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June 30, 2017

Title: Big Business and Tax Payer Money
Topic: Tax Dollars Used to Kill Babies
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Most people, especially Liberals, consider a company worth billions of dollars a “big business”. However, when said company is Planned Parenthood, Liberals turn a blind eye.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Arina will be revealing more details about Planned Parenthood’s financial situation and why they absolutely do not need any more of our tax dollars.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What would the backlash be if a non-profit Christian company or organization worth billions of dollars requested and obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payer money?

How much profit did PP report?

How much money does PP have in unrestricted net assets? Listen as Arina Grossu explains what this is…

How many abortions did PP perform in 2016? Terry and Arina break down this astronomical number into days and minutes. The figures will make your heart break…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Big Business and Tax Payer Money
Topic: Tax Dollars Used to Kill Babies
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have “other” services provided by PP increased or decreased over the last few years?

What type of “breast exams” do PP clinics offer?

Of the three options available for pregnant women at PP – adoption, abortion, and pre-natal services – which do YOU think accounted for 96% of their business?

FACT: For every one adoption referral, PP performs 114 abortions.

How many free or low-cost women’s clinics are readily available to women across the country?

Read more here.


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June 14, 2017

Title: Big Business and Tax Payer Money
Topic: Tax Dollars Used to Kill Babies
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Most people, especially Liberals, consider a company worth billions of dollars a “big business”. However, when said company is Planned Parenthood, Liberals turn a blind eye.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Arina will be revealing more details about Planned Parenthood’s financial situation and why they absolutely do not need any more of our tax dollars.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What would the backlash be if a non-profit Christian company or organization worth billions of dollars requested and obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in tax payer money?

How much profit did PP report?

How much money does PP have in unrestricted net assets? Listen as Arina Grossu explains what this is…

How many abortions did PP perform in 2016? Terry and Arina break down this astronomical number into days and minutes. The figures will make your heart break…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Big Business and Tax Payer Money
Topic: Tax Dollars Used to Kill Babies
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have “other” services provided by PP increased or decreased over the last few years?

What type of “breast exams” do PP clinics offer?

Of the three options available for pregnant women at PP – adoption, abortion, and pre-natal services – which do YOU think accounted for 96% of their business?

FACT: For every one adoption referral, PP performs 114 abortions.

How many free or low-cost women’s clinics are readily available to women across the country?

Read more here.


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February 22, 2017

Title: Will Obamacare Implode Completely?
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

After taking a financial beating from an exchange that's more volatile than ever, insurance company Humana said it will head for the exit on the law in 2018.   Like UnitedHealthCare and others before it, Humana can't keep absorbing the losses of an imbalanced pool of policyholders.

Arina Grossu is the Director for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Listen in as she discusses the Humana devastation and the future of Obamacare. Is Trumpcare next?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our Republican Elected Officials want to be remembered as supporting Trumpcare?

What’s UP with Humana leaving the Obamacare exchange? Have others before Humana done the same?

Is there any incentive for healthy people to buy insurance when a plan can become retroactive if they do become ill? Compare that to car insurance…

What are the three actions our Elected Officials must implement immediately?

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January 30, 2017

Title: Abortion Around the World - Part 2
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report is the first to systematically track reported abortions in 100 nations and territories from 1920 through 2015. This report contains 4,915 country years of data, major findings, and country abortion graphs showing the impact of authorization, world maps, and a policy table for 196 nations.

Arina Grossu, the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, was one of the experts to review the Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Approximately how many babies worldwide have been murdered through abortion? FACT: More human life has been destroyed through abortion than all the combined wars in history.

Abortions were first legalized in 1920 in Russia. How many pregnancies end in abortion today in Russia?

What three countries perform the most abortions? Hint: The United States is Number Three.

Do more abortions occur in countries which have a Judeo-Christian worldview or a communist/atheist rule?

Listen as Arina Grossu reviews more of the information from the Global Life Campaign's Abortion Worldwide Report.

Should our Elected Officials authorize an “Abortion Free Day in America”? Arina has a better idea! And I like hers much better!

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January 12, 2017

Title: What is Next for Planned Parenthood?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Arina Grossu is the Director for the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. She has been following the Planned Parenthood scandal concerning the illegal sale of baby body parts. Listen in as she gives the latest details.

To hear past interviews on this issue, search the Archives here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Terry offers a summary of the Senate Executive Report.

