National Institutes of Health’s new embryonic stem cell research rules. For more information, log on to

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Topic: Cannibalization of America’s Weakest Members
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

In this second segment, Judie comments on the recent film: “My Sister’s Keeper” and its significance in the pro-life movement.

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January 27, 2009

Topic: Abortions Encouraged
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Speaker Nancy Pelosi states: “...contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the Federal Government.” Is she actually encouraging women to have an abortion to help the economy? She has 5 children and 6 grandchildren! I guess she believes in IHMLKY! Guest Judie Brown is with the American Life League. You can find them at

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December 23, 2008

Title: What Part of “It’s Alive” Do You Not Understand?
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

When does life begin and is it OK to kill life just because I can? Judie Brown, with the American Life League – – shares our new goal as Pro-Life Americans: Educating one heart at a time!

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October 6, 2008

Topic: Forced Sterilization
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Judie Brown, with the American Life League, rebukes the recent proposal by Louisiana Republican State Representative, John LaBruzzo, which offers $1,000 to all poor women who will become sterile in order to decrease the poverty level. Log onto for more information.

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June 24, 2008

Title: American Medical Association Attacks Pharmacists’ Rights
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

American Medical Association attacks pharmacists’ rights to refuse to dispense contraceptives, including those which may cause abortion. This must not be tolerated.

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April 30, 2008

Title: The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, and Her Beliefs in Eugenics
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Judie Brown discusses the real purpose behind Margaret Sanger’s activities, the elimination of the black community. Forward this link to your friends. For more, log onto

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January 24, 2007

Topic: Compromising Pro-Lifers
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

When is it ok to kill a baby in the womb? Are too many pro-lifers giving in to the opinion that abortion is ok when the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest? What if the abortion is to save the mother's life? For more, log onto

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January 5, 2007

Topic: Sin and Communion
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Taking communion unworthily can be hazardous to your health, both spiritually and physically. Should our elected officials be held to the same accountability?

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November 20, 2006

Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

William Wilberforce, the great English Statesman, wanted to outlaw the slave trade; his battle took nearly 20 years to win. Today, Pro-Life supporters face opposition from the Liberal left. Are you willing to keep fighting to save even one baby from being aborted? Log onto for ways you can help.

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September 8, 2006

Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Because Plan A results (possibly) in an unplanned pregnancy, Plan B is designed to insure there is none. However, does the Plan B kill creation or block creation? Listen and be informed!

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April 17, 2006

Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

Is the South Dakota law, which bans all medical and surgical abortions ill-timed? Is the massive petition drive in Michigan, which would simply state that life begins at conception, a waste of time? The President of American life league explains.

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November 30, 2005

Title: Should a church refuse Communion to a sinner?
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

If abortion is murder, should a church refuse communion to anyone who enables an abortion? Log onto

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November 2, 2005

Title: Fetal pain: True or False
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

What is a "fetus"? Whos is Dr. Bernard Nathanson and what is "The Silent Scream"? Is the V.C. study a lie from the devil himself?

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Title: By supporting the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, would I be legitimizing abortion?
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

The American Life League contends that the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act would ultimately establish the legitimacy of abortion in federal law. Small steps towards reducing the number of abortions is no reason to support this idea, so says Judi Brown, President of the American Life League.

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August 30, 2005

Title: Fetat pain: True or False
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

What is a "fetus" ? Whos is Dr. Bernard Nathanson and what is "The Silent Sceam:? Is the V.C. study a lie from the devil himself?

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August 26, 2005

Title: Fetal pain: True of False
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

What is a "fetus" ? Whos is Dr. Bernard Nathanson and what is "The Silent Sceam:? Is the V.C. study a lie from the devil himself?

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February 3, 2005

Title: By supporting the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, would I be adding legitimacy to an abortion?
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Judie Brown
with American Life League (

The American Life League contends that the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act would ultimately establish the legitimacy of abortion in federal law. Small steps towards reducing the number of abortions is no reason to support this idea, so says Judi Brown, President of the American Life League.

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