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November 27, 2023

Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain is a current member of the Texas House of Representative representing State House District 128 in Southeast Harris County. Briscoe is also a Captain in the Texas State Guard. Today, he discusses Colony Ridge, a huge housing development in Liberty County.

Click here for more information about Representative Briscoe Cain and his family.

Click here for more details about SB3.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is Colony Ridge? How big is the community? Briscoe Cain discusses his recent visit to the community.

It’s been reported that the developers offer loans outside normal banking channels and no social security number is needed to acquire a loan. Is this illegal?

Why has $40 million been allocated for Colony Ridge?

Who lives in Colony Ridge? Briscoe calls it a “Libertarian paradise.”

Click here to donate to his campaign.

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November 24, 2023

Title: Colony Ridge: Good or Bad?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain is a current member of the Texas House of Representative representing State House District 128 in Southeast Harris County. Briscoe is also a Captain in the Texas State Guard. Today, he discusses Colony Ridge, a huge housing development in Liberty County.

Click here for more information about Representative Briscoe Cain and his family.

Click here for more details about SB3.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is Colony Ridge? How big is the community? Briscoe Cain discusses his recent visit to the community.

It’s been reported that the developers offer loans outside normal banking channels and no social security number is needed to acquire a loan. Is this illegal?

Why has $40 million been allocated for Colony Ridge?

Who lives in Colony Ridge? Briscoe calls it a “Libertarian paradise.”

Click here to donate to his campaign.

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October 8, 2021

Title: texas Briscoe Cain Stands for LIFE
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Texas State Representative Briscoe Cain (Dist 128) is a champion for life. Today he discusses why he is pro-life and some of the obstacles he has faced while fighting to save unborn babies.

Click here to learn more about Briscoe Cain.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Briscoe Cain being sued THIRTEEN times for standing up for life? Who is suing him?

Will the Heartbeat Bill recently passed by the Texas Legislature save more babies? Brisco reveals that it already is! Hallelujah!

What is the purpose of the Heartbeat Bill? How is this bill unprecedented, never done before?

Do abortion clinics across the nation operate in a less-than-safe manner? Briscoe explains that many abortion clinics are just plain filthy.

How is Briscoe going to defend himself from THIRTEEN lawsuits?

Why is it important to have a pro-life Texas Attorney General? Will he be able to help Briscoe?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Briscoe Cain Stands for LIFE
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who does Briscoe seek the approval of – God or people?

Briscoe uses this segment to share how it was uncovered that teaching hospitals in Texas were buying and selling baby parts of aborted babies and what happened after the discovery…

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September 6, 2017

Title: Help and Healing After Harvey
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain has taken his State Representative hat off for the last week and replaced it with a camouflage hat. Why? Briscoe is currently on duty as a First Lieutenant in Victoria, Texas, helping with cleanup after Hurricane Harvey. Listen in as Briscoe gives details about what he has been doing and what still needs to be done.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Briscoe required to report for duty to help with the recovery process?

What did Briscoe expect to see when he arrived in the flood ravaged city of Victoria?

What did Briscoe actually see and what has he experienced?

Was Hurricane Harvey caused by God to punish man?

How can people help flood victims? Obviously, homes still need to be gutted and repaired, but there are other ways to help. Briscoe discusses the need for families to open their homes to flood victims, donate financially to your church, buy some supplies and food, gift cards, etc.

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February 7, 2017

Title: Can Texas Ban All Abortions?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Is it possible to ban all abortions in Texas?  Who know what the future holds? Briscoe Cain, the new State Representative for Texas District 128, fully supports HB948, relating to prohibiting abortion and recognizing the rights, powers, and privileges of all unborn children at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth; affecting criminal offenses and penalties.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christian Conservatives currently the majority in Austin?

If – and when – the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, would all abortions automatically be banned in Texas?

Why does Texas need to pass a law NOW banning all abortions should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade?

Listen in as Representative Cain discusses more details about HB948. “We need to dare the Federal Government to tell us to stop,” he boldly states.

Send us your comments  about this issue! We’d love to hear your opinion!

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January 3, 2017

Title: Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The MSM is once again ignoring major news about Planned Parenthood. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, the new Representative-Elect for HD 128, discusses Kermit Gosnell, Planned Parenthood, and their illegal activities.