What type of materials did the Senate Executive Committee rely upon to make their decision? NOTE: It was NOT the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

What laws were found to be broken? Arina Grossu specifically addresses the harvesting of baby body parts from LIVE babies.

Arina testified in favor of the Born Alive Protection Act. Listen as she describes that experience and what information was found during the process.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Next for Planned Parenthood?
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Arina Grossu passionately illustrates the goal of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council.

Arina also gives more details about how the FRC is working with various government agencies and elected officials to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.

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June 30, 2016

Title: SCOTUS Devalues Women’s Safety
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

On Monday, June 27, SCOTUS announced its 5-3 decision in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, striking down Texas’ H.B. 2 common-sense regulation and enforcement of basic health standards in abortion facilities.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. She believes, and rightfully so, that “The need to regulate abortion facilities is necessary to protect women against cut-and-run abortionists at shoddy abortion facilities.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any medical doctors on the US Supreme Court?

Are the Supreme Court Justices placing women’s lives at risk?

Wasn’t the battle cry of those wanting to legalize abortion in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s: ‘No More Back Alley Abortions’? Arina says, “What the Supreme Court did was bring the back alley right into the abortion facilities and give them a stamp of approval.” Listen in as Arina quotes from the SCOTUS majority opinion concerning their decision. NOTE: If you are pro-life, it will make your blood boil.

Arina Grossu also reveals some shocking statistics regarding blatant, criminal behavior by abortionists and others who work at abortion facilities which the Supreme Court Justices acknowledge exists. Yet, they did nothing to help keep women safe. Nothing. NOTE: If you are pro-life, it will make your blood boil even more than it was before.

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June 16, 2016

Title: Fighting for the American Family
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Hillary Clinton stated "As your President, I will always have your back" after Planned Parenthood, for the first time, publicly endorsed someone in a Presidential Primary last January.

Planned Parenthood stated: "There's no question: Hillary Clinton holds the strongest record on reproductive rights of all Presidential contenders in not just this election, but in American history." Planned Parenthood is confident that Clinton will deliver on their radical pro-abortion agenda – and they are probably right!

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. She is here today to discuss just how devastating Hillary Clinton would be as President of the United States. She is not a friend of the family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Planned Parenthood endorsed Hillary Clinton and then pledged $20 Million to her Presidential Campaign. But… Wait a minute. Doesn’t Planned Parenthood receive taxpayer money for abortions? Is this OUR money they pledged?

Are more and more young women (and men) pro-life than ever before? If so, why?

AArina Grossu says this of Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood: “I’m ashamed to call her an American.” Listen in as Arina discusses why Hillary’s acceptance of the Margaret Sanger Award is a disgrace.

Many blacks are pro-life, yet they continually vote for Democrats who are pro-abortion. How can we be compassionate when we spread the truth about this issue to minorities?br />
Will Hillary’s staunch pro-abortion stance drive some to vote for Donald Trump?

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May 9, 2016

Title: They Did Sell Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Arina Grossu is the Director for the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, and sex trafficking. Today, she will be discussing Planned Parenthood’s blatant disrespect for human life – and the law. Arina says, “We have to take a real hard look at this as a nation.

There has been two hearings in Congress over the issue of Planned Parenthood buying and selling baby body parts. The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives is led by Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee. Many other Congress members, including Mia Love of Utah, gave compelling testimonies in favor of the sanctity of life.

Arina goes on to explain the evidence that three prosecutors have presented to the committee against Planned Parenthood and Stem Express. This evidence includes: invoices, order form, emails, compensation policies, a list of baby body parts that are valuable, brochures, donations and financial contributions, and instructions on how to ship baby parts.

Arina Grossu’s editorial on this topic, with links to information above, can be found here.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - They Did Sell Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Stem Express, the company which worked with Planned Parenthood regarding the controversial – and illegal – activity of buying and selling baby body parts, was ordered by Congress to relinquish all records and testify before the Congressional panel. However, Arina reveals that Stem Express will only release a portion of their records.

Arina Grossu explains that there are 513 surgical abortion centers in the United States, including both Planned Parenthood and “mom and pop” clinics. Stem Express had agreements with 100 of these surgical abortion centers to procure dead baby body parts and had plans to increase that to half of the centers by 2016. Thankfully, the Center for Medical Progress began their undercover investigation of both companies, placing a halt to their illegal actions.

