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March 12, 2018

Title: End the Lies Campaign
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Part 1 of 2

The nation’s top abortion supremacy group, NARAL Pro-Choice America, has launched a new campaign, “End the Lies”, along with a website dedicated to slandering life-saving pregnancy centers and ultrasound-equipped medical clinics.

Jay Hobbs is the Editor in Chief of Pregnancy Help News. He has also been on staff at Heartbeat International since 2012, currently serving as the Director of Communications and Marketing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “End the Lies” campaign?

Is this new campaign a treasure trove of unfounded claims and senseless vitriol NARAL has conjured up over the past two decades?

Example: A women is in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. She Googles “pregnancy help” and a nearby pro-life pregnancy center is the first to pop up on her screen. Why does NARAL view this as offensive and bad?

Have abortion advocates ever presented testimony from clients of a pro-life crisis pregnancy center showing how the client was harmed?

Do ALL women who visit a crisis pregnancy center choose life? Do they still report that they had a good experience even if they choose abortion?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - End the Lies Campaign
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Not only do thousands of women testify to the life-saving power of pregnancy centers, but thousands more testify to the unspeakable pain and regret of abortion and the horrible conditions inside an abortion mill.

NARAL believes the above statement is harmful to women. Why?

Are women who say they “enjoyed” their abortion lying?

Why do some Judges believe the lies from NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and other pro-abortion activists?

Listen as Jay Hobbs explains a law that the Supreme Court of California will be voting on March 20th and how it could affect pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide.

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March 14, 2017

Title: Ridiculous Arguments from Pro-Choice People
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Thankfully, many people are beginning to see the truth about abortion and are now advocating for more help for those considering abortion.  However, there are still those who believe abortion is the only answer. In fact, the sad reality is they actually celebrate abortion.

Today, Joy Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News,  will reveal the three most outrageous claims the left has made in recent weeks concerning abortion.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do those saying abortion is acceptable truly believe their claims? Do their statements add up?

Do pro-choicers dislike the term “unborn baby”?  Listen as Jay Hobbs reads directly from a Salt Lake Tribune article regarding statements a Utah Senator made.

What are they now calling unborn babies?

Do pro-choicers believe women deserve informed consent and ultrasounds before they have an abortion?

The pro-choice crowd lobbies relentlessly against Choose Life license plates. But, now, in California, they want a Pro-Choice license plate! What’s the difference?

To read Jay Hobbs full article on this issue, and for more information about Pregnancy Help News, click here.

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October 6, 2016

Title: You Shall Refer to an Abortion Clinic
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Crisis Pregnancy and others forced to refer to Abortion Clinics. Listen in as Jay Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News, explains what it means for pro-life organizations across the United States.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A new law in Illinois will require all healthcare professionals to inform a woman that an abortion is helpful and needed.

What groups of people does this law affect?

What is the consequence of NOT following this law?

Is it time for Christians to stop sitting on the sidelines and speak up?

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August 8, 2016

Title: Republican Governor Does the Unthinkable
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Illinois Governor, Republican Bruce Rauner, has done the unthinkable. He recently signed into law a bill that was pushed by Democrats! And, no, it was not a “good” bill.

Jay Hobbs, with Pregnancy Help News, will be discussing HB1564 and all the dirty little tricks which the Dems slipped into the bill.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Illinois, what is the new state-preferred choice for women in unexpected pregnancies?

The new Illinois law (effective Jan. 1, 2017) requires – and forces – medical professionals in all capacities, including Crisis Pregnancy Centers, to go against their deeply held religious conscience by referring patients for abortions and counseling patients on what the legislation calls the “benefits” of abortion.

Read that again, friends. All medical professionals must refer women to a local abortion clinic and outline to the patient the “benefits” of abortion.

What does science tell the observer about the significance of uniting a sperm cell with the egg cell within a female human?

What can we do?

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June 24, 2016

Title: Yes, I’ll Carry the Suitcase
Topic: The Sex-ed Talk With Your Teen
Discussed by Jay Hobbs
with Pregnancy Help News (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

In her memoir, “The Hiding Place,” Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom tells the story of a conversation she and her father had when she was a young girl.

New guest, Jay Hobbs, wants you to know the rest of the story. Jay is a husband, father, pastor, and avid baseball fan. He also serves as the Editor in Chief of Pregnancy Help News. Jay’s column, “Yes, I’ll Carry the Suitcase”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Corrie ten Boom asked her father about sex, his answer satisfied her. What did he say to her? What was the significance of the “suitcase”?

What was the sex conversation like with Jay’s dad?

Is it the responsibility of every mom and dad to protect their children from carrying more than they can handle?

As moms and dads, when should we pass off the responsibility of that load to our children and grandchildren?

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