NOTE: Some information shared in this segment is very disturbing, even for adults, but it is extremely important that we all understand the evil that Planned Parenthood is doing every day simply to make money.

Questions / Issues Discussed:

The US Senate Judiciary Committee released a nearly 500 page report detailing the selling of baby body parts by the Planned Parenthood affiliate here in Houston. Is the US Senate Judiciary Committee “really” going to prosecute Planned Parenthood – or is it all smoke and mirrors?

Who is Kermit Gosnell and what did he do?

Why didn’t the MSM cover the Kermit Gosnell trial?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions / Issues Discussed:

Briscoe Cain encourages everyone to research what Planned Parenthood is accused of doing. Do not rely on the nightly news or even FOX to report the truth. Follow Texas Alliance for Life and other pro-life organizations on Facebook and Twitter to get the TRUTH.

Listen in as Terry Lowry reports how much specific baby body parts are bought and sold for. Note: Have tissues handy as you listen because your heart will absolutely break.

What has the US Senate Judiciary Committee discovered while researching nearly 20,000 pages of documents from Planned Parenthood?

How did Briscoe Cain obtain the records concerning this issue?

How many Texas medical schools have bought baby body parts to use for research? Are they breaking Texas law? Is it against Federal Law?

Can Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton prosecute Planned Parenthood based on the US Senate Judiciary Committee report?

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January 2, 2017

Title: Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The MSM is once again ignoring major news about Planned Parenthood. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, the new Representative-Elect for HD 128, discusses Kermit Gosnell, Planned Parenthood, and their illegal activities.

NOTE: Some information shared in this segment is very disturbing, even for adults, but it is extremely important that we all understand the evil that Planned Parenthood is doing every day simply to make money.

Questions / Issues Discussed:

The US Senate Judiciary Committee released a nearly 500 page report detailing the selling of baby body parts by the Planned Parenthood affiliate here in Houston. Is the US Senate Judiciary Committee “really” going to prosecute Planned Parenthood – or is it all smoke and mirrors?

Who is Kermit Gosnell and what did he do?

Why didn’t the MSM cover the Kermit Gosnell trial?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions / Issues Discussed:

Briscoe Cain encourages everyone to research what Planned Parenthood is accused of doing. Do not rely on the nightly news or even FOX to report the truth. Follow Texas Alliance for Life and other pro-life organizations on Facebook and Twitter to get the TRUTH.

Listen in as Terry Lowry reports how much specific baby body parts are bought and sold for. Note: Have tissues handy as you listen because your heart will absolutely break.

What has the US Senate Judiciary Committee discovered while researching nearly 20,000 pages of documents from Planned Parenthood?

How did Briscoe Cain obtain the records concerning this issue?

How many Texas medical schools have bought baby body parts to use for research? Are they breaking Texas law? Is it against Federal Law?

Can Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton prosecute Planned Parenthood based on the US Senate Judiciary Committee report?

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December 6, 2016

Title: Prosecuting Planned Parenthood
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

The House Energy and Commerce Committee's Select Investigative Panel recently announced that they have referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) for criminal prosecution by the Texas Attorney General. The announcement followed an investigation into whether abortion centers profited from the sale of baby body parts.

Briscoe Cain, attorney and newly State Representative-Elect for District 128, is here to give an update on the case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How was Briscoe Cain involved in the original case against PP, which turned into a witch-hunt against the journalists who exposed them?

What information did Briscoe obtain in this case that PP absolutely did not want to release?

Where is this information now?

Which PP facilities are being investigated?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton must act fast on this case. Listen as Terry and Briscoe discuss what he must do to ensure full prosecution.

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November 18, 2016

Title: Bathroom Talk Back in the News
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Senator Jose Rodriguez (D-El Paso) has already filed another “non-discrimination” bill SB165, co-authored by John Whitmire (D-Houston), Kirk Watson (D-Austin), and Sylvia Garcia (D-Houston). A companion bill HB192 has been filed in the House by Representatives Diego Bernal (D-San Antonio) and Eric Johnson (D-Dallas). Notice all the “D’s” by their names…

Briscoe Cain is the newly elected Republican State Representative for District 128 in Southwest Houston. Listen in as he gives more details about these bills and what he plans to do to stop them.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people still believe that males of any age should be permitted to use the same restroom/dressing/changing facility as females?