Arina goes on to offer compelling quotes from various attorneys concerning this issue, including Brian Lennon, who is a former US Attorney from Michigan. Lennon said, “Based on my review of the exhibits, a competent, ethical Federal prosecutor would establish probable cause that both the abortion clinic and the procurement business violated in the statute, aided and abetted each other in the statute, and likely conspired together to violate the statute…There is sufficient evidence to launch a Federal grand jury investigation.” Listen in Arina offers more statements from people.

Arina reveals even more disturbing information about the actual agreement between the two companies which will make your stomach turn. How did we get here? Why are we turning a blind eye to the fact that our government is permitting this horrific practice to continue, while we prosecute the good guys who exposed it? Friends, we need to urge every Congress member to file charges against Stem Express and Planned Parenthood and drop all charges – and expunge the records – of the Center for Medical Progress.

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March 8, 2016

Title: SCOTUS Abortion Decision
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Besides the obvious fact that banning all abortions is the best solution, Texas simply wants to ensure Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities are clean and safe for women and babies. Now, the Supreme Court of the United States will be deciding what matters most: killing babies or safer, cleaner facilities.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. “Women are being hurt in abortion facilities all around the country. Women have died,” Arina says. “The law that’s at stake right now is concerning very basic, very necessary health and safety standards.” Listen in as Arina describes some of the issues at hand and why abortion facilities should have the same standard of care as other out-patient facilities.

Another aspect of the Texas law being challenged concerns “doctor admitting privileges” at nearby hospitals. Most abortion doctors are not on staff or do not have privileges at hospitals. If a complication arises during or even days after an abortion, this puts women at serious risk. “It’s unconscionable that the abortion industry is even fighting this,” Arina says as she explains why the abortion industry is doing everything they can to stop this.

The Supreme Court Justices have heard the oral arguments. Now is the time that Christians must hit their knees and pray without ceasing. We are currently missing one major, key vote in our favor since Justice Scalia passed away. “While we wait [for the vote], we must continue to be vocal about what is going on in the abortion industry,” Arina also implores. Make sure friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors – everyone – realize how dangerous abortions really are.

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February 2, 2016

Title: Americans are still NOT Using Obamacare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Obamacare was supposed to be Obama’s biggest accomplishment during his Presidency. Instead, it’s causing headaches for not only the people using it, but also doctors and insurance companies! Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. She reveals that the government has only enrolled 60% of the 20 Million people they expected to jump right on board with Obamacare.

More importantly, however, is this: 11 Million of the 13 Million people who have enrolled in the program require government subsidies just to be able to afford the coverage! Let that sink in a minute, folks. Reread that statement. Read it again. Who is paying for those subsidies? You Are! Listen in as Arina reveals the outrageous monetary amount which you – the taxpayer – will fork over in 2016 for these people.

Arina also discusses the huge losses insurance companies are facing. United Healthcare, for example, lost half a billion dollars due to the failure of Obamacare, and roughly twelve of the twenty-three co-ops under Obamacare have completely failed. What about the state sponsored subsidies? Those failed, too – 75% of states switched back to the federally funded ones.

This is a disgrace – an absolute and utter disgrace. If this happened to any other business, they would be bankrupt – run out of the country – disgraced – and forbidden to ever start another business again. But since this is the government we’re talking about, it’s all good – it’s okay; we’ll just try harder next time.

There is good news, though! Both the Senate and the House voted to repeal Obamacare completely. Unfortunately, President Obama said, “Nope, not gonna happen!” and took his famous pen and vetoed the repeal. Hopefully Arina and others can convince the House and the Senate to override Obama’s veto, but such an occasion is very rare. This is why we must – we must! – elect a President who will have the guts to put a stop to Obamacare.

One solution to Obamacare is the “al-a-cart” plan: consumers pick and choose what healthcare coverage they want just like car insurance. Arina agrees. “Let competition happen on its own. Let private insurance companies offer whatever they want. Let consumers choose what they want.

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August 27, 2015

Title: Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Arina O. Grossu, M.A. is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues, ranging from conception to natural death. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, sex trafficking, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

Discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts.

The video – the seventh released by the Center for Medical Progress – underscored revelations made in previous videos that Planned Parenthood officials alter the method of abortions they perform - not out of medical necessity for the mother - but in order to obtain a baby's body intact.

