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May 29, 2020

Title: The Sexualization of Kids in Public Schools Across America
Topic: Sex Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Despite studies showing that modern sex education fails to achieve its stated goals and actually results in increased student sexual activity, school systems are devoting up to 70 hours of classroom time per child dedicated for sex education. Cathy Ruse is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. She has the disgusting, yet vitally important, details that every parent must know before they send their kids back to school in the fall.

Click here  for the pamphlet from the FRC which details the information in this interview. There are many other resources on the FRC page, as well.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the “Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination" pamphlet outline? What organizations are pushing the new sex education guidelines in public schools?

Does current sex education curriculum instruct children on how to “role play”, consent to sex, same-sex partners, transgenderism, and more?

Is “gender-confusion” being taught as “normal” through sex education in public schools?

How has sex education changed over the past few decades? Cathy explains how public schools are now using the term “Comprehensive Sexuality Education”, which might sound reasonable, but it’s the exact opposite.

What is “fake abstinence”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Sexualization of Kids in Public Schools Across America
Topic: Sex Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Through sex education curriculum, are girls in public schools being instructed on how to have an abortion without their parent’s consent?

Cathy reveals how students in Indiana actually take “field trips” to clinics! Students complete worksheets on what services the clinics provide and the bus route. This is outrageous!

What happened in Austin concerning the proposed sex education curriculum?

Are “op-out” requests ineffective in protecting children from indoctrination? Cathy Ruse explains that even if parents identify problematic lessons in sex ed and manage to opt their kids out, that won't protect them from sex propaganda appearing elsewhere in school such as in the halls, in history or math class, on the calendar, and in the library.

Recent results from a poll conducted by Real Clear Opinion Research  show that up to 41% of parents are seriously considering homeschool, neighborhood homeschool co-op, or virtual school for the 2020-2021 school year. What are Cathy’s thoughts on this?

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March 17, 2020

Title: Saving our Children from Public School Influence
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Abraham Lincoln is often credited with saying: "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."

Cathy Cleaver Ruse is the Senior Fellow for Legal Studies and Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Cathy discusses the need for parents to get involved and stay involved in their children’s education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do so many millennials believe that Socialism is a good thing?

Are our public schools being fundamentally transformed with much of the focus on LGBT education, while standards in math, reading, and history steadily decline?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Saving our Children from Public School Influence
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should we focus our attention on local school boards to improve the system? Cathy says “no – that’s the long game”. Listen as she explains why.

Is homeschooling or choosing a private school best? Cathy quotes her friend: “The price of public-school education could be your child’s soul.”

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September 17, 2019

Title: LGBTQ Assault on our Kids
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The radical assault on school children must stop. We all must do more to protect our children and grandchildren.

Cathy Ruse is a Senior Follow for Legal Studies at the Family Research Council. Today, Cathy reviews the extreme policies that former President Obama enacted and how they are harming our children.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a coordinated, nationwide assault on our children’s privacy and safety inside the walls of public schools? Cathy says: “It’s more than an attack on their safety; it’s an attack on their souls.”

Are troubled boys being permitted to undress and shower in front of girls?

Are female athletes being compelled to compete against biological males who claim to be female?

Cathy says that there is NOT a national law forcing any of these policies upon students or school districts. Listen as she explains further…

Are parents being denied access to their children’s medical records at public school campuses?

Are parents being denied access to after-school LGBTQ clubs and information being distributed to the students?

What can parents do to stop these assaults on our children?

Click here  for more information on these cases from Brandon Showalter at the Christian Post.

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August 2, 2018

Title: Sex Ed and Parental Rights
Topic: Sex Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

From Fairfax County to East Penn Schools, moms and dads are flooding school districts with complaints for glamorizing dangerous sex acts, gender confusion, and the LGBTQ agenda.

Cathy Ruse is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Listen as she gives an update on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The RNC recently voted to encourage state legislators to get more involved in protecting parental rights. Does that mean parents can take a break now? Short answer: NO!

Has sex education become more about glamorizing dangerous sex acts, gender confusion, promoting the LGBTQ agenda?

Can anyone simply go into a public school and teach teenagers and children how to build a bomb or start a fire?

Could parents distribute the same sex education brochures at the local playground? Or, would they be arrested for distributing pornography?

Can public schools take students on field trips without the permission of a parent or guardian?

Are more parents beginning to look for options outside of public education due to issues such as this?

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March 26, 2018

Title: The Supreme Court, Free Speech, and Abortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a pivotal free speech case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

Bottom line: Should pro-life pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion providers?

Cathy Cleaver Ruse is a Senior Fellow of Legal Studies with the Family Research Council. She was in the court chamber during oral arguments on this case. Today she reveals the details of that hearing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was it like being in the courtroom during oral arguments for the case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra?

Does the First Amendment protect both the right to speak and the right not to speak?

Should pro-life crisis pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion facilities?

Is this comparable to McDonald’s being forced to advertise for Wendy’s?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Abortion Distortion
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the United States one of the only a few countries which allows abortion up to the moment before birth? Is our abortion rate one of the highest in the world as well?

Should all Americans be free to live out their faith without fear of punishment?

Must we do everything humanly and spiritually possible to protect pro-life pregnancy centers from being forced by the government to advertise for abortion?

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December 8, 2016

Title: Trump, Abortion, and the Supreme Court
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

The pro-life movement in America is stronger, more sophisticated, and younger than anywhere else on the planet. We know how to write legislation and how to get it passed at every level of government. We can bury Capitol Hill in post cards and shut down phone lines. We have learned how to find pro-life candidates, get them elected, and keep them accountable.

But we have not been able to crack the ultimate lock: the Supreme Court. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to open that lock.

Cathy Ruse, Senior Fellow for Legal Studies, at the Family Research Council, is here to discuss this serious issue today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Texans fought a long, hard successful battle to improve safety standards at abortion clinics, requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges. The US Supreme court, in a 5-3 decision, ruled this requirement an “unconstitutional violation of a woman’s right” to choose abortion. Would a Trump court allow the citizens of a state to establish such safety standards?

How close is the eight member Supreme Court divided on the abortion issue?

Was President Bill Clinton’s nominee, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a card-carrying ACLU attorney? Is she also unapologetically pro-abortion?

If the Democrats can nominate and confirm an abortion rights activist, why can’t President-Elect Donald Trump nominate and Republicans confirm a Pro-life Judge?

Did voters consider the Supreme Court when they cast their vote this past November?

Will the Democrats and the majority of the MSM attempt to ‘Bork’ Trump’s conservative, Pro-life nominees? Listen in as Cathy Ruse explains who Bork is and why his name keeps being thrown around.

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November 28, 2016

Title: Looking Ahead to 2018
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Democrats have 25 of their 48 Senate seats up before voters in 2018. Many are from states Obama lost twice and Clinton once.

Cathy Ruse is a Senior Legal Fellow with the Family Research Council. Listen in as she discusses what Conservatives must do to ensure victory in 2018. More importantly, what will President-Elect Donald Trump and Congress do?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many Democrats are currently in the Senate?

How many votes will be required to approve a Conservative Supreme Court Justice?

How does a filibuster come in to play?

Listen as Cathy Ruse explains what happens when the House and Senate meet to set rules for debates, which can change every two years.

Are the Democrats up for election in 2018 fearful?

What is Harry Reid’s plan?

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January 11, 2006

Title: Who is Judge Alito?
Topic: Alito Nomination for Associate Justice
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

If Judge Alito is confirmed, he would join four other Catholics currently on the US Supreme Court. Who are the other four and should this be a factor in his confirmation?

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