Are many people naïve to believe that the Texas Legislature will never pass such a bill?

Will religious organizations receive a pass under HB192?

What are some special circumstances?

Briscoe Cain also briefly discusses Education Savings Accounts.

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September 15, 2016

Title: Bible Studies. David Deleiden. And Spousal Benefits.
Topic: Briscoe Cain Updates
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Today, Briscoe Cain, candidate for Texas State Representative District 128 discusses three issues: A bible study held in a public place, the David Deleiden case, and spousal benefits for homosexuals.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Months ago, Terry Lowry received a phone call from a police officer in Beaumont, Texas, who was in need of help. He was told he could no longer lead a Bible study at the station with fellow officers during their lunch break. Listen in as Briscoe Cain reveals more details of the case and how it is definitely not a rare circumstance.

Briscoe says, “Political philosophy without action is like faith without works.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Bible Studies. David Deleiden. And Spousal Benefits.
Topic: Briscoe Cain Updates
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David Deleiden is the “Planned Parenthood whistleblower” who was charged by a Houston Grand Jury for “tampering with a government record” (i.e. using a fake I.D. as an investigative journalist). Thankfully, David and his co-worker Sandra Merritt (who was also charged) were cleared of any wrong-doing in Houston. However, the case is not over yet. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, who is a close friend of David’s, discusses more details.

Briscoe Cain requests listeners prayerfully consider donating to The Center for Medical Progress to assist in legal fees which are piling up with the case in California. Click here for more information.

Also discussed in this segment with Briscoe is the LGBTQ push for spousal benefits. The City of Houston, under former Mayor Annise Parker, passed an ordinance allowing same-sex couples to receive spousal benefits. Briscoe offers more information on the case which went all the way to the Texas Supreme Court and what the future looks like if we do not stop them.

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April 19, 2016

Title: Let Police Officers Pray
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 3

Briscoe Cain is a candidate for State Representative District 128 in Houston. He has been on the show several times to discuss various cases he has accepted pro-bono – all defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He is a defender of all people, especially the unborn and those without a voice.

Today, Briscoe will be sharing why he decided to fight for those being persecuted because of their faith. First, he tells Terry “thank you!” concerning a situation in Beaumont, Texas, involving several police officers who met for a Bible study off the clock during their lunch break. However, Briscoe gives all the credit to the police officer who brought the circumstance to light. Listen in!

Would a government entity attempt to stop a Muslim from praying during the work day on company time? Why is an atheist permitted to discuss their “lack of belief” when Christians are looked down upon for saying “God bless you”? Why does the discrimination only seem to apply to Christians?

We all just want to be left alone. Briscoe says, “It’s not that they leave them alone and come after us. Actually the government is helping them and enabling other religions – defending them.”

Regarding Briscoe Cain’s campaign.... Briscoe makes the following bold statement: “The political class - we’ll often hear them bragging about how they voted for something. But, pushing a button really isn’t enough. It’s like showing up to church, but if you leave and don’t go out into the world to share the Gospel, you’re not doing what He commanded us to do.”

Tune in to the next segment as Briscoe discusses the case involving David Daleiden and Planned Parenthood.

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Title: Defending the Unborn
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 2 of 3

Briscoe Cain is a personal friend of David Deleiden and the Texas Legal Counsel for Operation Rescue, the key organization behind the creation of the Center for Medical Progress. He is helping David and the Center for Medical Progress in their case in Houston where he has been accused of “using a fake government document”.

In this segment, Briscoe explains how the case was initially against Planned Parenthood and how the Grand Jury flipped, instead indicting the Center for Medical Progress. “The Grand Jury is the orchestra, but the conductor is still the DA’s office,” Briscoe says. In other words, sometimes the Grand Jury does what the DA and the prosecutor want, ignoring the facts in the case. This seems to be the case here.

Briscoe also discusses some of the specifics of the case. Some aspects are still mystery, such as whether or not the Grand Jury even viewed the incriminating videos filmed by the Center for Medical Progress. We do know that they did not cast a vote regarding this issue. It’s hard to imagine an indictment that revolves around this very reason yet still did not reach a vote. It’s truly shameful, Devon Anderson. Absolutely appalling.

