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October 16, 2018

Title: Does Trump have China Quaking in their Boots?
Topic: China
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Early reports indicate that China’s communist authorities realize they are losing the battle on tariffs against President Trump.

Steven Mosher, author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order”, told the New York Post: “Trump has China quaking in their boots. The Art of War has met The Art of the Deal, and The Art of the Deal has won."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does China desire to dominate the rest of the world within the next thirty years? What if they accomplish this?

What is the main difference between the economic trade strategies of China and America?

Is China obtaining patents that actually belong to America? Is this in violation to US law?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Does Trump have China Quaking in their Boots?
Topic: China
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the tariff war good for Americans?

Who started the tariff war – China or America?

Is China crying “Uncle!”?

The “Art of the Deal” is winning today in Europe, Mexico, Canada, and other countries. Is China NOW eager to negotiate with President Donald Trump?

Click here  for your copy of Steven Mosher’s book, “Bully of Asia”.

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January 10, 2018

Title: China Poses Threat to the World
Topic: China
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Steven Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute. Steven has written a new book, “Bully of Asia”. To order your copy, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Steven Mosher travel to China in the 1979? Did he come back a changed man?

Did Steven personally witness the Chinese government force women to have an abortion?

Do people really understand the horrors which have been occurring in China for decades, if not centuries?

Is China an ally of North Korea? Why should this be worrisome for the rest of the world?

China, thankfully, has changed to a “two child policy”. Are the Chinese happy with this change, or do they still want the government to stay out of their reproductive lives? Listen as Stephen Mosher offers more details about the new policy and how it really isn’t better…

Are males still considered more valuable than females in China? Is this still causing problems?

Listen as Steven Mosher explains why he wrote his new book, “Bully of Asia”, calling China a “mortal threat to our way of life”.

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July 20, 2010

Topic: Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2010
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2010 just sounds bad, doesn’t it? Over $700 MILLION dollars will be spend on abortions, sterilizations, contraceptives, and more. This is just one more way OUR tax dollars are being spent in OTHER countries. Log on to for more.

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Topic: Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2010
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Join the fight! Tell your Congressman you do are tired of YOUR money contributing to the MURDER of innocent lives. Log on to to sign the petition or join their group on FB “Population Research Institute”.

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July 1, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

On June 17th, the FDA panel unanimously approved a new abortifacient drug, cutely called “ella”, moving it one step closer to final approval and its appearance on drugstore shelves across the nation. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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February 3, 2009

Topic: Population Growth
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Should the American government be able to force a woman to have an abortion? Nancy Pelosi apparently believes forcing women to have abortions or be on birth control is the answer to many of current problems. Log onto for more information.

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September 11, 2008

Topic: Infanticide
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

The President of the Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, has seen the horrific effects of infanticide firsthand in China. Sadly, however, infanticide is ever present in America today. What’s even more unbelievable is the fact that Obama is in favor of this! Log onto to find out how you can help stop this unimaginable way of killing babies.

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Title: WHAT IS INFANTICIDE? Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Infanticide
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

The President of the Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, has seen the horrific effects of infanticide firsthand in China. Sadly, however, infanticide is ever present in America today. What’s even more unbelievable is the fact that Obama is in favor of this! Log onto to find out how you can help stop this unimaginable way of killing babies.

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August 13, 2008

Title: China’s National Population and Family Planning Commission Is For One Thing: Killing Babies! Part
Topic: Forced Abortions
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Representing Stanford University and the United States, Steven Mosher traveled and studied in rural China in the 1970’s. What he witnessed turned him to Christ and to the Pro-Life Position. Part 1

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Title: China’s National Population and Family Planning Commission Is For One Thing: Killing Babies! Part
Topic: Forced Abortions
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Part 2: Representing Stanford University and the United States, Steven Mosher traveled and studied in rural China in the 1970’s. What he witnessed turned him to Christ and to the Pro-Life Position.

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June 30, 2008

Title: Overpopulation is an Anti-People Myth
Topic: Overpopulation
Discussed by Steven Mosher
with Population Research Institute (

Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, writing in his new book, Population Control: Real Costs, Illusionary Benefits, proves that “overpopulation” is an anti-people myth.

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