Exposed for: wanting intact fetal cadavers [which] fetch higher fees, as they maximize the amount of organs and fetal tissue available for experimentation by biotech companies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina O. Grossu, with the Family Research Council, continues discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive," said CMP lead investigator David Daleiden. "Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”

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August 25, 2015

Title: Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Arina O. Grossu, M.A. is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues, ranging from conception to natural death. Her areas of expertise include abortion, women's health, bioethics, pornography, sex trafficking, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

Discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

The video – the seventh released by the Center for Medical Progress – underscored revelations made in previous videos that Planned Parenthood officials alter the method of abortions they perform - not out of medical necessity for the mother - but in order to obtain a baby's body intact.

Exposed for: wanting intact fetal cadavers [which] fetch higher fees, as they maximize the amount of organs and fetal tissue available for experimentation by biotech companies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Selling Baby Body Parts
Topic: Selling Baby Body Parts
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina O. Grossu, with the Family Research Council, continues discussing one of the latest videos that has been released exposing Planned Parenthood and their selling of baby body parts:

Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive," said CMP lead investigator David Daleiden. "Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”

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July 24, 2015

Title: Trafficking Baby Body Parts
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Senior Director of Medical Services with Planned Parenthood, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, was caught on video cold-bloodedly discussing selling baby body parts while eating her lunch. She did not even give a second thought to what she was saying. “It was absolutely disgusting,” Arina Grossu  states. Then, another PP official, Mary Gatter, a senior official within PP and President of the Medical Directors’ Council, can be seen in a separate video reiterating what her colleague said! In fact, Mart Gatter can be heard claiming to want a Lamborghini when all is said and done! Appalling.

Arina Grossu goes on to discuss in further detail the various methods used to “preserve and protect” the babies organs to maximize their profit, according to Dr. Nucatola. It is absolutely unfathomable to think that any woman would purposefully want to deliver her baby breach, which is what partial-birth entails. Thankfully, Congress has called for an immediate investigation into these allegations, as well as seven independent state governors.

It has also been alleged that Planned Parenthood overlooks the obvious rape of young girls who are brought in for abortions, possibly from sex trafficking and other horrendous crimes – all for profit. They receive over $500,000,000 (half a Billion dollars) in tax-payer subsidies alone, on top of what they charge for their “women’s health services” aka abortions.

How can anyone be so callous to the baby organ trafficking that is going on? Why can’t this $500,000,000 go to community health programs that need the money?” Arina Grossu asks. “Planned Parenthood needs to be exposed for what it actually is.

Are you mad? Good! Then do something about it! Call your State Reps and Congressman. Tell them to defund Planned Parenthood now!

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June 25, 2015

Title: The Red Pill or the Blue Pill
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is charged with keeping healthcare costs down. This sounds innocent enough, so why has the GOP nicknamed the IPAB “Death Panels”? And why are more Democrats switching sides every day on the Obamacare debate due to these “Death Panels”?

Arina Grossu, with the Family Research Council  explains how IPAB would “function independently without any oversight”. Furthermore, IPAB would not be required to consult doctors concerning the best plan of care or consider the wishes of the patient or their family.

FACT: The fifteen IPAB members are not elected, either by the people or Congress by a vote. They are appointed by the President. Coincidence? I think not!

Arina refers to the pending practices of IPAB as “Ration Roulette”. She says, “If they set limits because it exceeds certain amounts that they want to spend, well tough luck for you.” The IPAB isn’t concerned with you, the patient; they only want to know how much you are going to cost the government. Are you worth their money? Will you be a tax payer or tax taker?

The first step in stopping Obamacare once and for all is the removal of IPAB. The second step is stopping the medical device tax. Hopefully the fact that Obamacare centers nationwide are shutting their doors due to lack of enrollees will help push Congress over the edge.

Arina also shares a story of Barbara Wagner. She wanted chemotherapy but her insurance company said…. Listen in to hear the rest of the story!

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January 19, 2015

Title: Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion
Topic: Post Abortion Counseling
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Family Research Council has joined the nationwide campaign known as the “Silent No More Awareness Campaign”. This year-long initiative, known as “Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion”, is an effort to reach the people who are currently or who have been affected by abortion. Each month during 2015, the campaign will feature a different group of people who are affected by abortion.

Arina Grossu, FRC's Director of the Center for Human Dignity, gave the following comments at the Shockwaves of Abortion press conference: "The wounds from abortion are deep. Abortion not only kills an innocent baby, but deeply wounds her mother and everyone else involved.