About a week after the indictment against David Daleiden, Briscoe released documents which proved that Planned Parenthood in Houston had, in fact, been offering and selling baby body parts, which is illegal in the United States. If the DA’s office had done their job properly, they would asked for those documents before the indictment was even announced!

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Title: Why is Briscoe Running for Office?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 3 of 3

In this final segment with Briscoe, he explains his interest in politics and why he decided to run for State Representative District 128.

I believe that a free people and free market know what to do with their own money better than a bunch of bureaucrats.

I believe that life is precious and must be protected from the moment of conception to natural death because each life is created by God.

I believe we have to secure our borders. We have to stop talking about it. We cannot wait on the federal government.”

I believe that Americans are sick and tired of a political class.”

Our families’ future is far too valuable to wait.

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February 8, 2016

Title: The Guilty Turned Innocent
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

On February 2, 2016, the Center for Medical Progress released a new undercover video  exposing more of Planned Parenthood’s grotesque and illegal acts of selling baby body parts. As you may have heard, the investigators of the undercover videos, David Deleiden and Sandra Merritt, have been indicted on charges of “tampering with a government record” for using a fake California driver’s license as part of their investigative journalism; something, by the way, thousands of journalists have done for decades as part of their undercover work. However, no charges were brought against Planned Parenthood for offering to sell baby body parts, which is against the law. This all happened in a Harris Country, Texas, courthouse. I am ashamed. Truly ashamed. Is this a sign of the end times?

Briscoe Cain is a personal friend of David Deleiden and the Texas Legal Counsel for Operation Rescue, the key organization behind the creation of the Center for Medical Progress. Briscoe is here today to give us an update on the court battle. At the time of this recording, Planned Parenthood has still not been charged with any wrong-doing. But, Briscoe believes that due to the pressure from public opinion there will be another grand jury called to bring charges against Planned Parenthood. There have also been invoices uncovered in the last few days which definitely prove that Planned Parenthood was breaking the law. (Forget the fact that there is video proof of the same information!)

Listen in as Briscoe gives more details about this new evidence and what should happen to Planned Parenthood. Will the Assistant District Attorneys move forward and charge Planned Parenthood or will they look the other way – again?

Note: Briscoe Cain is running for Texas State Representative, District 128. For more information on his campaign, click here.

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January 29, 2016

Title: Pro-Life Hero Indicted
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Although it is important to discuss with our children the horrific reality that abortion exists in our world, many parents might not want the littlest ears to hear this information.

We don’t have all the facts yet, but we need to discuss what we do know about the indictment which was handed down recently against David Deleiden and Sandra Merritt. They are two of the investigators with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the company that exposed Planned Parenthood’s business of trafficking human organs and altering the abortion process to obtain the “best specimens”.

The indictments against David and Sandra are: UNSEALED: A second-degree felony for “tampering with a government record”; and SEALED (not yet proven at the time of recording): A misdemeanor charge for violating the state’s “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs”.

Briscoe Cain is a personal friend of David Deleiden and the Texas Legal Counsel for Operation Rescue, the key organization behind the creation of the Center for Medical Progress. First, he says, “It is important to know that the fifth video in the documentary was filmed at Houston’s Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood facility – the longest-running abortion clinic in the United States, the second-largest abortion clinic in the world, and the largest abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere.” Listen in as Briscoe explains more of the details of this video and why charges were brought against both Planned Parenthood and Deleiden and Merritt.

David Deleiden has issued the following statement concerning the indictments against him: “The Center for Medical Progress uses the same undercover techniques that investigative journalists have used for decades in exercising our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and of the press, and follows all applicable laws.”

Journalists have used fake documents, including fake driver’s licenses, for years when doing investigative reporting. Will all the evidence a DEA agent obtains while working undercover in drug rings while using a fake driver’s license now be inadmissible? Exactly my point, friends! Therefore, the charge of “tampering with a government record” should not even be an issue!

SHOCKING FACT: The Assistant District Attorney for Harris County is also a Board Member for the Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood!

This next bit of information might step on some toes, but it, too, needs to be discussed. Devon Anderson, the Republican District Attorney for Harris County, is responsible for the grand jury indictment. Some may argue that it is not her fault, personally. However, she is in charge of the attorney who presented the indictment!

This indictment will greatly affect the Republican Primary in Harris County. There are a lot of “ifs” unfolding in this drama. Listen in as Briscoe explains what the next few weeks will entail concerning this issue.

