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August 26, 2015

Title: Has Planned Parenthood Crossed the Line?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Nearly half of all Americans have seen at least one of the undercover videos from Center for Medical Progress  depicting Planned Parenthood directors and employees “explain how they sale baby body parts”. (You can view the videos on our home page.) These videos are disgusting, horrific, and should anger everyone, whether or not they identify as pro-life or pro-choice.

Emily Horne, a Senior Legislative Associate with Texas Right to Life  describes the details from the latest video. In her opinion, it is shocking that there is even a demand for fetal tissue and body parts. What can they possibly gain from this? These videos also raise question: Is Planned Parenthood making a profit from this? If so, they are breaking the law.

Listen in as Emily discusses how we can use these videos to reach more people about the truth behind Planned Parenthood. Yes, posting them on Facebook and Twitter and emailing them to our contacts are all very important, but we must do more than that. “Don’t give up the conversation,” she warns. Volunteer with pro-life organizations – even one day a month is helpful! Donate to pregnancy centers. Call your elected officials. Do more to save more.

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August 11, 2015

Title: Has Planned Parenthood Crossed the Line?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Nearly half of all Americans have seen at least one of the undercover videos from Center for Medical Progress depicting Planned Parenthood directors and employees “explain how they sale baby body parts”. (You can view the videos on our home page.) These videos are disgusting, horrific, and should anger everyone, whether or not they identify as pro-life or pro-choice.

Emily Horne, a Senior Legislative Associate with Texas Right to Life  describes the details from the latest video. In her opinion, it is shocking that there is even a demand for fetal tissue and body parts. What can they possibly gain from this? These videos also raise question: Is Planned Parenthood making a profit from this? If so, they are breaking the law.

Listen in as Emily discusses how we can use these videos to reach more people about the truth behind Planned Parenthood. Yes, posting them on Facebook and Twitter and emailing them to our contacts are all very important, but we must do more than that. “Don’t give up the conversation,” she warns. Volunteer with pro-life organizations – even one day a month is helpful! Donate to pregnancy centers. Call your elected officials. Do more to save more.

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March 16, 2015

Title: It is a Baby, not a Fetus.
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

Planned Parenthood employees and supporters gathered recently to support a bill introduced by Planned Parenthood-endorsed lawmaker Jessica Farrar (D - Houston). Her bill, if passed, would strike all references on “unborn child” in state law and state materials, substituting “fetus” for “unborn child”.

The pro-abortion crowd realizes they are losing the abortion battle. For years, they’ve been attempting to alter the public’s opinion of abortion by changing the “wording” about the issue. They’ve hired the best word-smiths. But, is it still working?

Emily Horne is the Senior Legislative Associate with Texas Right to Life. Emily was involved in distributing signs and pro-life information during a counter-protest on that day. She is with us to give a first-hand experience of the “event”. First, she happily reports that the pro-abortion crowd was extremely small, just a fraction of the amount of people demonstrating from 2013.

Emily and others also made signs for over 100 Legislators who wanted to proclaim to the pro-abortion demonstrators that they were pro-life. However, listen as Emily reveals the horrific acts that pro-abortion elected officials did to some of these signs!

You can help Texas Right to Life. Click [here]  to learn how! They still need help getting the truth out about abortion. We must not let the pro-abortion people gain momentum.

To view an example of one of the “Former Fetus” signs that over 100 Texas Legislators placed outside their Capitol offices, click [here].

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September 16, 2014

Title: Why did Wendy Davis have Two Abortions?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

DISCLAIMER: Issues discussed during this segment might be inappropriate for young children. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of children.

Wendy Davis, the Texas Democrat Gubernatorial candidate, has had two abortions. In her new campaign memoire, Davis explains the abortions were performed for medical reasons. Emily Horne, with the Texas Right to Life, says Wendy Davis may just be trying to win sympathy from a certain type of voter who might not otherwise vote for her.

If you recall, Wendy Davis lead the famous filibuster during the summer of 2013 against the pro-life bill, HB-2. She stood on her feet for nearly thirteen hours with the intent of slamming down regulations that make it safer for women to have abortions. The bill had nothing to do with the types of abortions she had. Some people are even claiming that Wendy would not have been able to have her abortions if this bill had been law in the 1990’s when her abortions were performed. This is absolutely not the case.

Emily Horne describes Wendy Davis’s abortions in a little more detail, explaining that one of Wendy’s pregnancies was life-threating to her, which most pro-life organizations actually see as an acceptable “excuse” for an abortion. The other abortion Wendy had was not life-threatening to her.

Listen in as Emily discusses this.

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November 8, 2013

Title: Working to Save Both the Mother and the Baby
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Emily Horne
with Texas Right to Life

Nationally, 95% of teen girls arrested on prostitution charges were victims of sexual abuse in their earlier years. Traffickers lure them into the life with clothes and loving attention. That is when things turn ugly.

It is extremely difficult to identify the victims of child trafficking because most of them are runaways or in foster care. Nevertheless, everyone’s daughter is at risk. Why is this? Listen in as Pamela explains the dangers.

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