There is hope. There is healing. No one needs to suffer in silence. Abortion not only kills a human life, it haunts the mother, the father, and even other family members and loved ones. Depression, anti-social behavior, alcoholism, and drug addictions can last for decades. It is never too late to seek help.

The official launch for Shockwaves will be at the annual Silent No More gathering in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building during the March for Life on January 22. For more information on the “Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion” initiative,  click [here].

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September 3, 2014

Title: HHS at it Again
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Supreme Court has already ruled that for-profit businesses and organizations can opt-out of the government healthcare mandate if they have a religious objection to offering abortions and abortion-inducing drugs to their employees.

Now, the HHS is trying to force non-profit agencies to offer the same to their employees, or face fines of $100 per day per employee if they refuse. This is simply another clerical layer to an already existing accounting gimmick that does nothing to protect religious freedom for employers.

I propose this: Congress should require the IRS to place line-items on every tax return, allowing tax-payers to choose to pay for or not pay for abortions, abortion-inducing drugs, and sex-change operations. I wonder how many of the left-leaning Hollywood actors and Washington environmentalists would pay for other people’s abortions then!

You can find more on this issue at

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August 8, 2014

Title: The Liberal Media says Pro-Lifers are Winning
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

More and more men and women are beginning to see abortion for what it really is – MURDER.  With advances in technology, people can see that there is an actual baby inside a mother’s womb, not just a blob of tissue. They see the fingers and toes. They see the facial features. They hear the heartbeat.  And they realize that is a baby – a living human life.

Arina Grossu is the Director for the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, where she focuses on sanctity of human life issues ranging from conception to end of life care.

More young people are saying they are “pro-life”, but still believe it is a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. Folks, I have news for you. If you are in this category, you are pro-choice. Period.

Listen in as Arina explains why.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Liberal Media says Pro-Lifers are Winning
Topic: Pro-Life Victories
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Arina says that the pro-choice crowd know they are losing the battle so they are trying new phrases and tactics to win people back to their side.

This “War on Women” the left is accusing the right of is not only ridiculous, it’s outright lies. Your teens are learning about it in high school. Your college kids will be bombarded with the lies at college. How do you teach them about the truth now? What can you tell them so they will hold on to that truth?

Arina shares some excellent statistics in this second segment.

Listen in and share these segments with your “pro-life/choice” friends.

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May 28, 2014

Title: Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

If you're wondering what Senate Democrats decided to give moms for Mother's Day, think dirty, unregulated abortion clinics. While Conservatives fight to give women more protection, liberals are trying to send states back to the dark ages of health care.

Their latest attempt, the "Women's Health Protection Act," would sweep away virtually every state and local limit on abortion and clinic standards. For the extreme Left, Sen. Richard Blumenthal's (D-Conn.) sweeping proposal is the answer to what they call a "cascading wave of restrictions" in the states.

The left realizes they are losing the battle and they are willing to do anything to win.

Listen in as new guest, Arina Grossu with the Family Research Council, explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

The Family Research Council’s Arina Grossu poses this question: "Why would medical textbooks and professional anesthesiologists already have come to a general consensus that fetal anesthesia and analgesia are warranted for fetal surgical procedures, were it not for the presence and experience of pain in these tiniest of patients?"

Furthermore, did you know that between 20 and 30 weeks in-utero, an unborn baby has more pain receptors per square inch of skin than at any other time in his or her life, with only a very thin layer of skin for protection? It's time to give these tiny children the real protection they deserve.

Contact your Senators and urge them to back the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – S. 1670! Log on to  for more on this and other pro-life issues.

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May 27, 2014

Title: Harry Reid's Senate is in a World of Pain
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2  (continued on May 28, 2014)

If you're wondering what Senate Democrats decided to give moms for Mother's Day, think dirty, unregulated abortion clinics. While Conservatives fight to give women more protection, liberals are trying to send states back to the dark ages of health care.

Their latest attempt, the "Women's Health Protection Act," would sweep away virtually every state and local limit on abortion and clinic standards. For the extreme Left, Sen. Richard Blumenthal's (D-Conn.) sweeping proposal is the answer to what they call a "cascading wave of restrictions" in the states.

The left realizes they are losing the battle and they are willing to do anything to win.

Listen in as new guest, Arina Grossu with the Family Research Council, explains.

Tune in tomorrow, May 28, 2014, to hear the rest of the interview!

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