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January 5, 2016

Title: Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 3

Briscoe Cain, candidate for State Representative District 128, is the lead attorney for four Beaumont police officers who were told they could not hold a Bible Study during their lunch break. This is something we could expect to see in California or New York, but not in Texas! In this case, a human resource director, the city manager, and the city attorney found out about the Bible Study and demanded they stop immediately.

Listen in as Briscoe Cain explains how he became involved in this case. He continues to discuss the case, the lame excuses the city gave, and the outcome in the next two segments.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

The City’s case against the police officer’s and other city employees was weak from the very beginning. Briscoe reveals some of their lame excuses in this second segment. For example, the city claimed they would have to allow Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts use their facilities if the officers were allowed to hold a Bible Study! Well, as it turns out, they already use the facility – for FREE! The whole case would be laughable if it wasn’t centered around such an important issue.

NOTE: Briscoe Cain represented theses four police officers for FREE! Because that is the kind of guy he is.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain concludes his interview today with sharing the outcome of this case against four police officers in Beaumont. The accusers (the human resource officer, the city manager, and the city attorney) initially said they could use the police chief’s conference room for their Bible Study. But Briscoe said they shouldn’t be limited in what space they could use. Listen in as he explains what happened.

However, the biggest news – the cherry on top – comes next! Briscoe Cain is in negotiations with the city to agree to take “sensitivity training classes”!! Yes, that’s right! The Liberty Institute is even involved in this. Listen in as Briscoe gives the details!

Briscoe has helped on other cases against Christians in and around Houston, as well. He shares some of those experiences in this final segment. For more information about Briscoe and his campaign for State Rep District 128, click here.

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November 16, 2015

Title: Teacher Fired for her Faith
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 3

A little girl being raised by two gay fathers attends a private daycare facility in Katy, TX. This little girls and her fathers recently approached the head of the facility to inform them that the little girl no longer wishes to be a little girl, but instead wishes to be a boy. The administrators distributed a letter to all staff members and teachers, informing them of the situation, requesting understanding, tolerance, and acceptance. One of the teachers, Madeline Kirksey, was fired for refusing to refer to the little girl as a little boy. Another teacher, Akesha Bogany Wyatt was fired for raising concerns over the child’s eagerness to be “transgender”.

Attorney and candidate for Texas State Representative District 128, Briscoe Cain, and Andy Taylor have been hired to represent both women in a discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit against the daycare facility, Children’s Lighthouse. Listen in as Briscoe gives the background details about the case, including the administrator’s refusal to notify the other parents about this little girl’s decision to be a boy.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Teacher Fired for her Faith
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain continues giving more details about the case regarding a little girl who thinks she’s a boy and the teachers who were fired for refusing to acknowledge the “change” in the child’s “gender”. First, Briscoe reveals how the little girl’s older sibling told other children that the little girl was more like a boy and should be called a boy; the sibling was also explaining to other young children what “transgenderism” is. Where is this sibling learning all this information? From their two gay “fathers”? Was the sibling being told to egg the other children on by the two gay “fathers”? Or was this sibling simply trying to be mean?

Madeline Kirksey flat-out told the administrators that she refused to call this little girl a boy because of her religious beliefs. But it is more than that. Madeline’s refusal was also to protect the children, including this little girl herself, from confusion, ridicule, and heartache. Madeline saw first-hand how this little girl got very upset several times when someone called her a boy. Something just doesn’t add up….

Madeline tried to encourage the administrative staff to call a parent meeting so the other parents could be aware of the situation and give their opinions on how the situation should be handled. Listen in as Briscoe explains what happened next!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Teacher Fired for her Faith
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Madeline Kirksey had never been reprimanded before by her superiors; she was an excellent teacher and well-liked by everyone. She just wanted to protect the other children from things they should not know about until they are much older. Madeline felt the parents of the children in the school had a right to know about this “transgender” child.

Then, out of the blue, Madeline received a write-up regarding her capability to teach! Every single box was checked! The administrators even wrote down that Madeline was being admonished for refusing to call the little girl a little boy according to her religious beliefs! Even though Texas is a “fire at will” state, employers cannot fire a worker for the religious beliefs. That is what this case is all about.

If you would like to help Madeline Kirksey during this time of unemployment due to religious discrimination, please click [here].

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